We have all had set backs in our lives. Some are small, some are life changing. We all need some time to dwell on something negative that’s happened to us, but we should never make a lifetime of it. If all could look objectively at Trump you have to give him credit for not dwelling on what he has been through. How he keeps getting up time after time even when the weight of the most powerful government in the history of the world is out to get him, he triumphs over them. It’s been a life’s lesson to watch this man succeed to his 3rd nomination and whatever happens in this election we should all take a note, when things look like they are going horribly wrong, and it seems impossible, we should never give up, never bow down to evil. Put it behind you as soon as you can and keep moving forward. Success only finds those that search for it. J.Goodrich

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I will be on pins and needles until he is sworn in! The deep state needs the swamp! Ronald Reagan was the best! Cleaning the corruption out of all 3 branches of the federal government will be a Herculean task! He will need a lot of help from smart intelligent men and women who also believe in preserving the Constitution! A new broom sweeps clean!

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His first act should be to fire every d.o.j. attorney just as did clinton and then replace with ones with proven constitutional creds. That probably would eliminate ivy league hires.

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Department of Bureaucratic Control of Indoctrination, aka Department of Education needs to be first to go. Then, what happens if the federal bureacracy is cut by 50%? Removing 88,000 IRS newbies would be a good start.

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Yep. Actually a goodly number of agencies could be eliminated to good effect. I would go after homeland with a vengeance...it should never have been formed...rather several so called intelligence agencies should have been cut including the c.i.a.

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And the miseducation department, the EPA, the ENERGY dept., FBI, CIA, any agency, bureau or department remotely connected with DEI - just for openers.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

CIA has been out of control for a long time. I don't know much about the insertion of the Shah, but Diem was a warm-up for JFK, and who knows what since. Dismantle completely and start over, but what to do with the international bad actors in the meantime?

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When o.s.s. had an easily identified ideology to attack...not so much so opposing anything blatant!y leftist. And as for religious terrorists, while they can foam at the mouth over imagined sources actually going after the real deal runs head on into the barriers of wokedom...so they don't.

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Good question...

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Talk to them. They may not want a nuclear war either. Some of them just want a fair shake in the market place. We aren’t and haven’t been protecting “democracy “ around the world for a long time. If we act more honorably maybe they will too. “Thou shalt beat they swords in plow sheers and they knives into pruning hooks.” Imagine what an army of well equipped farmers could do for a hungry world.

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The problem, and I say this as one with a (rusty) J.D. tacked on to my name, from the late 80s, is you don’t have to be from an "Ivy" to be "ensoused" with leftist dogma. And, I’m not sure there are sufficient numbers of available constitutionally aware attorneys to fill the soon to be empty openings. Tho I do agree with your thinking, with this one proviso: the bloodletting be broader&deeper.

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Let's hope the terrifying Project 2025 has identified a few

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I think (honestly) that is part of THEIR plan ... to have people applied and vetted "in case" there is a need to fill suddenly empty slots in the area ;-)

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That's what they indicated as they set out on the effort.

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He could raid the state AG offices of conservative states

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Rambler, that's a thought, but then we would be left vulnerable to getting AGs like Leticia James!!!!

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I meant take assists from offices of solid conservative AGs

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I believe some of the folks putting together Project 2025 are already taking applications for ALL SORTS of jobs and vetting people to sort of help get the ball rolling ;-)

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SR! the pro-communist rot has over run the entire academic system in the US.

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Tom, not the ENTIRE academic system - there are numerous schools spread throughout the land that stick to traditional liberal education tenets ( I said traditional liberal, not today’s leftist dogma ). My son went to one in Eastern WA, Hillsdale in MI, Liberty in Lynchburg, etc., but there may only be a couple Law Schools that are uninfected - does Liberty have a LS, is Campbell OK, …

And, there is a good chance that the hard sciences, which was my foundation, is harder to corrupt - can happen but is harder.

