Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Smokin' video with Heritage Foundation guy! There's somebody that needs a food taster & should avoid small airplanes.

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I'll bet there's a bounty on his head as of this morning.

"[Tump] has the power of the American People behind him."

And that's what scares the hell out of the Elites and the Deep State.

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If a 2nd Trump Presidency only succeeds in cutting off 8 heads of the snake, i'll take it!


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01/19/24: Which is why Trump's planned assassination is a very real thing.

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I shudder to think what the reaction to that might be.

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Afuera !

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

My pursuit of the list of our elected officials in attendance at WEF Davos 2024 has met with partial success. Here are the opening paragraphs of a Politico article from 1-17-24. I think we may infer they're getting the message that we don't like what's going on there:

"The World Economic Forum is a place to see and be seen. But the glitzy affair was mostly devoid of a perennial fixture this year: American lawmakers.

The congressional delegation of two senators and five House members in Davos was unusually small. After stops in nearby European countries, the bicameral and bipartisan group arrived on the Magic Mountain on Sunday night, with all but Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) leaving Tuesday at dawn. The event itself doesn’t end until Friday."

The two senators are reportedly Chris Coons (D-DE) and Mike Rounds (R-SD). I saw only two of the reps named: Juan Vargas (D-CA) and Darrell Issa (R-CA). I still have not been able to identify 3 of the 5 House members that were part of the CODEL. Note that Issa also attended in 2022 and 2023, which is a degree of repeat visiting that I don't find typical.

Update: Chris Coons is also a repeat visitor, present in 2022 and 2023.

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At least one state governor attending- Brian Kemp of GA.

I'm sure he'll blow a bunch of smoke about economic development outreach on behalf of GA.

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He was there last year too.

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Gave a seminar on election fraud, no doubt.

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If i had to guess, kemp will be blowing, but it will not be smoke.

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Thank you James. I am not surprised at those names.

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I'm reposting this from yesterday late---

An unbelievable speech at Davos came from what I considered the unlikeliest of sources-Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan. It's hardly been mentioned, yet what he said-that Trump was very good for the US, that the "deplorables" are actually maligned, that they are a good group of people. But what really knocked it out of the park was that he wasn't sure if he understood QE and QT. The head of JP Mogan, not sure if he understands QE/QT. Wow, wonder if he can still spell banker.

Jamie's talk can be heard here -up to the first 3 minutes of the link:


George Soros's fortune has passed to his son, who in his Davos comments said Trump will be president next year, that Trump will be one for the 2025 WEF to fight.

Some have said this shows that the elites all see the writing on the wall, and that Jamie is positioning himself for a slot as Treasury Sec. I don't know, but am still amazed at the lack of coverage of it, esp on the financial blogs and sites.

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There has to be a hidden back-story to these emerging stories on Dimon. He was in the news a lot when those Epstein related civil suits caught up JP Morgan. And even before that when he badmouthed Bitcoin but started using Blockchain for cross-border transactions. This month he got a pay raise after his bank had the highest profits in the history of American banking. It’s now $36 million. Don’t trust him. Too many nice stories out there about his minions getting schooled and now operating other banks. I hear he either is or wants to do retail banking in the UK. Perhaps he does think he can suck up to DJT and take the US down from within. Another WEFer on the inside?

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Gotta say, Shelley, you read like an insider, simply by paying close attention. As usual. I am impressed.

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And you do too DD when it comes to Dr. Malone.

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Yep, just got to find that backstory. No, I don't trust him either.

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It is interesting to see the Australian attendees too. Corporate Sector, Mining etc.

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Or Boeing aircraft

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone I wanted to thank you for not only putting so much of your time into this platform it shows, teaching me about all the evils we face, but most important is trying to help me reframe from being harsh to others. There is maturity by being courteous to people, and treating people with respect. Sometimes it’s just in the way you say something. It’s obvious I’m a work in progress but I do appreciate you. Sometimes I can be right, but if I’m rude, I’m wrong. There is nothing more our enemies would love than if we all tear each other apart. You have taught me patients, courtesy, and respect and I truly appreciate that. Happy Friday everyone!!!! J.Goodrich

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From my past life….

