Sep 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think this is your very best FRIDAY FUNNIES yet! God bless you and Jill! I hope your Italy trip was fantastic- Lord knows you deserve it! 💜💜💜

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Agreed! You know why they also strike me as the best. As a long-time follower, I can see that the wry, ironic, and arch is being replaced by resolute opposition and mean! Love it.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not arguing against the idea the Covid outbreak re-run is due to the upcoming election. But I can't but notice, the same fear-porn is being spread in a lot of other countries.

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It certainly would be odd if only the US were being affected by the ElectionYearicron variant (thank you, Babylon Bee). If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would swear this sounds like a coordinated effort by some big world elitist forum somewhere to keep President Potted Plant and his peeps in power....

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The elections are a sideshow designed to keep you docile, stupid, and inactive.

Everyone is looking for a savior instead of looking in the mirror. -a lunatic

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Last night when I crawled into bed, tired, from what seemed to be a hard days work, and also an emotionally stressful day, questions roll through my mind. How have we gotten to this point that it seems evil has overtaken good? How do good people see the corruption in our government, the coercion of children in our schools, the American citizen being left behind, while our government spends billions on a war that many couldn’t find on a world map, and think this is ok? I question why do good people get destroyed or sick by this evil group? I know your out there, can you explain to me why you persist down this path of evil? Why do you like jailing protestors or jailing political opponents? Can you not see the road your on? Will we the people regain control of this country that so many have given blood to protect our freedoms and protect us, our families and our friends for over 200 years? We must never look at ourselves through the eyes of these enemies of America. I then prayed for gods help in fixing our country. J.Goodrich

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Not meant to be a comfort - you are struggling with the same mental weariness we all are - the I can't believe this is happening in America with no good end in sight. We pray because we cannot and should not put our trust and faith in mortal men. Stand tall, do not comply James.

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Nope, you're not alone.

Was with a buddy of mine who asked if I wanted to go to the local plunking field, and tune in my sites. I was more than happy to oblige.

As we drove down there, he posed the same question. "What will it take for Americans to wake up and stop this madness ? What act of aggression by these corrupt purveyors of hate and vitriol of humanity will finally get people to see what's really happening? "

You had thousands MURDERED in Maui the other week, and yet, Americans act as if nothing happened.


So what will it take ? What will the response be? Will our own military be used against us to protect the 545 when the people finally get out of their haze ? or will the millions of military age fighting males who are being organized in small groups all over this country do the bidding for them?

How can the military leaders go along with this ? How many Americans have to perish for them to finally say no?

Your guess is good as mine, James.

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T, I'm afraid we will get an answer soon. The energy being riled up on all fronts suggests an explosion of some kind. The seas are rolling, the air is full of smoke and poison, the water is so polluted it's not safe to drink. Hang on, this isn't looking pretty.

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Flint, MI is no longer on the radar. Wonder how “They” are doing. Ed

For going down the river, we had a water filter in case we ran out. 6 - 7 gallon containers of water were taken with us. Middle of nowhere.

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I ask this all day long every day. With every breath I take I fight back. I fight back by looking for ways to give tangible help to the good. Like giving away my services, like baking food and bringing it to families who are struggling, like giving money to those people I see who are doing their best but are caught up in the meat grinder of the current system.

Focus on God and never ever give up. That's what I love about these communities. They have us isolated for this exact reason. They want you to give up and crawl off and die. Don't let the evil win. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. That's why they do it.;

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We will be required to bleed a little more, I'm afraid.

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I don't understand what people I know don't get about non-compliance. It's pretty easy and gets easier if you keep doing it! From a meme my provider at The Wellness Company texted me this week: Mandatory = Not a Law

Required = Not a Law

Mandated = Not a Law

Requested = Not a Law

Ordered = Not a Law

Ordinance = Not a Law

Decree = Not a Law

Compulsory = Not a Law

Jordan Peterson wrote a good Cat in the Hat style rhyme last week and reposted someone else's.

My husband and I watched the 30s video and partway through, he commented, "no litter" and I started paying attention to this after that. We used to live in a country where people cared about taking care of their surroundings. Makes me sad.

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Even in the candid shots everyone was fit and thin.

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Obesity is an epidemic, and then there are those that excuse it. Like it's a lifestyle choice, lizzo. It's called laziness.

