Off topic but think interesting. The Texas AG Ken Paxton suing Pfizer for misrepresenting the jab as being effective and for promoting censorship of uncomplimentary information

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I got a nice "thank you" note from him on "X" for cross posting his post and document.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Start spreading the news.....these little town blues....are melting away. Sinatra

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I feel better now, but still not out of the woods.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

About time. In the 90s, when he was an insufferable AG prior to becoming an insufferable Senator, DaNang Dick Blumenthal was one of the several States AsG that shook down Big Tobacco for $252 Billion over 25

years for “education”.

It’s a measure of the constipated smallness of The Swamp that they can be bought for Pfarma millions when could be going for trillions.

Who knows? Maybe some of the proceeds will be filtered down to the Vax-injured and


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Funny how there r so many nice, new hospitals being built now. They r always crying how they don't get paid, etc., but they sure have nice facilities.

Whenever I needed the nurse, she was out in the hallway, documenting madly on the computer, in order to avoid litigation; but the lobby downstairs was great.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seeing lotsa positive responses about that. Power to him (and us)!

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Right on!

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The media spin was right on it. Here is the headline from the TX Tribune: Texas attorney general sues Pfizer, claiming vaccines didn’t end pandemic quickly enough. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/11/30/texas-attorney-general-pfizer-lawsuit/

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If the New York Times was to mate with the Los Angeles times, the TX Tribune would be the expected progeny.

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That's funny.

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Their day is coming. "Penalties are prepared for mockers, and beatings for the backs of fools" (Proverbs 19:29).

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I'm not clear on it but I thought that, after being released last summer, another round of lawfare would hit Paxton come about November. Any thing to that, ie, will the present Pfizer suit die?

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Doubt it. The fallout from their failure is getting bigger by the day. Nearly every rep who voted to impeach him Is being challenged in the primary by Paxton supporters. Abbott had seemed to be less than neutral and now even he is running scared. The Bush bunch just may have taken themselves out of Texas politics by this fiasco leaving the rino remnants of the l.b.j./Rayburn clique to be dealt with and do not know just how dangerous they remain

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Thanks for the thoughts and about the TX statehouse challengers. I'm disappointed in Abbot, esp his lack of real work to secure the border. Nationally it is awful. The turd Santos got booted out of Congress, while NJ dem Menedez and other crooks are fine---its tossed around that Santos is McCarthy's doing-his revenge with more to come. Rogan (isn't he basically dem?) is saying the dems are counting on and have nothing else but to throw Trump in prison prior to the election. Nuts. And in the PNW the administration is working to breach and dismantle the Snake River dams, an energy height of idiocy. Such loss of baseload power will play massive havoc with all our national electric rates. Civilization depends on energy, this move is nation collapsing.

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Lunatics running the asylum.

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Yep. Oil and natural gas global demand increases an average of 2% per yr, in spite of the electric energy increases from wind, solar. And global coal use continues to increase each year.

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See China.

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Ahhhhhhhhs hoooooooooles

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I am heavily betting on the Lone Ranger showing up, right in the nick of time for all this. Mighty Mouse? Underdog?

I honestly do not have the resources to equip my house with a generator, et al. I have some canned goods, but...seriously?

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Tongue in cheek, yea, has to be the Lone Ranger.

Seriously? I could go on about prepping, but realize finances dictate reality. Probably callous as hell, but I keep thinking (hoping?) that PJM Interconnection Power brokers go to rolling blackouts. They cautioned heavily in the media on that last spring, they provide the electric power for most of the East coast. Perhaps blackouts on the dem coast will shake a couple of cages.

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Anyone know why some "experts" are saying that the virus does not exist? Robert Young, Outraged Human and? they claim virology is a fraud? What is this all about? Luc Montagnier was total attacked when in June of 2020 he said the Sars II Covid 19 was gain of function.

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Those are usually the same folks who chooses to forget that Montagnier was the man who firsti isolated hiv, or the early work showing its origin in African monkeys, etc.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Xiden fallen over with the tree calling it fine is hilarious and on target, thank you.

Speaking of those songs: With the rise of self-driving vehicles, it's only a matter of time before we get a country song where a guy's truck leaves him too.

I struggle with Roman numerals until I get to 159, then it just CLIX.

Isn't it great to live in the 21st century? Where deleting history has become more important than making it.

Scientists say the universe is made up of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. They forgot to mention Morons.

Sleep is my drug, the bed is my dealer, the pillow is the sales pitch, the dreams are the trip, the alarm is the police, the lethargy is the hangover, and getting back out of bed the prison sentence.

R.I.P boiled water. You will be mist.

I need hug(e amount of money).

The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

Long fairy tales have a tendency to dragon.