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Washington needs what they used to do there when I was growing up in Fairfax County Va, and my father was a military cartographer with the Army Map Service: RIFs = REDUCTION IN FORCE = todays LAYOFFS of thousands of government administrative personnel and elimination of useless gubmit agencies. When, I ask, have you heard of “layoffs“ in Washington DC in the last 40 years? Never. The time to start is January 25, 2025, President Trump.

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ALMOST, SR...Beginning with the U.S. "Education Department" now busily spreading (mandated) "DEI" and ESG" propaganda and dogma in "public" K-12 schools throughout the U.S; and as regards so-called "higher learning", with few exceptions - Hillsdale in southern Michigan - and those you mention...but EDUCATION is ground ZERO for indoctrination for the virus of MARXISM and has been going on for MORE than 50 years!

The Marxist mental virus begins at the TEACHERS COLLEGES; and newbie (tyro) "teachers" then spread the Marxist virus everywhere in our nation.

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I believe Trump has learned from his first real exposure to who the so-called "deep-state" - LONG known as the "shadow government" - REALLY is: An "American" NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) who have had their members embedded in EVERY administration - be it Democrat or Republican - for MORE than a half century!

An example is Anthony (the squealer) Scaramucci - who was "elected" into this "NGO" in 2016 - just as the new Trump administration was getting under way; and Sacramucci somehow got the job of "Director of Communications" at the White House - a KEY position within the Trump Administration - privy to the MOST sensitive information therein, which this new Director of Communications could relate DIRECTLY to the members of the "NGO" that "elected HIM" to be one of THEM in 2016.

The "NGO" that "elected" Anthony Scaramucci to be one of "them" is - you guessed it - the "Council on Foreign Relations"!

Starting off on the right foot, President Trump had set up a direct email link to His Office - and I wasted no time to email him about Scaramucci - and who HE "worked" for. Scaramucci was soon fired.

Another CFR mole within that first Trump administration (I am sorry to say) was H.R. McMaster the National Security Advisor to President Trump...who also was soon fired.

Truth be known, MANY "CFR" members (moles) just migrate from one administration to the next be it Democrat or Republican - MANY in"key" slots that can and do have major impact on both foreign and domestic US policy.

THIS generational "NGO" preceded the so-called "Military-Industrial Complex" DECADES before Eisenhower became president. NOTE: Eisenhower's Secretary of State - John Foster Dulles - was one of the FOUNDERS of the "CFR"; and Dulles younger brother - Alan Dulles - was CIA Director under Eisenhower.

One additional illustration: Ronald Reagan's Vice President - George H. W. Bush was a "CFR" member - as wells Director of the CIA (before) becoming Reagan's VP. (Anyone recall )when he became President that in H. W's first "State of the Union" address to the Joint Session of Congress he spoke of "A New World Order"? THAT is the GOAL of the "CFR" - and to hell with national and individual sovereignty!

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That is the only problem with someone new to "politics" as Trump was AND who has the ego, etc., of Trump from a career of successes in business.

I’m hoping that his experience in his first term AND the humility from Saturday influence going forward.

One test of that would be who he leans on now - something I have little to no knowledge about.

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True enough - I HOPE so too!

One of his weak spots is his TRUST in people which one would guess comes from his penchant of loving "everyone".

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Damn, YES, I knew there was a part I forgot - his trust in people and trust that they, too, would have the best interests of AMERICA at heart.

That, of course, is one of the ways the American experiment has gone awry: America First has become gimme gimme gimme

Good catch

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I wholeheartedly agree Mr. Daniel. It's never the actual man we put in the chair... it's who whispers in his ear... including the spouse, and who they trust and gather around them. Those people should be vetted as well. I've read too many biography's/autobiographies of US Presidents and VP's not to pick up on that one pretty quick. You're the first person I've ever heard "voice" that opinion. It's so obvious it's absurd and yet no one acknowledges it.

