Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rasmussen pole shows Trump up 8 points nationally which is getting to the point of too big to steal. Baked in to knowing Kamala will win states like California, Chicago, and probably New York, for Trump to be up by 8 points is huge, because much of this lead goes to swing states. If Trumps lead gets any larger it will be impossible for the democrats to steal the election again because they will have to produce more votes than there are voters. This I believe is why the democrats are beginning to go full authoritarian on all conservative media people and it’s going to get worse I’m afraid. Hilary Clinton is now pushing for jailing conservative voices. All of their attempts to do away with Trump up to now have failed. The biggest problems are going to happen if Trump wins and all of the dug in democrats won’t seat him and won’t leave their positions in the agencies, then what? I fear the government law enforcement people that carry will be at odds as well. This escalation of the democrats and what I believe is their unwillingness to allow a peaceful transfer of power could result in civil upheaval, they are setting the stage. I don’t think people are going to sit on their hands this time if the democrats steal this. A large majority of the public don’t want authoritarian Marxism, socialism, communism. Four more years of this and America is finished. J.Goodrich

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen! I am now an authorized Va GOP representative to serve as a volunteer poll watcher for early voting that starts today in Va. We had training last night. I learned the Trump campaign and Va GOP has signed up 9,000 volunteers, 500 attorneys. I learned Va has cleaned the voter rolls thanks to Gov Youngkin’s EO. We still have to show ID to vote, that’s a good thing. The internals show Trump has put Va into play as a swing state and if we are vigilant he can win Virginia! Yippee!

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God bless you all. Let's pray other states will follow your unselfish example.

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VA is my home state. Thank you for serving there!

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https://trumpforce47.com/ I signed up here and was contacted by the state GOP, then my county chair. You must go thru a short zoom training session that qualifies you to serve. I’m looking forward to serving, never got involved in an election, but I’ve voted in every federal, state and local election for 50 years, never missed an election.

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I am knocking on doors and writing postcards.

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I would enjoy that also.

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We voted this morning in Virginia living close to Nokesville , great Weather lots of People it was a long line so my husband and I spoke German while waiting, and we got surprised by a couple right behind us which spoke in German to us ,very polite they wanted to know where we came from in Germany which we then exchanged our towns, and of course we spoke German together while in line people just kept looking at us and wondered some ask if we lived here, and our answer was yes in English we are Americans just in case you want to know :), the best thing of all was they are Republicans like us, the nicest part was she came from East Germany as I, she and her family escaped to West Germany as we did just before the wall was build, our memories from East Germany will never decline because we hear the propaganda here now and see how little effort it takes to convince so many young people and adults to believe, now thinking back it was the same in Germany, but never thought it would go here in the name of Socialism ( Communism) I still have hope the people will vote for a better future for them, and there offspring!!!

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HOW WONDERFUL that you had long lines!!!

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The Georgia State Elections Board has issued a new ruling requiring all ballots to be hand-counted before the certification of this November's election.

The board voted 3-2 to pass resolution 181-1-12-.12, mandating that a hand count be conducted at the precinct level on election night to ensure the totals align with machine results.

I believe this will stall results by days. Now, if they can just get the cheaters our of the counting process . . .

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There were more votes than voters in some precincts in 2020....It didn't change anything.

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Yes, there were and many judges refused standing to the Trump campaign in 2020.

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Its obvious in those instances and many others that the courts are corrupt.

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True—-we have to know who to go to for justice when cheating is discovered.

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I think the problem this time Andrew is the scale of phony votes the democrats will have to produce this election. There are definitely other factors this time like illegals voting, which is obviously their idea for opening the border. It is mostly as they say over and over again to replace us. I’m sure they are better at this game now and the biggest unknown to me are the machines and how they are manipulated. Oh and of coarse there’s 45 days left and as we see anything could possibly happen between now and then!!

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National popular vote may hint at what would be good/best for USA, and there has been mass emigration from brutish blue states (CA, NY, etc) to redemptive red states (yeah, you know who you are - keep it up) but the Electoral College is still the final poll. All the uncaged demonratz need to do is impact those few "swing" states. What’s been happening in places like Springfield, OH is just a microcosm of the impact 20M plus invaders are doing to our country. If any significant fraction of these invaders achieve the coup of casting votes…

You don’t need guns to subvert, take over a nation if you already have foxes in the henhouse. But you will need guns to clean up the mess.

