Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Top vote goes to the squirrels. 🐿️ 🤣

Have to say that Pope Francis clinging to his jabs isn’t helping. What’s he afraid of??

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Why do squirrels go to churches? Because churches are filled with religious nuts.

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Wa Wa

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Follow the money 💰 and the trail to hell.

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I think China is replacing funds to the Vatican that used to come from the US. Fortunately Pope opinions are not converted to church dogma, or there would be a schism. Africa would totally bail.

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I wish that were true weedom. There is a schism. Not all of Africa is on board and is holding out. The Jesuit has placed the criminal sector in high places and is removing others of their responsibilities. There will be a remnant of the faithful so all will not be lost.

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For sure there is division, but I haven't seen Archbishop Sarah starting his own church yet. He and Archbishop Arinze seemed so much more adherent. Jesuits have always been wrapped into the secular politics.

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And he wouldn't. Bergoglio is an old man, 87. Perhaps the Resistance, which has not yet put forth he is not legitimate, is waiting for his death. I certainly would not mind if the church was rebuilt from the ground up. The bible reveals it will happen.

He is getting the same opposition that everyone else involved in the WEF conspiracy is getting, so there is still hope.

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he just started that hell was empty. either he or the gates of hell closed the doors, or may be they shared a key

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The rules changed when they chewed on my house. Several are now in squirrel heaven.

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Had one gnaw the wiring harness under the car hood. $2000 repair job (thank goodness for comp).

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It's the peanut oils that the wiring harness company often uses to keep the casing flexible and color coded. Outdoor lighting has the similar issues in black plastic

This was never a problem in the good ol days of rubberized gas engines .

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Can I get some Lume oil while We are by the campfire? 😁 Ed

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Pints or quarts or economy Platoon size🤔👍

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Funny- Reply again - We have a Wonderful Couple that looks out fot house and Pups while traveling…Right wine rack = fair game, Left = Leave $50-100 . Ed 🤣

Edit - I would highly recommend You don’t open the 2007 Tignanello. Weird Friends I Meet. 😁

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I buy kegs!!! 😁,Ed

Favorite song….Sippin’ on Gin and Juice. 🤣

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#1 reason for attic fires which wipe out the house below.

We had a racoon move in. She was going to have babies. Called the exterminator, and they wanted $3,000.00 to set up traps, and "wait". I knew grandma was being hosed, so I went online and found all kinds of ways to get them out.

What worked ?

I put stereo speakers directly below the area she had set up camp. I BLASTED the music and took a broom handle and rapped on the ceiling, wearing my hearing protection, of course.

She was out and gone in 10 minutes.

I closed up the roof (she ripped the dome off of the attic ventilation fan), and that was the end of that. Unfortunately, she pooped all over the attic, and a cleaning company came out and removed, vaccummed, and sprayed the entire attic with some sort of disinfectant, as supposedly breathing in coon poop can be a problem.

BTW, when your insurance company says it's not covered, simply submit a bill anyway. They paid it in full, because we pushed the issue, and the clause that says "no animals" is totally just a bluff.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

I heard about an insurance claim involving raccoons in an attic. The family could hear something in their attic moving around and thought maybe a squirrel had gotten in. They were having a meal at the dining room table when a liquid began dripping from the light fixture. Critter Control was called, they trapped mom raccoon and several offspring. Insurance guy said they don’t pay for destruction by wild animals. Once they eliminated the source they had to remove all insulation, clean, sanitize, remove several areas of soaked drywall, have a contractor put it all back together and paint all the rooms affected. The cost was enormous, they filed a claim and submitted the invoices. They received a check less the deductible. It pays to be a rebel and file the claim!

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Exactly the same way.

My wife, myself, and my MIL heard scratching in the attic.

The damage was some peeled electrical wiring coatings, but they didnt get to bare wires. Lots of poop, and all the insulation was ruined. Once vacuumed, and disinfected, new insulation went in.

The coon wasn't in the house very long.


And yes, the insurance paid, even the electrician, minus the deductible.