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P.B! Truth be known ( as I have been trying to alert my fellow Americans to via Dr. Malones Substack), - and as I wrote at length yesterday- preceding your reply, about who the so-called "deep-state" - known back in the 1950s as the "shadow-government" REALLY is, it is a generational "NGO" - Non-Governmental Organization of which the "Democrat" - Joe Biden (is listed as a "Notable Member") and Dick Cheney - a "Republican" is also a member.

Members of this "NGO" are now and have been embedded in EVERY administration - be it Democrat or Republican for WAY over a half century.

This "NGO" consists of a CEO, President and (36) members of its Board of Directors comprised of an eclectic group of individuals both inside and outside of government...and it is THIS "Board of Directors" male and female alike, who like ALL Boards of Directors, dictate POLICY and goals.

It is these people who directly and indirectly CONTROL (OUR) federal government - and propagate daily "talking points" and goals via ownership and membership of the FAKE NEWS media - TV and print.

As I have repeatedly stated (as above yesterday), this longtime "shadow-government", aka the "establishment" aka the "deep-state" are all one and the same...exactly like the fact that SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM are the same thing: government control (or outright ownership) of the 'means of production' - in its broadest sense ( think WORLD government) - All LAND (and water), LABOR (the people) and Capital (money in ANY form) be it gold, silver, paper money or DIGITAL.

ANYONE who is interested enough to take the time can EASILY access the names of the 5000 members of this TINY "NGO" that has SO MUCH power over WE the people here in the USA - over the 340 millions of us.

Again, Joe Biden is a member, so is Susan Rice, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Lisa Monaco; the US Senate and House has members (both) Democrat & Republican members of this "NGO"; others include all (3) Clintons, George Soros, Larry Fink ( BlackRock), Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Mika Brzezinski & Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper, Andrea Mitchell, Erin Burnette, Tom Brokaw, Judy Woodruff and MANY other prominent names of Americans who have - for whatever reason - joined the "One-World-Order" (international) globalist movement.

IF they (collectively) succeed, the sovereignty of the USA will be negated - permanently- as will the sovereignty of "WE" the people - who will henceforth known as "citizens of the world" - just like Barrack Hussein Obama sez he IS.

Once the USA is "married" to the New World Order - there will NEVER be a divorce and "WE" the people (and our children and their children's children )

will be not free but totally subjugated - for the "common good" - and to "save the planet".

Th NAME of this "NGO" is the Council on Foreign Relations.

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shut down all the alphabet agencies would be a good start

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A reminder: JFK had already been sworn in when they took him out. Making it to the Presidency doesn't guarantee Trump's safety.

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We hope JD isn't LBJ.

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He had the finest timing of anyone who ever told a good clean joke to an audience!

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Cleaning out the swamp is easy. Buy them out on the condition they, nor immediate family, never work in gov’t at any level.

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You got the money?

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We really moved the benchmark the past few years...

Millions was king,

Billions then stole the show,

Trillions have left the building along with Elvis.

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There is all that cash we gove to the Taliban, ngo’s and other bad actors. Use that. The buy out is a one time limited deal.

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It would be nice if it were that easy but,- We don't negotiate with terrorists.

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Trust. No science reference needed.

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I dunno, Thomas...R.R. was saddled with OVER 100 "CFR" members and mole who slow-walked virtually everything Reagan wanted to do for the American people.

It was ONLY through his strength of character that much of anything really changed; and when his "CFR" member VP - George H.W. Bush became president, it seemed Bush began to un-do Regan's legacy - although I can't recall specific examples right now.

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I was working at a buddies house yesterday and somehow brought up R Reagan. Reagan had a great polish to him. Not sure if he would say things that were handed to him or if they were his own but there are so many memorable quotes that are restated over and over again. Trump really needs a top notch speech writer. Bongino always says elections are about snapshots and sound bites. He certainly had plenty of snapshots last Saturday, his speech was good but could have been amazing or at least a little more memorable, IMHO.