“We treat people like Ladies and Gentlemen, not because they are, but because we are.”

I hammered this into my trainees and am doing the same to my kids.

Courtesy costs nothing and can reap huge dividends of goodwill.

Good on you Mr. Goodrich.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When my kids went to middle & high school, & encountered "bullies", I told them to "kill the bullies with kindness"; but, never incite or ridicule their classmates. If they were punched or hit, to defend themselves. One cold, snowy day, my daughter's high school band class walked across the street to the middle school; one older boy was teasing my daughter, tossing snowballs at her back, & put snow down her sweatshirt. She defended herself, & from that point forward, that boy stopped harassing her. Her Dad taught her how to defend herself, & now she is teaching her two girls how to defend themselves as well. Be kind, respectful, & treat others as you expect other's to do the same.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is amazing what happens when you stand up to bullies! Need more if that at all levels.

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That’s great Patricia!!!

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I’m learning Mark, Thank You.

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You are welcome.

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Yes, 1000 times Yes!

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Happy Friday James!

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Thank you Andrea same to you!!

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James - well put! Patience, courtesy and respect. Those qualities of maturity are build for the long haul. Best make the journey as stable and well functioning as we can. And oh yes! Dr. Malone shows the way so well!

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James, I did comment to T. on Naomi's long treatise' about Robert as well as one other. I also posted a few things to her. "Rude" is in the eye of the beholder.

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Rude on my post here is pointed at me. As you know I, in the recent past, could be a sledge hammer with my comments. I hope of all people that you have noticed slight changes in me. I have come to love the people on this forum. Agree or disagree I really try to say things in a softer way, but I still say it....and I’m still learning even how to spell😁

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It’s o.k. James. Sometimes the message needs a few teeth so as to chew through resistance. Otherwise it might simply be ignored.

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Amen, Michael.

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I agree.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

Thanks James, I'm a little reactive when it comes to the constant barrage of criticism of The Doc. And yes, I have noticed you becoming a clear voice that is listened to by many. Keep it up! (if you use the word "I" instead of you, I will know the diff. Then you will be taking responsibility for your thoughts)

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Thanks DD I try to absorb as much information as I have time for, but I in no way can see, understand, or fathom what these people have to deal with. I greatly appreciate all who try to educate me and people in general. I can’t imagine the pressures and I never would judge things I have no idea about. I do appreciate people willing to stand up and fight because to many don’t!!

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I was making a general statement but I changed it to I, I’m and I’m.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Thomas Jefferson quote should be plastered on billboards all across this country. On the other hand, it seems to have been rendered irrelevant by the current regime. Although the Founding Fathers were amazingly wise and prescient to devise the Constitution as they did, it is being ignored and trampled upon by those in power right now. We need change, and we need it fast.

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“Smash and Grab” is trickle-down.

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Absolutely we do need to stop this, & protect & preserve the Constitution!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes! Finally, someone had the guts to stand up to these rich elites, and tell them to "put it where the sun does NOT shine"! Hoorah-hooray-well stated Mr. Kevin Roberts! Thank you for sharing these videos, I do appreciate hearing someone, telling these evil, greedy rich elites y'all need to stop the propaganda messages to the world! Time to dismantle the WHO, WEF, & all of these elite clubs that are trying to dismantle the world population with all their lies & corrupt activity!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr. Roberts not only told the WEFers to stop the propaganda he said we believe the opposite and have our own backup plan Nov 2024.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for another great post. Biden’s kick off was a hoot.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

I’m not usually a fan of snow here in Virginia, I would have the year be either May or October... but it reminds of what a very wise man once said:

"To everything there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven:

2 A time to be born,

And a time to die;

A time to plant,

And a time to pluck what is planted;

3 A time to kill,

And a time to heal;

A time to break down,

And a time to build up;

4 A time to weep,

And a time to laugh;

A time to mourn,

And a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones,

And a time to gather stones;

A time to embrace,

And a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to gain,

And a time to lose;

A time to keep,

And a time to throw away;

7 A time to tear,

And a time to sew;

A time to keep silence,

And a time to speak;

8 A time to love,

And a time to hate;

A time of war,

And a time of peace."