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This may interest some of you: Fauci at the Mic (a parody of Casey at the Bat):

Then from six psychotic throats a lusty yell did linger;

For the seething masses bought the nonsense hook, line, & sinker

Joy rumbled through the WEF, confidence kindled with new vigor

For who knew wicked scumbags could so inspire and deliver

Their lies found their marks like arrows discharged from their trigger

And Fauci, mighty Fauci, was now advancing with his quiver

There was ease in Fauci's manner as he stepped in to advise;

There was pride in Fauci's bearing and a boast lit Fauci's eyes.

And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his mask

No monster in the WHO could doubt the charm of that braodcast

Ten million ears were straining as he spun his twisted fable

Double masking, triple testing were all on that tinpot's table

Business closures, churches shuttered, plus some social distance

"Are what's needed from you all to end this prisoner existence"

And while the writhing fraudster ground these lies into those brains

Faux fear flashed on Fauci's face as he forewarned the next strain

As this auditory pestilence came hurtling through the room,

And as Fauci stands reciting it, there, in mock terrified doom

Into the minds of children this dread unheeded sped

"The schools must close", said Fauci. "Oh Yes!" those children said.

Full Parody: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/fauci-at-the-mic-parody-of-casey

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posted on X

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Need to find one for Hoetz! He is the Pied Piper of RNA and beyond!


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This guy is a parody of himself. Seems unreal.

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You may want to add this to your article: https://bitchute.com/video/4zYwrrtLXKAp

Edit: If interested in doing so, you can download it here and embed it directly in the article: https://tritorch.com/degradation/!WHOSaysAnitVaxxorsAreAKillingForceAlongWithAntiScienceFolkDecember2022.mp4

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Unbelievable. The real pro RNA science guy is the culprit!

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Very good. You are talented. Thank you

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I'll have a sluggers mug of whatever you had after waking this morning.

Hold the cream and sugar. I like things ripe and raw on my wake up call. Hahaha

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Merry Christmas!

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Dude, really? 😆

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ahhhh... Hahaha! I'm still chuckling over that washing machine rendition of TDWDTGeorgia. I'm just hoping it lives in a basement somewhere and not near the main living area. Hilarious!

Sorry about your hawk situation, Dr Malone. We all recall how connected you and Jill are to those feathered friends.

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We feed birds and there is a local hawk who occasionally dines there.

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I have witnessed 20 ft away in my own back yard, A Peregrine Falcons laser direct dive bomb to smack a gold finch out of a bevy of them in flight hoping to escape to the low branches, The Falcon does an immaculate 360* circle above my head as talons pointed first slows to the ground atop the victim of it's choice. The Falcon amazingly allowed me to walk within 6 ft before an explosive exit up and away. Unforgettable Avion's.

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I have a fat one that sits on a branch over my deck through the winter, In hopes. My feral blk cat and bulldog raccoon are piling in the full of what I put out for them. So it's take should be pretty limited.

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Ours pretty big too. Had a big concrete bird bath (until deer broke it) and would fill the thing cooling off on hot days. He seems to really like eating the white wing doves that visit our feeder but mother nature you know

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We have the same situation Micheal. The mourning doves are especially vulnerable.

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Sorry missed your response. We have mourning doves here and near but do not feed here. Interavian prejudice?

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I have 50’ of deck railing that I put no-waste bird seed on. The red-tailed hawks go after field mice during the warm seasons but will sit on a deck post during the deep snow days hoping the birds will come down from the two trees by the deck. They don’t. And it can’t even get the mice that appear for the seeds that fall off the railing because it needs a clear opening. My cats are sequestered in the garage until about noon every day. Not to keep them safe, but to keep the birds safe. My son has lost more chickens to racoons and eggs to snakes then hawks.

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That happened when I put a bird feeder up in my yard in Castaic, Ca. The hawks would just lie in wait for those poor birds. I got rid of the feeder.

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The best is at the end with a beautiful woman on a horse

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My precious....

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well it seems in the first meme Israel Joe got pulled off the cliff by Palestinian Joe. Under pressure from two Muslim leaning swing states Michigan and Pennsylvania, Joe sent Tony Blinken over to Israel to tell them to negotiate a peace settlement with Hamas, America will not back Israels ongoing campaign to drive Hamas out of Gaza. BiBi made a big political mistake by not buying droves of Hunters finger paintings. But there’s still time, if he gives Frank B a call and sets up a meeting with Hunter, the bag man, he can make a nice big contribution to the “Don”, even with American taxpayer money. A couple hundred million would let BiBi bomb Gaza for the next 50 years, just look at Ukraine. J.Goodrich

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It's a disgusting tale in the making. To me it proves one couldn't have worse 'friends' than OBiden and Blinken. Not just for Israel (for we citizens too).Then again the OB&Bs no doubt have betters pulling their duplicitous strings. Hoping for the best for Israel despite the evil 'support' they are stuck with.