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Good post.

I've posted this before, but tis the season again. Besides the various Project Veritas videos from 4 years ago that showed suspicious USPS activity in a few places around the country, I found this account to be the smokiest of them all. This is a long press conference that was, a few years ago, posted on YouTube, but was taken down and was subsequently hard to find. It involves the USPS, Pennsylvania-to-New York routes, and potentially hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots. FBI investigated, and wound up harassing Mr. Morgan (the whistleblower) instead, whose testimony you can skip to in order to save time.


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Maybe we need roadblocks to check for any of these interstate ballot 🗳 bandits!!!

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Good idea!

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FBI investigated :)

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They are so on it, Shelley. No worries.

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I've run the numbers in my state. It's not adding up.

But as I've been saying, come 6 November, one group is going to be very pissed. The difference of course is the actual response as you've outlined Mr. Goodrich. If DJT does win, I don't think we'll survive their temper tantrum.

And honestly, I'm not wholly convinced that is a bad thing.

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Indeed! That "peaceful transfer of power" IOW, Trump refusing to leave office, the left was SO concerned about in 2020 is about to actually come to pass in 2024 if the leftys lose.

Once again all one has to do to know what nefarious BS the left is up to is to listen to what they are accusing the right of doing. It works every time.

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Democrats are not "lefties".

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P.B. either way our country goes, it will be bad.

The difference is that one way is survivable and the other way won't be survivable!

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You know what? If the Dems cheat this time, there will be an army of lawyers ready to file lawsuits in behalf of the thousands of volunteers who will not stand for this again. Any judge that says we don’t have standing is going to look like a fool. American citizens have standing to bring suit against local election boards. I have learned a lot since 2020.

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Spot on James! This election must be TOO BIG TO RIG! The DemonRATS will try any and everything! #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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James, I pray 🙏 that we're not TOO FEW or TOO LATE!!!!

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Ana this was Trump on Gutfeld the other night, if he can stay at ease and let his real personality show he is going to win big. I think this is a post of the whole show. Not sure if you had seen it, it’s really telling of who he is!

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I really enjoyed watching Gutfeld with DJT the other night. He was so quick witted, fun, such an interesting segment to watch.

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I've missed watching 👀 Gutfeld's program.

I always used to watch his show.

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James, rest assured, I know who he is because I don't watch the Lame Stream Media that 99% of the time depicts him as Hitler and as a threat to "THEIR DEMOCRACY," but in fact, he is the savior of our REPUBLIC!

I made an EXCEPTION. I did watch My Favorite President on FixNews.

I haven't watched any of the programs on that network since they called the election early in 2020!!!

I'm sure you've seen my rants about not patronizing people nor companies who support the demise of the country that I LOVE !!!

I'm just not yielding on that stance!!!

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Or...the left find themselves increasingly looking Dumb And Dumber as a result.

In many ways folks will realize a belly full of nonsense enough truly eye opening nation wide.

That would be my wish, if granted only one per 4 year election cycle.

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The fix is actually easier than you think: stop the paychecks. Hault tax dollar collection and distribution. Biden can send trillions to Ukraine. Trump can lock it up until the deep state vacates. Hire good people who show up, move in, get paid. Keep boxes available for those needing to take home a few personal items. Be nice. Just not absent.

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I hope and pray you're right James.

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Thats one hell of a post mate, I will remember reading that and many of the others here for years to come. What an extraordinary time we live in. (by the way) I tried to find a way to get a copy of the video in todays funnies, but can't. Would you happen to know of a way? I would very much like to play it on my web sites here in Australia. Like many other things, we Aussies could take a valuable lesson from that video. Well done mate.

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jointheresistance.org. I just went there because I want the video for myself too. It's there on the home page.

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Thanks Jim, I have got it, copied it and looking to insert a bit of Australian Flavor to it, because both our Problems AND the Solutions are EXACTLY the same in USA and Australia (and other Countries as well of course). I appreciate it Jim, thanks again. Les

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Thank you Les, hope all is well with you!! I will try to find the link and send it to you my friend.

