Lots of great ones today as usual. Don't worry about the right wing lists. I've been saying for a couple of years that when they haul me off to the gulag, I want their list of charges to be really long. For example: Christian, pro-life advocate, religious freedom advocate, medical freedom advocate, constitutionalist, free speech advocate, 2A supporter... You get the picture.

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Article 58. That’s a fiver for you, maybe a tenner!

I’ll be in the same gulag for sure.

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I had to look up what Article 58 was! Learned another something old today. Definitely non-compliant through and through. SO refreshing that one of the new physical therapists where I go got kicked out of 2 peds practices for refusing to vax their children. We talk non-stop the whole time about all things non-compliance!

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Ronna McDaniel's role is to essentially run the RNC like the Washington Generals playing against the Globetrotters.

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The word…establishment…is taking on a really bad odor. Establishment medicine has gone hell bent for leather to eliminate as many of us it can and establishment republican has morphed into…rhino…..a really dirty word. What establishment will turn on us next I wonder.

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All the Mcs that Trump backed and won. Ronna, Kevin and Mitch. One down, two to go. Harmeet Dhillon should have been the RNC chair, Rick Scott the Senate Lead and someone other than McCarthy in the House. Water under the Uniparty bridge.

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Yep! She's "killing it!"

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How in the world did she get the job over Harmeet Dhillon???

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Uniparty runs the RNC.

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Interesting. I don't follow Loomer or the CTH. I can't see why winner takes all delegates is fair to the voters. That is the BIG reason that Ron Paul did not win in 2012. His delegates were manhandled and rebuked and their votes never counted.

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First I wanted to thank the veterans for protecting us and making our lives free. We all should be thankful to them!! There are so many issues today that are out of our control. I sometimes can’t watch the news, especially the border. It’s good to try to make people aware of these problems because many just don’t pay attention. However, we should all control what we are able to change for the good. Today is a good day to start 😊. Thanks Dr. Malone for creating this platform. Have a great weekend everyone!!! J.Goodrich

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I did want to let people that may be interested know that my wife did get her religious exemption from her Boston Hospital employer. Thanks to those who said a prayer for her, it seems to have worked. There was quite a disclaimer added that things could change, but for now, next Thursday will not be her last day. Thank You and Thank God!!!

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This is such good news James. I hope that there is more push back today than there has been. We need more bright spots.

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Thanks Shelley my wife is really relieved. There’s at least 3 friends that haven’t received an answer so we’ll see what happens????

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Wonderful news James. Slava Bogu!! Glory to God.

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Thanks Donna, they had sent an original email that sounded as though they were denying her exemption, which is so stressful. But the other day it was accepted. Thank God!!

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Great news. Glory be to God!!

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I'm so glad James, either way would have worked, except we would have lost a valuable, dedicated worker, and the work that she loves!

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That is great. Prayer is powerful

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Thank You Melanie, prayer really does work.

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Shoooop ...right on thru the hoop!

The 3 from way out....Nothing but net.

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James, Dannion Brinkley will be calling for support of the veterans too, having been a Marine. Every year he calls out support for them, having sat with so many in hospice.

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Thank god for people like Mr. Brinkley, without people like him life here would be much worse. BTW, thank you for the letter, I’m going to open it at lunchtime. Very curious thanks DD!!

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Yes indeed🥂

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Great stuff! Never enuff! Stay tuff!

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Being a Constitutionalist makes you ‘right wing’ to a neo-communist or neo-fascist. Being a Communist or a Fascist makes someone intolerant of our natural/God given rights…and, in my opinion, both intellectually and morally warped. Dr. Malone, did you ever read the DHS 2009 white paper on ‘Right Wing Extremism’? I read it when it came out, and thought, "They’ve named their enemies ahead of time.”

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I remember only too well the day Fox News reported on Janet Napolitano’s report. It was all ‘we’ right-wingers talked about. But we were not at all surprised because this was expected under the Obama regime. He wasted no time in dismantling our country from top to bottom. My As A Mom group kept track of every vile thing his admin did.

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So many false flags along the way.

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And they think they are masters at that but people are watching and calling them.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

It's bad when there are more informants than 'criminals'... pushing unstable and/or angry people to act out...and the use of crisis actors, undercover agents domestic/foreign and paid provocateurs are pretty disturbing. There are people who will react without being nudged and pushed, undoubtedly, but some of these things are caused so that they have 'examples' to point to as of what they have already 'identified' people as. The question I have, is why? What makes people (domestic) willing to be a part of such deceit?