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Don't forget that the US government effectively forced a high carbohydrate, low fat, diet on the country starting in the 70's. I see it as mass poisoning on an industrial scale. Sick, unhealthy people make for a docile, dependent people.

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Let’s be fair. Obesity grew as big manufactured food grew stuffed with corn syrup and seed oils your government paid subsidies to when no one normal would have eaten that poison. BUT it tasted SO GOOD and was SO convenient! Obesity and other chronic diseases are also government/corporate created. Stop the food subsidies and small farms and good health will rebound!!

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I don't consider obesity a disease. I consider obesity a choice. Eat less food than you need and burn. It's math. I'm pretty sure that's been understood now for hundreds of years.

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Yes, this is why the ‘Defund the (local) Police (so they can be replaced by UN Peacekeepers) movement is simultaneous. People would get angry and call the police. And the (local) police or Sheriff wouldn’t do anything.

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So true about the Amish!!!


The power of the mind!!!

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I agree 👍.

He's out of bicycles 🚲 and out of marbles!

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No he still has the marbles, there in his mouth most of the time especially he tries to talk.

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Hee Hee!

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert! I'm listening to you right now on my local radio station here in NE Ohio. (1420AM Bob Frantz's show). God bless you for speaking to listeners in my neck of the country.

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I'm here to announce and ask you all to spread far and wide that TEXAS is indeed a great state

Effective September 1, 2023 is it illegal in Texas to require a mask, vaccination, business closure, distancing or any other kind of coercion related to COVID.

per SB92


It is next to impossible to find this information out. It seems to be scrubbed from all web search engines and I have heard no public announcement regarding this law on any media, radio, tv, internet or print.

The marxist powers have tried to scrub this information. please spread far and wide if you are in Texas. thank you!

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Might look at that article again. We have Abbott doing exactly what he did before, saying the gov will not do any of that (ducking responsibility) but private business can and more (passing the buck). Wanna bet the woke owner of HEB imposes them just like last time?

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I'm thinking you're referring to Florida. Abbot kinda bailed on that, I thought.

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no, i'm not thinking of Florida. Here is a link about the bill SB29 that was signed into law June 6, 2023... went into effect Sept. 1, 2023

It's from the Texas Tribune, one of only two main newspapers for Austin, Texas. Rest assured the news of the laws passing is being suppressed and censored everywhere.

The only reason I know about it is because someone went out sick this week with Covid at my corporate office and nothing was said about it.......... nothing was done.

here is the link

please spread the information far and wide THANK YOU


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I had to comment on the 30’s pictures. My parents both grew up in Boston. They were both children of the depression and amazingly had two polar opposite realities. My mothers father (my grandfather) had immigrated from Italy and came to Boston from Ellis island. He was a tough business man and was the first person in south Boston to have a horse and buggy. He delivered ice and coal. He was the first person in South Boston to own a car. He slowly bought apartment buildings throughout the depression and ended up owning 65 units, a store, warehouse he did well. My father grew up in Mission Hill. There were no jobs so his father left for Virginia to mine coal and would send money back when he could. I’m not sure but I don’t think my father was happy about this. My father told me he had a younger brother the siblings would try to give their portion of food to but he got sick and died. My father had told me his brother had starved to death. By the fourties’ my father went off to Germany and in the Battle of the bulge was shot in the back. Two polar opposite lives and two amazing parents. Even though they both died when I was very young, I was 20 when my father died and 27 when my mother died, I think I was the luckiest kid in my neighborhood. J.Goodrich

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

You are lucky, James.

My mother met my father during a terrible breakup with her husband, and during the divorce, or shortly thereafter, wound up with my father. I have to make a correction on this, as the man who donated the sperm to make me back in the 1960's was not my father. That meaning has a higher connotation to me than just someone who provided 1/2 of the process of manufacture.

When I was born, my mother already had 3 children with her ex husband, and no one to support any of us, including herself. She went out, while my older brothers took care of me, taking on 3 or 4 jobs at a time, working as a waitress, a bartender, a secretary, and any other place that would hire a divorced woman with 4 kids at home to feed.