May we all seek God and the Peace He gives in times of chaos.

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It was negative 20’ish here last week, -40 with the wind -- even with heated seats and, new to me which I enjoy (thank you arthritis), a heated steering wheel, the drive home from church was chilly. I’m sore from rearranging snow for 4 hours yesterday (knees still not working properly) and today I get to complete the chore with a snow thrower deleting the piles. BUT

How do I appreciate 100+ in July/Aug without the bone chill of January, where is the pleasure of May/June and September w/o those other extremes, can I truly appreciate the harvests w/o the toils of prepping&planting?

Here in the frosty fields of Montana one welcome benefit of protracted sub-zero chills is its impact on some of the more noxious bugs which get killed off or reduced, somewhat, by cold-squared. Except for mosquitoes - Satan outdid itself when it snuck those buggers onto the Ark. We got some in The Big Hole that rival anything I use to fight in the Everglades or the Keys. Monsters, I tell ya, Monsters.

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I also have Arthur-itis ( I hate that guy) in my knees, and a few other annoying places as well.✋👏💪

I have found that when the knees start acting up, that it is time again to hop on a stationary bicycle, and ride till my buns get sore. At my age, and being genetically deficient in bun aggregate size, that time is anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes a day. Speed is at around 90 rpm or so, with slight resistance (#4 on the cycle i use). If i do this just for a few days in a row, the knee pain disappears until the next time, which usually lasts 3 to 5 weeks.

Imagine finding a pair of plyers sitting in your yard for about 6 months, exposed to the weather. Usually rusty and difficult to open and close, right?

What happens when you move the handles back and forth a few dozen times?

They work again, right? Youve effectively scraped the rust off of the mating surfaces, freeing up the joint again.

Your knees enjoy the newly polished surfaces, and the calcium deposits get worn down in the joint, freeing up your knees nerve endings again, hence the relief from pain. (Works for me, YMMV)

I'm not claiming to be a doctor, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night. 🙊

More importantly, I pay attention to what works for my body, experimenting and hopefully prefecting processes that keep my old, beat up lump keep functioning as intended.

Hope this helps

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I’m bone on bone on my better knee, imagine what my worse knee is like. For me the erg (Concept2 rower) works better, tho I have both. I shoot for 12K/day, meters, and right now I’m at ~10,500/day average. Liike a bike, it’s non impact but unlike a bike it is essentially working the whole body - 80-85% muscle utilization.

I’ll be replacing the worse knee soon, the better knee the following year. Maybe. The goal is to get back in the mountains and then do a rim2rim - in 1 day if possible.

Blessings in your maintenance routine.

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Well, on a bright note, every person I personally know who has had a knee replacement, healed fast, little to no pain, and is now pretty much back to normal

I'm sure the horror stories exist, but no one i know, conveyed one to me.

I guess due diligence with findung the right surgeon is key.

Sending a good luck prayer your experience mirrors my friends

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It is so funny you would respond with that.

Yes, almost everyone I know who has one, or both, knees upgraded has healed swimmingly. But, BUT, I’ve known three who had issues: the first, 30, 35 years ago, on the young end of what they would have donec30 years ago, obese, sedentary, absolutely miserable. Then 5, 6 years ago a fella at church was just miserable with his - healed fine, may have had unreal early expectations 🤷 — anyway, it took a year or so but he’s back in the game and just this fall spoke of having his other knee upgraded 😂. The most recent, another guy, my age, ended up with an infection about a month in and it was bad - the upgrade did not need to be redone but they did have to go back in and clean up, etc. For a while there, not sure who was hobbling worse. Oh, and his constant refrain was "I never should’a had it done, don’t do it," etc. Well, hadn’t spoken for a bit but during communion on NY’sEve, there he was, no cane, no awful limp, fine walk indeed - and he’s now singing a different tune (more to it than that but that’s the gist).

Me, when I had my worse knee rebuilt in ‘90, and all the crap they took out then, I was on crutches for a week, I think I used a cane for a week or so, then plowed thru rehab. So, yeah, barring the atypical unfortunate, I expect to be up&about asap. But when 🤔: was gonna do it beginning of March (back in the garden to begin prepping, cleaning up garlic, riding mower in May; but there’s this thing called a total solar eclipse coming in April and…; don’t think the Docs/PTs want me traveling that soon (nor do I).

