Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God that Trump guy didn’t get in!! You can only imagine him jailing people based on political views, using the justice department to go after his enemies, censoring disagreeable views, watch Putin invade his neighbors, get us involved in more forever wars, light the Middle East on fire, stir up racial division, taking bribes by renting hotel rooms to foreigners, treat illegals better than US citizens, spit in the face of veterans, sexualize children, and God knows put us on the brink of nuclear war. Yah thank God we didn’t elect Trump!! J.Goodrich

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You forgot withdrawing from Afghanistan without any planning, leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment and leaving Americans and allies. Or maybe this was covered by the Middle East comment.

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Just thinking, I should have also put a tank of gas for 40 bucks, wouldn’t that be another hurtful side.

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Also let us not forget getting American soldiers killed along with stranding Americans & a lot of others that were helping the US withdrawal.

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Pinebeetle, please forgive me for not mentioning that!

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no worries, i'm sure there is plenty more we don't know about yet.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

"The adults are back in the room." -MSM

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I have really tried to be fair to the cabinet members Brandon picked, but after 3-1/2 years of this nonsense, none of these scissorbills are remotely qualified for the positions they're in. That also goes for the newest justice; Jumanji Catonji Jackson. " Can you give us your definition of a women? No I cant, I'm not a biologist. What a moron!

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Love the sarcasm!

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My dear friend, I love ❤️ your tongue in cheek take on our current dismal age of disinformation even though I'm so saddened 😔 😟 by it!

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Every one is so afraid of the Orange Man, they ran right to the Crimson King. Oh DISCORDIA!

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Yea! J6 was an Insurrection without weapons! I now question Malone’s sanity as well as yours!

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the horseplay video. Makes me smile. Thank you

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Me too! They play like puppies! It is so peaceful to watch.

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Robert and Jill , I can feel the joy that you are so willing to share with us watching your horses play ! Robert, I often return to the picture of you and your two ponies bracketing you - the three of you sharing your love for each other.... perhaps my favorite picture of you. Thank you ! Dave

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Looks like a draw.

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The Paul Harvey "If I were the Devil" was incredibly prescient.

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"Get out, make room for the migrants..."

Preposterous to suggest that our residential properties could be affected. Or is it?

I recall your posting of David Rogers Webb's video, "The Great Taking," which shows how the banks, through legislative stealth, have gained the rights to everything we own, including our homes. Within the last few days, Edward Dowd also posted this on Gettr.

Add in the talk of recruiting the invading hordes of illegal aliens into our military. If they're in the military, citizens would enjoy the protections of the Third Amendment, right?:

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

Would it also protect us from forced quartering for non-military illegal aliens?

Silly me. Neither this administration, this Deep State, nor the banks and internationalist organizations to whom they're selling us out, give any weight to the Constitution/Bill of Rights. At least not when they can't wrap themselves in the parts that seem to work for their purposes.

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At this point, nothing is too preposterous for the left to consider.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

NY Congresswoman Clarke (D) saying the quiet part out loud about the border:

"I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes."

Edit-on "X".

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I'm probably redundant here, and apologies if already pointed out, but the governor of MA did ask MA residents (Boston perhaps in particular?) to open up their homes to the border-crossing newcomers, who'd made their way to this proud sanctuary city and state. I confess I am watching as closely as I can to see how this plays out. For the honest, integrity-filled Blue-staters, please please: Keep up those "In this House We Believe" yard signs and open those doors! For the rest of the vote-blues in the sanctuary cities/states, maybe, just maybe, your opportunity to do the same as a "voluntold" is around the corner. After your schools, government buildings, hotels, apartments, air bnbs, etc.. are filled first, of course

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The horse video made my day. Blessings for all the farm residents staying safe through the cold spell!

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the last two memes… especially now that the ‘eating season’ is over. My ‘dna' might say something about dark chocolate and Wegmans’ orange & cranberry bread. Thankfully, ‘Lent' is coming.

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Jill put a fresh home baked loaf on the table with fresh scrambled eggs from our chickens.

She makes her own flour now.

And the butter comes from a local diary, bought in bulk at the local "Yoders".

Yum! I have to tear myself away or I will just put on pounds.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After I read your comment about the bread, I went about my business in the kitchen and heard "Be still my heart" about the wonderful smell of fresh bread. Could be the best aromatherapy ever!

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I know a realtor who brews a pot of coffee at each open house so that the house smells when you walk in, like a fresh pot .

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mmmm, sounds fabulous. If you switch to sour dough then at least you can say, “Fermented foods are good for you."

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15

Yes, switch to sourdough! And don't throw the cast away. Save it until you have a half gallon and make savory pancakes. Use the cast starter straight up, fry in olive oil, medium heat for 2 minutes each side. After putting the batter in the pan, sprinkle dehydrated onion, your choice of cheese and coarse salt. Flip after two minutes. Incredibly good stuff, and the bacteria have converted the carbs to something else!