My early days were being reared by my brothers. I know they didn't like it, but they did it anyway, and accepted me for who I was. If you ask my Aunt, I was the bastard child made out of wedlock and tainted the family name, but that was just "her" opinion. I loved my brothers back then, but as with anything in life, nothing remains static, and alas, I believe I'm the only one left. With no further contact of my 2nd eldest, I have no family left to speak of, other than my loving wife of nearly 36 years.

I never knew my donor. I never knew his other children, of which he made many. I have twin sisters and a brother from another "unknown" family he made, as well as other's somewhere out in Arizona where he again continued on his path of use, abuse, and leave for dead. I grew up a better person "NOT" knowing him, I believe today. I can't imagine what I would be like having him as a role model, but my love for my mom surpassed all those hurdles.

You very fortunate to have memories of your parents. You were old enough to have the pleasure of being around them both, albeit a short period of time. It's clear that your thoughts and conveyance of their lives, have them living on, even today, decades later. I would love to have had a father who loved me, who didn't dispose of me, and a mother who had the time to spend with me, but I didn't. Being from that time and era, I think I made it through okay anyway.

Enjoy the memories you have. One day, before God, you'll be reunited with them, and you'll be one big happy family all over again from this temporary vacation apart.

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My wife had a similar relationship with her father and not such a great relationship with her mother, who is moving in with us next week. Should be interesting. I hope that you were able to continue to move forward in life T. We are all lucky in different ways and it sounds like you have a wonderful wife!! Thanks for the faith that I have also, that one day I will meet my parents and older brother again. Life is tough, I guess that will be when I get to rest.

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God bless you James

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Thank you Laura and the same to you!!!

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making me cry this morning!!

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I think my favorite is the exploding volcano. The woke are blinded by the fake news. They can’t see what is right in their back yard.

My mom was born in 1922. When she was 3 years old the potato market was $4.50 a hundred weight. Back then that was unheard of. That was a huge price. The farmers were all waiting for the big $5.00. My grandpa was a farmer. He said that was a more than reasonable price and sold his potatoes. Well right after he sold his potatoes the potato market crashed leaving farmers in a bit of trouble. That year grandpa made a bunch of money. He built there house and had the second indoor bathroom in the area. He later bought a model A Ford. I remember my mom talking about it. After the stock market crashed in 1929 they always had food because they were farmers. Mom had a dress to wash, a dress to wear and one for Sunday. There was lovely material that held flour. Dresses were made out of the flour sacks. They got an orange and a dime for Christmas. My mom would get a kitty car.

My dad would follow my grandpa’s ( his father in laws) advise. Always take a reasonable price. Don’t wait for the big one. So when dad would haul his potatoes into the processing plant he would take them in went his number came up. Other farmers would pass to wait for a better price. The farmers would be mad at dad because he sold his potatoes when called up. The other farmers past up there turn and the market would go down. Always take a fair price. Don’t hold out for the big one it usually never comes.

We must not comply to the new mandates . Be strong! Stand tall!

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for providing a source of humor for me. I just had a lumbar laminectomy yesterday which eliminated one source of a pain in my arse.

You're joking helps to eliminate the other pain in my arse!

I'm on my way to being arse-pain free!!

Thank you, my Neurosurgeon!

Thank you, Dr. Malone!

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Excellent Funnies today!

Love the History Lounge 1930's color images.

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Thank you for The History Lounge video! And as usual, your Friday Funnies started my weekend off with a smile.

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About the history of the Gadsden flag: there are certain lessons that are impossible to teach in certain schools. Find out what a society can’t teach, its impossible lesson, and you reveal the lies it is founded on. Huxley understood. More here:


Have a great weekend!

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This is a very good Substack writing! Thank you for sharing!

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LOVE the Amish cartoon.

My wife and I are in Amish / Mennonite country several times a month. Love it there.

They don't have TVs, they don't vaccinate, and you'll never see any of them in an "obese" format.

Why ?

Plain and simple. Cause they don't do what we do. I have immense admiration and respect for their culture, and my wife asked me if they would allow us to join their society. Haha, I laughed, but yeah, maybe if I was 5 years old.

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Every single panel was an absolute GEM! Truth bombs, all. Thank you for this immensely shareable collection.

Re: 1930s, you may enjoy this commentary from one of my favorites on YouTube, Buddy Brown: https://youtu.be/iw3C4KxV6xY?feature=shared

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Right on

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