Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those that cannot read or write, but those that cannot unlearn the many lies that they have been conditioned to believe, and seek out the hidden knowledge that they have been conditioned to reject”.

Oh how very true. And oh how very sad 😢. God help us all.

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Correction: not “hidden.” In plain view for “those who have eyes to see.”

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God is the only One who can help us and always has

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... but only briefly, because a SARMAT might be visiting soon 😏

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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Thank you for posting that. Dr. Malone is a dynamo!

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Hi I joined. i dont understand the "reputation" part - can anybody explain to me. I usually log in with email but ended up login in with Facebook I think, or maybe google with my dog's account. lol Yes, Im an old lady sortof.

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You can register at your convenience!

Reputation in order to support publications that are of interest to you

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Ask questions! There are doctors on the forum from GCS. They will surely answer

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the one that correctly states basically, “they were never wrong, just lying”. A hearty amen! Pure evil!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The eye chart took me a minute. 🙂

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The underlined letters helped!

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Thank you for that clue because I was starting to worry about myself!

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I do wordle every morning, it’s fun ! My son introduced me to it.

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Actually took me quite a few.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Took me more than a few. But I'm old so I get some latitude. :-)

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deletedSep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022
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The illiteracy one and the Bill Maher speak to the degradation of the American mind and body.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

My eyes have been opened in past 3 years: how much of it has to do with crisis ongoing (9-11, 2008, covid..), predatory medical care & toxic meds, manufacturing left US way back, constant stream of MANIPULATION by the media, loss of traditional values, GMO, medical frauds & withholding cures for profit sake, ADHD, VACCINES damaging childrens’ bodies (an unbelievable 71, I think I got maybe 10 as a child), Chinese CCP infiltrated, Processed food without warnings and more. You know the powers that be doing their part to stress out mankind and break them down towards what is happening today-Globalists coup d’tat. Yes, its bad the obesity, and people should take more care, but….

Forgot to add “wokism, prolonged riots in MN, Portland, OR, CRT, BLM, Transgender, uncontrolled border, males playing female sports…. Sure I left out some other intentional measures by outsiders to keep us in chaos and discord not to speak of break down our economies in order to take us over!!!

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So good! All of them. I just seemed to pay more attention to the Trump Desantis one. How the former President accomplished so much with that load on his back. That is my perception. Somehow I just feel he still has some unpacking to do before the next man takes the reins.

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When did Maher become reasonable?

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When he "woke" up.

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glad he didn't have peg leg surgery

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No Ranko Voto!

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Re the Bill Maher video, "affirmation" and "support" of "body shape," which enables behaviors that are reversible, is something we can laugh about. "Affirmation" and "support" of gender dysphoria, even to the point of encouraging irreversible puberty blockers and surgeries, is a far greater problem.

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I don't care if anyone wants to be fat, or perverted, or stupid. Not my problem. I dont care if they dislike my ridicule of their insanities. Their problem. I do care if they try to force me to join them.

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Agree 100%

From a certain historical perspective, if you will note carefully, as our culture conceded the "right" of those who previously were called deviants, to impose their will upon others, they also reduced, sometimes took away entirely, the right of "normal" people to refuse to participate in the madness.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

agree about Ron DeSantis and continue to be dumbfounded why Trump has any support...

like so odd that when i have tried to talk to my more leftist friends i get accused of being a Trump fan, and then when i talk to my Trump fan friends i get the following...

"As for your belief that Trump "failed because he sold out to big pharma," the original goal of the globalists was to use the plandemic to keep countries around the world locked down for years and years waiting on a vaccine. This would have destroyed the economy, people's freedoms and paved the way for the Great Reset agenda.

So its pretty clear to see Trump was playing an optics game. Operation warp speed brought a vaccine solution in less than a year, so in the final calculus, this greatly minimized the fallout, which would have been much, much worse than what we're seeing play out currently. All Trump did was turn their plandemic narrative on its head. By claiming to be pro-vaccine and anti-mandate, he avoided the political weaponization that would have been used against him if he opposed a vaccine outright. Again, optics are important, this is a very nuanced game."

which just blows my mind about how the propaganda/gaslighting works both sides...

that sure, Biden is such an absolute total horror show that to claim that Trump is the lessor of evils might have some merit, yet, why does it come down to two bad choices except that it is planned that way...

which considering this looks to me that rank choice voting would help stop this yet this being a threat to our planned/limited to two bad choices both selling out to the corrupt donor class elite compromised voting system such that it seems we should expect that the funding for the propaganda to demonize rank choice voting as a possible solution is would be the expected...

and no surprise to me it appears this effort of applied propaganda is ongoing and is showing clear evidence of being effective...

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Propaganda is just lies we disagree with. Lies we like are called marketing. The victims are those who can't see the lies.

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Have said for many years pols and admen depend on 1/2 of the population being at or below average in intelligence. Lies are their bread and butter

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somewhat agree, yet the deeper question is the how question and the history of the application of this how...

which for me the how question and some of the history is well explored in CG Jung's vol 14, Mysterium Coniunctionis, however unless you enjoy deciphering cryptic puzzles this book is a tough go...

that rather a better option for most would be to start with Iain McGilchrist book, The Master and His Emissary, the divided brain and the making of the western world...

that from what i can tell we are being darkly nurtured into a compromised mindset at a deeply foundational psychological level which outside of for example Jung the mainstream field of psychology has no/little clue about...

and that even within Jungian psychology that this aspect of Jung is perceived as a threat to sales/marketing concerns so tends to reinterpreted in ways less threating...

