Small suggestion: When you share a video between two people who are both on Rumble, please share that version. Why support the censorious Google enemy if we don't have to?

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deletedMar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023
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There have been many frank discussions surrounding medicine, science, culture wars and the overall great divide in this country and around the world. That full video just says it all. Thank you!

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I think considering this a "lab leak" is quite possibly a diversion from reality....Spartacus looks at it a bit differently, to put it mildly. Once you look at the totality of Covid "activities," "accident" becomes a rather absurd concept, imho.


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Covid is a well orchestrated, well financed and intentional man made catastrophe. I have called it " the plan-demic" since 2/2020. The flood gate to the demise of America was kicked open at that moment in time. I would give anything to have been wrong.

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That may have kicked open a floodgate of unintended consequences. Checked the headlines lately? Folks finally waking up to what has been going on for over 2 centuries now and not liking what they see.

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I really hope you're right, Dr. Nash.

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I really think the results are "up to us," as my decades of science & esoteric study has led me to believe a) there is a Divine "center" of All That Is, call this aspect of our reality God, Allah, the One Creator, Great Spirit, The Web That Has No Weaver, etc., that this is both our true home and our destiny, and that Love and Consciousness are the heart of God and us as well, but that b) free will is real and a portion of Creation tends to take very deviant paths, leading to the phenomenon we call Evil, Wetico, The Seven Deadly Sins, the Devil, Anti-Life, or Emotional Plague, etc.!

So, because free will is real, those who choose to align themselves with the "other," the not Life, not Love, not Oneness, they can create some genuine horrible havoc if we do not Stand Up for what we are and what we believe in:



"Doing to others as you would have done unto you!"

Free Will.

All "positively aligned" individuals eventually choose to devote a significant portion or their lives to "service to others," while all "negatively aligned" individuals will overwhelmingly choose "service to self," in the extreme.

Think an Anthony Fouci, willing to cause the deaths of millions to make money with "vaccines" and to enslave billions! Or a Bill Gates. Klaus Schwab or Joe Biden, willing to bring WW lll to cover up the Covid Coup on humanity.

For these types to be successful they must trick us into going along with their plans. And, so far, to a large extent, they have.

But it is my personal opinion that with God all things are possible, and that if good women and good men Stand The Heck Up, the evildoers of this Earth are toast. And it looks like they did over play their hand and totally expose themselves to BILLIONS, as well!

May Goodness overcome Evil, by humans finally deciding to not be sheep, but to be Lions of God, instead.


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That, plus was it Wuhan or UNC Chapel Hill that did the release, whether intentional or not? IMO, we cannot discount the idea that as the coverup collapses, the final move is to concede the obvious while pinning blame elsewhere...

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The ModeRNA patented SARS-COV-19 was secreted out of Canada by two CCP embedded scientists to Wuhan...

...the genetic sequence and Furin Cleavage site were almost immediately verified in the “leaked” but PURPOSEFULLY spread COVID-19

Fauci basically testifies that “you have to make the bioweapon before we can make the cure”...


All mRNA GENETIC medications need to be stopped and placed by into real STAGE I trials before any are release on humanity...

...shedding airborne melanoma cells sounds like a bad idea

Raccoon City...

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Agreed. Our only level 4 lab in Winnipeg, Canada was infested by CCP scientists up to 2019. A scandal then when they were fired and fled back to China with samples from our lab ie Ebola. No explanation from Trudeau. All covered up after by the Liberal media. Shortly after, the CCP did war games in n Northern Ontario, both on land and in the air. They wanted to learn how “to operate in the Arctic”. The hey will invade there. Current huge scandal: CCP influenced 11 candidates in 11 districts re illegal $$$ and contributions to the “Trudeau Foundation” to elect Liberals. Like the Clinton Foundation. Our Intel agency, CSIS, leaked the documents to the press. Trudeau knew. He was briefed in 2015 and 2019. But he has a corrupt deal with a fringe socialist party that keeps him in power. Trudeau needs to go to prison for treason. From Canada. Honk! Honk!

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I remember reading about the scientists who left and efforts to get more information were met with claims that it was a matter of national security and therefore off limits.

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I wonder how many "useful idiots" that have bought the bs marxist propaganda will accept the actual truth when put right in their face. Doesn't seem to have had much success so far when twitter was exposed.

Blaming President Trump, racism, and misinformation will most likely be their first response, especially if it hurts their "feelings"!