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Sounds interesting… onions and I tend not to be the best of friends, sadly.

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One thing bothers me about local diary. Cows tested regularly for T.B. and brucellosis? Remember reading Phil Wylie talking about how his wife suffered from brucellosis she got from unpasteurized milk… in Fla.believe.

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Geez. That sounds real bad Micheal.

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You are being incredibly well cared for by your loving partner.... Jill is terrific!!!

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The DNA kit was hilarious! The picture was perfect and the finger point to Costco a gem.

I guess I'm a bucket of corn syrup.

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What on earth are you eating or drinking that has that much corn syrup?!

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I have a12 oz. Dr. Pepper every day. However, there was a period of 10-12 years, that I did the 10.2.4 routine. Needless to say, I had a hard time getting to sleep at night. I think I may now have some insulin resistance. The body has a great memory of the abuses it suffers.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Yes, it does, sadly. My mother paid the ultimate price at 70 for the many years of ‘not real food’ she consumed. (and the smoking habit) Any chance of switching to some good black or green tea instead?

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I just finished a cup of raspberry herbal tea. Put a half teaspoon of cane sugar in it. I don't eat much junk food, except for an occasional pizza, never buy premade frozen meals, do not eat out. I drink pea protein, half cup of coffee in the morning, lots of water and some prune juice. I can't seem to kick the DP, but down to only one a day for some years now. Can't quit the smokes either, but I keep a daily cap of 6. Female smokers in my family die fairly young. 70 is young, too young for you mother.

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I apologize if I came over too strongly. I'm coming up on the 7th anniversary of her death and dealing with a dear friend in the hospital. I know my mother is with the Lord, it would be so selfish of me to wish to bring her back again for my own comfort. May the Lord bless you with long years.

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I add raw honey to anything I want sweetened, as I can't stand processed sugar as an additive. You have to be careful about what types of salt you buy as well, as most commercial salts have aluminum in them, which as we know, is so wonderful for your body.

Don't stop smoking at this point, as it will kill you if you do.

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Be careful Shelley. Dr. Pepper a good ol’ Texas invention but unfortunately all colas have H3 PO 4 in them. My wife used to drink 30 oz cokes when she worked and flirted with osteoporosis perhaps as a consequence. Phosphate competes with calcium and actually will replace it in bones.

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That mineral imbalance is why horses should not be fed a strict alfalfa diet. I can't take back the years of excess and my blood type does not allow for calcium rich foods like dairy, cheeses, etc. I do take a supplement but it has unwanted side effects. My dentist says DP is the culprit re my teeth.

The saying you are what you eat, with the tag or drink, is so true.

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Well, if you cannot take in much Ca in your diet, then you sure do not want to ingest things that replace bone Ca with P. Not good for bone density at all. Lemon-lime carbonated drinks are P free….as is beer. Just saying….

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

God bless you for your honesty Shelley, I prefer Spirits with water, or wine from organic sources. We do what we can, with our frail human weakness.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sci Fi is no longer fiction! What is transpiring with corporate healthcare being integrated with AI and the push to inject to improve on the blueprint of life, humanity is in deep trouble. I wish I was a horse. Oops! They may be coming for them too with RNA injections. Cattle and Hogs and etc are already being injected. I wish I could keep things on a lighter note! Think 1984, Blade runner, Avatar and more.

Loved Paul Harvey's monologues!

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.

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Happy horses happy life. Thank you for sharing this joy.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gorgeous horses! Thanks for sharing this and the "funnies" as well.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone & Dr. Jill, your stallions are magnificent! Thank you for the video. I can’t stop laughing at that DNA test results from the Danish cookies from Costco.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Such insightful Friday Funnies again. But the horse video is most special. Frolicking so playfully! Makes me smile!

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the flirting horses (all the other funnies too).

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ps weather in Hawaii currently 60 degrees that’s cold for us lol still wear only shorts but with a jacket enjoy stay warm everyone

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With all this tech comes the de-evolution of man. When I read comments involving people going at each other on social media I visualize dogs on opposite sides of a gate barking and snarling at each other. Then the gate opens bringing down the divide and they are back to sniffing butts and wagging tails. The powers-that-want-to-be got us all confused and fighting with each other. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and it's not easy for any of us. The "gates" that divide us are in our minds not our hearts. God bless you all.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And those powers that be think that many of the low life are taking too much stuff that's theirs. 500,000 is all the planet can sustain.

In the meantime, we do need to be cognizant that divided we fall.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"They" have been pushing the scarcity mindset like a drug dealer for a long time. Same playbook, different decade. The Paul Harvey video is so on point... unfortunately.

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Jan 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful animals!

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