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That’s a good question LDT. I do know that many informants have FBI handlers that pay them for each job they do. They may seem to volunteer for the money but many were capture in the first place by the FBI under criminal charges. They cut a deal which puts them on the hook to cooperate to stay out of jail themselves or receive reduced charges. It is probably safe to assume that some operatives love their jobs and they would be the most trustworthy. Once you’re ‘in’ its like being in a mobster gang – offed if you snitch or get out of hand so to speak. It’s a dirty world out there because of the dark forces.

My original response was more about the number of hoaxes perpetrated by others, like Smollett along racial line. There has yet to be one in the media that turned out to be true.

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Of course, we all have our 'blind spots'... somebody reading this may be laughing hysterically at my naivety. What I think we may agree on, is that we understand they are all liars and will answer for their wickedness to God.

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Those are ridiculously obvious (Smollett)… I think various hoaxes or false flag events are geared toward generally definable ‘audiences’. There is a difference between playing into people’s racial/political biases with those who are probably considered 'low information’ voters versus using situations that are, I think, what have been called ‘limited hangout’…kind of like recovery or re-directional work. Some of the interesting scenarios are when foreign adversaries get in the mix, sometimes they don’t understand the cultural or religious cues very precisely and these have serious ‘tells'. I have no training in this, so I may be blowing smoke up my own arse… but I am trying to pay attention to what I see as patterns, wrong use of symbols, something being too ‘perfect' or too convenient… stupid stuff like the DHS report that works out like a freaking playbook.

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George Floyd died from an overdose, yet we still have Nancy Piglosi making a saint out of him because some white cop was paid to sit on him in front of a cell phone camera for about 8.5 minutes.

No negative effects from that episode of FFAS (False Flags American Style)

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If you have the time you may want to watch this Rumble video. Steve Friend Previews Report Revealing How FBI Chooses American Informants And Target Citizens


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That’s really sad, assuming this is true. There has been so much smoke… you think there may actually be a fire. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtontimes.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2Fnov%2F10%2Fwhistleblowers-fbi-officials-singled-out-agents-wh%2F

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He could have been the great uniter, but did the exact opposite, I’m proud I never voted for that scissorbill.

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I have to laugh every time I see that moniker Pinebeetle, ha, ha. Love it.

I had to look that up, scissorbill. Good one, Pinebeetle, very fitting.

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Excellent set of funnies; thank you much.

That J6'er in New Jersey apparently did disappear into the forest to become folklore. I wish the guy success in his escape from the evil SOBs who claim he is a danger. 🙏🏻

Of course, they think that about all of us....

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Maybe we are a danger...just not in the way they think. 😂

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FBI overkill. That was a two officer job to serve that warrant. Been there, done that. Or better yet call him and have his attorney surrender him. Full on Tactical Ted should be applied sparingly and for true bad guys.

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'bout died watching Ricky G!

Great funnies to start the wokend!

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The Chappelle. LGBTQIA’s skit was priceless too

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In the “What’s Missing “ pyramid: Make consumer products addictive and indispensable (and inescapable like smartphones and CBDC).

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Yep. Your Friday Funnies sure started my day out on the right foot as usual. Loved the shopping cart and of course the Ricky Gervais video. Oh he has his pulse on the nation, doesn’t he?

Looking forward to hearing you speak at The Florida Summit in Ocala tomorrow!

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OMG the shopping cart. Grocery trip this week was AWFUL. Followed by the gas station.

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The shopping cart resonated with me too!

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That one took my walnut sized brain awhile to register then the bulb came on.

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Been there on others!

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The Bezos/Taylor Swift cartoon was the most perfect description of the mind of young American women imaginable. Truly a picture is worth 1000 words.

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Bruce. I was clueless on that one! HELP understanding the cartoon parts. . .?!

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I glanced and shrugged. With Bruce's comment I said okay what it is. Bezos is a filthy billionaire and Swift is a super hero billionaire.

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Having just read an article relating to El Nino and how our E-US grid won't be up to the challenge - have to go with 'They Achieved Net Zero' as the winner, with the empty food basket a close 2nd. Ever helpful to get the Funnies to gain a clearer focus.