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Agree, Katherine. Any time there is a reversal of a message, one should consider it is done to confuse and further divide the population.

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Loved that scene from Jurassic Park when the movie came out, how appropriate an analogy. To see a man like Fauci transfer Americas most advanced bio weapons technology to an unsecured laboratory in Wuhan China what could go wrong. What a fool. Now over a million Americans dead and all we have are lies, excuses, trillions more in debt, and pontentially WW3. J.Goodrich

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Not a fool--a sociopath

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Hopefully to be proved a foolish sociopath--in court

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Not so sure he's a fool. From his position it depends on what his goals were. From his point of view he may have been hitting the jackpot From our standpoint its an entirely different picture.

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I do think the man is a fool. When sending these technologies to our biggest enemy alone is so stupid. We were 15 years ahead of them before his decision to do this. For sure China has made a complete fool of him.

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May be right if for no other reason than he allowed them (Brix et al.) to make him the poster boy for all their nonsense making him the low hanging fruit when piper-paying time comes around.

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What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. Mark 8

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This statement is a big reason why I believe Fauci is a fool.

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Don’t miss this one, guys, though I am a bit biased…:


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God, that was a depressing read but kind of indicates why, when I asked my doctor about options for early treatment for Covid, she replied--“There are none. Just oxygen and when you get worse, intubation and Remdesivir; oh, by the way, you’d better get vaccinated because at your age, 65, you’ll most likely be hospitalized and die without it.”

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It occurred to me much reticence we see from the med profession to admit just how dangerous (and ineffective) the jabs are is because they took the bloody things and became members of the zombie apocalypse.

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Yes, and they are required to go along with the hospital’s narrative if the hospital is to receive Fed Govt funding. Why would one essentially throw away the time, effort and money spent in med school just to become a mouthpiece of the Federal government spewing now, a proven false narrative?

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Because they did not take enough business courses??

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LOL, apparently. They can't see that the future is coming, and they aren't in it. They're about to be replaced with AI and dirt cheap LVNs....

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I've swapped out my doctor for another one for a lot less reason than that.

It's almost to the point we're better off w/ no doctors.

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I can’t give up my dermatologist—he puts a gold star sticker on your folder if he finds out you are a “truther”. ♥️🤣

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I've had exactly the same thought. I receive most of my care from a (very enlightened) MD/ND. However, she is not part of my health insurance plan, so I still need the signed-up standard MD as a backup in case of something like broken bones or other serious situation. However, I've decided to skip and ignore the usual pleas to schedule the Annual Wellness Visit, jabs of any kind, etc. After all, who needs 'em?

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The question "Why do I make a better doctor than my doctor does?" comes to mind....

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Freedom to act on your own? Docs have seemed to have lost that ability.

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That was the exact conversion I had with my nurse practitioner early 2021. She already had covid and then took the jab.

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"Scientists should wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, so we know who owns them."

Same for elected officials.

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Today china would probably lead in sponsorship

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

100% straight across the board! Winners, each and everyone! Of course we know I can't resist that dear kitty as my #1. WHO is the second place. The Brand one sounds familiar. Appreciate your answer - the facts folks, supplement if you want then - think for yourself.

Really need cheer today, running into perverse HLOC issues. Hoping I can catch the 9ish CPAC session tomorrow. MTG was a winning show this am.

Hope you folks are having a very positive experience! No doubt though it will be good to get to drop in at home. Much caring - Bestest!

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Agree. May well be the best set ever

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thanks Dr Malone for the comedy. And we are pretty intrigued by the "trial med" you are taking re: the FLCCC docs.

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Really good one this week Dr. Malone. As usual you laugh, you cry, etc. The one with doctors wearing their sponsors is so right on it’s scary. 😧

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Sponsor jackets is a great idea. Academic journal articles already require statements of sponsorship or vested interests, but the media's version never picks up the sponsor info.

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Missed the Merck one tho

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It’s a tattoo on his arm.

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I'm sure glad I got my red pills already.

Danny Huckabee

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I love Russell Brand--he never has to take a breath♥️

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Yes - and their exchanges border on priceless

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I always look forward to the Friday Funnies! I cancelled our biased newspaper years ago. This is my new comics page. 😂🤣

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Yep. Biden is THE worst president in history. We live in a country where most of those in positions of power hate GOD, His created order and hate those who love Him. The demonic strongholds have roots and it will destroy us. We need national repentance.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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The suppository one was hilarious!

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