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What you say is true. But it's equally true that have the population is above average intelligence. The bell curve tells us that the vast majority of people are average, which is adequate for everyday living.

Perhaps you're thinking of the ad men's quip, which is likely true: "We know that 50% of spending upon advertising is wasted. The problem is, we don't know which half."

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Had to think about your response. You are right that average iq should be more than enough and it always was. But we have had our schools pushing mediocrity vs meritocracy for too long. And then the "information age" where folks increasingly forced to use their brainpower less and less. I suspect this leads to a form of mental atrophy and results with the sufferers mentally sliding down beyond the average in terms of usable intelligence.

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Of course it's easy to say this in retrospect: Trump should have "held hostage" his Warp Speed project, until Congress amended the law to explicitly state that no EUA product could be mandated for any reason (exceptions exist: the US military can be forced to, yes it's codified in existing law.) Trump was easily co-opted by the Deep State. Whatever his talents, he has a supreme ego and that was compounded by the need to run for re-election in 2020.

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People without ego are always servants for those with egos. It's a necessary trait for all successful politicians, government or civilian, so I suspect there are other reasons you dislike Trump. Trump's weakness was he's an obsessive germaphobe, so a raging virus pushed all his buttons. And in early 2020 most of us still believed we could trust those nice doctors in their spiffy white coats. Hindsight is useful for historians, not for warriors.

At least he didn't bore us with made up stories of beating up corn pop. That's some epic ego.

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an obsessive germaphobe, yes, this is a factor, a factor that also, my understanding, is an issue with for example, Tulsi Gabbard...

yet this becomes just another example of how a mass formation is built from many smaller factors that prime us to be susceptible to descending into a mass formation...

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The present CEO of NPR is the former head of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Martí and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others. These are all State Department CIA propaganda mouthpieces. So is NPR.

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Likely so. If for some reason they are your main news sources, you can still achieve some benefit. Just assume that everything they say is a lie, and assume the opposite is true. Yes I know it sounds flippant, but if you examine the history of much propaganda, there is a lot of validity to this simple trick.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow...At first glance... I just knew I was in for a good laugh. MMM, Sweet!

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Bill Maher, proving inside every liberal progressive asshole is a common sense conservative dying to get out.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My thought exactly. Maher has been taking shots across the bow of the looney left recently. He is not red pilled yet but who knows what will be in a few months.

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I am puzzled as to how people can literally hypnotize themselves that they are somehow better off in the quite dangerous conditions many find themselves mired in. Not just being obese but also such things as Anorexia, heart issues, diabetes, the list goes on and on. I am in my 70's and it is a constant effort to try to maintain optimum health. But I have been at it long enough to see real positive results to the point where now when I decide to incorporate a new exercise, diet change or perhaps a new supplement I am excited to see what new form of well being will be the outcome of this new tweaking of my biology. I just recently learned of the importance of the Lymphatic system as being the "other side of the coin" from the circulatory (i.e. blood) system. If the blood is the delivery system feeding the cells of the body needed resources for optimal performance the Lymphatic system is the disposal system to take away the byproducts and waste of the cells doing their thing effectively. I purchased a rebounder to address this side of my health. Not something everyone can afford I understand, but just getting out each day and walking for 15 minutes a day can work wonders over a short period of time. The Lymphatic system does not have a pump like the heart. It works when the body is in motion; like a self winding watch. Every person would be wise not to ignore this other half of your body's miraculous balance of intake and disposal. Sort of a Yin/Yang balance for best living.

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What you say jibes with what I've learned elsewhere. And that's a point I want to make: No doctor ever told me about (say) the lymphatic system. A good MD will mention the need for regular exercise, sensible diet, and avoid known troublemakers (smoking, drug abuse, excessive drink, etc.) But mostly that's boilerplate advice. That is perhaps better than no advice at all. But much better would be if practitioners somehow could actively encourage good lifestyle choices. But that's a tall order. And even if a patient is willing, a major problem from the medical industrial complex's view, there's not much profit in it.

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So many great ones again today and I found the Maher one to be the best.

The illiterate one is great and reminds me of a quote from Dr McDonald's book about fear that jumped out at me. He writes that he has never met someone addicted to fear who is curious. Instantly, my sister-in-law's face popped into my mind as I remembered her response to the panel of DeSantis, Atlas, Bhattacharya and Kulldorff discussing the mistake of lockdowns etc. I sent her 18 months ago. She wasn't interested.

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The fear that there is a very good possibility that she was duped. These fast asleep people refuse to even go there.

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I only wish she was that thoughtful of a person and could consider that possibility.

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It’s heartbreakingly sad. I have the same going on with my SIL not to mention many other family members.

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We have the same. If they weren't so closed and arrogant in their ignorance, I could feel sadness. In my SiL's case, she is a very superficial person. I don't mean stupid; she just has no depth. I have a friend who is very simple-minded and she is aware of what is happening and gets a lot of this stuff!! In my SiL's case, it's just denial, or as Gad Saad likes to call this particular mind virus - parasitic ostrich syndrome!

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I am curious, in anyone’s experience, what have been things that sleeping people have opened their eyes to? (I know it is more a matter of their desire to see --but what are some info bytes that have been more palatable “first bites?”

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I think I have that Stealth Covid and I'm taking the weekend off to rest ... Phew

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