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Jean I’m not sure if you know this, the 4 year old American hostage that was released Abagail, thank God, was the only American released. What we don’t know, they won’t tell us how many hostages there are or their names. What we do know is Abigail’s great aunt is a huge Biden supporter and is one of the people that bought a bunch of Hunters art. Even when getting American hostages released their corrupt, you can’t make this stuff up…

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That is interesting

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And the best part ....now no longer hidden from view!

Let the courtroom drama we've all been praying for, begin. Perry Mason style.

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I had read that James. It was that piece of news that stopped me from reading anymore about the conflict over there. It took me about two months to quit reading anything about the Ukraine/Russia after it started in 2022. I know all I need to know about those two conflicts.

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I’ve gotten to that point on many issues as well, especially the border. Really most all of these issues I feel helpless with. I call reps up to ask for them to vote or push a certain way and a handful of republicans vote with the democrats, so when they say call your representative I’m starting to really think what the f for, it’s pretty much hopeless. I envy people that don’t care and don’t pay it any attention, they’ll probably live a lot longer!!!

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All I know is everything that is happening is for a reason, one I would never condone or even contemplate. I am still compelled to contact my congress members, perhaps only because they are Republicans.

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Unfortunately mine aren’t, but I do call other members quite a bit. Look at today, the house just expelled drawing blank on his name from New York. The guys been convicted of nothing yet. I don’t know why they have to hurt each other but can’t impeach any obvious democrat felon. If you look up the definition of useless it says house republican “😩”.

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James, I just listened to Charles Eisenstein "When Only Love Remains" an interview with a mother whose son was killed by Hamas, and she doesn't want revenge. She is so filled with love, it can make you cry. She has the answer...

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In Hindsight...we really need to mind our own darn business!

This thousand year old human haters arguments of killing others as remedies is unending.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We recently put up a self-flying eagle kite. We did it just for fun, but these are supposed to deter birds, and I think that it might work as I have noticed the ravens are absent. We free-ranged a large flock of chickens for many years, so the problem is familiar to us. We will definitely be experimenting with this method when we begin our new flock here at our new home in the (mostly) free state of Texas. We truly appreciate your sacrifice and commitment to freedom, as well as all the useful information you have published.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, concerning guinea fowl losses: encourage crows to move onto your farm. We live not far from you, in an area with plenty of hawks. We have not lost a single free-ranging bird to hawks, which I attribute to the crows. They mob the hawks when they come into the area and chase them off.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Same with the Great horned owls, and we have an ample supply of.

The crows and the owls are forever mortal enemies. Around here you hear the crows call.

The crows never let an owl sleep in any tree during the day. Pestering owls by the dozens.

But the owl has the advantage of a total silent nocturnal heavy weight champion at night.

I can talk with them sometimes at night. till they get closer and see that I'm an imposter.

Whoo-whoo whooooo.......

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Very true. Ravens do this as well. We had a pair living on our property for a few years and often saw them drive off hawks.

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as will a modern high powered pellet gun with a scope like that one I have in the laundry room. If I can catch him at roost.

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I like your quiet style and selection.

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So will a p.o.ed mocking bird.

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Does being pissed off make a mocking bird mean enough to intimidate a hawk?

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Yes. Once when a kid saw a couple go after a hawk and gave him a very hard time

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I too have seen smaller birds gang up on hawks and other large bird until they leave. I was sitting on my front steps one summer talking on my cell when a mocking bird and a meadow lark both landed on my sidewalk and went into a mulched area with a barberry bush. They paid no attention to me, just a foot away. I finally saw the black snake they both had partnered to get. I left to get a rake and when I returned the snake and birds were gone. Upon inspection, there was a nest in the barberry bush. The mocking birds will eat some seed but mainly come to the deck to drink water from the bird bath. Most of the time they are on my polyline fence looking for insects in the grass.

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Our mocking birds love suet

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh Jill and Robert, I am so sorry to hear about your guinea girl and the others. That IS heartbreaking. My condolences. I've had wildlife killed here by hawks (squirrels and rabbits). When I put food out for squirrels, raccoons, and opossums (mainly to keep them away from my bird feeders) I now put it under trees and bushes so the hawks can't see them from above. Haven't seen any dead ones since I started doing that. These animals stay in the woods and out of sight except when they come out to eat what I put out for them. On the brighter side, I loved all of this "Sunday Strip"! And....last but not least...when life gives you a rocking unbalanced washing machine, make music! Lol

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I have a little Yorkshire terrier that I have to watch when I send her out to potty. We have an owl in the neighborhood and an eagle at the Wellness Complex about 5 blocks away. She would make a nice juicy lunch.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Terrific Pic of the two of your finest treasures! Thanks for sharing! Will be looking forward to progress reports and on your farm's project. Heartened with the 3 turning the tide! Safe travels and MUCH Success.

