Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm so tired of talking about pronouns, I want to go back to amateur nouns.

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Why? I just ignore it all. But then I’m old and retired

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Oh, I totally ignore this pronoun BS! I’m old and retired also; but, if that “female Harris” gets to the WH, I may have to find a job!

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I think we should instead focus on adjectives & nouns. I've got a bunch that I'd like to use to describe those who are promoting this insanity.

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I’ve got few VERBS I’d like to use!!

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Total insanity! Too many cry-babies that get their feelings hurt over a noun or adjective as you mention! My feelings are: suck it up, buttercup! Deal with it- life happens!

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ask them what are their antinouns.

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We've all been invited to the Mad Tea Party. And I'm afraid they insist.

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I think we should return to The Boston Tea Party

And there’s a lot more than Tea I’d like to fill the harbor with

P.s., I like tea so that would be a waste in my eyes; but ya know what wouldn’t be a waste, tho it might violate EPA rules, …?

🤔 had a thought: the River Seine, that’s where the "trash" should go.

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Breathing violates some epa rule or other

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I’ve been holding my breath since November 2020

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That's their game to get us away from focusing on issues!!!

Look at the chaos that they're creating about how to pronounce 🙃 her name?!?!

I'll still call her Kaca-mala because everything that she represents is BS!!!

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I always just use Karmella.

but on re-thinking this I have to go along with Jesse Walters:


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Que Mala.

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I sort of like Kamaltoes

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Yes, everything these left-wingers, or radicals throw at us- (common sense folks), are distractions. As my Daughter keeps telling me, “God will take care of the greater good”. I believe God will; we just have to be positive & have faith! Some days, that is difficult for me, but, I keep going forward!

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This should break the internet.

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I saw what you did there. 😂

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I refuse to "honor" anyone's pronoun mental illness. It needs to be treated. Not enabled.

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08/17/24: Castrate the left --- eliminate ALL pronouns (better idea: just do Act One).

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Kamala is looking to create Soviet style price controls that whenever forced on businesses throughout the world create food shortages. This same plan has been tried in China, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, Romania and her father tried this in Jamaica, all leading to starvation. As it is there is only 1 1/2-2% profit on food produced wether through the grocery store or the actual food producers. She also plans on setting national rent controls. What will happen with her idiotic plan is businesses will close and product will disappear from shelves. No store owner will work 12 hours a day running a business for free. Leftist socialism creates starving masses. This communistic plan will inevitably lead to government run food production and government stores or controlled stores. Farm owners will quickly sell off their farms and who do you think will buy them. Yes China, isn’t that what Biden/Harris have been doing for nearly four years now. J.Goodrich

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James, this has been the plan for years! It started escalating quickly in the Obama years! Trump threw a wrench in their plans and they need to speed things up even more quickly now!

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Can't let this latest crisis go to waste!

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The "Republican" president ( and "CFR" member) Richard Milhaus Nixon instituted WAGE & PRICE CONTROLS on August 15, 1971; not to mention took America OFF the gold standard so now in 2024 AD, after printing a gazillion fiat paper dollars is now very close to the intersection of having a NEGATIVE value!

Just about the same time Nixon and his Secretary of State (and "CFR" member) - Henry Kissinger - made their "secret" trip to meet with "Chairman" Mao and "open China" - (which hasn't exactly worked out for the MIDLE CLASS workers in the USA - what with wholesale closing of American industry) that relocated to Communist China (and Mexico); nor the U.S. Treasury being that MASSIVE (yearly) multi-MILLION dollar trade DEFICITS with Communist China happened - (possibly reversed in one or two year of the 1st Trump Administration).

BTW, one of Joe Biden's close "advisers" - Anita Dunn - is an unabashed "devotee" of Mao (who happened to be directly responsible) for FIFTY MILLION Chinese children, women and men starved, butchered, enslaved during (his) Chinese Communist Revolution - which in hindsight makes the 6 million Jews murdered by Hitler's National SOCIALISTS aka the "NAZIs" look like complete amateurs - or the Russian Bolsheviks 20 Million during the Russian Communist Revolution.

And now, Kalamity Harris' VP pick whatshisface WALZ - is another unabashed admirer of the Communist Chinese (did I read he "honeymooned" in Communist China)?

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Don't know about Walz, but Mark Kelly met Gaby Giffords in China before they were married and she was elected to Congress.

Walz & wife did own a business that took high school student to China every year while they were teachers.

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Very recently on TV - Walz spoke with exuberant - but not quite giddy praise for the Communist Chinese.

Oh, yeah, Bernie Sanders also honeymooned in a Communist utopia, MOSCOW.

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Tom, maybe that was the Genesis of the UNIPARTY?!?!

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Ana, the "Council on Foreign Relations" is the HEAD of the UNIPARTY - being that BOTH "Republicans" and "Democrats" are members.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

It was formed in 2021. It had 50 years to evolve from then to Nixon's time!

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Presidents are just heads of state. Its Congress that writes all the laws, adds all of the different agencies and funds them. The senate makes sure that the' head of state' does not cross them with bad nominations for weighty positions. Notice how Congress can never quite find a way to quickly deal a blow to agencies that get out of hand? When they do have a hearing nothing unless it's the Dems going after a republican.

