Hot Rod Lincoln. One of my all time favorites. Driving a souped up Chevy up The Grapevine at 1am listening to the Wolfman.

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The real American Graffiti = lived experience.

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"Living the dream"-over the Grapevine! I always wanted a 1969 Chevy Camaro, 4-speed, with a cassette tape deck, driving up/over the Grapevine, playing "I Heard it Through the Grapevine"! But, my first car was a 1963 VW beetle.....that would have been a very long drive back in my teenage/early twenties!

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Don't overlook Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette)

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"Smoke, smoke, smoke till you smoke your self to death..." YEOW!

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Unfortunately a lot of my aunts and uncles did just that.

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Phil Harris?

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Dude! If you're talking about the guy who used to do "That's What I Like About the South", you gotta be a fellow old guy. I remember seeing it on Ed Sullivan or Milton Berle or some such. Those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end.

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A tad older. Used to hear him on the…..radio. Mom used to play the radio while ironing and such. We had a canary family legend claimed 18 yrs old. Was bald as a monk and had given up entertaining except would accompany Arthur Godfrey on that radio….The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Those days sure did end with t.v.

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Not necessarily. Saw my first TV in 1949; round 10" BW console and "Mom used to play the radio while ironing and such. We had a canary family legend..." Canary's name was Dickie who was yellow with a black yamurlke, Mom used to whistle while the bird tweeted along. Arthur Godfrey and soaps like, "The Guiding Light".

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I really missed radio. Consider how it fed the imagination of listeners, like books do, whereas t.v. acts more as a dampener.

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Saw my first TV in 1950....put 25 cents into a slot for about 25 minutes. It looked like a lot of snow moving across the screen. It didnt get better, until 1954...and I only remember watcching one show...Chance of a Lifetime. Three singers competing weekly. I remember several of the singers that were on the show. One of the best was Alfredo Sadel who became a big movie star in Venezuela. When he sang Granada it was a moment to remember.

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The Geezinslaws?

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Missed that one

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Loved it too, I know every word by heart. I used to sing it in the car on the way home from picking the kids up from school. Kids loved it too.

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Wolfman Jack. Yup. We listened to all things KRLA. Never had a need to drive The Grapevine. Usually went the other direction to the beaches.

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We'd listen to Les Crane(?) from the Hungry Eye out of San Francisco.

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Where the Kingston Trio, cut a live album?

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My first time driving over the Grapevine was in 1978, in a '69 Plymouth Roadrunner, after visiting LA for my first time, cranking "Miss You" by the Stones. But on my way down I drove the 101 and stopped in Ventura, the Seaward exit, for gas and (swear to God) I asked the kids working at the gas station "How can I listen to the Wolfman?" They didn't know and told me I'd have to settle for Dr. Demento. Which is why I was listening instead to cassette tapes on the I-5 N over the Grapevine, headed back home to start saving up for my move to LA.

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The quote from Thomas Sowell hit home. as well as the Chad Prather idea. So true! When Matias writes of the number of serious incidents involving free speech, we are continuing to head down a dangerous and familiar road to perdition. None of this is a laughing matter, and yet we must stay in balance and focused. The eclipse is nothing compared to what can really happen to the Earth and our lives if this trajectory of incompetence and darkness continues. Remember how easy it is to become that which one rails against, if not astute and choosing Love over hate!

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Speaking of the eclipse. Here is a noteworthy tidbit I heard last night on a R.C. Sproul DVD titled Ideas Have Consequences. (and boy do they).

May 28, 585 BC philosophy started. Thales of Miletus from Ionia in Asia Minor, who is credited with the saying “know thyself”, used natural philosophy instead of mythology to explain the world. He engaged in mathematics, science, and deductive reasoning. He was also an astronomer who predicted the weather and correctly predicted a solar eclipse. He also is credited with the timings of the solstices and equinoxes.

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Nothing is going to happen to the Earth other than She'll shake it off like a Newfie coming in out of the rain. The second most evolved species on the planet are like microbes on this ball of dung endlessly pushed around Sol by the Great Scarab.

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I'm talking about the imbalance of continuing wars, chemical infestation and so much more. The 6th extinction can is just around the corner without some respect to the living Being called Earth. She'll shake us off...