It is a secret insurance companies dont want you to know, that they will pay out, because if you get sick from the feces, they get sued for the illness caused by the failure to remediate.

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Yeah, that squirrel thing was a friggin' hoot.

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Been following for a few months. This was the best set of cartoons yet. The story re the squirrels was golden. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t see this post. I don’t understand the alligator.

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See ya later alligator. Now do you get it?

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Thank 😊 you GMoody.

I didn't get it either 😕!

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After a while Crocodile!

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Me neither light dawns

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I didn’t get it either 😏

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Squirrel story:

Been feeding squirrels peanuts from my 2nd floor balcony for years.

Noticed birds competing for the nuts last year.

Hung a bird feeder from the balcony above . . Squirrels kept getting into it.

Me v. (6) squirrels for about three months. I modified & tweaked, they circumvented.

Finally I won, but that’s when things went bad - the squirrels started acting strange.

They started seriously chewing on the lower edge of the wood balcony above and defecating all over my balcony.

When they chewed two large holes in my screen door, I took down the feeder, & threw it away.

Even though I won, I lost. I see similarities with politics.

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Gym+Fritz, my husband was watching a video the other day. It was a new type of bird feeder 🐦 that as soon as the squirrel stepped on the feeding perch, it would drop down a bit and then it would start to spin really fast until the squirrel flew off the perch!😅 . Problem solved!!!

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Gym+Fritz, I found the squirrel video after I mentioned it. I couldn't remember where I talked about it.

Here's the link!!


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I bought bird seeds that have hot pepper in them (from a specialty bird supply outfit). Apparently birds can't taste the pepper at all but the mammals such as rats and squirrel can so they won't eat it. No squirrels or rats on my feeder since I started using this feed. It's more expensive than cheap bird seed, but worth it to me so I'm not attracting the wrong critters.

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Had to stare at it a while to get the point, because I was too distracted by the interspecies (wierder than furry) relationship.

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Dont feel bad, neither did I

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Right! We're in good company!

Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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I didn’t understand the alligator funny either

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Only intellectuals got it.....

So I guess, that's not me.


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WANT TO send that to my friend who needs a laugh right now.

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Great Friday funnies!! Well today, like in the movie ground hog day, is another stab in the back by house republicans. They are set to pass what amounts to a staggering 7 trillion dollar funding bill with strong bi-partisan support, of course!! This will further crush generations of Americans that have not even been born yet. As their useless selfish term winds to an end I can’t help but think of all of their pre election promises that have turned into lies. They have not only continued the full funding of the democrat war against us, their political opponents, and their widening jailing of conservatives, but are also fully funding the new massive fbi building and the humongous irs expansion. I can’t leave out all of the Covid Nazis now receiving their huge pensions, like Anthony Fauci, without ever receiving a subpoena. When we needed them the most we have truly been helped the least. I can not ever remember a time in my life where I’ve felt so let down by this Republican Party. This is the icing on the cake of completing the definition of being a Judas. J.Goodrich

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Good Friday morning 🌄 my friend.

Yesterday I was feeling like my hair was on fire 🔥 when I heard that some of our so-called representatives were having drinks in Mike Johnson's office!!!

In my state of frustration 🫤, I thought that there was some cognitive dissonance in what I was hearing. How can a so-called conservative Christian ✝️ be acting in such a way??? It just didn't make sense!

I thought that I would call 📞 his Louisiana office instead 🤔 of his DC office to voice my displeasure.

I had heard that he still had most of McCarthy 's staff in DC!

That led me to believe that they weren't giving him our messages.

I hope that they do give him my message!

We need to stop ✋️ calling 📞 the DC SWAMP LINES & call their state offices!!!

Either they're tone-death or they're not getting the message 🤷 ‼️⁉️‼️

Nothing else makes sense‼️

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BINGO! Ana... Who the hell ARE the DC "staff" of the House and Senate; who MANY does each Congressman and Senator have? I suggest the reality is that Congressional STAFF are the de facto POWER behind the scenes; and WHAT are their TAXPAYER FUNDED SALARIES?

