If only they weren't all true.

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Regarding unraveling institutions, y’all might like my argument this morning at the federalist warning everyone to start vetting their kids’ doctors, if you haven’t already, before it’s too late…


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Wow! Thanks for this awesome article! I will be bookmarking this and also sharing it far and wide!

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And for those considering vaccination for themselves or their children, check out these true informed consent forms from Solari: https://home.solari.com/forms/

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Sorry if this was confusing. Solari Report is an excellent website founded by the great Catherine Austin Fitts (details about her at https://home.solari.com/media-kit/).

The Solari Report webpage explains the link in more detail. The idea is to create real informed consent, not only about what the shots can do to you, but also the lifelong financial burdens than can create to an injured shot recipient and his/her family and friends.

Here’s a copy/paste from https://home.solari.com/forms/

Solari Report Forms for COVID-19 Injections Available as Downloadable PDFs

The following forms are provided to help families, employees, students, and parents successfully implement complete due diligence and informed consent with respect to COVID-19 injections. We are currently reviewing possible updates based on President Biden’s announcement of federal mandates. We are waiting for the actual federal position and directions to employers to be published by the Department of Labor. We continue to follow legal positions from Governors and State Attorneys General who will take the position that such mandates are not legal or enforceable in their states. Please make sure you investigate the specific legal treatment and enforcement practices within your particular state and local jurisdictions regarding mandates and exemptions.

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Love the fox ship sinking. I wanted to comment on the firing of Tucker Carlson. The main goal of Tuckers show was to expose the truth on current all important issues. At the least it allowed a look at issues from an alternative viewpoint. These are the foundational principles of the first amendment and the freedom of the press. Are we to accept every authoritative government dictate with no question or opposing view? The first amendment was directly first to protect what some may call offensive speech. Well the lefts ultra tolerance has become intolerance towards me. Can I be the person to decide what is intolerant speech? Is the Biden administration trying to create a safe space for a specific group, protections from others freedom of thought or speech? Or is he trying to create a safe space for total government authoritative control? If we are to allow this administration with all its flawed policies to decide what is acceptable speech our country truly will be lost? No, we should strongly and proudly speak our truths with no intimidations. J.Goodrich

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Yes, and I would say that we should consider it our DUTY to unreservedly speak our truths with sincerity and honesty regardless of intimidation.

I would also say that the Biden administration is doing what they're told to do by the billionaire overlords who are working to establish a "one world" totalitarian system.

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Tucker addresses the natural herd instinct (that produces uniformity) v the truth teller in one of his last speeches prior to his Fox outing at the 14 minute mark. He said that truther tellers do not fit a common profile and once you find one truth that sticks with you, you start to find other truths that occur to you. The truth can be contagious, just like lying is. Once you speak the truth you are filled with this power. The more you tell the truth the stronger you become. Find his 36 minute speech here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N32UPXGChgo

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If you think of what the actual motivation and end result of what these authoritative communists, that would love to remove the 1st amendment, are trying to accomplish with their efforts to cancel people like Tucker, or Naomi Wolf, a better term is erase or eliminate. It’s much more fitting to get to their wanted end result. In the not to distant past there were efforts to eliminate whole races of people. Don’t think it couldn’t happen here as they dehumanize whole political groups of people.

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Excellent point James. They are also eliminating due process, right to a speedy trial, innocent until proven guilty, and Covid took away every right. .

Nobody stood up when they went after Alex Jones and now in hindsight… We’ve a new precedent, suing and getting $10s of millions because one is grieving over something you said. Well, we’ve sterilized the poor, prisoners, the retarded; offed people too close to the truth; set up abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. Once the CBDC is up and running they will not need re-education facilities to force conformity because they will have your money. It will be easy to eliminate the unworthy.

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Here Here Here J Goodrich! You have "nailed it" spot on. (If I may), "your words should ring through History". They are THAT important. I am a Proud "Aussie" and your explanation is also SPOT ON for Australia. When are We The People going to realise what is happening and UNITE Peacefully Legally and under the auspices of our Constitutions (Whilst they are still valid).