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The Great Contoversy by Ellen G White says God will be back soon, and fulfill the earths prophecy you mentioned.

Works for me.

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Check out the last post I made about souped up cars...

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Howsomever, the lucky girl and I have reservations on the ship for Alpha Centauri where all the passed kitties have an unimaginable heavenly cattery and they are always on the lookout for good ear skritchers, belly rubbers, face nuggiers, treat, catnip and toy providers.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Obama always said don’t underestimate Joes ability to F things up. Example; if Joe Biden went head to head with RFK Jr. in the democratic primary for president he would have beat him and RFK Jr. would have been out of the race. By basically not debating him and forcing him to run as an independent RFK Jr. could well be the reason Joe loses. Obama was right, never underestimate Joes ability to F things up. J.Goodrich

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Biden? Would have beaten RFKjr in a debate?! LOL !

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I think RFK would have melted him like ice on a hot tin roof.

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You’re right I would have paid to see that debate!!! Lots of popcorn… RFK would destroy Joe Biden in a debste.

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No but the communists (democrats) would have voted Biden back in, in the primary then RFK more than likely would have dropped out of the race. But as usual Biden didn’t think things through and this time instead of screwing all of us and America his lack of a functioning brain screwed himself.

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The debate over chocolate vs vanilla ice cream that a Pedo loves most. Joe would have won, hands down, as RFK2 wouldn't know the answer

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

I heard it wasn't Barack who came up with that quote. It was Barack's chef, and now that he's dead ( Thanks Big Mike) we will never know just how smart a former presidents lover, uh, I mean chef, really was

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Not so buoyant Mike probably came up with hope and change too. Geez I googled that????

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Haha, Mike sinks in the ocean waters ? I'd bet.

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James, check out the last post I made about cars, I think you'll enjoy it...

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Could it be that the feminist idea of men are the transgenders? Is that the reason why there is no outcry in their camp about real women being on the losing end of women sports? “Castrated” men is their ideal men?

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I think the rabid feminists have boxed themselves in. The movement began with the demand that women be treated equally and, of course, chugged along on the premise that women were as good as men. Then, when laws were passed and society began to change, the movement couldn't leave it there so they decided that women were not just equal but better and certainly could do anything men could do. So, now we are at the impasse where men are proving they are better at some things by virtue of size and strength and the feminists have to accept that men pretending to be women are okay otherwise they would have to admit the truth that men and women are different. 🙄

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I imagine you agree that the movement was necessary to "allow" women to vote, and Even be able to have their own credit card. Seems to me that some men have been afraid of the abilities of women, not wanting to let go of many things, including power over... and this has become the theatre of the absurd. Movements tend to go in an extreme until some sort of balance is found.

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Yes indeed, I can attest as a woman of 76 years that the movement to grant women certain rights was necessary especially in a democracy. There are other cultures that still treat women as 1/2 human and I don't have to list those. Funny that the American feminists do not feel compelled to fight for those women, I can't figure out why. Something to do with religion?

As always, humans overdo. What begins as a good thing gets morphed into a bad thing because... . I do have to mention that history is replete with the bios of brave, influential women who accomplished amazing things to advance human life on earth. Their names get lost in the dust up though because they just did what needed to be done. No agenda.

Growing up in the fifties by strong parents it never occurred to me that I was inferior in any way. I was a tomboy, I learned how to sew, paint, design, build and work with power tools. No one challenged me or told me I should be more feminine. I chose to be a very feminine wife and mother long before the stay-at-home mom tag was invented. I could see, even in the early 70s, that feminism was going to destroy more than it built. It took ten years for the message in the book Feminine Mystique by Betty Frieden to take root via the women's mags. I noticed that women were taking jobs they didn't need. So, I stepped up and volunteered at the school when women decided they could be 'more'. It was a slow slide but I did see it coming. Now it's fully rooted and the message is embedded in everything, including entertainment.

Sorry - I will put my soap box away now. 🙃

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I'll second your post Meemanator. I very much admire the thoughts that Phyllis Schlafly brought to the discussion over the decades. I have most of her books. A powerhouse if there ever was one. Just like Milton Friedman did, she got the better of Phil Donahue. Author F. Carolyn Craglia was pretty good too.