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Well, THAT is the way the U.S. Constitution is SUPPOSED to work, unfortunately FEW elected who "SWEAR" to "UPHOLD" that Document

abide by their sword oath.

MANY clearly have never even READ the U.S. Constitution - Joe Biden being one, and "AOC" Absolutely Obnoxious Communist another.

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I read that pretty much no one in Congress actually writes any legislation any more, since the 1980's. The true framers of legislation are the lobbyists, who just hand it off, fully formed, to the politicians.

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Yes, that does look like the plan.

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Could this be part of plan to get to 'One World Order' with 2050ties 'universal meal' for each and all?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that President Nixon enacted a wage/price freeze when inflation hit during his administration.

To me, as a temporary measure that seems better than bankrupting millions of lower/middle income people.

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Yes, I looked it up. The freeze happened in 1971 by a Republican "communist", R. Nixon!

Here is a link to a video of his announcement:


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Perhaps Nixon was a communist. After all, he opened the USA to communist China thru Henry Kissinger hyjinx. Nixon also opened up the EPA which in now a ball and chain. Kissinger went on to found the World Economic Forum with David Rockefeller and Klaus Schwab

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Tom, 53 years ago almost to the day, under scandal and executive order Nixon placed price and wage controls on the US. It turned out to be a disaster like every time it’s been done before. Like socialism and communism it never works but especially with the communist team Harris and Comrade Walz. I wonder if their communist price controls will come with lock downs, forced experimental chemical injections, closing businesses, closing churches, shooting people with paint balls for going on their porch, draconian fines for people that tried to keep their businesses open after building them for a lifetime, allowing cities to be burnt down, bailing out violent criminals, letting murderers rapists and terrorist in by the thousands, you know Tom like how good socialists destroy a once great country…

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Was Nixon a Communist?........a Socialist?

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communist! Communist! COMMUNIST! Socialist! Say it over and over! What a weapon in your arsenal!

Ooga Booga! Ooga Booga!!!!!............So there!!!!

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I think Nixon was just another empty seat holder like most presidents, doing what they are told. Kissinger was likely wangled in there by a group of CIA spooks or whatever. . . We will never know.

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No doubt Kissinger was placed with Nixon as a guard for the status quo and for things to come.

I'll note that every year of Nixon's presidency the Dems had, by double digits, control of both House and Senate. The original NEPA was in the works in 1968 and Congress' Council on Environmental Quality was added to the NEPA. Nixon did sign both into law.

Between 1913-1970 successive congresses were adding numerous agencies to deal with pieces of the Environment. Nixon requested a reorganization to consolidate at least a dozen agencies spread across the government, which Congress approved to then be called the EPA in 1970.

If you want to hit at a Republican President from the past, hit at Taft. He had both H&S his first two years and they were the ones that put out the 16th Amendment for state ratification.

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I was kidding about the Communist part. I remember how Nixon railed on and on about how we had to stop Communism in Viet Nam before more dominos fell.

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He said it was voluntary and only 90 days. I wonder who was giving him economic advise. Perhaps it was a trial balloon?

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I see nothing wrong with this announcement. It was a 90 day price / wage freeze and he committed to NOT developing a large bureacracy based on this temporary plan. Sounds . . . reasonable.

What am I missing.

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When the restaurants are forced to close, who will we tip? I don't play golf and my wife cuts my hair.

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James, I seem to remember (not a betting proposition) that, yes, the producers (farmers, ranchers) and end sellers (say, grocers) have marginal profit margins; but, it’s the middle of that supply chain where profits are healthy - not including the distributors (truckers) in that group: no, it’s the folks, outfits who never get their hands dirty, never touch the product and may never even see any of the product. One reason why I’ve been moving toward filling my simple pantry with foods as direct or close to the producer as possible. So far this has been easiest with a regional flour miller that also sells bulk berries (which I mill with a hand cranked mill. My grocers are employee owned and there are numerous ranchers close by (a couple who are overtly Christian which is important to me). I will admit that I should research CSA (community supported ag) and sign up.

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SR Miller, they’re maybe middle distributors that make money but the food producers and the grocery stores make barely enough to stay in business. Part of the problem that I see is Kamala and Biden always demonize the grocery store owners, I heard her bash them. The owner of the gas station also has a very small profit margin. I’ve been in business for almost 40 years. It’s never the rich customer that gets hurt when regulation ties up mybuildi g permits or added regulations, registrations, licenses insurance it’s always the small guy that takes the hit. Maybe a big part if the problem is the governments overspending. Kamala being the deciding vote on massive spending bills. Maybe Kamala should propose spending cuts, more energy production to lower fuel casts. She only offers more free stuff and higher spending which is what’s got us into this disaster. But what do I know??

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Well, I think you know enough to be trouble; yes, it’s the end points that get squeezed: the producers and the final sellers - why, maybe because those are the only ones really visible to the consumer: we know WHERE our beef and corn comes from and we know who SELLS that product to us. That makes it easy for someone who wants to demonize , to score cheap points, to go after those two.