...If he didn't have COMPLETE talking points to read, Chuck Schumer would be MUTE.

...DITTO "Mitch" McConnell.

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The unaccountable uniparty bureaucracy that nobody has voted for them to be a part of our government!


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The most "HUMANE" way is via LIMITING how many "staff" each Representative and Senator may have to a MINIMUM of what was allowed say - 50 years ago?

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We realized during COVID-19 how many people could work remotely.

That being said, the State Staff can become their "REMOTE STAFF!"

This, I suggest, would eliminate the need for HAVING TO KEEP the DC SWAMP STAFF!!!!

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What am I missing? How would Congressional 'staff' working 'remotely' be a remedy?

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I saw McCarthy on Jesse Watters show the other night, and he asked him something about whether he was up for possible chief of staff in a Trump admin. Really???

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W-O-W! Who in ther right mind would ask such a question!!!

Clueless 🙈

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Can I get you something from the bar Sir?

Our special of the day "The Juice ain't worth the Squeeze on the Rocks.

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Make it a double, it’s Friday!!!😂😂😂

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Atta Boy......sshervice with a sshmile. hic up.....

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Quintuple…🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️, Ed

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Live: House Freedom Caucus holds press conference on $1.2T spending bill


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Nice isn’t it, when I said this amounts to a 7 trillion dollar budget it’s that level of spending they are approving. I’m not a mathematician but when they say we are printing 2 trillion dollars every 100 days in deficit spending, but out of the corner of their mouths they say we’re producing 2 trillion dollar deficit in a year, maybe I’m stupid but if I remember correctly there’s 365 days in a year, is that still correct? So if we round up to 400 days in a year times 2 trillion/100 days, now maybe I’m wrong, doesn’t that add up to close to 8 trillion?

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The freakin' numbers are so big anymore as to be almost meaningless.

The stupid is also well past the size of accurate description.

There is no way this can end well.

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I’m really afraid the little bit of money that’s left in my account will be meaningless as well. We all should be worried of that, the way these morons, left and right, are destroying the dollar!!

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That $1.2 trillion was just half. Another $1.7 trillion I believe was authorized last month for the other half. Just so you know, both of these appropriations only fund the USG through Sept of this year - for 6 months.

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I need to go outside and puke. We, a lot of Us, have worked so hard; and, These “people”. 🤬 Ed

My Dad was a WWII fighter pilot. I was raised by My Mom. She was tougher than any nails.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Absolutely 💯 right ✅️

They're destroying our dollars 💸 💵 💲

Just take a look at the current price of gold ✨️!

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Yeah, some people I know used to think I was a little off if I ever mentioned I was trying to stash away a little gold and silver back in the 90s and early 2000s. Sure glad I was doing it then, because trying to start now, especially in gold, is much more challenging.

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I have an actual Bank of Zimbabwe note from 2008 for One Hundred Trillion Dollars in Zimbabwe money. You read that right....One Hundred Trillion. Are we headed in that direction with our dollars?

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With this government I would say we are. Zimbabwe didn’t have nearly the debt we have. Our inflation is a key sign but when it really starts rolling it will be super quick.

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Going off the cliff whether at 100 miles an hour or at 50 miles an hour, NEVER ends well!!!!

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I like my aircraft at 120mph when I leave. 😁. Ed

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Silly Nilly!

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Yes indeed it does mate, and I thought it was only the Australian politicians (note the lack of a capital) that were totally out of control, AND showing complete disregard for "their People" (note the Capital).

As a little "aside story", I used to race motor cycles on Speedway in my younger days, and I was VERY devoted to same. At Melbourne Speedway on a Saturday night, there was several riders I was chasing, they fell. My evasive action had me hit the fence side on, I spent several months in hospital, but I NEVER was able to (or have) overcome the effect of a human being hitting something that simply does NOT MOVE, and I thought any human would be dead hitting something that hard at that speed. It has NEVER left me.

