Of course, it's unprecedented, horses in Parliament always vote "neigh."

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Thank you for explaining that one. I was "nay"stified!

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Me too!

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Dr. Malone, it is NOT "antisemitism" that it is about to trigger Armageddon, but Zionism.... and tat is NOT FUNNY!!!!!

It blows my mind that an intelligent person like yourself can get so blind over certain issues...

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Because Zionism calls for a total and brutal genocide of all Arab peoples and theft of all of their lands, while Hamas has only ever tried to negotiate a lasting peace and live in harmony with the Jewish people -- right?

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You are a smart cookie- aren’t you? I suppose “mowing the lawn “ for some 2.3million “blades” is peaceful activity- right?!

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As a person not afflicted with either term, I suspect there is a much larger scheme at play in the current course of events. Is it the CCP and the 4 wars? Is it the Great Reset? One wonders when it seems the immediate conflagration was not initiated as apparently posited.

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I do believe that we will go the dodo way because Bibi doesn’t want to go where he belongs: to jail.

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In our USA, at least so far, we are entitled to our own perspectives.

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Jean, here’s a thought,; If the Jews in Israel were to give up. They all packed up and said we are leaving the land of Israel. They got on planes and dispersed to Europe, America, etc. would Hamas, Hasbulla, Iran, Syria etc. stop? Would the Muslims then stop their quest to convert the world to their one religion? No they wouldn’t stop, because it’s not about the land. Just like we know for sure the left in America will come up with some new scam like climate change, or anti Vaxer, or white supremacist, or mothers trying to protect their kids from these predators are domestic terrorists, the left as sure as the leaves will fall, will continue the scam because they can manipulate and stir up the stupid masses to fill their dirty greedy pockets with money from another scam. Within the next year our government will have let 16 million illegal law breakers, including terrorists, felons, people with mental illness, murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc. who are the real domestic terrorists?

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I share your perspectives! As an aside - In our US we have the NYT, WP and media who would convince our population that FDR, the Clinton's, Obama and Biden are heroic. We have others who would hold Reagon and Trump are laudable. In the end we, the people, have too precious little we can do day to day to impact on actions of our Executives and the Bureaucracy. I think our efforts are best directed to areas we can make a difference. Our Good Dr's have accomplished meaningful contributions, showing us the way. I think that rather than scrapping in a sandbox, we should focus on potentially beneficial ends. I'll be trying to focus on beneficial ends I may be able to impact. Hope things up your way will be yielding to you and your wife's efforts and benefit.

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Thank you Jean.

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This is what the world sees:


But if you think that rules don't apply to Israel, because of their "covenant with G.O.D." - as Scott Ritter puts it - "Shame on you!"!

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A good analysis of the situation:


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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

Psh. I don't open links without an explanation from the commenter of what they're about. Be respectful of peoples' time. Tell us in your own words what you think it shows, and then use a link to back up what you're saying.

Don't send us down a rabbit-hole of opening a link and wasting our time watching it, trying to figure out what your point is.

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Evil Inc

Thank you for pointing out this important courtesy to readers .

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

What I believe it posted above, hon; I am NO the MSM to tell you what to think! Listen to what Scott says and make your own mind.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

"I am NO the MSM..."

How about learn some English grammar.

I asked you a question about what you believe. Do you believe Israel should exist or not.

Why won't you answer?

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Some hot cocoa and some foot massage for you then?

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The goal of Zionism is the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews. They did not kick out the Arabs that were living there, which is why there are a lot of Arab Israelis. I guess they got tired of 2000 years of persecution and attempts at annihilation - go figure. Problem?

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And another thing... Do you think Israel should exist or not, Hubris?

If you're going to give a lengthy, complicated, windbag answer, please answer yes or no FIRST, then provide the nuance.

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Is it possible for you, with the clever moniker of Hubris, to get it that intelligent people like Dr Malone might not agree with you?

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What if Armageddon isn't even close yet, and we're just coming to the end of a global fiat debt frenzy that can only end badly? Then, neither antisemitism nor Zionism are remotely the main players in the coming catastrophe, though both contribute to it, like all the smaller players.


PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, you know, we — in my view, there comes a time, maybe every six to eight generations, where the world changes in a very short time. And —

PRESIDENT BORIC: We’re at that time now.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: We are. And I think what happens in the next two, three years are going to determine what the world looks like for the next five or six decades. And so, together, maybe we can make it better.

PRESIDENT BORIC: Let’s work for it.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: All right. Let’s do it.

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How is Zionism about to trigger Armageddon? Please 'splain that to us.

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Mayor Adams of New York has been heavily criticizing the president for the open borders which has put New York 12 billion in debt. So of course the justice department and the FBI has opened an investigation of Mayor Adams for illegal campaign contributions. But there is good news, open borders and Bidenomics have cut the price of prostitution in New York in half. It’s a sure sign of success for Joe.

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Oh no James!

So now biden's people can claim one success?!?!

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I tend to be the edgiest subscriber and I know sometimes it’s not appreciated so I removed it. It wasn’t to bad but I’m glad you caught it. It could have been worse😁.

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Most of the edgier subscribers have been banned, so you are not even close. I thought perhaps you had me in mind...:)

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No your extremely thoughtful compared to me DD!!! I’m on the edge but try to stay just inside the limit.

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Reading a few of these posts today, it seems some feel compelled to dump their 'truths' from stories they've read. Your humor is appreciated James!

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There's always one or two in every lot. Humor is indeed the best defense. The edgier the better in my book.

Balance is the key to life -- riding the edge so long as you don't fall over it.

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James, I meant "sometimes it's not appreciated" I know I'm not edgy (anymore)

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The message to Dem mayors and governors watching what’s going on with Adams’ issue is we can mess with you six ways to Sunday, so shut the hell up about the Biden-Obama plan to fundamentally ruin America.

Likewise, the message to Republicans is see what we’re doing to your leading candidate? We can ruin your life, cause your bankruptcy and put you in jail, so shut up and do as you’re told. Democrats hate America.

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As all totalitarians do GMoody!!

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James, I don't understand why your other comment was removed?!?!

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Perhaps he wants us to feel we missed something worth while? I know it would have been a good read regardless!

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Shelly, I always enjoy his responses.

I did get his response in the email 📧 before he deleted it!

I also always enjoy your responses on this substack.

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Yes!! Great funnies and The Thing is pretty bizarre.

I commented on a previous posting that I was going to the Florida Summit of COVID. So privileged to be able to go. Dr Littell invited my friend in Ocala to attend so I am flying in from Nashville to join him. I do hope I can shake your hand and tell you how much your research and postings mean to those of us who follow you!

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Just Wow! Great funnies today. Beautiful horses too. Safe travels and God bless y’all 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Eye candy, indeedy.

WARNING: Be careful and put on your tinfoil hats, Drs. Malone. You wrote: "While at the heritage foundation last week, I foolishly used our passports as identification and somewhere between the building and our parked car, I lost both passports. So, in between home and the airport - is the scramble to try to get replacements."

The great lawyer Reiner Fuellmich was arrested in Mexico and sent to Germany after losing his passport:

* https://eightify.app/summary/miscellaneous/reiner-fuellmich-arrested-latest-updates

* https://jillianjlang.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmich-arrested

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BigE - I had the exact same thoughts of Reiner Fuellmich when I read about their lost passports. It seems that my antennae are always up these days, after the great scam of covid. After millions of people walked right into the trap of being injected with poison, I now look at everything with great skepticism.

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There are no coincidences. My tinfoil hat has detected enough that I no longer believe in conspiracy theories, I’m now a Pattern Recognition Specialist.

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Anti-Semitism: As the term is now being used: The crime of questioning or suggesting any fault with any action of the Israeli government, and has no relation to the Jewish religion or the Israeli people themselves.


Cute picture of Rock and Azu

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Stretching antisemitism to include criticism of the Israeli government is like stretching the definition of vaccine to include covid shots. Weaponized ambiguity.

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Invited to speak by Romanian parliament, yet the US congress would never allow such a thing. Funny how that is.

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Romania was a late-comer to NATO (2004) and I believe was the first NATO nation to request NATO send arms to Ukraine in 2014. That was when the US was just completing it coup in Ukraine and O sent blankets.

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God speed and prayers for good safe trips.

