At the bottom of my comment I posted Donald Trumps full speech at the Al Smith Banquet. The banquet is to raise money for Catholic charities supporting children of various needs in the archdiocese of New York. Kamala didn’t show up.

I’m sure you’ve heard at least part of Kamala’s horrible hateful anti American speech about Columbus discovering America. It seems Columbus may be the only immigrant Kamala hates. Maybe she doesn’t like Catholic Italians, I don’t know?? How can you be the president of a country you have such disdain and hatred for? For all of the wealth, PROPERTY, and benefits she has been afforded by America, where’s all the joy Kamala? This hatred filled speech may give us some insight as to why this Marxist is hell bent on destroying America and its citizens.


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PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I was shocked when I heard that Kamala was skipping the Al Smith dinner. I’d really hoped she would come because we can’t get enough of hearing her beautiful laugh."

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I hear that Kamala and her husband carve out some really beautiful alone time at the end of the day for an intimate dinner. Just Doug, her, and the teleprompter."

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I used to think Democrats were crazy for saying that men have periods. But then I met Tim Walz."

"Unfortunately, Governor Walz isn’t here himself. But don’t worry, he’ll say that he was."

President Trump to Chuck Schumer: "Considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president."

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "The fact is, we need new leadership in this country. Right now we have someone in the White House who can barely talk, barely put together two coherent sentences, who seems to have the mental faculties of a child... But enough about Kamala Harris."

Jim Gaffigan: "The Democrats have been telling us Trump's reelection is a threat to democracy. In fact, they were so concerned of this threat, they staged a coup, ousted their democratically elected incumbent, and installed Kamala Harris."

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He was a riot!!! I loved when he said I’m supposed to make jokes of myself ok here we go….. Ive got nothing,,,,

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10/18/24: Emergency supply to the rescue!

Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Nice....good punch line. Thanks for sharing.

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Danno (posted elsewhere): At first I thought it was a true story.

10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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I see, I can understand why a person(Democrats) may have thought about the story as true, however; Harris did not spend any time with the Hurricanes victims so I knew it was a joke.

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Hilarious! Thank you! I’m only a few days late in my response, but I blame it on my dentist- I had to have a tooth removed & man- it has been a long week & a few days since my tooth was removed, but, it didn’t want to be pulled! Thank you for a great laugh!

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I am delighted that we found a cure for dental misery (temporary, but better than naught). And this will hit the daily double:


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Don Reed, thanks for the 🤣😂! So sad they left our people behind!

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10/18/24: You're most welcome. Unfortunately, the author is Incognito (unknown). He / she really ought to get credit for writing what is the funniest thing in quite some time.

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Danno (posted elsewhere): At first I thought it was a true story.

10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so colossally stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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My like button is Kamala Harris (in fact, it's in even worse shape; it doesn't work and it can't blame anyone else for its own incompetence), so let me say now that you have done us a great favor condensing these punch lines, which are A-# One!

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Thank you for consolidating, I shall be forwarding along.

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Loved how he hammered Bill Deblasio.


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The marxists have run out of shade. Hid behind the "liberal" tag for umpteen decades and now it no longer provides that protective shade so the gloves are off. Every pol who served the progressive camp was a marxist going back to wilson and beyond. Which is why I harbor suspicions to all the new alleged converts to our Republican governance because every vote they cast in the past was basically a vote to abandon our founding. And I have to wonder just how ignorant they were of that fact

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Yet didn't it reveal yet again the cannibalism of "the Left," when the woke mob at Princeton went after Wilson.

"Princeton To Remove Woodrow Wilson's Name From Public Policy School" (2020)


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What it shows is the absolute level if ignorance they represent. What they "know" about anything is what they are told to know at that particular instant.

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My *like* button is off again… that’s why they go after the ‘students’. They are all passion and energy, without wisdom. They’ve been taught WHAT and not HOW to think.

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Why can’t the past stand on its own two feet? Not changing reality of what we are up against! Amazing how Marxists are do brazen now!! Get out the vote is right.

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What all the little subversives seem to have discovered and utilized is that when our ancestors' yesteryear is judged by current standards, there becomes a fountain of perpetual grievance. And victimhood is currency $$$.

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They must get rid of the past because the past, shows who they have always been.

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That was the BLM movement which woke up to the KKK loving Wilson.

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Oops *so* brazen! School teacher coming out or maybe old nurse too!

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I'm suspicious of any politician who constantly refers to anything other than America as a Constitutional Republic!

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So am I.

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As do I, ‘infiltration' of every institution is how this works.

