Just finished reading Hannah Arendt’s “Crises of the Republic”, a collection of essays and one long interview transcript written/compiled in the early 1970s. It is simply terrific and is more relevant today that it was then. She was a brilliant, no nonsense political philosopher, a tremendous scholar and historian. She fled Nazi Germany in 1933 and spent much of the rest of her life writing and lecturing on the dangers of totalitarianism and its’ historical antecedents. The first essay in the book is titled ‘Lying in Politics’. That should be enough to recommend it.

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Let me add that Hannah Arendt’s writing is full of quotable one liners, really pithy truths that stop you in your reading tracks. Here is just one of many from Crises of the Republic:

“Leftist academia eventually destroys its’ subject”


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Key to success…be a good human. Who’d thunk it. Happy Friday Doc M and Doc J.

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I chased the bluebird of happiness for decades. My only accomplishment was acquiring a detailed picture of the butt of a bluebird.

After continued failure, I finally asked for help from others. I was informed that happiness is living the "right kind of life". For me, it required total self honesty and unselfishness. It also required a mental and physical divorce from resentment, shame, blame, guilt and FEAR.

It is always a daily challenge and still a full time job!

God Bless

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I am so tired of the 'war talk', the ‘woke talk’, the ‘LBGTQ’ talk, … you get the picture. Instead I seek Peace, Hope and Joy. I find this all in Jesus. I also experience it in the beauty of His created world, in dear friends and family, in simple pleasures still to be had.

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It’s not happiness but meaning that makes for a good life.

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We are amply supplied with examples of those who didn 't.

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Let's Build a 4th Branch of Government that Holds The Other Branches Accountable -100% Run by the People


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That would be the flip side of the current 4th branch - main stream media. As the song points out we are already getting there - we are on one of those means right now.

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The 4th Branch is the Intelligence Community. They run Congress and the courts with blackmail and fear.

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All though they all report up to the Pres, they certainly do run the whole enchalada. The only inside fighting they have is between the CIA (State Dept lap dog) and the DOD. Either way we lose.

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When Trump was president, before Biden was a candidate, he called Zelenskyy to see if he would look into the Biden’s corruption in the Ukraine, Trump was crucified, day after day, week after week. They said he was going after political opponents. They eventually impeached him. Now look, they try to jail him on another bogus go nowhere charge, hiding hundreds of documents that prove his innocence. Lavrentiy Beria the most ruthless secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s Russia said show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. This is the depth the Democrats have sunk to, COMMUNISTS!!!!

Honestly my father didn’t get shot in the back in the battle of the bulge fighting Nazis just like the NY DA so that these wanna be communists can tear up our constitution!!!! J.Goodrich

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I suspect it may all depend on whether the globalists want Trump to run again or not.

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Our system of justice was supposed to be based on the investigation of a crime that’s been committed. Now we investigate the person to find a crime. We now live in the minority reports. They arrest people on thoughts, speech or an opposing political viewpoint. Very scary. They keep people in solitary confinement for years with no charges and tell China how they abuse the Uyghurs.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These funnies are sooooo good! And that song is brilliant! Thanks!

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Does anyone else feel like Janet Yellen maybe one of the most unqualified members of the US Gov?

It's like the position opened up and someone said....."my grandma probably has time after aquasize class on Thursday."

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"one of the most unqualified members of the US Gov"

Wow, there's so much competition for that title.

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I saw a compelling Tweet thread today that argued Yellen is really acting functionally as the U.S. President, although technically she is fifth in line...

Terrifying, yet putting faces as to who really is in power.

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How do we pick just one? This is the most inept government causing catastrophic damage.

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Yeah, there's so much ineptitude, but I suppose the capacity to cause damage should be a distinguishing rating criterion. I think of Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator. He was an empty suit before he became senile (much like Biden) but his capacity to cause widespread damage is relatively limited. Unlike Janet Yellen, who can spread destruction on a planetary scale.

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Her reach is extremely distressing

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent rendition of Sounds of Silence!

For banks: first get woke, then go broke.

I used to be woke, but then I hit the "snews" button.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

If you haven't heard it yet, or listen 2x if you have, listen to Dr

Tess Lawrie's rendition:


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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliantly done, particularly topped with “The Sound of Silence.”

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The useful idiots are everywhere and they are not hiding it either.

Well done Drs. Malone.

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The so-called latest "prosecution" of DJT is headed by a man named Alvin. Trump's lead lawyer (and a good one for once) is named Costello.

Thus I give you Alvin and Costello. Now tell me again who's on first?

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What’s on second?

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I think I can tell you who's managing the game: The cabal of moneyed globalists who will decide if they want Trump to enter politics again.

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They've decided. Negative.

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I tend to agree. Trump is too unpredictable to be one of their puppets.

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Yet the Umpire (D-NY) keeps calling "Out!".

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Great funnies Doc! Spot on sadly! Clown world continues! God help us all! 🤡‼️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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At the last Davos gathering she had several private discussion with Herr Klaus. Marching orders?

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Great selection! Right on the money what a gift for starting the weekend.

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The Spike Girls: I particularly appreciate the shout out of recognition to some of those I listened to from the beginning like the intense and brilliant Dr. J.J. Couey. Then Dr. Mobeen Syed trying his damndest to explain all those mechanisms of action (ditto Dr. Roger Seheult of MedCram). And to the less famous but ferocious and relentless minds of inquiry like Mathew Crawford. I watched this at .25 speed to see the tachistoscopic display of frames at the end, very powerful. All the Substacks, the deleted accounts by name. More songs please. There are more people to be memorialized for their bravery and perspicacity.

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love it.

I just learned a new word!

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What a great selection! I’ve been hearing a lot about the MSMs coordinated messaging that persists year after year. My very favorite today is the Censorship rendition. I had picked it up earlier in your GETTR stack and this morning among Rugouski’s Music post. THE PROBLEM MAY BE THAT ITS SOMEHOW NOT PLAYING RIGHT. Does a bit of the end and moves on to other stuff. It’s a TERRIFIC offering. If there is a problem, hope it can be fixed so others can appreciate.

My other fav is the Think Outside

Is the horse is breaking out of the barn? Epoch News

“NIH Reform Act,” introduced as a bill on Thursday

Rand Paul, Chip Roy Bring Bill to Break Apart the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

The bill would require that the directors of these three new research institutes be subject to a Senate confirmation process, with the directors limited to no more than two five-year terms.

Paul and Roy introduced their bill with the support of Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)

Epoch TV also covered Bobert support for action using the Homan Act (ability to fire ANY federal employee.

Wishes for a satisfying and productive weekend! Love you folks! Bestest and then a lot!

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Thanks for the NIH Reform Act info. That's a good idea and good news! 🙂!

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I consider myself a pretty tough cookie, but I suspect I've been traumatized by the last 3 years, just based on my strong emotional reaction to certain things. The video images and music made me cry.

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To laugh, perchance not to cry. Thanks, Team Malone.

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