My thoughts: electricity and appliances cut women's work by 90%. This had the effect of fewer children and later big phrama's 'mother’s little helper' and then a propensity to see the natural disposition of males as needing corrections.

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I so agree. You know this is not a simple topic with a black and white this or that conclusion. The strides that were accomplished by the original movement to give women basic human rights was noble. I could write a 5000 word treatise on this.

When I step up to voice my opinion folks assume I am an old fuddy duddy who thinks women should not work outside the home. Wrong! My focus is more on how the slow slide to where we have landed began. My kids' elementary school where I volunteered was 98% women, including the principal. I had a woman OBGYN. I knew a woman lawyer. I speak about the women who fell for the narrative in Woman's Day and Family Circle magazines of 1975, that women can be 'everything' so if they don't go get a job filing papers and answering the phone, they are denying themselves the opportunity to be something,

Then this happened: two incomes meant a need for two cars, then a need for bigger houses, which then led to big household debt, which locked in the need for two incomes.

Then this happened: the rise of divorce and since feminism was the new mantra - women got the kids, the house and the best car and men got to pay alimony and child support which then planted seeds of discord in men against women.

All of this, and more, has contributed to the decimation of family values, which is the foundation of healthy society.

Summed up: we are so screwed.

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Not to be an additional downer - it was all planned. Download Berelson's 1967 document from this link, but also skim through the contents in the other tabs at the top. https://jaffememo.com/download/beyond-family-planning-by-bernard-berelson

Berelson's page 2. C 2. did not surprise as all. Cable was absolutely pushed by the Feds.

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I miss the 30s through 50s of my youth - when America was the best nation on earth for INDIVIDUALS to aspire to be all they could be - without Un-elected federal government EMPLOYEES screwing up the works - in the name of "fairness" and "equality" - or "saving the environment" - or whatever is the latest "crisis" and "need" for MORE federal government intervention.

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A little bitty tear for all we've lost

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For all in this thread, check, "The Feminist Lie" by Bob Lewis and "The Hazards of Being Male" by Herb Goldberg, PhD.

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The ever increasing quest for "absolute equality" - an absolute impossibility -

is perhaps THE most destructive force upon mankind - enforced by "law".

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Wait a minute! Get that salt box back out !

I wanna know more.


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There are feminists fighting this crap. They are called Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists, or TERFS. People are fighting. When it is one of their daughters getting beat in a race, they start noticing. As usual, people don't worry until it affects them.

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I saw this theme earlier in another thread. I think it’s misguided and maybe even backward. Feminists don’t want men not to be manly. They don’t want women not to be womanly. They just want a fair field to express themselves and be allowed to do jobs originally delegated to men if they feel qualified to do them well. Like my mother. She was a great mother and homemaker, but also a proficient geologist, like my father. And this was back in the 60s and 70s.

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Feminism as it is now is a parody of genuine womanhood. Maybe the reason for some feminists to be comfortable and accepting of the parody of men acting like women. Both share the confusion of insanity.

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Apr 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What an inimitable timely lot today! Back from the edge. Fallout tonight to cap off the positives. Love the Lincoln. Grew up on it vs a Nash Rambler. Great fan of the circular drag races. Got the feeling the Dems are going to get more painfuls from RFK Jr. :) Appreciate the flashback to WW. Orwell sure has it right re today. It does seem we are at a stage 3 - cause the masses to mill about in confusion.

In response - personally- honing my counter revolutionary and purrfecting my roar. Expressing my appreciation for male men!

Thank you again for the Uppers!

Bestest PLUS ♡♡♡

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Chad Prather !! On the lighter side...English is difficult without the introduction of pronouns :)


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He is always a gas.

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This is hilarious! So glad you shared!

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With a group of Naval Reservists who attended the funeral of one of our Shipmates. There we were, all in our Service Dress Blues, sitting respectfully waiting for the preacher to begin. Instead we heard (at full Volume) Hot Rod Lincoln. !?!?!!! We were dumbfounded, the preacher grinned, & explained this was the wish of our dead Sailor. It put a smile on everyone's face, as we knew he got the last laugh.