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I appreciate every pushback on this administration’s agenda. Thank you. I don’t appreciate changing American History.

Of course, that’s what Marxism, socialism and communism do best. Our freedoms are at stake this election.

One side of my family (Cherokee) were here when the white man came from England and Switzerland. On the white man’s side, I have a grandfather way back who brought his 5 Puritan children here to have freedom of religion in Massachusetts! His son’s statue stands in Springfield as a founding father.

Thank you each one for your remarks.

Also, my grandfather on Dad’s side opened his door one night to a knock, KKK! I was told he turned pale as a ghost. Wrong house but what a scare!

We are pushing the right way! Vote!

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Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Remember JG there is a script written for the Leftist Characters in place.

One we have little clue about their controlling end results of.

One we know for certain we want no GD part of is quite clear!

Soon the ides of November will shine a spotlight on what will be operations deployed.

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When the comedian at the A S dinner said something really bothers me, I said ya, the undecided, and he said how can anyone be undecided.

Thank you for the link. I had volume all the way up with headset and could not hear Trump, who is one of two people that my poor hearing can always hear, even without a headset. My son thinks they turned down the mic when he was talking.

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10/18/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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The Sun is rising slowly and waking up the real Patriots who will smash and erase this stinking and destructive entity. Please listen to what the valiant Bishop Richard Williamson has to say about ***the worm in the apple***:

https://rumble.com/embed/v4k31q9/?pub=3brwhx = lies exposed since 1945

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One small problem with this diatribe: the hundreds of thousands of surviving Jews who know intimately of the extent of their losses. Not sure why you chose to post this?

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I’m gonna watch this, thanks. I’ve seen parts of Trump’s and it’s sooooooo good! Kamala is a Marxist like her daddy. Her goal is clear, and it ain’t good!

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FULL REMARKS: Jim Gaffigan Shows No Mercy To Democrats Or Republicans At 2024 Al Smith Dinner - Hello to all the rich people..."


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This woman has such disdain for America, that I can’t understand how any true American could vote for her! It’s so sick and I’m trying real hard not to feel ill feelings towards these peoples because it would mean caving in to what they are trying to achieve.

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I think it was recently postulated that Columbus was likely a Sephardic Jew. We know Kamel doesn't like Jews.

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An open question still being asked:

Likewise, there is evidence that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.  The Jewish scholar, Eliezer Segal, cites Columbus’ biographer S. de Madariaga and the Jewish historian Cecil Roth, as providing the most cogent arguments in favor of this view.     “...there has been some weighty scholarly debate over the possibility that Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic, might also have been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews.

Ironically, this view has been championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a Spanish Jew than an Italian gentile.

“There is evidence that Columbus spoke Spanish while still living in Italy, an unusual situation unless his family had originated in Spain. Spanish-speaking Jewish refugees from the Inquisition were numerous in the Genoa area.

“The form ‘Colón’ which Columbus adopted as the Spanish equivalent of his last name was not the expected form (which would have been ‘Colom’ or ‘Colombo’). It was however a common Jewish variation on the name.

“Columbus was known to frequent the company of Jews and former Jews, among whom were some noted astronomers and navigators, as well as his official translator. Marranos figure prominently among Columbus’s backers and crew. Throughout his life he demonstrated a keen knowledge of the Bible and the geography of the Holy Land. In fact in one place he calculates the date from the destruction of the ‘Second House’ [=Temple], counting from the traditional (and erroneous) Jewish date of 68 C.E., rather than the generally held 70...

“The connections between the timing of Columbus’s voyage and the expulsion of Spanish Jewry are indeed curious. Historians have noted that, though Columbus was not scheduled to set sail until August 3rd, he insisted that his entire crew be ready on board a full day earlier. The timing becomes more intriguing when we consider that August 2nd 1492 was the day that had been ordained for the last Jews of Spain to depart the country. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were departing Spain on that black day.

    “When this coincidence of dates was first noted by the Spanish biographer S. de Madariaga, the English Jewish historian Cecil Roth supplemented it with a further ‘coincidence’: August 2nd 1492 coincided with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish fast of mourning for the destruction of the Jerusalem Temples! It was as if Columbus had arranged to remain on board ship for that ill-omened day, and to depart only afterwards.” (Columbus Medinah?) 

Besides Leonardo da Vinci and the Medici, Christopher Columbus was financed by the House of Anjou, another Jewish family, and specifically, Rene d’Anjou of the Langudoc in France, who was Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1418-1480.   



Columbus’ supporters were European royalty and the Templars. On every island Columbus ‘discovered’ he planted a cross, claiming ownership for his Spanish Catholic patrons.