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Thank You Les I am the son of a Disabled WW2 veteran that put his life on the line to preserve a better life for his kids. Now we have absolute greed running this country into the financial ground so that they can have a better life for themselves. Future Generations of kids will have to pay for their complete greed. Certainly the next generations are not being left a better world. Americas standard of living is rapidly decreasing and listening to Janet Yellen the other day say that 50 trillion in debt is sustainable will devastate living standards. We are bankrupt. By the way Les I love your energy!!!

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Had to post this. I heard it at the end of Lou Dobbs podcast at work yesterday. It’s a Benjamin Franklin quote; Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.

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The telecommunications act that Clinton signed into law was overriding the law that was put into effect from the era of Rockefeller owning 90% of the national media that Americans were listening to. Now the media is consolidated as was predicted by the signing of that law and has led us to these problems. Clearly the old law was working better then the new one. Time to repeal the telecom law and go back to the old one, or just use the Sherman act to bust up the monopolies that are what we have. It strikes me as funny that they broke up ATT because they owned all the phone lines. Centralized control would have been easier if they would have left it as one company. But google and Apple seem to be very easy to persuade to give up our privacy. No antitrust interest in breaking that up.

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The meme is mightier than the sword! Thanks for the reminder!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Through a series of events I just read more of Mathew Crawford and conclude that we are all f...ed! These cartoons and memes are all too true and it takes a super-human ability to keep up with the various ways of deception. To be able to not be duped by the story line requires a third sense so astute as to be nearly impossible. It's no wonder people think you (Dr. Malone) are questionable in your approach, they are fed constant divisive doubt. I need to go outside and scream and cry.

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Remember, a Budweiser Clydesdale must be a gelding, their symbol for American strength.

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The "how to identify a fish" meme was used to train AI (artificial intelligence) pattern recognition how to recognize a fish. The algorithm determined that any image with the letters "Fish" underneath was a fish.

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The Gen Z memes are on-point and helped me, thank you. Conversations with a son feel like navigating a minefield, no matter the topic he gets accusatory with "facisism, racist, gender something etc". It's exhausting but the meme showed me how it must be more exhausting to be constantly "triggered" and in a state of perpetual anger and offense, it's automatic so there's zero critical thinking- brainwashed and part of the collective mass psychosis. So I pray for deliverance and keep on loving and forgiving and strive to be unoffendable

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They’re the ones who suffer most from the propaganda because it was 100% in full force when they entered school. They know nothing other than their innate herd instinct. They have been conditioned not to go beyond that. Pray for him and tell him you are.

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Get that kid out of whatever school he’s in, off social media, and, in order to let him back on ANY social media, make him first watch all the PragerU 5-minute videos that are available at their website. He’s being mind poisoned.


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He is mid-20s....but thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

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Better be careful about your kids’ dentist too!

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Another great selection. Thanks for the additional meme ammo.

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What a Great day for free speech (and the appropriate portion of ALL of our Constitutions) I am an Australian, but have always had a deep and genuine love of USA and its people.

Today’s Funnies are fantastic, and motivated me to leave (and read) all the comments. Firstly, I thank Dr Malone for his courage and his Wisdom, I also thank many of the people leaving their thoughts here. (BUT here comes the bad part), it also reminded me of comments made by retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn during an interview with Alex Jones. (as close as I remember) he said “people have got to be aware of the dangers we all face”. “We either bow down to Communism OR we fight to repel it”. “People have to realise that it is perfectly OK to be frightened, THAT’S a reflex! Not a lot we can do about it, but People need to realise that whilst it is OK to be scarred, a “HERO” may well be scarred too, but He/She decides to demonstrate COURAGE”. “THAT’S WHAT MAKES A HERO”. We all face never before dangers, and we all must hear what Gen Flynn teaches us. Being scarred is a reflex, COURAGE is a decision. A Decision we ALL must make if WE are to save this world as we knew it.

God bless America and its people. God bless Australia and its people.

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Good ones today. Thank you for the humor.

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All hit the mark! Of course the Bud horses are my winners. Am worrying about them. If Buds trend continues they could end up among the jettisoned. The worst of that is who would be willing to afford them? It is so frustrating when handsome creatures are let down by mindless nits.