Moral of the story? I am in grave fear that we of the (so called) Free World are in severe danger of "hitting the fence". My life now is devoted to doing whatever is needed to stop this F@#$% insanity, that is being thrust upon us ON BLOODY PURPOSE.

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Great analogy Les, it’s gotten so bad here in America it’s like an object in motion, will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external and unbalanced force. The external and unbalanced force we are going to hit is a cement wall and I don’t think there’s anything that can stop it at this point.

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Yep...we may be near terminal velocity.

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I believe I have worked on a strategy over these last two years with what I believe is a good and worthwhile strategy to end this whole Fiasco but it seems nobody wants to know. Being a "nobody" from way off "downunder" does NOT help.

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I feel we have "connected" James, and I would like your HONEST opinion. I need to say that if you view this document, you are THE ONLY other human being to view it other than myself. Even my friends have not been privy. If it was leaked, it would perhaps destroy the concept. My suggestion mate, if you would like to read a "Brief", send me an email admin(at) thewillofaustralians.com.au

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If you can tell me Les what is the plan?

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JBS stats - debt has recently risen by $1 trillion every 100 days. $6 billion is borrowed every day. And from The Beacon - Interest costs in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 ultimately totaled $879.3 billion. To put that number in perspective, it is more than what the federal government spent on national defense ($821 billion) or Medicare ($848 billion) in FY 2023. It is also about $10 billion shy of how much the government spent on health-related programs like Medicaid, the Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Affordable Care Act subsidies during the year.

The House passed the $1.2 trillion spending bill in a 286-134 vote, overcoming the two-thirds threshold needed to advance from the lower chamber. The legislation managed to clear the House despite strong opposition from Republican lawmakers, with less than half of the GOP conference supporting the measure.

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I keep hearing 2 trillion/100 days but I guess that will grow every day like in Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic. One really solid upbeat mastermind of finance Janet Yellen said 60 trillion in debt is completely sustainable, so I guess that’s the federal reserves goal!! 60 trillion in debt!!!! 60 trillion in debt!!!! 60 trillion in debt!!!!!!

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Not like; but, I did. I’ve always lived within My means. Sometimes it was very rough. Some of those days absolutely sucked. Ed

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What I see as the biggest, and most frightening, example of this gargantuan spending is the multiplier effect. According to the liberal's Keynesian economic policies, the multiplier of government spending on GDP is supposed to in the 3-4 range. That is, according to the liberals, for every dollar of government spending, we should see 3 to 4 dollars increase of GDP. The multiplier now is 0.4, i.e. forty cents for every dollar spent. Just diggging deeeper into a pit we can can"t climb out of. No doubt by design. Declare the old fiat dead and issue new CBDC's.

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Keynesian economic policies are a fraud and more like a marketing sales tool. About 12 years ago during a CSPAN televised Senate Committee hearing with Ben Bernanke from the Fed, Senator Thune (economist) stated he believed that every dollar syphoned through the USG lost about 30% of it buying power and to Bernanke’s credit his nodded and said that’s about right.

CBDC will be put in place, already is in some countries. It really is just a reorganization of the Central and International banking system already in place. Borrowing from John Guy: The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families, these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

International banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street and Switzerland, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum.

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Seems as though a lot of stuff got pushed through recently.

Will it go anywhere ?

Doubtful, but at least they are finally acknowledging it. FEDS will claim their overlord rights.


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That was very good testimony outlining all the problems including medical. Great video. Everyone needs to watch this.

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95% of people I know refuse to even acknowledge this, never mind put any effort to inform others.

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Willfully ignorant until it's too late, then who would have guessed?

It has been going on for more than two decades, so there is NO excuse for this ignorance.

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Completely agree James! I am so sickened by the passing of this monstrosity and how they have let us down YET AGAIN!!!! With the country on fire you’d think they might be willing to stop the madness and try to right this sinking ship!!!! But no they carry on as usual and are pretty much useless! Call me speechless and disgusted!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯🤯

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone! Many times I feel sad reading the “Friday Funnies” but today I feel tears welling up in my eyes after listening to Willie Nelson’s new song. You called it haunting and how right you are. But at least there are other funnies to lift my spirits. Have a good weekend!