Thx for the prayer. - just amazing what we’re doing now AND our expectations. 😊

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have been supporting Heritage since 2017 and was happy when Kevin Roberts became President because he is tough and aggressive and communicates well. So happy to see him state the obvious! Now with Kevin, Jimmy Dimon and the President of Argentina speaking out to the “elites” I am hopeful. But you have been taking on mRNA for years, so thank you!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kevin Roberts’ message should be shouted from the rooftops! Love the Heritage Foundation! Thanks again for your wonderful Friday Funnies!

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Yes, the funnies are especially good today!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent presentation by Heritage President Kevin Roberts! My wife and I consider it an obligation as citizens of this country to support voices of truth such as The Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, Who is Robert Malone as well as our local conservation candidates.

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We also support the same organizations as you and your wife!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love Thomas Jefferson’s and Rand Paul’s quote. Great interview with Brian Rose. Kevin Robert’s knock it out of the park. Love the funnies Swatting Congress and the guy riding in an empty airplane. That hit my funny bone . Have a great weekend and stay warm. We have had below zero temperatures and blizzards. The schools had a snow day yesterday. The kids weren’t as excited as I was when I had a snow day growing up. Because of Covid they can now have online school when there is a snow day. No more sledding, skiing, or building snowmen. Nope it is school as usual.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It would be a great accomplishment if helping our representatives thinking through public policy would actually help them!

They don't care if anything makes 🤷 sense!

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Baby steps Ana. The Texas lion, AG Paxton is gnawing on the fed on border and other issues. Conservative reps (and even the not so conservative Abbott) are coming out strongly in opposition to Phelan and his hyena pack. We may get a conservative House and then…..

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have to admit I appreciate the Paxton smiling photos where he appears to be enjoying his latest pound of the enemies flesh. Sorry, but there it is. He's well earning it.

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Michael, I really try to stay positive, however we have a LOCAL RINO REPRESENTATIVE who we weren't able to get anyone to oppose him in the upcoming Primaries!!!

He has everyone fooled!

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Maybe not fooled. You may simply be stuck among holdovers from “the good old days” of dem control. Many may have changed registration but still vote for as progressive a ticket as they can. Situation acerbated by progressive westies moving in. If you are near or on thecI35 corridor they are most of your new neighbors.

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Not everyone. There must be a few more of you oit there

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I think not making sense is intentional.

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It makes no sense based on bad presumptions. For example open borders makes no sense to people that care about the nation and everyone already in the country struggling at the bottom. But open borders makes sense if you are trying to destroy the idea of a nation, subvert the political system and fight inflation by killing wages.

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...and plump up the ranks of the military and the security forces?

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. I am so proud of you, the way you speak softly and carry a big stick! I wish I could hug the Heritage president he is awesome! I feel much better knowing he told them what we all wish we could. A true representative of our people and our Heritage. Thank you for sharing it with us. As always you are my hero! Rosie

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Not only all that...but Dr. Malone looks fabulous while doing it!

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your Friday Funnies are a sad but comic relief. Stay the course.

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OMG‼️ Without a doubt this Friday Funnies is 100% on point‼️

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Reminds me of a guy I listen to on the radio driving into work, “The beatings will continue until the attitudes improve!”

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Jan 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kevin Roberts. YES!!! Quoting Javier Milei stating his job as a leader is not to guide sheep but to empower lions gave me goosebumps. YES!

Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing this - I don’t know where I would have found this otherwise. I would definitely vote for Trump yet again if the state of Colorado would let me?! God speed, Dr. Malone.

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I agree with you- I was moved by Javier Miles's message as well. I believe Trump will be on the Colorado ballot, & have tried to find more information on this, but to no avail. Since he has not been "charged with any wrong-doing", his name should still be on the ballot- I believe? I'm really upset at this entire political move by Colorado, & other blue states!This is election interference.

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Maggots will be maggots and lawfare is their new food source.

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Can you write him in????

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