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Fair skies and following winds to your Shipmate. My directions for my departure are "Duke of Earl" as I go strutting out.

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I LOVE the TRUMP eclipsing biteme meme!!!

Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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Hot Rod Lincoln! You bet, baby! Sigh. Times were so simple then. Or were they?

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At least it seemed like they were up to the late ? 60ties and the Dem convention in Chicago....

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They were.

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The strategic oil reserve memes are on point. it's amazing that the democrat media complex doesn't mention a word of the significance of his buffoonery.

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Yesterday we discussed a Newsweek article telling us that there are 1.2 million newly registered voters in Texas. Seems that may be a bit of what we called rumors and propaganda back in my AF days. The state SOS claims ONLY 54000 new voters this yr which seems a lot in just 3 months but certainly not 1.2M. And probably most in the big cities so not so likely to affect the state elections overall. Could however make it seriously dangerous for us in the next presidential if it continues.

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Learned that Maryland has 10 towns that have oked illegal alien voting in local elections and at least one where they can be elected to office. We are drowning in blue blobs!

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Jean, they're using EVERY BACKDOOR that they can to destabilize our country!!!

We have Dallas TX working on Rank Choice Voting on a local basis!!!

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Heaven Forbid!!!! Your blueberries in your red sea are on a track to ruining their nests. And I thought Austin was the worst of it!

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Yesterday I had the unpleasant experience of putting together a file of MD's US House elections from 2012-2022 for JBS. The one R out of 8 total is pathetic and in 2022 his vote take was only 54%.

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First a while I made an all out effort to make a difference. Handing out campaign stuff during voting (the candidate I was supporting did win) and writing testimony I emailed to every Rep/Sen on Committees for naught. Almost won once. but O'Malley pulled a Senator off that Committee and put in another that supported his desires (a windmill issue). I think that Repub you found was Pelosi's father. I wrote our Fed Sen and recieved unrelated drivel in response. I come out of Chicago. Decided it would be better to pursue just causes elsewhere.

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For some reason I thought you lived in Maryland not Illinois.

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I was born in Illinois and mostly lived there (in Mich for college - MSU) through '61. In MD ever since.

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Andrew Harris is the only R Rep. in MD. Been there at least since 2012.

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Great nostalgic footage on the Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen's Hot Rod Lincoln video.

I would go back to those cars in and instant.

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Apr 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay, I'll confess. I loved the souped -up cars of all genres. When I was in high school we would go to the airport (small town) and drag race. Often I would shift the gears from the passenger side(close, no obstruction) while the guy drove. I could vocally make the best gear -shift sounds , it was one of my talents. That usually was after a kegger. I was taught to drive a stick by the best. Those were the good old days...

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I think back to the times when a Cadillac at idle in an enclosed garage running on leaded fuels,

Especially in the colder temps would be a "fell asleep at the wheel" only to die from carbon monoxide exhaust fume in about 20 mins or so. Nap taking in garage with door down was the most effective way to have your life insurance policy paid direct to family. Nice Coffin too!

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“Nice Coffin” I recall a story from long ago about a lady that was buried in her Mercedes 230sl. By her request.

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Like king Tut had a ship in the grave just in case the after life had the Nile again

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I knew a gal from my high school, and that happened to her. I don't remember if anyone was sure it was suicide or an accident. Small Town, no talk...

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It was common for drunks that came home to leave the car running and pass out behind the wheel. Even with the big door open the leaky old rusty pipes under the car put the ZZZZ to "0" Oxygen inside the car. And hard to tell if it was suicide is right. Ins paid for the death.

Maybe sometimes that family was then much better off. If you know what I mean.

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That happened to a neighbor. The damned insurance co. called it suicide and refused to pay the widow.

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Always an Olds sans tailpipe for many years. Just in case.

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Right on Chad Prather! I wonder if Gates saw this? I sure hope so!

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Love and hate "when a billionaire dies who inherits his senators". Perhaps not unique to the U.S.A., but a sad truth. Not for sale candidates are where it's at. Vet and vote wisely.

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