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What "building" will be the people of U.S.A.'s final straw. Losing your passports must have been a test of your composure! Did Jill hear any new swearwords? Even through all this you still manage to crank out the F.F. I was looking for them, you don't disappoint!

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I thought about the antisemitism cartoon as the "The Hidden Hand." In this regard I wasn't impressed by the word antisemitism which could be just as well replaced by fascism, but the emotive trigger and the image of hidden hands pulling the strings. I saw it as the death of critical thinking now. Ideologically the hidden hand is behind everything political or public consciousness. Think of it as Plato's cave where the images are cast on the wall to the inhabitants. Whenever an image, metaphor, is presented to us. We need to wonder who or what is behind this image and is pulling our strings? Either scientifically, marketing, religiously, philosophically geopolitically we are now in an age of darkness, a tower of babel has caused an arrogance of intellectual narcissism to explode. and implode. Government and media of con men sitting in a board room constructing smoke and mirrors. The Kingdom of God is within! There are rainbows. Are they real? What do they mean?

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MSM/Israel’s Culture of Deceit

Chris Hedges Explains Israel

Chris Hedges was foreign correspondent for 15 years for The New York Times and served as the Middle East Bureau Chief of the NYT. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

Americans are so totally indoctrinated and brainwashed by Israeli propaganda that they are fully complicit in the worst war crimes in human history.


Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — Israel was founded on lies.

The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied.

The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders.

The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine.

The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria.

Israel is sustained by lies.

The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state.

The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.

The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.”

The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.

Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies. I heard them. I recorded them. I published them in my stories for The New York Times when I was the paper’s Middle East Bureau Chief.

The brazenness of Israeli lies stunned those of us who reported from Gaza. It did not matter if we had seen the Israeli attack, including the shooting of unarmed Palestinians. It did not matter how many witnesses we interviewed. It did not matter what photographic and forensic evidence we obtained. Israel lied. Small lies. Big lies. Huge lies. These lies came reflexively and instantly from the Israeli military, Israeli politicians and Israeli media. They were amplified by Israel’s well-oiled propaganda machine and repeated with a cloying sincerity on international news outlets.

Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic regimes. It does not deform the truth, it inverts it. It paints a picture that is diametrically opposed to reality. Those of us who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

Israel has invented an Orwellian lexicon. Children killed by Israelis become children caught in crossfire. The bombing of residential districts, with dozens of dead and wounded, becomes a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. The destruction of Palestinian homes becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists.

The Big Lie — Große Lüge — feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit — racism among its supporters and terror among its victims. The Big Lies fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic terrorism, barbarism and medievalism on the other.


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Israeli govt being benevolent is like Joe Biteme Biden being competent in his falsification of being President of the US. The Lame stream media will polish that turd until it's so shiny you can see your reflection in it. It disgusts me that most of our media outlets are bought and paid for fecalized palaces of misdirection and schmear, all paid for by zionist elites who want to control the world for whatever God forsaken reason they aspire to.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

You are correct.

Source: Brother Nathanael Kapner, controversial anti-Zionist activist & flamboyant Russian Orthodox convert from Judaism. I Grew Up As A Jew ,I'm Now An Orthodox Christian.

Your Jewish Guide To The Media



By Brother Nathanael Kapner February 25, 2015


For that’s what Jews are…and to America’s grave misfortune…JEWS own the press, media, and Hollywood. And thus they brainwash and form the minds and opinions of the Goys.

Did you know that America was once on friendly terms with Russia?

But due to Jew-hatred of Orthodox Christian Russia, they have poisoned the minds of the Goyim via the media against Russia.

Here’s Your Jewish Guide To The Media

NBC/Universal Studios is owned by the Jew, Brian Roberts.

• CBS/MTV/Paramount Pictures/Viacom is owned by the Jew, Murray Rothstein (aka Sumner Redstone).

• ABC/Disney is run by the Jew, Robert Iger, who is Chairman & CEO.

• CNN/Time Magazine is primarily owned by the Jew, Aviv Nevo, with the Jew, Jeff Zucker, as president.

• FOX News/Wall Street Journal/New York Post/20th Century Fox is owned by the Jew, Rupert Murdoch, whose mother Elisabeth Joy Greene, was a Jew. (Jews trace their racial identity from their mother.)