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Tried it and it worked Beautifully. I intend to try and "over write" some words that will inspire as many Australian People as possible. We have the Exact same problems and we need the Exact same solutions. I have tried to attract Dr Malone and many others to think about adopting a more "International Strategy" to this whole mess. I believe a large part of several BILLIONS of people offers a better "warning" to the Elite than a couple hundred Million. I have written a Paper on this I would allow you to read it is you felt inclined. Thanks heaps mate.

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Your very welcome Les, I’d love to read your paper, if you could attach it to a comment or email

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An election is an assumed thing

The progs / deep state / psychotic overlords may decide to cancel the election or suspend it in the interests of “democracy”.

Look at Brazil.

Mike Benz on the Shawn Ryan podcast gives the why behind what we are seeing and I recommend watching.

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That’s why we need to vote early, then demand our votes be counted.

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Vote early and if Trump is knocked off your vote is wasted. That is the big trouble with early voting...the bloody ballot can change before the deadline and your vote wasted

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Rambler, I don't understand.

Please 🙏 explain your above statement.

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People who have voted early have actually wasted their vote when the person they voted for dropped out or was removed for some reason. Or maybe a proposal is somehow added you do or do not like after you voted early. Tough. It happens

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of course he is no angel, either, and there is barely any choice for third party candidates... or fourth or fifth for that matter. The man mentioned here, whose children were medically kidnapped, is running for VP in Texas - with a man who changed his name to Literally Everybody Else.https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/the-neal-sutz-story-how-donald-trump-covered-up-the-largest-child-trafficking-story-in-switzerland-and-arizona-during-his-first-presidency/

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Correction: The Democrats are not Marxist, nor are they Communist, and only a bit socialist. They are Neoliberals.

SDS, by any chance? (Socialism Derangement Syndrome).

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well Dr. Malone, it has certainly been quite a week of essays! I may be the first person on your sub stack that people think of as rigid in thought. In many ways I admit I am, but in reality, with many subjects, I have an open mind. I can’t tell you between you and many of your subscribers posts, how many times my mind has been changed.

I think as of late many of us have our doubts, God why have you allowed these bad things to happen? To our country, the wars, the “pandemic”, the injections, the deaths, these threats to our liberties, inflation and our financial struggles, it certainly can create serious doubts inside of us. Sometimes doubts in faithful people is what it takes to create a response or a change. Doubting Thomas was the first person Jesus approached to show that he had rose from the dead.

Especially these days, there are times that people and myself can’t bear the weight of life or these questions, (the cross we bear), and we need help to carry us through. Even Jesus fell from under the weight of carrying the cross and Simon helped him to carry it. I would argue the reason that most of us are here is to be challenged in our thoughts, maybe to see things from a different perspective. Isn’t this how we grow? Isn’t this why the freedom of speech, the freedom of thought and the freedom of expression so basically imperative? Without free thought being challenged we will certainly become stagnant in our minds, is that what we want? I personally never want to constantly hear things that I agree with 24/7, it would be the end of my learning. Even if you walk away with your mind unchanged, it’s not a bad thing to have your beliefs challenged. Think of it as an exercise that strengthens your resolve. We should always embrace speech we don’t agree with, after all isn’t this the most basic principle of what it is to live in a free society? Thank you Dr. Malone for always making me (us) think! J.Goodrich

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It is my personal experience that God allows bad things to happen to test us, and because we get comfortable and lazy so we do nothing. Well, at the critical point, which it seems to be, I see no downside in standing against evil. I am profoundly surprised that so many people are suddenly seeing and saying out loud that what is unfolding is consummately other worldly evil. Is this an awakening?

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Meemanator, I pray 🙏 🤲 THAT IT IS plus ➕️ that we're not TOO LATE nor TOO FEW!!!

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Ah, God ALWAYS does the most with the least. David and Goliath comes to mind.

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Yes HE does!!!

That David (Trump) & Goliath (Big Tech) meme really resonated with me!

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I don't think you're rigid in thought at all and to further support my statement, I'd like to quote the unfairly maligned Barry Goldwater;

"There is nothing wrong with being right" and "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

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Agree folks have the right to say what they want, just as I have the right to not listen to them saying it.