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Very much agree James! A missed opportunity in a few ways! I am a big Trump supporter but was hoping for a soaring speech much like the July 4th one at Mt. Rushmore. But thrilled he is our nominee! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Broken like button so know I like your viewpoint. I had a long conversation with a sibling last night who’s angry with Trump for acting counter productive often enough to lose in 2020. I asked him what he knows or has read and he claims he doesn’t read or listen to all the media lies including independent media he trusts his common sense and intuition. He feels reading takes too much of his precious time and he would rather not burden his mind with things he can’t change. I feel the same way but feel compelled to sacrifice my time as much as possible realizing without trying ensures defeat.

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I sense the progs smell a loss in the offing and are going to go all out to fill as much of their agenda as they can before being shown the door. Example being the current proposed land grab of 700,000 acres of privately owned land for the idiotic 2030 project. Texas and N. Mex are opposing. The states are going to have to fight this monster.

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Michael? Please explain or add link for the "2030" project.

Do you mean the U.N.s "AGENDA-2030" project?

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Thzt is what I meant. Dr. M corrected me to point out it is the 30X.30 program which I suspect is pretty much the same thing.

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Can you provide more info on this?

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There have been reports on the Texas Minute about this. Using e.p.a. as the weapon to force landowners to put their land in some gov run program that prevents it from being used for just about anything. Precisely why I would like to see that agency abolished...hoof and horns

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30 by 30 program. We have covered it in this substack, and also on “fallout” with epoch times

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Well now Ken Paxton and company have accepted the challenge. As he has over 60 times vs this cabal

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I remember your sub stack on 30 by 30, a topic hardly known about.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

From a series of confirmation hearings conducted by congressional committees, I see it as an obvious pattern: This administration recruits officials with prerequisite subversive credentials. Sneering petulance is a bonus.

Here Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) confronts EPA Administrator and Certified Enshittifier Michael Regan.


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Great link James, thank you. I love Clay Higgins he’s always perfectly on point. Amazing how the left fights to quiet the truth about their anti American agenda every day. Over and over again they want to subvert their agendas from the people.

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WOW, that was edifying. Maybe not in a positive way. It always astonishes me when you look back in history at letters written between founding fathers and other renown people, that very little has actually changed. We as the human race don't seem to have evolved for the better at all. How stupid are we? Every time someone tries to move us forward as a species, someone or many, drag us back.

I've always said, it doesn't matter what system of government, finance, healthcare or industry you have... on paper, that stuff looks great. As soon as you add the human factor, it all turns to "shit". Thank you for the link.

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Right you are, never give up. I, for one, will never give up, until I can bow my head to GOD for having given us the greatest and strongest man who stood for his people and his country.

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He has become the second "Most Interesting Man In the World"!

And perhaps the "Luckiest family man on the planet" as well.

I can say I feel that vibe most every day. Still standing tall, for the America that blesses me.

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BLESSED man on the planet

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Good morning my friend James!

I don't know if you have heard that DJT grew up going to Norman Vincent Peale's church where he was exposed and molded by the concept of positive thinking.

We're all seeing 👀 and hopefully learning by his EXAMPLE to change how we react to our everyday occurrences.

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I didn’t know that Ana, but we all could use some positive thinking in our lives. I was and still am a worrier, it’s very difficult for me to relax, let things go. For me it is work to move forward many times. I try hard everyday to live a life of that type of attitude and often find myself telling people around me to not let things get to you especially the small things it can consume you.

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James, I think that with all of the evil around us, it is VERY DIFFICULT to not be worried. That is exactly 💯 % why we need to do everything in our power to keep a good mental outlook.

One quote that especially helps me is Today is the day that we worried 😟 about yesterday.

That has really helped me because I point back to how distressed we were 3 1/2 years ago. We just couldn't imagine how we could survive all of the destruction coming at the hands of Bitme's EOs and BY THE GRACE OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, we have been spared and ALL of our prayers 🙏 ARE BEING ANSWERED beyond our wildest dreams!

God is good and he's on the move still working in the MIRACLE BUSINESS!

• 6:11 is the time that Trump was shot!!!