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Same here. It’s hard to believe Willie is now 90 years old and making music that stirs the soul. The government tried to take him down, but Willie survived to fight another day. If you haven’t heard the song his son Lukas did with Lily Meola, it’s amazing. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/gfg264jPMbsASkfw/?mibextid=UalRPS

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This is a soulful rendition of one of my favorite songs. Thank you for sharing this!!

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Yes, a marvelous song. Finally someone speaks for the Border Patrol. I really hope it takes off, as I believe Willie Nelson is an “Uncancellable.”

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Many laugh out louds!! Thank you Drs Malone. The one that wasn’t laughable was the lady with the shopping cart and the uneatable food. Death in a box is my usual observation. But last week as I went down the vegetable and fruit isles and the meat counter, I got cold chills realizing that much of the meat is so contaminated with gmo food sources, vaccinated with mRNA, genetically modified so it doesn’t actually ever spoil, and fruit and veggies are covered in a wide variety of weed killer, surround wax, and pesticides that it too is no longer safe to eat. All the while the USDA wages war on Amish farmers selling whole milk to private members who WANT to eat real food. I feel sick and not just because, thanks to Anthony Fauchi, I’ve gotten the latest Covid flu for the second time in 6 weeks and can hardly walk for being breathless. Me and all the rest of the unvaccinated Amish in my neighborhood. At least none of us are dead yet.

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I don't want to try to tell you what to do, but I've been taking quercetin, Vitamin D3 and zinc since about February of 2021 and I haven't had anything, cold, flu or covid since. I suppose it's possible I'm just lucky.

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Same protocol…Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. (RIP) was an unquestionable Hero! Ed

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Indeed and I did pay close attention to Dr. Z's teachings. RIP, sir.

The person I credit for leading me to that though is my wife's sweet country GP doctor who never fell for the gov't/healthcare system's joint propaganda campaign either. God bless her.

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Oldguy52, replace lucky with BLESSED 🙌 😇 🙏

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Well, that too.

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Yep I’m on it!! Thank you!

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Same here with my husband and myself. Not sick once. We're 74 and 77.

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Kudos to you. It would seem you have chosen well.

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Better lucky then dead!🐸🥂

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Ha ha ... Indeed.

I do try to live by Bongino's Rule #1: Don't get dead!

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No colds, covid or flu. Along with 7000 IU D3 and 1200 mg CA daily, I have relied on Ivermectin weekly with ZN, MG, Vit C. I think Ivermectin is the new wonder drug, Penicillin stepped aside. I'm working outside most of the day everyday, but lets face it, sunlight and natural D production isn't happening under coat and gloves. So supplement. And the CA, I think, has really helped my arthritis. I do alot of fork and shovel work, but the big wrist killer is splitting wood. I avoid it like the plague now. Also big on dairy--no Amish, but local dairies with raw milk. I think the ultra high pasteurization so prevalent today has taken milk to a meaningless fluid.

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What is CA? I thought I knew them all but I don’t know this one!

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Here’s the funniest but the dumbest thing that happened to me yesterday. I’m visiting my parents condo yesterday in wokeland … guy pulls his garbage can past me and says… “OMG have u seen the rats here ? I said no . He said it’s horrible. I called the exterminator ASAP for a catch and release trap “. I said WHAT.. do you know the diseases they carry ect… ? He said “ I just don’t have the heart to kill them . “ true story.

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It is the world we live in. Not all rats have 4 legs.

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You got that right😉🫣

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My cat catches field mice to play with, brings them inside thru the doggie door, then releases them and chases through the house. The mouse hides, comes out at night and Kitty kills the mouse and lays it on the dining room rug. Kitty is so proud of his fresh kill. He swats the dead mouse, pounces in it then expects me to get rid of it. That guy in woke land needs to get a Kitty that kills for the sport of it.