• The New York Times is owned by the Jewish Sulzberger family, the major influence behind Columbia University. Arthur Sulzberger Jr is current Chairman of The NY Times.

• Numerous Newspapers & Magazines throughout North America are owned by the Jewish Newhouse family.

SAY IT Paul, say it Gerry, say it Feeley: JEWS own the media.

You see dear Paul, Gerry, and Feeley, JEWS who own and run the media do not “presstitute” themselves to their Synagogue buddies who own and control Washington DC.


“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we [the Jews] control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House.

“You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…” — Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache

Americans are not dumb- they have been insulated from the Truth by a Jewish Iron Curtain — Jewish controlled local/state/federal government and media…

For those naysayers out there who think this is simply a new phenomenon — guess again.


“Six Rothschild Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media

Facts of Jewish Media Control - Electronic News & Entertainment Media

The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney Empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a “control freak,” includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies.

As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures.

Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment.

While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner, the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and violence. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies.

ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew. This corporation also has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies.

Time Warner Inc., is the second of the international media leviathans. The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg.

Stuart Hersch is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are Jews. Warner Music was an early promoter of “gangsta rap.” Through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites.

Time Warner’s publishing division (editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune). When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation.

Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN.

Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had never taken public positions contrary to Jewish interests, he is a man with a large ego and a strong personality and was regarded by Chairman William Paley (real name Palinsky, a Jew) and the other Jews at CBS as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some time in the future turn against them.

Furthermore, Jewish newsman Daniel Schorr, who had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal dislike for Jews.

To block Turner’s bid, CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a “friendly” takeover of the company, and from

Viacom Inc, headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew, is the third largest megamedia corporation in the country, with revenues of over $10 billion a year. Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations.

It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing. Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books. It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores. Viacom’s chief claim to fame, however, is as the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks.

What about the other big media companies?

Number four on the list is Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns Fox Television and 20th Century Fox Films. Murdoch is a Gentile [however born to a Jewish mother, Elisabeth Greene - making him by Talmudic law, also a Jew], but Peter Chermin, who heads Murdoch’s film studio and also oversees his TV production, is a Jew.

Number five is the Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by Michael Schulhof, a Jew. Alan Levine, another Jew, heads the Sony Pictures division.

Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as “the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States,” is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew.

The best known of the smaller media companies, Dreamworks SKG, is a strictly kosher affair. Dream Works was formed in 1994 amid great media hype by recording industry mogul David Geffen, former Disney Pictures chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film director Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Jews.

Two other large production companies, MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress.

It is well known that Jews have controlled the production and distribution of films since the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of the 20th century. This is still the case today.

Films produced by just the five largest motion picture companies mentioned above — Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount (Viacom), and Universal (Seagram) — accounted for 74 per cent of the total box-office receipts for the first eight months of 1995.

The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities.

While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson, CBS first by William Paley and then by Lawrence Tisch, and NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert.

The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong. As noted, ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight).

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This must be the longest Post on record.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

The Effect of Jewish Control of the Medi

Article Source:



Update — June 2013 [Thanks to Brother Nate Above]

CBS is now owned by the aforementioned Jew, Murray Rothstein. If you recall he changed his name to Sumner Redstone in order to pass himself off as a Gentile.

NBC is now owned by the Jew Brian Roberts whose homosexual sitcom, The New Normal, is corrupting the morals of American youth and annihilating the core of a stable society- the traditional family.

ABC is now owned by Jew Sydney Bass with Jew Robert Iger now acting as CEO, successor to the former Jewish CEO Michael Eisner (who was also the former chairman and CEO of Walt Disney Company).

CNN, along with Time and People Magazine — all under the umbrella of Time-Warner, is now primarily owned by Jewish-Israeli multi-millionaire Aviv Novo who hired a public relations company to shield him from public exposure. CNN’s new Jewish CEO is Jeff Zucker, who was formerly the CEO of NBC as well as the executive producer of NBC News.

Fox News is still owned by Rupert Murdoch, who you may remember claims to be gentile, even though he was born to a Jewish mother- Elisabeth Greene, which of course would make him a Jew by Talmudic law.

Murdoch also now owns the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

Newsweek is owned by the Jew Jane Harman and the Jew Barry Diller.

