Outstanding! Every Single One! Seen this one yet ?:

“One of the best things about being a conspiracy theorist is you don’t end up with Myocarditis.”

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11 out of 10 that refused the injection show absolutely no remorse.

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Hahahahahahahaha! And the other one is lying!

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

"5 out of 6 scientists claim that the Russian roulette is perfectly safe".

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.....and the 6th one didn’t express an opinion either way.

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In what order did they confirm?

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(I saw what you did there)

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Right on! I bought a few Tee-shirts a few months ago, my own series of "Let's Go Brandon" tees; but, the best one yet: "I'm Not a Conspiracy Theorist, You're A F_____g Idiot"! (I'm sure you can fill in the blanks here)!

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Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha!

I want one!

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I just went to Tee Shirt.com & found several LGB & explicit Tees, relatively priced. After seeing the news report when LGB happened, I had to have a few more Tee shirts!

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Yea, I hope you find a few t's also. The folks at TeePublic are wonderful too, as I had a couple of return items, & they are easy to work with! Happy "Tee hunting"!

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Hey Steve, the tee shirt site is www.teepublic.com! Sorry if I misdirected you! Have fun with this site...

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www.teepublic.com, & type in Let's go brandon in the search...! I found it again.

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Hi Patricia. Thanks for the link. That Teepublic site is pretty amazing. I just paged through the first 20 or so pages just to see what they had. Awesome site. I'll probably go broke buying t shirts now.

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You're welcome, I'm happy you like it! I had to stop buying more tee's than I needed! I usually wear tees until they turn into rags, but I baby my LGB tees! Enjoy the day, & Fall weather!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Cheers to the truth tellers for standing up and doing what is right - that is how our great nation will be saved.”

Robert and Jill. And a huge cheer for you who are fighting an even harder battle than the rest of us. The personal attacks on you break my heart. I’m so sorry. Lifting you up in my thoughts and prayers.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

My Outlook has suddenly started posting "Outlook has detected an unsafe link." when I open Dr. Malone's posts. Happened yesterday too. Never happened before that.

Anyone else seen this?

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yes, I am aware of this. Microsoft. I seem to have hit a nerve with the post about the POLITICO limited hangout. Really quite a tell.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I noticed that myself. I made a post to that limited hangout substack, and yes, my vanity leads me to count the number of hearts I get. After 4:55, they dropped from decent flow to zero.

As with the posts of others.

My suggestion: Write a brief substack about it, and put in the title that Microsoft appears to be censoring you. That way your subscribers are notified when it appears in their inbox.

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Amazing. I suggest that anyone interested in the level of censoring that is happening go listen to the PPD interview of Andrew Tate - he was taken down from all social media (youtube, twitter, instagram, Linkedin) and airbnb and uber and debanked - HSBC and 2 other banks. Just unbelievable. All because he tries to give young men hope and confidence. Can't have that can we?

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I watched a video of Andrew Tate, with Tucker Carlson, & I couldn't believe what has happened to this young man- completely horrible! He is a very intelligent person, & I believe he will continue to wake more people up about the censorship that continues to happen to more people every day.

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I use Netscape/AOL. For a while now some of your posts end up in Spam. Some other of the same type too. So I start with each session with my e-mail with my Spam folder. Determined to never miss a one! They don't seem to learn. We'd call that typical.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wrote the following email to Microsoft Investor Relations: msft@microsoft.com


I subscribe to a substack written by Dr. Robert Malone: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/friday-funnies-its-dilbert-day/comment/9246833

My Outlook has suddenly started posting "Outlook has detected an unsafe link" when I open emails from Dr. Malone's substack. This happened yesterday too. It never happened before that.

My communications through the forum make it clear this has happened not just to me alone.

Is Microsoft censoring any email that flows through Outlook?

If so, I’ll need to find a substitute for Microsoft products. It won’t be easy, but I won’t be captive to a corporation that is censoring free speech.

I will also make others aware as much as I am able through various online forums.

I will take a lack of timely response as Microsoft not denying it is censoring.



Probably a waste of time. I really don't expect Microsoft will do anything other than ignore it.

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Perfect last line, prior to regards. Microsoft is sanctimonious! Having no soul.

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Thanks for this. If it keeps happening to me, I will do the same and then get another email company. I have outlook to keep my business name (never started the business but wanted to preserve name in case I finally go forward with it).

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I work at Microsoft and have not seen this - but Microsoft provides tools that company IT admins can use to do whatever they want, and so I suspect it might be your company doing this. I just did a test sending the above from my hotmail account to my Microsoft Outlook account and it came through no problem.

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That explanation doesn't hold up, Chris. It's my personal account, not a company account. (it's hotmail, but I access it through Outlook).

There were other commenters to the limited hang-out substack whose "likes" essentially froze around 5pm my time. So this wasn't isolated to just me. It's clear, there were fewer new readers of the substack beginning around that time.

Sorry, but the part Bill Gates has played in the pandemic fiasco, along with the censorious behavior of other Big Tech, doesn't provide Microsoft with any benefit of the doubt.