At the Zoo we lost a sweet little hooded merganser to a hawk. Was sick about it for weeks. Still hurts.

Had a coworker at SSA who bought and put out trash cuts of meats for vultures in the winter. Had a good lot of takers.

Bestest Always and Ever ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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This spring I saw a handful of vultures on top of my pond embankment. Later in the day I drove my tractor back there and found a dead possum, not too large with what looked to be a crooked or broken hind leg. It did not appear the vultures had dined on it at all. Hmmm. One young possum has been living behind my shrubs in front of my house. He comes out at night to eat any leftover cat food on my front ground deck. Also, comes into the garage (garage door part way open so the cats can come and go) to eat their meals served in there. Before the cats were adopted, I would trap the possums but then would find them in the traps! Two nights ago it was in the garage and ran under the tool chest when it saw me. I brought the trap in the garage and set it up with bread in front of the tool chest and caught the thing. Maybe it will end up as road kill?

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May depend on where you let it loose? I think I (used) to have a possum and skunk too. Did have one episode of S perfume earlier. It seemed to need to train the raccoons. It and I never had any issues, tho we ended up face to face a couple times. I'm in a bad place for these poor critters. Too many homes.

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Same thing happening here. Critters running out of room and traffic ever deadlier.

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Major worry ....

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Where I live there is plenty of room for all. Homes are few and far in between, same with roads, mostly gravel. Possums will go where the food is readily available, they hunt out horse and chicken property. My son took it and dumped it someplace on the way to his place. I had a big mama coon I stood off last year from getting the wet cat food I was feeding to my orphaned skunks. Mama would come out after dark but I would be waiting for her. The year before she had her two cubs on my deck at night looking for left over bird seed. They were so cute. Caught them one night in my trap. I knew where they lived so took them home to mom. Possum dung is very harmful to horses if ingested so I can't have them on my property.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone for your posts. I never tire of reading them whether the subject is hard news, commentary, opinion, funnies, travel plans, or news of the farm. God bless you and Dr Jill!

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Speaking Dec. 4th = THE DREAM TEAM!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well I guess sending info about Drs Malone to my son paid off. He is one to do his research but he got his vax because his and my son in law have a business that takes care of mentally handicapped people. We were on a trip with his family and he said if he had had the info on the vax before he had gotten it , he would never have received the vax . He didn’t let his 2 children get it. Thank heavens. Thanks for all the info that you send out Drs Malone.

My favorite funnies of the day are the tidal wave , the stop global warming and the college student. So funny. Liked the songs.

Quartz is magnificent .

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Oh and I don’t know how you and Jill do all the traveling . Our trip home last night from vacation killed me and it was just to Hawaii.

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Me either. I thoroughly hate to travel. Always said internet made sci meetings unnecessary but was forced to go to them…and hated it. Perhaps obvious not a big fan of networking which was my impression of the only reason for those meetings.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The problem is that I love to travel. I love to immerse myself in the different cultures , eat the foods, meet the people, see the sights. Getting older is the pits. I won’t stop seeing new places but it takes time to recuperate afterwards.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't feel bad. I am down to 3 guinea hens. Started with 6 this summer, but couldn't get them all in at night. Those that chose to roost in the hen house are still with us. None of the albinos. They stand out like targets. Night means owls and coyotes, of which we have an abundance. We started with 5 Keats, about 4 years ago, had 17 eggs hatch the first year, which momma took good care of, but lost them over the ensuing summers. I don't know if I will get any more. I got them to eat the ticks which have moved north to Canada here in the last 2-3 decades. I am a vet and only started seeing them in 2000 ish. But our woods are alive with massive numbers of wild turkeys and they also eat ticks, well that , and the horses' grain that gets spilled when they are chewing too much at a time. They hang around the horses looking for a free meal morning and evening. My Aussie has only had 3 ticks this fall, and the other 2 dogs and none of the horses had any, so we are doing something right.

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Great point about turkeys. Brown turkey eggs for hatching are readily available (and legal). We might try raising up some turkeys next spring. We have some wild here but they are in the forest, and are too timid to come on the pasture or anywhere near us.

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We became aware of the facts that the wild turkey loves wood ticks. That is indeed a real plus in our wooded suburbs in Minn. We have a nice posse and young broods, seen doing the turkey trot in our back yard. The wildlife in our yard is growing into a vast natural variety once thought lost. Talk about an adaptation of survivals in each specie....so cool!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am still laughing about washing machine cover song!!!! There is another one with the song "Thunderstruck" that includes the dryer!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Small scale solar means I'll have enough for flashlights & a diesel heater. Cell phones if there is still a network.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel your pain. We lost an average of two chickens a year to migrating hawks.

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