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That is excellent Ana!! Thank You!!

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Ana, right on point. I have spent months in depression and anxiety for my country yammering on and on to anyone who would listen only to realize that I was contributing nothing. And then a young woman close to me with two small girls fell ill with a glialblastoma brain tumor almost certainly let loose by vaccination. I downloaded an app that rings a bell every hour and I stop and pray. I pray for her wellness, I pray for America to return to righteousness, I pray for gratitude. Gratitude is what draws God near and then I listen for guidance. This I do every waking hour without fail. I cannot claim any great victories over any of the evils I pray for remission but one thing surprised me. I’m not anxious, I’m not depressed, I’m not defeated anymore.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Barbara Lee, WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA 💡 ❤️ 👏 💖.

I'm usually in prayer just about every quiet moment, but to have a reminder, is priceless when the devil 😈 will most certainly try to distract us is a good measure of insurance.

To quote my mom:

The devil 😈 never sleeps 💤 , so we need to stay on guard 💂‍♀️!

I absolutely love your statement: PRAY AND THEN LISTEN FOR GUIDANCE!

Beautifully said!!!

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I have been busy today, as I'm sure you have too, James. Reading about "operation Northwoods" from the essay from A Midwest Doctor. Then Mattias Desmit and the depth of insight he has about the possibilities of consciousness greater than we usually discern. Let alone the tweaky take on current affairs. This is so interesting, the intrigue of spy movies has nothing on this. I am filled up mentally, emotionally and physically. (Just had supper). The saga of intrigue carries on.

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We are certainly living in historic times and it’s no way near over yet. Hopefully we’re not pushed into catastrophe, “war” to cover what’s really happening. I believe operation Northwoods was cia what do you know. They have been messing with the world since their inception.

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So well said James! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Thank you Jennifer, Trumps compared to Reagan a lot. Both had strengths. Trumps greatest strength is being able to take a huge punch and keep moving forward. It’s truly amazing to watch!!

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BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt. He was shooting from the second window. Floor was unsecured. First 3 shots did not have echo. Math angles of both shooters shown.


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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

About the IT fiasco - It's not too early for "We told ya so" is it?

Asking for a friend.

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It just screams, "force everyone to rely solely on digital infrastructure to transact the business necessary to sustain urban life," doesn't it?

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I've been screaming this for years. Electronic shit is great.... until it bricks.

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A friend in need..is a friend indeed! Hahaha

Back to pens/pencils/paper.

The drawing board refurnished.

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Folks have been saying for a few decades that what runs or works off computing (everything just about) is ripe for failure. Just wait until AI is put in charge of all the programming.

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With baited breath.

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And Nukes controlled by AI!

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Or - at least don't rely on 'clouds' for storage and actions.

Not every computer/electronic device needs to or should be connected to a global communications network (internet/wwweb). Some few should NEVER be connected, even at home.

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I have to admire that zucchini hunter. First off, it takes a lot of courgette for a man to wander the fields these dangerous vegetables are known to inhabit. These camouflage themselves under broad leaves, and are hard to spot. Any false step, and a hunter risks being gourd. Further, every one appears to be a stem shot, minimizing any suffering of the vegetable; anywhere else and you're left with squash puree, and no one wants that, except maybe Gerber.

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You are right on James. Threw a ten pounder into the vacant lot next door once and my pup sniffed it out and struggled to haul it back through the tall brush but was overjoyed with his good deed when he put it in front of the basement door.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Well, pointers and retrievers are the classic hunting sidekicks. The hunter shown, however, evidently relies on a Siamese. This cat loiters with apparent indifference at the spot of the downed prey, then turns to the hunter and mews "get it yourself."

As an aside, I glanced at some articles and YouTube videos for advice on growing and harvesting zucchini and other vegetables. Multiple sources advised that smaller squash are the best for cooking, and if allowed to continue growing to the sizes shown in the hunter photo, they become tough and less fit for consumption. Having collected and sautéed a handful from my own backyard plants, I can confirm that this was good advice.