The 'right' business always makes me smile. While I am a Constitutional Conservative, I cheerfully agree to being right. In fact, when I come across due egging on I'll inform that I'm 'hard right' just to horrify (while chuckling to myself).

Safe travels and many pleasures with good friends tomorrow. Much success and satisfactions.

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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That net zero looked like Texas a couple of years ago when wind and solar failed big time

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

I followed that event! Had had a sorta minimal impression that Texas might offer the greenies support. It surely didn't. Of course now the geniuses have been adding demands on the grids and more renewable input - individual readiness for similar shortfall with a grander area impacted is appearing on our horizons.

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Rolling blackouts are the promise of green energy along with the tripling of electricity prices. In WY coal plants accounted for about 71% of the electricity produced in 2022, down from a peak of 97% in 2003 but still second-highest in the nation after West Virginia. Now wind power accounts for 22% of the share, more than doubling just in the past three years. Gov Gordon vetoed a bill blocking eminent domain for the wind turbine colonization of Wyoming’s beautiful countryside.

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Laws ought to be passed tracking every dollar spent on those odious wind turbines. Might throw in e cars as well. Only unmitigated graft could explain such enormous amounts of fed and state subsidies on such patently worthless technology.

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Weren't windmills used for centuries to crack corn or pulverize wheat and oats? Didn't they know back then that on windless days their milling had to be done next to a running creek to get power or powered by moving animals?

Harnessing cheap dependable energy now will not leave the elites' next 100 generations with enough power is the fear.

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And people died. I have friends there and their pipes burst and they had to move into a motel while the insurance paid for the reconstruction. Much damage but no loss of life.

The Dem gov in WY with an R beside his name just forced the main electricity provider to ask for 29% price increase because the new windmills do not generate enough electricity and require electricity to operate. I have a friend in IA that is having a house built in WY.

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Leftists are great at this because they want to take over. Conservatives mostly want to be left alone to be (mostly) good people. We must stop doing stuff that doesn't work. 

Watch “So many EXCUSES” by Cliff Maloney (video 1min 28 sec)! https://x.com/CliffMaloneyJr/status/1722294649593720896?s=2

Maloney says: The real reason Democrats won big elections is they turn out their voters. Period.

His advice:

1. Do More of What Works

- Target registered voters.

- Multiple passes.

2. Do Less of What Doesn’t

- Stop trying to register voters.

- Stop waving signs.

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Stop outside money. Elections should be funded entirely in state…none from outside

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Love them! Thank you!

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Re. Venus

The headline is nonsensical. It's called being 67 million miles from the Sun (Venus), instead of 92 million miles (Earth). It makes a huge difference.

There is interesting discussion apparently going on between planetary scientists saying that the planets didn't start out where they are now, that Jupiter and Saturn started out closer to the Sun, and planets like Venus, Mars, and Earth started out farther away, and that over billions of years, they managed to "change places," with the planets in their current positions. I haven't made sense of it yet. The thinking is that orbital harmonics had something to do with it, small nudges each time they passed each other in their orbits. So, by this hypothesis, Venus probably was once earth-like, but it didn't change because of what some life form did (since we don't know if life ever existed on it). It changed because of a change in its orbit around the Sun, something we have no control over.

The old one I used to hear is, basically, "Greenhouse gases are bad, because look what they did to Venus." Again, quantity matters. Venus's atmosphere is 96% CO2. In Earth's atmosphere, it's 0.04%. Huge difference. They're like polar opposites.

We don't know if life happened on Venus, but I'll say we also have this thing called plant life, which absorbs and uses CO2, and transforms it into oxygen. Earth started out with a heavy amount of atmospheric CO2, like on Venus and Mars, but life changed that on Earth. So, in terms of "destroying the planet," producing CO2 is far from it. It's plant food. Yum.

I rather like what George Carlin said about all this in 1992. You can tell from the heckling he got that some in the audience didn't like him pointing out their conceits, but I'm glad he said it.


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I’m sure climate change had something to do with it.

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I'm sure orbiting around the Sun had something to do with it, too. Point?...

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About Venus.... 97% CO2 atmosphere... it's only 2400 times the .04% CO2 in Earth's atmosphere. But hey, with enough cars (especially the coal powered electric ones), we'll get there some day.

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