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Anything is possible, it is a big company, but weird that I'm not seeing this in my hotmail account, nor my office 365 account. By the way, Bill Gates has essentially nothing to do with the running of Microsoft these days. I have seen LinkedIn do some questionable things with censorship, and many employees complain when they do. So, I would recommend you find a support link and complain, chances are someone will see it and these things do bubble up if enough people speak up. All it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing.

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At&t sent mine to spam...I unspammedit. I'll wait and see what happens with future malone emails.

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My AOL account is receiving all Substacks fine - at least for now! :)

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Yes, I’ve gotten it a few times too!

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Yes, I do appreciate the research, & informative data both of you have researched, & shared for so many things that we are dealing with in today's world. The truth has definitely touched leftist lunatic nerves, & I feel these radicals are going to be running scared soon. God Bless you both, have a wonderful weekend!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WEFers appear to be a binary group. As with Bush II, you're either for us, or you're a terrorist. No nuance. No conversation. It is a very binary culture. And their ideas really aren't all that bright.

Humor is their weakness. So is ridicule. They absolutely cannot stand it. It reveals them as being basically silly, impractical, non-thinking people.

If they weren't so insanely rich, and if they hadn't spent all that effort "penetrating the cabinets" all over the world (perhaps there's an "Epstein" factor involved also? ya think maybe?), they'd really be a laughingstock. They just aren't that bright. (I mean - cow farts? Masks on cows? When they fly everywhere in private jets??!) That's probably why they hate humor so much. It gets much too close to the truth. And the jokes resonate with the ordinary people also.

Thanks for repeatedly poking them in their weak spot.

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Imo this is exactly why they hated Trump - he was better at ridiculing them than vice versa. He regularly used Alinsky's Rules against them and they despised it. This also would explain the huge gulf between many people's descriptions of him privately vs what we saw publicly. And look what his act exposed, he was the beginning of everyday America truly seeing the vast and deep corruption. Like him or hate him that's something to be thankful for.

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Couldn’t agree more!

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That's why I appreciate Dr Malone introducing me to Scott Adams. Fantastic that he is taking the piss out of these woke virtue seeking hypocrites. Their crazy rules need to be mocked and ridiculed, nothing less. The more acerbic the better.

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the other entity that hates laughter is the devil

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As Shakespeare said, "Many a truth is said in jest."

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bigger billboard. ;)

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good morning, Dr. Malone.

My wife and I are both in our 60s, and she's an RN in a unit that has been Covid only since that bioweapon was launched against us almost three years ago now. Neither of us has taken the jab.

I'm a little under the weather right now. I seem to have what was called the common cold before everything became a profit-generator for our trusted friends in Pharma. I'm going to live dangerously and let my antiquated immune system see what it can do.

Take care, friend.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Dr. Malone! I always look forward to these. Thought the Mr. Potato Head one was hilarious and the Babylon Bee is always great. Hope you and Jill have a blessed and peaceful weekend.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so thankful for Dr. Malone's courage to speak up.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you are a bright light in my life. See? Some good things have come out of COVID 19.

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Good morning Robert and a blessed September fall Friday on the farm.

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A bit of cartoon history in America. Rudolph Dirks' newspaper strip The Katzenjammer Kids celebrated its 117th anniversary on 12 December 2014. The strip, which features the adventures of a pair of rebellious twins of German-American origins named Hans and Fritz, was first published in the New York Journal on 12 December 1897. It had several artists in it's day. It made the Guinness.

Safe to assume it had some rather sensitive topic humor slant in all those years. Chill out WokeFolk!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hail Dilbert a proud member of the Great Reset Resistance. The GRR need to enlist Tony the Tiger to proclaim the resistance is GRReat. Seriously with so many previously trusted voices relied on for information having joined the forces of deception Dr Malone has become an American hero and a man I trust.

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The Syndicate and the curse of the "woke mobs"! Let the battle of the humorists begin!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hilarious today! Still LOLing. Potato Head generation Thanks You!.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love Friday Funnies - thanks so much :-)

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

re: the cartoon about climate change. Remember when it used to be called "global warming"? Since the temperature rise didn't pan out as predicted, it had to be renamed "climate change". I knew something was up when climate change was determined to lead to both hotter and colder winters. A good theory ought to be able to prove a hypothesis.

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I love your stealth on the redaction process of the Syndicated cartoonist identity.

If only Physzerr and Moe did the same on those Stat/Reports. It would simplify lots of things.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All good ones. Especially the Babylon bee skit. Thank you Dr Malone. Now I can get on with my day. I will look up Dilbert. Haven’t read the newspapers in a long time.

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That was such a good depiction of a gender studies grad activist you'd think the Bee let an actual real deal out of her cage.

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Dr. Malone , the cartoons and video of the crazed student was spot on . Some of the medical residents who make 60000/ year, and moonlight , spend credit cards like crazy. They love Biden for loan forgiveness… Just listening to their conversation melted my eardrums.

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