Here’s to all the lions who recognized the propaganda, who resisted coercion, who refused collusion, and who became ungovernable ✊

This one’s for you:

• “You Cannot Break Us” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/you-cannot-break-us)

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This is a great song!! Thanks for sharing it. :-)

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My pleasure and honor, wretchedcoder!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

👏👏👏 Without question, the Secret Service knows exactly who forgot their cocaine and they knew by simply reviewing the video an hour after finding‼️

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I agree and they could have "swept it under the rug," but they chose to make the finding public. Maybe someone(s) in the fractious deep-state agencies wants to take team Biden down a notch or two.

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At this point I believe they want Biden out 🤷

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Look around. The vaccine cult has gotten less vocal. As more of the truth is coming out they are getting nervous. The same is true with the censorship cult. Demands for accountability are needed. These crimes to humanity must not go unpunished. And these cults must be recognized as threats to a civilized society.

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The clip by JP in which his doc is named Dr. Whatnurembergcode, while meant to be comedic made me laugh, but on a serious note we must hold the criminals accountable for their crimes against humanity if we expect to go back to being a civilized society.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, today's compilation is the gift that keeps on giving! For some reason almost all gave me a laugh, I suppose the reason is that they are right on!

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The ass backwards world we now live in. Conspiracy was never really a theory after all.

It appears The White Powder House needs a new non selective security camera system. If it had been that other white powder, don't you think the cameras would have worked???

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I took your comment and ran with it - I hope you don't mind! And thank you!


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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone, this has to be the latest greatest funniest LOL collection ever! I just have to comment on a few.

About ignorance and apathy, I would ask “What is the difference between ignorance, apathy and stupidity?” And the answer is “I don’t know, I don’t care and couldn’t even if I did.” And I’m afraid that describes a few too many.

And the one about being a lion has just one question. When is dinner?

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ok, I agree. But not everyone can find their tribe where they are and are moving to be with our future lion pride.

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Does anyone know why the media is abuzz with the cocaine story? Or, how it even became a story? Or, why anyone cares? Doesn't CA give this stuff out to the homeless for free? Is it as important as who gave the draft of the Roe/Wade reversal to the press - for which there will never be an answer.

Is there something else we aren't talking about? Something more important?

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Yes! It is just another stupid distraction. And how did the info even get out to the media and public?

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A RED herring??

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Thank you. That's it.

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Are they trying to divert attention from the cluster bombs King Joey is sending to Ukraine? God help us, the Idiot In Chief wants WWIII. The hawks will fawn over his courage and his fight for democracy.

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I'm sure that is one of them. Since Jan 2021 the onslaught has never let up. There is nothing this Admin hasn't screwed up on purpose.

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The cowpie cartoon is my favorite.

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Mine too

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Mine too! ‼️‼️

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Bud Light has begun pitching their product with ads associating Bud Light with country-western and patriotic themes. Do they really think we are that stupid?

Until one of those spineless weasels on the board of directors shows up to apologize to America for their participation in the attempted destruction of America, the only nation in the history of history to be conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal, they can expect their beer to never ever regain any significant market share. Ever.

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I'm surprised they haven't quietly dumped Bud Light. The market is NOT coming back.

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Well its quite a thing when I have to read the Drs Malone Friday Funnies to get the real accurate news . LOL!! Thank you!!! There must be some special literary award for this.........

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow some new Cartoonists enter the Friday Stack of comedy!

Sweet.....variety is the spice of life.

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I love JP’s humor! Though, there are many of us that chose not to get the shot, our children, and loved ones did. Yes, we did not comply, we stuck to our guns, we went through hell, but we have untainted blood. Many, including both daughters trusted the doctors, trusted the CDC, trusted the “science”. They were told it was the only way to get back to what they thought were their normal lives. My daughter is now fighting a return of cancer at 42, my brother has myocarditis, my brother in law has heart issues, other friends now have AFIB. I’m headed to a celebration of life for my sister in law who believed everything little Fauci said. Fully vaxed and boosted she drank herself to death during the lockdown, had heart issues, and early onset dementia. Yes, I’m so grateful that I didn’t take these shots, but now I’m living the horror of the lies, deception, the “experiment” with my children, family, and friends. Clips making fun of those that chose to take the shots hits hard. Many now realize they were duped. Rubbing salt in their wounds isn’t something I find funny by any means. As a parent and grandparent I worried BEFORE this insanity. Now, I worry more than ever, for those that took the shot, my grandchildren who are constantly around friends and family that took those shots, digital currency, war, elections, etc. I have to remind myself daily that god has a plan and he is here. Praying for those suffering from this experiment.

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Absolutely the best Friday funnies to date!!! Sometimes I’m dumbfounded how the major life events of the past six plus years are left to turn to dust. If we are not capable to fix these past crimes and indiscretions, how can it be possible to think our future will have resolutions of any kind? How quickly the present turns into the past. I have such a difficult time thinking that all of these recent crimes against the population of this world will be left to wither and disappear. The majority of Americans surely have a short memory. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. J.Goodrich

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I think you mean “indiscretion” and “soweth” but thanks to spell check 🤬. I always love reading your comments James.

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Ah, Barbara Lee, so your the one that likes my posts. 😅

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One of the ones

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Two of the ones...

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Thanks Barbara Lee I do reread before posting but still miss things. Sometimes I’m posting things from a rooftop.

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James!! What are you doing on a rooftop??!!!

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Sometimes roofing!!

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SOMETIMES??? What are you doing the rest of the time up there? PS I have a cat that spends a lot of time on the garage roof. Anything in common?? She is escaping the new kitten named Beatrice Bounce. No further explanation needed😅

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Sometimes venting bathrooms we renovate, venting kitchens, siding, repairs. I’m never up there like James Taylor getting fresh air when the world got you down...

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"To Survive in a Nation of Sheep" Comfort, Safety, Unlimited Entertainment, oh and infinite absurd distractions combined with the threat of job loss and shaming have resulted in the pussification of a Nation. Wolves have been an endangered species for some time and its urgent we adopt a plan to repopulate them back into the wild.

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They have plenty of sheep to feed on.

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Thanks for the smiles, Drs Malone. :-) Really appreciate the Emerson quote. Thanks especially for that, and God Bless you and all who read this. Peace.

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