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Zucchini Bread! Zucchini Soup!...Casserole...Fritters...etc. etc. Never give up...

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As you originally pointed out, it is perhaps not dangerous but it is very hard to spy those large creatures under their camouflage. They are excellent at hide and go seek. I toss those over about 10 inches, which ends up being half my crop!

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Scoop out the seeds, grind it up and freeze it. Add it to breads and such as Leonora points out. Never waste a thing...

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Very cute.

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Oooh, Mr Lord, very punny indeed. Well done. Bravo!! ;0]

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A friend who shared that Zappa quote yesterday on Facebk was given s 24 hr timeout.

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Must have struck a nerve. Did he or she have to sit in a corner? Good thing the friend didn't accuse Fecesbook of Enshittification.. They would have had to wash your friends mouth out with soap and sit in the corner longer with no breaks.

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Enshittification: My new favorite word! Practiced by companies that never learned the true meaning of Constraint Theory, and don't understand that the lowest cost does not always equal the best value.

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I sure saw that on the offerings Amazon had for their Prime Day. I don't buy anything just because it on sale, or cheaper. new and improved, trendy, or most specifically "Smart" (Alexa can you hear that?). Enshittification is the order of the times.

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I had a college professor who would always maintain that there are NO SALES EVER!!

He would say: it didn't sell at the original price because it wasn't worth that price.

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The prof was wrong. Merchants do not always make accurate projections about how well an item will sell. Unsold items take up space that more saleable items could be placed so you eliminate the undesirables by sales. My stepdad sold pretty expensive shoes and had a small store....could not afford to maintain a dog pound for less popular items so sold some at cost to make room for hopefully more favorable stock.

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dogpound. . . GOOD one!

my Dad built a Tire and Battery store after the war and we would sell used tires. . . They got stacked in the back 40 outside and rain always got in them, muck, mosquitoes. . . When a farmer wanted some hay wagon tires it was my job to go out back and dump the water and muck out(on me, often) and haggle with the guy-- at about 14 yrs old.

This was actually a fun job! Farmers have a good sense of humor and love to haggle over the price.

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and free up capital to buy those other things.. But, the professor wasn't wrong, it was just too simple an explanation. "Worth the price" is a relative term. For some it is not what they are really looking for, so they won't buy it at any price, For some it is worth the price but they don't know about the product (marketing reach is insufficient). On the Amazon Prime day the problem is that many of the customers are spent out in this economy, so are being careful about what they buy being really needed or useful.

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I.e., made in china

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Just look at Temu! Enshittification for sure!

Love my new favorite word!

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So many good ones today, Drs. Malone. I especially loved the last joke by Ronald Reagan and have appropriated it for my next summary of Substack notes -- all in the spirit of "imitation is the greatest form of flattery."

Thank you both for everything you do, and especially for bringing some sharply focused humor into our lives.

Safe travels.

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yup, I had never seen that one. Ronnie did a great job!

So, I will second that.

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Agree! Pithy, clever, creative...and very funny cartoons today! Thank you.

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Are those farm raised, free range, or wild zucchini. HA!

That strikes a chord here in North Maine. Situations have given me some extra time this year to attend to my garden more seriously. I planted a variety of squash from Seed Savers that looks like it is going to take over our entire town.

Guatemalan Banana is the variety.

Not sure just when it snuck across the border but the offspring are going to be something to behold next year as it is all mixed in with two other varieties.

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Free range indeed. You saw the herding cat in the picture.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought the shooting scenario from Arngrmr that you crossposted on Wednesday was excellent. I had noticed the night before the tree possibly obstructing the SS sniper's view of Crooks. Details are still emerging, so the picture may change, but this analysis was eminently sensible.

I keep seeing other content providers who I respect (Glenn Greenwald, Epoch Times, Redacted, Kim Iversen) showing Crooks' position (erroneously?) well out from behind the tree. Further, Redacted yesterday posted video claiming 10 accounts of someone spotted on the water tower, though I thought the video shown was blurry and possibly revealing nothing more than a pixelated shadow. Kim Iversen also reported on water tower sightings.

