Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regretfully, the '2030 Food Pyramid' Meme is hardly even a joke. The current food pyramid is equally as laughable.

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Actually, which of any of those pyramids weren't?

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Micheal, Only the ones in Giza! When I saw the Great Pyramid, I sat on the ground and cried. I had to go to Egypt three times to see the pyramids, and still that wasn't enough.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

have you seen the tremendous fit for the pyramids as water pumps? perfect fit, wear patterns, everything

sorry maybe "cried" and "water pump" seemed a connection, thanks much for sharing, sincerely

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Thanks for the humor. Although laughter is good medicine, it can't dispel my despair this morning, as the world seems to be speeding toward war and chaos.

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Sharon- I pray this gives you some calm against this storm. Read what Jeff says about fearing this threat of WW3:


Like the Malones substack, Jeff Childers is one of my favorites.

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Thank you, Laura, reading that was quite helpful.

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My favorite part from C&C:

If you’re in a state where this hasn’t started to happen yet, be patient! The longer the overreach continues, the stronger the pushback will be. Keep focused, work on your voting integrity issues, and stay local, local, local.


We ARE getting there. Maybe not uniformly, but steadily. And you know what they say about moving slowly and steadily and winning races.

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Well, I am in Washington state, one of the worst of the worst. We have had mail in ballots for over a decade and cheating is easy. All the ballot checkers have to do is reject any ballot with the claim that the signature doesn't match. We have a horrible governor and a democratic run state legislature. I worked hard to support Republican candidates in the mid terms to no avail. So, for me going local has failed and it's hard to know how to proceed.

Nevertheless, I really appreciate your words of support, and I will try to keep fighting, even if it is in little ways. I only use cash, I try to talk sanely to everyone I can and I am surely grateful for voices such as the ones on this substack.

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I'm in Washington state as well. Fortunately, The Missus and I live in the forests outside Spokane, just a couple miles from the Idaho border. I tell everyone "I can see freedom from my house!"

I, too am less than impressed with our Governor. Here's a post I wrote on my personal blog during lockdowns about our mediocre Guv: "Yes, Governor Jay Inslee Really Is This Stupid".


I've found that no matter how bad things get, there's always something to laugh at.

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What do you think of Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a GOP member of Congress from your area?

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I hear you Sharon. I too live in Washington state. It is so disheartening and frustrating to watch what our governor is doing to this beautiful state. Keep at it, doing what you are doing, as each step forward is progress, even though they are baby steps.

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Sharon. Contact pampopper@msn.com to see if there is a MAFA (Make Americans Free Again) group in your area. I found a wide awake church that has been most helpful. Also I attend weekly Ohio Freedom Fighter meetings. Also try: https://m.facebook.com/100064633664098/

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You are very welcome Sharon. Prayers for you. 🙏

Jeff writes every day. He is a calm voice in the storm. And he is VERY funny too.

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Sharon, I'm not sure where in Washington you reside but I am in SW WA. I know that there is a MAFA (Make America Free Again / Pam Popper) group in the Seattle area.

I think they just had a regional meeting recently. It's a little too far for me to attend on a regular basis. But MAFA is doing really great things and is very supportive.

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Thanks, I'm in Gig Harbor, and will check this out.

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Also try: informedchoicewa.org

Bernadette Pajer is with this organization. She’s appeared on CHD TV. I met this lovely woman when I attended CHD’s inaugural meeting in Knoxville this past October.

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Thanks for the link, it looks promising.

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The world IS at war, created by old greedy men. This war was started with a HOAX which most fell for. Though, the future does NOT belong to those greedy old men, it belongs to the generation of the young. For them what happened should be a nasty wake-up-call. They will see what greed and technology in the wrong hands can lead to. Even the groomed WEF stooges will eventually fall away and will have no place in the world of the future generation.

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Have hope. The seen can be avoided. The unseen will run you over.

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I share your sentiment and it is difficult to know how to manage it; whether to ignore and live inside our small inner and otherwise, compartmentalized world or to attempt to foment awareness and alternative solutions (dr. malone’s intentional communities as one approach). The answer exists. We’ve just not yet discovered it.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Glad to see Birx and Pottinger mentioned. They deserve fame (or rather, infamy) for what they did and i really hope they don't manage to slither away.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of the Food Pyramid, This is too funny not to share....


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You do know where this video will be placed on Sunday... Thank you!

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Good group but the 3 quacks had to be my favorite today. For some reason have become very attuned to quacks lately.

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I didn't get the "Quack" joke, thanks Micheal, now I do!

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Thank goodness I’m not the only one😐

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Me too!

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Did the worst policies during the pandemic really come from China, or were they drilled into global public health bureaucrats as best practices during Bill Gates sponsored pandemic preparedness trainings?

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We need actual doctors and scientists to get access to those training materials and critically review the contents. Public health officials will continue doing whatever those trainings tell them, focused solely on how to increase compliance.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All of these memes are some of the best I've seen! Thanks Dr. Malone... I'm going to piss a lot more of my friends this morning when I share most of them 😂

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The unvaxxinated are not a threat to society. They are a threat to authority."

Brilliantly and succinctly put.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, if only I had a mask like the one posted, I would wear it to the food-coop where all the younger checkout people have masks on. Still...

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If only Trump would come forward and admit he made a mistake concerning Covid.

He had really bad advisers.

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That unbridled ego is his Achilles heel.

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Rubbish. At the time he did what he did nearly EVERYONE with few exceptions knew what the right thing to do was. He is not a physician or scientist.

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Neither was Nixon when he started his War on Cancer which was a monumental waste of money and waste of talent. Put a big ego in the White House and this is what we get (and virtually all of them have big egos so,....).

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I remember early in Trump's presidency when he said Fauci told him a cure for AIDs was right around the corner. I wasn't around but I believe Fauci told the same thing to Pres Wilson before it even existed.

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Am I right in suspecting you are about as fond of Wilson as I am? The evil gnome is a given on this substack

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Loved the Biden fiddling meme. I was thinking the Dems should change their mascot symbol. A jack ass fits ok, but I think a mushroom cloud is a much better fit. Maybe make it a green mushroom cloud. I haven’t heard one democrat say their against world war 3, not many republicans either. J.Goodrich

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I think masks are going to be a permanent part of our lives. I still see lots of people wearing masks, and drivers wearing masks, some businesses require workers to wear them. I imagine 10 years from now they will still be seen on people. As to diet, the SAD diet has changed the world, the Standard American Diet, you see it all over the world and much of the world is obese. It wasn't always that way. When I was in school in the 50's and 60's, we used to actually pay money to go see the fat man and fat lady at the fair. Now you can see 100 of them in an hour if you go to a big box store. And not just in the USA.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, your Friday and Sunday funnies are great. I go for them first thing in the morning after I get my coffee. Thanks!

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Since women are no longer in their prime at 50+, I was hoping Lemon could help us understand why Hillary was an exception. And Nancy. And Diane Feinstein.

The cognitive dissonance in that guy is truly world-class.

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Some great ones today: the food pyramid is funny, but also, true, for many.

What Birx, etc. did was criminal. The 6 ft. distancing, wrote someone who did research on it, was by a German doctor in the late 1800's but only applied to TB and only indoors. As you say, the rest is just agitprop from China.

Thanks for the funnies.

Danny Huckabee

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The humor, along with our situation, seems to keep getting darker.

Thank you for keeping us laughing.

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