Have a terrific day! A great weekend! Productive and satisfying times at the next stop in your World Travels. Safe passage. Much appreciation! Bestest

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Bring back the Clysdale's! Bring back the American Constitution! Bring back Tucker! Tucker and RFK Jr. were coming together as the chief truth tellers and they were getting traction! This can't be tolerated by Big Pharma who has gamed medicine for profit over good health! Time all the truth tellers close ranks and march towards the truth with Tucker and RJK Jr. RFK Jr. talked from the heart when he expressed the reasons he decided to jump into the political snake pit! American public needs to be educated and not gas lite! It is reported that Tucker's Wednesday video on twitter has had 60 million viewings! The truth must prevail or we as a nation are lost! Read this to understand why Big Pharma is a major player in this Covid disaster! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/medical-science-is-exponential

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Thomas, Tucker had a program where he would talk with a guest at length for viewing on Fox Nation. I only watched one of them, which was an interview with RFK. Jr. It was a great interview. I bet he is one of those Tucker nailed as a truth teller in a recent speech before his firing. Starts about the 14 minute mark if you don’t want to watch the entire 36 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N32UPXGChgo

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Do you recall this 1973 warning? I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, so I didn’t hear it until the the early 90s. It has been 50 years… however, it would seem that what he believed the Holy Spirit was showing him, was accurate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_R9I-qQEbs

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Wow, I was just 6 years old when that was made. This was prophetic, no doubt.

Will pass onto others.

Thank you.

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It was a vision that the Lord gave him, a warning. Reminds me of the old testament. The message is consistent with the last 2000 years…one repentance and turn to Jesus. He is our hope.

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I just listened to the video twice.

It's disturbing, as although throughout history prophets have been calling for countless types of either mundane, or spectacular events to occur, usually to sway their listeners for their own gains, this one was a bit different. So much of what he said seems to have come to fruition, which is quite eerie to me. Amazing, actually.

Thanks again. Forwarded on to many.

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I am not familiar with Mr. Wilkerson, but I certainly understand his warning in 1973 and his numerous other warnings I found after listening to the link you provided. What does not surprise is the fact that there were so few pastors ringing the same bell; which proves he was correct in his assessment. The new age was upon us and I felt it in the mid to late 70s myself - like a thin dirty veneer covering our existence. We became a decadent society rather quickly, mostly sponsored by the policies of a few in high places with the clout to make it happen. When God is removed from the public square, we are left naked and afraid with no mooring and an anything goes attitude. I unplugged from the boob tube in 1985 and it’s sad that it took my divorce to do it.

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He’s not our pastor, but one of my son’s. So I started listening to find out what he was hearing. He’s South African. He ministers to a mostly young crowd, so he speaks very plainly…but entirely biblical.

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Who is he?

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The pastor? His name is Clayton Grenfell.

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You are interested, I just listened to an incredible teaching on Free Life Church a two part podcast from last December 2022. Called ‘Who is Jesus?’. I have been a Christian for nearly 40 years, it’s probably the best I have ever heard.

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I listened but it was not what I expect. I had in my head that it would be about the more than 150 names ascribed to Jesus in the Bible and what each of those meant about Him. I spend my time with Ligonier Ministries, specifically its founder R.C. Sproul whose program is Renewing Your Mind - Know what you believe and Why you believe it. He passed a few years back and used to have a radio program. I have many of his lessons on DVD and one version of his Reformation Bible.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I respected Sproul, greatly. I went through his whole teaching on eschatology…it helped me break free of some errors, typical in evangelicalism. I think it is important to be well rounded… so I listen to people I may not agree with on everything. I am not a cessationist, but I am aware of the abuses. Discernment by the Holy Spirit is critical for a believer. This pastor is reaching young people, in a way that many of our traditions no longer are... not by changing the truth of scripture in any way, but by saying it differently. Peace.

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Doc pointed GETTR folks to an RFK Jr Climate Depot interview this morning. Going strong. Evidently the Climate Depot folks are positive about him. His take on the Globalists was spot on. He is starting to address his climate views, Personally would like an additional perspective or two. Am continuing to take in the insights he is providing.

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One of your better collections--and they all are good

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It occurs to me the one about the spider web is a perfect metaphor for socialism

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Do you recall this 1973 warning? I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, so I didn’t hear it until the the early 90s. It has been 50 years… however, it would seem that what he believed the Holy Spirit was showing him, was accurate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_R9I-qQEbs

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Let me show you how the government can help you!

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