"His father-in-law was a former Templar Knight and Catherine de Medici of the Illuminati bloodline (along with others) financed his voyage. Columbus’ three ships sailed under the Templars Red Cross flag, used today by the Red Cross and Switzerland."


"The royals also sent out fleets of conquistadors and swashbuckling pirates flying the Skull and Bones flag their orders to rape, kill, and pillage all they could from the New World."

“The Skull and Bones cross used by the secret society comes from the pirate skull and cross bones. They weren’t just a bunch of swashbucklers like you’ve seen in the movies. No, these were agents sent onto the high seas by the British royal family to colonize the Americas.”

"When critics objected saying Columbus’ mission was impossible, he often countered those objections saying he “might discover some very beneficial island or continent about 750 leagues to the west.” At this point the ships would be able to restock on food/supplies and continue on towards Asia."

Then low and behold Columbus discovered a “very beneficial continent” precisely 750 leagues to the west.

“In the agreements signed on April 17th, 1492, (The Capitulo) and on April 30th, 1492, (The Titulo) the strange fact is that more attention is given to the rulership and jurisdiction of problematical lands that might be discovered en route than to a division of spoils from wealthy Asia.”

Alex Christopher, “Pandora’s Box – The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order,” (42)

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I had always thought Columbus spread Christianity through the Americas….

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Barry, She must really have been surprised to find out her husband is a Jew!

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10/19/24: And not at ALL surprised that he got the nanny knocked up.

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Haha, funny.

Trump is no doubt funnier than I ever thought, even with pre written jokes (truthisms)

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She is just so wrong for our great country! Evil policies that we don’t want! And a hateful, vengeful person! GO AWAY COMMIE K! 🤬🤬🤬

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That speech was sooooo good! ❤️❤️

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He was great and he just seems very relaxed as of late…

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I love Jim G's coverage of both sides of the spectrum. He's one of the drier, funny guys I have heard, we could use more.

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10/19/24: After last night, he can write his own ticket. He's the next Ricky Gervais!

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I thought we already were paying for sex changing illegals. On that subject, Ken Paxton has dropped the hammer on a physician performing sex change procedures on children in violation of Texas law.

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In the opposite direction, the feds are going after Dr. Eithan Haim of Texas Children's Hospital, who blew the whistle on illegal surgeries there.


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Yep. Another abuse of the patient confidentiality regs. That is being so badly used it needs a rewrite.

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And she seemed like such a nice personable female Doctor too.......

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I've seen the question arise before, here and elsewhere: Is she really that dumb, or is there camouflaged, sinister intelligence in there somewhere? I lean towards yes, she really is that dumb.

I saw a few video/story headlines in the last couple of days: did Bret Baier just end it for her? I say no, no, no. It's the counters that count, the urban mayors who block off windows with pizza boxes, the USPS that backdates ballots, etc. No grounds for gloating or relaxing. And even under the best of circumstances come Inauguration Day, there'll never be a time to let down against these people.

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But the counters are beginning to be countered. Hope lies there

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“Let me make this clear” the hatred for Trump was clearly exposed during the interview on FOX. Near the end, she became unhinged and spewed vitriol toward Trump—a hatred that if analyzed, is signaling what she and the democrats “might” do on January 6, 2025–not certify the election because “he is unstable.” (Just my opinion about this)


So many memes to pass around today. 🤣 Thanks Dr. Malone.

I received PsyWar yesterday and began the process of reading and analyzing it. One phrase from Scripture comes to mind, which is stated over 300 times throughout the Bible: “DO NOT FEAR.” The foundation for not fearing, is not based on our skills, abilities, and grit, but rather in trusting God who promised he would never leave us nor forsake us, no matter the circumstances—even when faced with death. So be encouraged!

Have a great time at the Iberian Horse event!! 🤗

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There is a wonderful children's prayer that Rudolf Steiner gave to parents which I said with my mother every night of my childhood. It ends "nothing can fill me with fear but only with love for all that is about me" amen.

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10/18/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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While waiting to get on the plane, she literally puts her phone to her ear to “take a call” to get away from reporters—No President or Vice President has done that. She’s as fake as a three dollar bill.

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10/19/24: That she is!

Danno (posted elsewhere): At first I thought it was a true story.

10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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We MUST WIN 🏆 🙌 because if they win, they'll do away with our constitution, and all of our Constitutional rights,

our electoral college, our SCOTUS, our borders‼️

In short, OUR COUNTRY ‼️‼️‼️


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If one lives in a blue state, I think the CR's are already gone.

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Shelley, you're absolutely 💯 % correct!!!!