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Agree with one exception - I ask questions and I do not close off to other opinions until those POVs prove to be glitter, not gold. It's how I learn and I can swear to you in the last 77 years I have learned a lot but not as much as I have in the last 4.

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Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

The collective of humanity is experiencing their interaction with God in real time.

The Apostle Paul had a similar view, expounded at greater length in Romans 1:

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

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I have read and listen to these verses many times as of late. They should be compelling but Man worships the idol of self.

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Pretty much sums up where we are at this juncture.

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In the interests of reflecting.

We say we want freedom.

God has given us freedom (as with the apple?)

We've done with our freedom as we wish.

So can we then ask ' God why have you allowed these bad things to happen?'

Is it a matter of our wanting something both ways?

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Human nature is a toddler that cannot grow up. We only mature in the spirit. So, without the desire to mature, humans act like children most of the time.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

James, I tried not to respond to the God question, and here I am. Why do we see God as a Being who will love one person unconditionally, and another not? To me God is not a separate, judging "someone" who takes sides. To elevate the notion of God out of the normal limitations will probably bring us to a more expansive, all knowing, all loving Being and that doesn't begin to uncover the vastness... Perhaps we should ask why have we done this to ourselves?

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God tells us about Himself in the Bible. We must not add or subtract from what is there in an effort to make it more palatable. There is much about judgment in the Bible and the only way to avoid it is by submitting to Christ and accepting His free gift of salvation.

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I didn't know that God wrote the Bible, I thought Jesus's friends wrote some; and you know how people tend to add to the mix with their own interpretations, hardly even accurate sometimes! I have a personal relationship that is nearer and more available than any Bible. And yes, I have read it more than once, attended classes with theologians and read everything I can find about Jesus, including Edgar Cayce.

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All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Above all, you know this: No prophecy of Scripture comes from the prophet’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the will of man; instead, men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21

The entire Bible was written by humans, but inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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Hi DD sorry so late with a response. In my mind God doesn’t love one and not the other no matter their sins. To me it’s the person and his free will that chooses evil and people that put him or her in power allow it to persist, probably unknowingly. In the end we will all be judged and hopefully forgiven. Whatever happens in the next couple of months I have faith things will work out whatever the results, no matter how bad things get. There have been plenty of societies that have been pushed into war or have fallen, or both and the people have been made to suffer or worse. Let’s hope things end civilly without people suffering.

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Strength training of the mind...for some, maybe more productive than for the body!

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kamala has been crowned queen of the kakistocracy.

(A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.)

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Who cackle when they should blush with shame.

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Given that the decision to golf was not planned well in advance, how did the shooter know to set up at that spot?

A mole in the USSS or the Trump campaign, maybe?


THIS, Dr Malone is the most important fact no one else is covering.

If this question is answered, the curtain will reveal who is behind it all.

The wizard. Who is / are they?

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The only other person talking about this and not letting it go is Dan Bongino and Susan Crabtree. I’m hoping Ron De Santis’s own investigation turns up something as the 3 letter agencies can’t be trusted to do the job.

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But he was there for twelve hours. How does that fit into the narrative?

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Well, it seems to me, that fits it perfectly.

Residing in a kill spot for 12 hrs prior to a kill shot attempt indicates

1) someone with the defense team arranged for that area to be omitted for inspection,

2) someone tipped him off for EXACTLY where to be.

3) He had some reason to believe it was a good spot if he was going to sit there that long.

4) It is VERY hard to see something as tiny as a muzzle in a fence with foreground covered in foliage as it was. SO, did the SS agent really just pick that out because he was THAT! good or did he KNOW where to look-- exactly.

EVERY single member of the SS detail and supervisors need to take lie detector tests to find the leak.

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I ageee.

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What if every golf course in the area had a potential shooter? Only the one where the SS were was found. There could have been 10 of them waiting for their opportune moment? But no target showed up and no SS detail was looking for threats. Ever consider that? Maybe Coutes or whatever his name was just drew the short straw.

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do so appreciate your bravery, Dr. Malone. It is inspiring.