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What the guy doesn’t understand is that trapping and relocating wildlife is not only illegal in most places, it’s cruel. Most animals are territorial and they end up attacked and injured/killed when dropped into others’ territories. The poor animal also doesn’t know where to easily find food and water. Optimal solution is “exclusion”- find and block entry points before animal enters.

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W-O-W! I'm speechless 🙊 😶 😳.

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the memes were on point and the squirrels rocked. Just got my pop-up on Fallout - How Shadowy Forces Control What Science Gets Published. Can't wait to watch.

The latest omnibus is waiting Senate approval. The bill includes this: 7046 (k) World Health Organization.—None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be made available for the World Health Organization.

(l) International conventions.—None of the funds provided by this Act shall be made available to implement or support any international convention, agreement, protocol, legal instrument, or agreed outcome with legal force drafted by the intergovernmental negotiating body of the World Health Assembly or any other United Nations body until such instrument has been subject to the requirements of article II, section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States, which requires the advice and consent of the Senate, with two-thirds of Senators concurring.

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That's at least something....

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Do you think the senate will strip that out and then send it back to the house with no time to send it back with it? It’s alwYs the game they play. The other thing is we don’t have 7046k (I take it that’s 7 million) to give to any one let alone these organizations plotting against us. Rome had solons that were greedy self interested and even traitors but I never read that they funded the enemies that eventually destroyed their country, the way our great traitors do.

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I certainly was not clear. 7046(k) was the section of the bill that said no funds in the Act may be made available for the WHO.

Sorry about that James.

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That’s a riot sometimes I’m really stupid!!!!!!

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You will never best my-stupid, just ask Micheal!

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I can’t imagine that. Your one of the best read subscribers on Dr.Malones sub stack!!!!

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Ha James. Can I say if that is what you think, perhaps you are . . . . . .

But thank you anyway!

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS




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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best yet! Thanks for the new Willy Nelson song He is speaking truth. Spread it all around.

I loved the squirrels bit. Unfortunatly, I resemble the Old Fart Action Figure a bit too much these days, so Get off my lawn!

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Powerful Willie! And...Squirrels!! 🤣😂

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The squirrels kept me laughing. So funny.

The PETA request is sooo ridiculous. What will they think of next.

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You probably do not want to know

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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True That. Ed

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Yup! PETA is way out-of-line, IMO!

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the squirrels and churches! Hilarious!

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Of course PETA wants the WH to offer “potatoes”; then, Momma can cook ‘em up & serve “Glyphosphate” (sp) mashed spuds! Give me a break- PETA- enough is enough! I like Willie Nelson’s song; beautiful, soft guitar’s & yes, a harsh reality in this world today. Wake up America, the reality at the southern border needs to be stopped! Remember, some folks have “vacation homes” that may be vacant, & per that wild video posted a few days ago by an “illegal”, he knows he can “squat-into-your-vaca-home”, & nothing will be done to kick-illegals out! WOW! What the heck has happened in America…CHAOS!

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Aim small miss small

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, Where is "Malone's Gulch"? And how can I get there? The world's getting too crazy.

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Also, Ed’s Gulch. Ed

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You are more than Welcome in Ed’s Gulch.. You might find Others….Ed

Edit - We do Whatever It Takes.

Edit again - I work in construction/landscaping…built 6 dry bags of first aid gear for Friends.Yes…triple sealed. Dry. Sam’s spints included.

Ediit Yet again- Transpore Tape is My favorite😁

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

We have a communist of the first order on our Supreme Court. KBJ needs to take out her pocket constitution and have Justice Thomas school her. She’s got this bass ackwards.

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Affirmative action strikes again

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Mar 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was good to get a laugh again. It's a heavy enough world as it is.

Global Family Unite!

Keep the sunny side up 👏

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Willie great song … never forget Ellis Island , I’m grateful for my grandparents doing it the right way .

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As western governments fly them in and fight anyone that tries to slow the flow, what is "the right way" in 2024? The people coming have complete government support.

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Yes, my Great-great-grand-parents immigrated legally also!

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