That is why I have been questioning those who are saying that we need to have a Convention of States.

Can it really be passed when we have so many Democrat states that would NEVER vote in favor of having the Convention of States implemented?

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I think they would under a Dem controlled Congress. The fed has cheated at least twice in calling amendments ratified when they clearly were not. They would literally design a new constitution if a COS was active.

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Shelley, I was under the understanding that we need a percentage of the STATES to agree 👍?!?!

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That's true, it is 2/3. There many red run legislature that have agreed to a COS. Ds control 17 legislatures and R control 23.

COS only needs 34 states. If blue state legs were told join those red states who have already opted for a COS it will happen is my take.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for giving me ‘Joy’ every Friday!

God bless and protect you and your Family 🇺🇸.

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More good stuff to share on Instagram…..sure brings the cockroaches out of their holes

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The entire Mandatory Joy reminds me of the soma forced down peoples' throats in Brave New World. Mind you, Huxley published that book nearly a century ago, and right now, Kamala Harris is making him look like Nostradamus.

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Great ones! The entire world feels like satire right now. Thankfully, people here still find humor in the worst of times. Bravo!

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Trump was right when he said ''it's you they're after, I'm just in the way.'' Whenever a liberal says Trump, insert your own name in there. Trump is a cover for the hatred they have of your morals and values.

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How do you think that Trump knee and decided 11 or 12 years ago that he was going to have to run because "they were coming after" us? Who or what could have convinced him of that? I remember that he first told us at an early rally, "It's you they're coming after. I'm just standing in their way."

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Mandatory joy is just as coercive as mandatory vaccination.

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During the 'save the free market' period under Obama, Oregon first froze public employee wages for a year, then required mandatory unpaid vacation days for two years. Thankfully I retired and left for a red state before the jab mandates.

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Oct 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a discussion over on the zero how the punk music scene fell into lockstep on the lockdowns and vaccines as well as general disregard for liberty. Is there a website or book that lists and details all the institutions, both public and private, as well as public figures of all kinds that supported the lockdowns, forced vaccinations, or both? I would very much like to have such a thing for future reference.

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We're facing all of these problems because God's people stayed silent 🤫 🙊 ‼️

When the church ⛪️ votes, WE WIN 🏆 ‼️

Silence means consent!

If we don't vote, we're consenting to HAVING:

• Men in women's sports.

• Our children will be transitioned without us knowing.

• The loss of our basic constitutional rights.

• The state to raise our children to follow the state's agenda.

• The loss of our country as we know it!!

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See the Texas Minute this a.m.? Took a hard shot at woke ministries and their disparagement of Trump

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Rambler, thank 😊 you for the heads up. I haven't yet read my Texas Scorecard email for today.

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Many church leaders were bought off during COVID. They sold out their congregations for filthy lucre (Titus 1:11 -- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Titus%201%3A11&version=KJV).

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Ya, I believe that Christopher Rufo would have immediately suspected that any coherent passages attributed to Kamala were not her own.

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So I woke up this morning to an alarming, yet unsurprising text group conversation among my old high school lunch table crowd. We graduated in ‘88 from a Catholic college prep school in the suburbs of Chicago where going on to college was a question of where and for how long, not if. They were collectively singing the praises of KH’s recent video with SNL’s Mollie Shannon. Question: How on earth did we all sprout from the same place and end up politically so far apart? Answer: I stopped at the requisite 4 years of college whereas all but 1 of them continued on for masters degrees and beyond including 2 completing their PhDs in psychology. I cite them as additional evidence that the over-education of suburban white women by the wrong people has been remarkably successful where brainwashing is concerned. Tragic.

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May go a bit beyond that. Read a lot of English writers and it is obvious that oxbrdge grads and their echos all pull the progressive wagon. I strongly suspect there is a concerted effort in academia to cull out any with a conservative bent and push the more left leaning up the ladder.

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10/18/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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GREAT COLLECTION, as always! Thank you!

I couldn't tell the difference between the Babylon Bee 🐝 memes and the "real" headlines 📰.

OK, now, we've all had enough of Captains Huff and Puff 🌬️👑. It's time for the baddies to get out of Dodge 👹🐎 👎and the good guys to ride in🤠 🐎 👍.

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Do you remember when Jen Psaki announced that the “adults” were back in charge? I hope but doubt that the current people in charge recognize their resemblance to schizophrenics on LSD.

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That's giving schizophrenics on LSD a bad name. Actually, LSD was my favorite drug. Now I'm free associating, and thinking of King Crimson's "21st Century Schizoid Man", which somehow seems appropriate for today's world . . .


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