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Couldn’t help but laugh at the ig noble award article today, been catching bits of it all week: reminds me of the late 1800s entertainer, Le Pétomane, the French fartiste

Cats: "Don’t Eat Me," bro. We’re going thru a period where local Reddit is filled with accounts of people/someone shooting cats - outdoor cats (and at least one scurrilous scoundrel justifying the assaults because of the evil outdoor cats do. Funny thing, on one of those days I caught/espied a neighbor cat leaving my garden with a vole or small gopher in its mouth - now that’s the kind’a evil I can get behind. Back to the original gripe: don’t be surprised if western Montana makes the headlines again with stories about the latest serial killer preying upon the helpless, unseen, undesirable.

Ya’know, I’m not sure how much blame can be borne by sugar. I think it’s what we’ve done to food in general and our so called health experts who "forced" changes upon what we eat and our food fractionating factories. I grew up in the 50s&60s when we had white bread devoid of anything, non-fat powdered milk, non-fat anything was just beginning (I even tried to like non-fat yogurt for a spell); AND our food factories learned how to make food trigger receptors in our brains that overwhelmed the satiety receptors in our guts.

When I went for my first trip through university a "fat" student was rare (and that fat student was most likely just overweight) - I myself was a lean mean (well actually very sweet) running swimming machine. Second go round, out on the left coast, the story was about the same. 30 years later, back for perambulation #4, I was floored by the number of youngsters who were not just overweight but downright obese.

Beyond the ability of food factories to drive our inability to say "no," I’m wondering if in just a few generations have we conducted a mass experiment (hopefully unintentionally) whereby we’ve entered the area of changes to our genome, say epigenetics, that is having deleterious impacts. That is, because of what we’ve done to our food, in the advanced advanced nations, we have been switching off and on genes in ways we never have before - to the point we now need drugs to foster some sort of control over our basic needs, like food.

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

SR Miller, I go ballistic when I see 👀 parents who give their 2 year old children soft drinks!!! 😢

They set them up for obesity plus ➕️ the parents are already there with everything on their plate SUPER-SIZED!!!

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Yeah, when I was a lad, soda pop/cola/Coke/etc was a treat, before I left Appalachia a caffeinated soda for b’fast was becoming a norm — yeah yeah - soda, sugar sweetened coffee/tea, what’s the diff? Well 16 oz regular soda has ~4 tbsp (TABLESPOONS) within - when was the last time you put 4T sugar in regular coffee? (My strong AM tea, 1 liter, has ~1 ½ T of HONEY - 32-33 OZ).

But it’s not just what’s going in, it’s what we’re taking out of our kiddo’s lives. The school nearby has the younger tots out a couple times a day, not sure about the older kids, but what about in the more urban/inner city schools - are they moving, regularly.

Well, I’m on the edge of going ballistic, starting a rant, so

Adieu, adios, so long, farewell — say goodbye to summer y’all: 10:43 AM Mountain, Sunday, after church I’ll be putting away my pantaloons and pulling out parkas. OK, just joking, almost October and we haven’t had a hint of frost, much a hard freeze so far {weird}. There are SoCal critters all over the place - the one downside to "global warming/climate change/ 🤷‍♀️ ." More noisome, a greater pestilence than ticks, the less hardy subspecies of the peripatetic SoCal’ite typically returns to its den when car windows frost. The ones that do remain make life difficult the rest of us with their inability to drive on snow, much left a few inches of ice. Oh well, only 8-9 months until Spring.

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I love Friday Funnies - a welcome oasis of giggles provided in these dreadful times. Here's my favourite: 'the fastest mammal in the land is the dog who's been asked what is in his mouth'! Absolutely true! Laughing-out-loud absolutely true!

Not a lot of people know this, but dogs are also the best mammals in the land at waking up people from deepest sleep! They do this by making certain retching noises presaging immediate catastrophe. Guaranteed to get one out of bed in zero seconds flat ...

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Actually had a boxer walk up to me lying in the couch and barf on my chest. My wife thought that rather funny, especially me trying to get that t'-shirt off. He was ok, he just barfed occasionally.

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He also once barfed in my shoe.

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Two times is wasn't on the floor or in the bed. That's a plus.

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Ha! Absolutely true! 0 to 2 seconds out of bed and looking for a towel!

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Yep! And generally resign oneself to a spot of emergency cleaning in the middle of the night ...