Not the first time I've felt like the news people, even the good ones, have to catch up with the followers of Dr. Malone's Substack.

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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yesterday I laid out the angles using Google Earth and it does appear one tree partially obstructs the view of the counter sniper team most in the news directly North east of Trump(the North team). The south team does appear to have a clear angle / shot on the final position of the sniper-- ie post mortem. My understanding is that the last shot that happened LONG after most, was the kill shot and came from South team. A woman screamed right after this shot-- possibly indicating she was surprised by the sound coming from behind her vs the rest coming from the sniper area.

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The sniper was originally on the left side of the building's roof when spotted per videos. It was finally reported that the counter-snipers on the south building re-positioned, then took him out.

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All I can think to say is - buckle up. 😬

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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

CrowdStrike was used by the DNC to examine the DNC server hack in 2016. The FBI never looked at the servers. CrowdStrike was the entity which "verified" that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers.

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Most people don't know that in 2017 under oath during congressional testimony, the CEO of Crowdstrike, Shaun Henry was forced to admit that Crowdstrike never had any "concrete evidence" that the servers had been hacked.

Senator Adam (shithead) Schiff immediately classified that testimony so that the public would maintain it's ignorance, until finally in 2019 that information was forced to be declassified (by Republican House?). The damage was already done by that time, and to this day most people don't know that. They still think "Russia, Russia, Russia!" hacked the servers.

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Just like the 51 former intelligence letter. Both CrowdStrike and the signers of the intelligence letter both admitted they had no evidence to back up their claims of Russian hacking.

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That was noted on the usual conservative news sites. But, for those alphabet news watchers, ya, they had no idea.

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The next IT outage is scheduled for 5 Nov 2024. Please make a note of it.

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Nov 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Got it.

Take at least a week to get heads out of asses for sure.

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The final vote tally from PA will be available on Nov. 23 given the 2020 Nov. 4th election results in PA were completed on Nov. 22.

Noting here that Roberts in his robe gave PA the ability to continue counting votes for almost three weeks. I guess PA needed that time given the increase in votes was 15.85% more than 2016 and it wanted Biden to beat Trump by more than Trump beat Clinton (1.19%) so Biden ended with 1.20% or 82,000 votes.

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Nothing fishy there ha.

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Our (now departed) llama, Bandit, had his ear torn by his daddy during a fight that never should have happened -- long story. The ear healed but never came back together. I believe Bandit wore that torn ear as a badge of honor. Trump will too!

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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for your outstanding assemblage this morning! So much to appreciate!

I start out with "Fight !" Of the memes (that seem to have disappeared?) I expect the 90% adorable kitties will turn out to be an unwelcoming lot of angry Lions and Lionesses! Did like the siamese cat. Plan to vote for the fella with the pierced ear. (Am just hoping he wont be running against the new and improved "O" 2.0++. It'll make the 3 way contest a lot more challenging).

Will be hopin' n praying for a uneventful unchallenging day of safe travels for you tomorrow (or Sunday - there have been an awful lot of cancelled flights to be addressed).

In passing, I skimmed a couple of other articles in my feed re Microsoft's impact on air travel plus. Going forward, add relying on 100% renewables and the energy needs for data centers. Certainly, a mix the masterminds want us to leave up to them, to our IMO peril. Life we surely best not leave to the would be central planners.

You ARE appreciated. Take good care.


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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great cartoons! It seems that the word "funny" has been sliding from "Ha Ha" toward "Does that smell funny to you?" The planes won't fly the day after the convention in Milwaukee because reasons. How surprising. "The largest IT outage in history" They spelled "outrage" wrong.

I Hope your journey back home is not too adventurous.

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The progressives have buried their hope at Trump' wounded ear

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Jul 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the "pierced ear" one! I think Trump should consider wearing an ear stud!

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