As you may recall, The Washington Post is owned by the Jewish Meyer-Graham family. The former Jewish CEO Donald Graham (Katherine Meyer Graham’s Son), is now acting as Chairman. Jew Dave Goldberg is the new CEO and the Jew Barry Diller (Half-owner of Newsweek) is the new Senior Executive.

The New York Times is still owned by the Jewish Sulzberger family; however, Arthur Sulzberger Jr (Adolph Ochs’ great-grandson) is now acting as Chairman of the Board

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Wow !

Jew just blew my mind.


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First of all, it is just the facts, it is not anti-Semitic since 95% or more folks who follow the Jewish religion are from the great trading kingdom at the end of the silk road called: Khazar. DNA analysis shows that the Ashkenazy Jews of Europe are descendant of Khazars. They have no Semitic DNA in them.

In the 10th century they were caught in between the Christian at Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire. They were told to choose a side. They knew war was bad for their business and control of the silk road. Their king converted the Khazar to Judaism, a belief accepted by both parties. However, Homeland of the Khazarian was destroyed in about 1020 by the Russian prince and the Persions (now Iran), which now encompasses part of the Ukraine. The Khazars Jews were set on a Diaspora around Europe.

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated)

Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time.



They represent Khazarian Mafia: Background information: They converted to Judaism in the 10th century. They are not semitic.

The history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in A.D. 740 converted to Judaism. Khazaria, a conglomerate of Aryan Turkic tribes, was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western (Ashkenazim) Jewry...

The Khazars' sway extended from the Black sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.

Thereafter the Khazars found themselves in a precarious position between the two major world powers: the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium and the triumphant followers of Mohammed.

As Arthur Koestler points out, the Khazars were the Third World of their day, and they chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism.



The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped, while assuming new identities.



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Sorry, NYT and Pulitzer are no longer impressive on one’s résumé. Never should have been.

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Back about 40years ago I was at the bowling alley. When I went to leave I couldn't find my keys. Checked all my jeans pockets, thinking I might have dropped them I looked around the car in the inch of snow that had fallenn and couldn't find them. I borrowed a car and drove the 20 miles home and got a spare set and came back. I then drove home and when I took my coat off I heard a jingle. They were in the breast pocket where I must have put them when getting my bowling bag out of the trunk. I never put my keys in my coat pocket because I had a jacket taken one time, but I did that night. Hoping your passports show up so you don't wonder what happened to them forever!

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Let me know when you're looking all over the place for your cell phone, and your wife points out that it's in your damn hand the whole time.

Yeah, brain farts galore.

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The repression of the palestinian people and the stealing of their homeland produces awful results. I wonder how much abuse I would be able to take With relatives murdered by the zionists and being thrown into a concentration camp called gaza for decades.

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They were offered citizenship and rejected it because they were/are committed to total annihilation of Jews and Israel. You often get what you create in thought and then give to others. Let’s hear more about how the Palestinians can create a great future for themselves and their children by being good neighbors and trustworthy trading partners to those around them.

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That's a simplistic reply. You need to find out more about the situation. But you don't want to so enough said.

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https://youtu.be/HetwXfl1uZc?si=8t5T_EbZG8oWSuoY. Here’s a better explanation if you are willing to hear it.

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🙏 for your passports

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Great funnies. Love the color coordination of the dog and horses in the photo. Gorgeous critters!

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That Romanian Parlament Building is huge! No wonder the people ousted Ceausescu. That AI video is downright scary. Those are some great funnies. The Hitler College Student is so true. Yesterday at the swimming pool my friends and I were talking about what the teachers are teaching in school and how they influence our children. My friends daughter was in a Government class her Senior year . The teacher was so pro Obama that her daughter voted for him. She said it was so hard to see my daughter voting for Obama because of the influence of the teacher at school. My friend is a strong conservative .

Love Rock and Azul’s manes. They are two toned.

Have a great weekend.

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That is called “frosting” on manes and tail. They get that from their daddy, Jade da Sernandinha

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Beautiful and so unique. I have never seen that before.

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The AI video represents the juggling that goes on in Kanye West's (Ye) brain. Interesting who was left out of it. He has dropped his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election.

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