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Reading the other replies makes me wonder why people have dogs in their homes. I have had numerous dogs over the decades. Loved them all, but not one was allowed in the house.

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What price friendship Shelley. Have had few better friends than our dogs were.

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Mine were all rescued from dog rehoming charities, so had been traumatised by their experiences in kennels. No question of keeping them outside. In the house, they followed us everywhere. I had tears in my eyes when seeing our first one - the one in my av - follow my husband faithfully all the way to the compost bin, tail aloft, and all the way back ...

We were their pack, they came with us everywhere and if one of us had to go on a visit somewhere else, the other one of us stays home with them: 'The pack stays together' ...

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My last two were rescues, both part chow and border collie, not related. One was afraid of men. I had them on my farm - no kennel just a dog house, free to roam.

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Aww! Yes, one of mine was scared of men as well, and God knows what happened to her before she came to live with me: she was scared of tennis balls - where all collies in the vicinity were particularly obsessed by them...

Ours were/are Border Collie X as well, with Springer Spaniel in the mix in the Big Dog, whippet in the other, Greyhound in my beloved princess, and probably just collie in the present resident collie ... However, I live in a small terraced house in the middle of town, close to parks and playing fields, so lots of room for walks and play and swims in the river, but obviously no way to keep them outdoors.

I may be ever so slightly prejudiced, but IMHO BorderCollieX are the best!

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If you ever had labs....

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Oh but I have! 😃

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Yes, Shelley, I agree! I'm not allowing animals to ruin my home. I have a hard enough time cleaning up after myself and my husband.

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Vivian, people who have dogs know you speak TRUTH! 🤗

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the vivid image that comes to my mind with that is:

you KNOW he was eating poop!

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am working with Charlie Kirk’s TP/USA to ballot chase in swing states! I also worked here in our county in South Carolina to report voter registrations that didn’t match addresses anymore. I will also be assisting in driving door knockers around. Doing everything we can. And praying big time! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Awesome! We need to do what we can to elect Republicans. We need Donald J Trump back in our White House.

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Me too

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the best Friday Funnies I have seen in a while Dr. Malone. Thanks so much.

I would love to be in DC on the 29th, but have plans to be in Maryland at a different event.

This revolution is what we need, as it's better than civil war, which seems to be our trajectory right now.

I hope to be able to watch it, and support it somehow.

Going to my 50th high school reunion tonight, I remember when times were much more civil and patriotic.

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Maybe just Maybe, they're trying to kill him because they're not certain that they can cheat enough this time around!

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great clip by Miki W! Thank you for all you do! God Bless us all 🙏🏻

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20

Regarding the first few panels: I did a quick search for attribution, but am not seeing it. Who wrote/spoke the original variant of "They accuse others of what they themselves do?" Because it seems as relevant today as it ever has. What I conclude is that when your interlocutor lies brazenly, plays semantic games, willfully forgets what they said previously, and makes accusations of which they themselves are guilty....

There's really nothing more to discuss.

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Absolutely, Mr. Lord. I've run into the worst of them here in my blue state. They are absurdly insane yet functional. And incredibly self righteous.

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P.B. it must be a prerequisite for being a rat 🐀 because I'm in a red state however my sister is a rat 🐀 and YES she's very self-righteous!!!

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James, What you describe is called "projection of one's Shadow onto others."

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hmmm. back of my mind is telling me this is some damn commie like . . . Saul Alinsky?

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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Enjoy posting these cartoons on Instagram

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This is why Kamala is compared to a hyena. Just listen! Freaking amazing, eh??


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Sep 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Rescue the Republic" video was very inspiring.

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Happiness. Mindfulness. And any sort of multisyllabic words used to mollify the masses

I prefer to exist within the realm of contentment - not only with what I HAVE but with what I can achieve.

I find statements like "anyone can be president" to be antithetical to reality: as smart, intelligent, blessedly gifted in so many ways, being POTUS was never in the cards for me (although, over the years I’ve come to rethink my original position based on some of the candidates democrats have put forth - HeelsUpHarris being the latest): I’m not particularly good looking and oratorial skills have always eluded me. This is not to say we shouldn’t strive, even aim high, higher than we’ve gone before. In contentment there is joy, satisfaction, peace of mind — ideals that seem so lacking today.

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