Similarly, folks like HeelsUpHarris demonize the gas station owners and the oil companies (extraction and refining) but seem to skip over the distribution systems/pipelines, in favor of the two end points we know, Exxon and the local station selling Exxon.

The only entity involved in the supply chain that gets rich is the taxing authority (gummint) which has no actual involvement at all. Geez, what a racket. The only entity that has close to its profitability, that’s large enough to matter, may be Apple, Inc. 😆

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A recent TV ad promoting reelection of Bob Casey (PA) to the Senate, blames "greedy corporations" for inflation of all goods and services. This is far from the truth. The fact is that inflation was caused by govenment spending bills under Biden and the excess cash consumers had been given and saved during the COVID lock-downs. Once the COVID fears subsided, that excessive cash was chasing a limited amount of product and prices took off. Price controls on food is just plain stupid! Heaven help us from "Kalamity"!

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Spot on James! RIP AMERICA!!!! 🎯🎯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🤬🤬🤬

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Thank you Jennifer!!

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Yes, I looked it up. The freeze happened in 1971 by a Republican "communist", R. Nixon!

Here is a link to a video of his announcement:


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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was going to write something profound but by the time stopped laughing at that last picture I’ve totally forgotten what it was.

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I resemble that comment!

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Kamala has not included the term I use for all “alternate “ pronouns— Comrade.

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Walz had a snitch on your neighbor hotline during Covid and Harris requires full Covid vaccines, ugh.


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Correct. He was terrible during covid having police chase grandmas if they left the house. In MN we call him nobalzwalz. He’s a mindless tyrant. Infected with the woke virus.

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I will second that!

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Everyone knows this pig 🐷won't fly -- unless a stolen election is something you can't decry.

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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

AND, if you work in the Harris Administration, you must be "up to date on your Covid vax". https://x.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1824480659760349463/photo/1. Unbelievable.

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Wonder if she gets a real shot or Saline.

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I wonder when vaccine induced turbo cancers will thin the ranks. Karma may be the best thing that ever happened to America if Kamala steals the show again.

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. . . we are thinking alike here Barb.

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Holy Crapp!

That is GOOD news for the rest of us. It almost insures a self dis-assembling health crisis for Karmella and her ilk


I really wanted to say: "dissembling" but held back.

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Explains a lot about Kamala's addled brain!

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Dr. Malone, please do not use my handwritten notes without attribution 😃

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That toon resonated. Worked in a public health lab we had forms for physicians to fill out with specimens they sent for analysis. Check boxes. But some always had to improvise instructions and it was a lab meeting to interpret what they wanted.

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Years ago I had a colleague whose notes were wholly uninterpretable— I finally asked him about how he Wouk defend himself in any malpractice cases— he replied” it’s easy— I can say they mean whatever I want!”.

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I tried to decode some in my day! Oh my! Can’t think of the worst one. Too funny when we had to tell an intern or resident what the Dr wrote🤭!

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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the Charlie Brown funny. How monkeypox got started is hilarious. Now about the pronouns! Are they down right crazy? This is all nonsense and anyone that goes along with it are crazy, or a nicer word would be mentally ill. But I like the word crazy. Have a great Friday and please don’t put on your fairy costumes in public. 🤪

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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh no!!!

My cat is a snitch!!!!

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what if ya' got two like us?! Geez.

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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I once told my extremely intelligent son, you should be a doctor; your handwriting is near perfect! Looks like he's heading for priesthood, instead.

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Hey priests and ministers are doctors of our souls. Look for a good one with the traditional RX. Enjoy your weekend 🏔️

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Actually some studies published many years ago indicated a significant trend for those with bad handwriting to go into medical practice. Causation not clarified.

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Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No complaints here about public school lunches in the late 60s!

We had all the nations covered. Really!

I loved my school lunches! (those ladies worked hard in those kitchens too)

I was a hungry growing young teenage BOY. ( that's right, I said BOY!)

My mother was the best cook in town when dinner time rolled around as well.

Like I said....No Complaints!

God Blessed America!

Not quite sure anymore.

Some bureaucratic admin replaced him maybe?

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

"The longer you look, the worse it gets" Which Vehicle" The truck next to the red SUV?

Re: The "Feed your human, Bathe your human, Cuddle your human, spy on your human" one = Somebody better warn El Gato Malo.

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Nice way to finish the week … with a laugh!

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We have a democrat presidential ticket that I’m not sure who is the bigger liar. When Walz lived in Nebraska he was caught going nearly 100 miles per hour shitfaced out of his mind. He failed to stop for police and was sighted for drunk driving, driving to endanger and failure to stop. He was so messed up after arresting him they brought him to the hospital. To this day he continues to lie about what happened and still says he drove himself to the hospital. These two are the perfect democrat ticket, yah that’s the ticket, I’m the president of that organization!!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Doc - Two thumbs up for the orientation of this Friday’s array that most everyone can chuckle at. I especially appreciate the thoughtful and justifiable disclaimer: “Honestly folks, I am trying hard to put in some memes here - but the Harris/Walz admin just keeps getting in the way!”. When ‘it is what it is’ is out there for all to see, whaddya gonna do?! Have a great weekend!

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