Aug 30·edited Aug 31Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are thousands of things I have learned over the years but the past couple have been exceptional. The first is don’t talk politics with completely close minded people. They are the people that Yuri Bezmenov mentioned in his famous interview. People that have been demoralized to the point that you can show them stacks of proven evidence, take them by the hand and show them peoples own words yet they still won’t allow themselves to acknowledge what is happening. It’s as though there’s a block wall built in their minds. They completely ignore the facts then go right back to their spiel. Meanwhile back in reality our current government continues its full world press on destroying freedom; mainly freedom of speech around the world, and certainly here at home. It’s as you have said Dr. Malone no one is perfect, but if they are fighting to silence people, destroy our first amendment, take away the principle of letting the best idea win, the free world is over.

Leaders naturally fight for their ideas, but the most successful leaders are secure enough to allow the best idea to win. Decisions shouldn’t be made by domination of others, progress is made by allowing the best ideas to move forward.

These tactics used against us of silencing populations, forcing one rule government will end with catastrophic outcomes. We are turning into the old Soviet Union, spreading authoritarian communism throughout the world. Our government used to spread freedom of speech to undermine communism now spreads censorship to gain control over countries including our own. People need to wake up and quickly. Stop micro managing your brains to hate Trump and look at the macro issues of the destruction of our and the worlds liberties and freedom. J.Goodrich

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Jessica Rose just wrote an interesting piece on her awakening about Trump. "Donald Trump is the reason I left facebook after more than ten years. And I want to say thank you."

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Hi DD, I read that Jessica Rose article, it’s good to see someone’s mind open, that once raged. I think I posted yesterday how people that were never done wrong by him, never knew the man , met him or was ever near him, hate him. We are all imperfect, I know I am, that’s for sure, but people ARE brainwashed to hate him!

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I wonder what will happen to M. Zuck when he comes to the crossroad? Jessica Rose is correct that FB brainwashed people who use it. I’m happy for not getting involved in FB.

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I quit facebook because I did not want to support a rabid pedopathic company.

I rarely use You tube for same reason. Ditto with Disney.

Cant give up my Amazon yet, though. Damn him for being so efficient.

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The Apostle Paul wrote in a letter to the Thessalonians regarding the nature of the last days signalling the end of history” …They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth in order to be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, …” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.

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However it is never very wise to be completely open-minded you never know what might sneak in. Best keep a watching brief on all that the mind is subjected to and ensure you fill it with as much truth as possible.

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As my Bible teacher Bill Creasy used to say, "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out!"

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This is the core of the problem, the main stream media has lied so much about reality, that half the population is willfully ignorant because they've been told Republicans are Nazis, because they are the Right, so naturally, be a Leftist, its anti Nazi -except thats a lie, Nazi's are just Leftists to the right of Marx. Sadly there are just too many stupid people allowed to vote. Get rid of voter ID and swap it with voter IQ. In order to vote, one should have to pass an IQ test. They get the government they deserve. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed so I ignore the bureaucracy at all costs and tell it off when I have to be slowed down by it.

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As I have said before, our problem historically has not been stupid voters but ones left ignorant by the media when there was really no other info source. With the www that is no longer a valid excuse. We are now saddled with ignorance fueled by indolence and that is inexcusable.

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Micheal, laziness is a problem also. It takes time and effort to research and evaluate one’s findings. But you are correct. The www makes it easier for anyone.

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Great point BL🥂🐸

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And by the fact that "they hear what their itching ears want to hear."

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I am a Constitutional Conservative, or, said more simply, I am a constitutionalist - ergo, I am only to the right in comparison to those who call themselves "liberals," but historically, liberals aligned more with my constitutional beliefs which, obviously, align with our founding fathers.

Todays democrats align more in thought and practice with the boogeymen from the past that today’s democrats seek to tarnish me as - which, if I’ve been able to follow this, makes demonratz the actual right wing nut jobs if we’re using their language and definitions.

Me, I’m neither left nor right, I’m an American, a constitutionalist as stated afore, and, if anything, part of the vast minority of TRUE liberals.

Just like with anything else, America’s leftist have confounded&corrupted our language, not for clarity but to hide&promote their hideous agenda. Frankly, I don’t think they’re capable of even cleaning an over used outhouse.

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And the bloody media. Remember when red on political maps meant left but seems decided too accurately descriptive? Then came the switch.

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And then Matrix came along in 1999

And Neo chose the RED pill, chose REALITY.

And then the Wachovski’s ( 🤷‍♀️) went and got matching chop-a-dick-ectomies — I think there’s some irony in there. Somewhere.

Still, I enjoy the later production, Jupiter Ascending - enough so that I’ve watched it several times.

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Right on!! The party of Adolph was the "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party"!!!

But somehow Socialists are now "left" and Constitutionalists are "far right" Fascists!!

That's why I call them DemoCommuFascists!!!

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James, here's a fail-safe elixir for those folks: https://youtu.be/TqVyPbfkerY?si=cb4mPsGiyn8055oO

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Very well said.

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"People that have been demoralized to the point that you can show them stacks of proven evidence, take them by the hand and show them peoples own words yet they still won’t allow themselves to acknowledge what is happening"

This is exactly why I have been calling these rabid vermin, members of a rabid cult.

Sane, non believers, can change their mind.

Rabid religious nuts cannot.

See also Islam. Democrat Party. Socialists. Communists.

and the everlovin Westboro Church (which turned out to be a bunch of grifters, hoping someone would smack them up side the head, so they could sue)

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I just reread your post because I have the luxury of some time. I am aware of your writing of being available on about three levels of awareness. Did you ever think that a writing or thought of yours could be read as poetry or prose? Well, I do.

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DD I wasn’t sure if you were writing this post to me??

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Well thank you! I haven’t. I honestly don’t have a lot of joy in my life. Maybe my concerns come out when I write.

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Your middle paragraph is especially potent. Many, many years ago I was told I was Joy deep inside. I honestly didn't know what that meant. Much different than "being happy". I still search for the Joy that I am, regardless of the outside circumstances.

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Dr. Bryan Ardis read the published "side effects" of the pain relief drug Prialt in a Mike Adams interview...one of which was ... consumers of the drug would "cling to false beliefs even in the presence of facts"!!!

How many other such poisons with similar effects are being foisted on people by air, food, water and prescription???

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So Zuckerberg expressed contrition about censoring, or at least by taking orders from the government in order to censor. Today Facebook is censoring a post with an eagle superimposed on an American flag and with this text below: Dear God, I bow my head and ask, if it be thy will, please save this land from those who seek to destroy it. Amen

Their statement says it may contain graphic or violent content. Graphic content is described in this way:

--We use either technology or a review team to identify content that should be covered.

--Graphic content may include things like animal abuse, death, wounds, someone's life being threatened or suicide and self-harm.

--Graphic content isn't visible to people under 18.

Be careful, friends! I don't want anyone to be traumatized by this graphic post! UPDATE: I did a screenshot of the original post and shared that, it's been up most of the day and has not been covered up by FB.

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My personal take on Zuckerberg's actions are that he is hedging his bets. He is saying Mea Culpa two months before the election... okay... yup. Got it.

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His "mea culpa" is worthless to me. If he was actually "sorry" he would do some to atone for his folly. How many Americans have died due to his obfuscation of the truth, hiding reality and fostering fictions.

James states that our words (professed faith, apologies?) are worthless without actions supporting the words. Until I see actions, …

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totally agree... my "okay... yup. got it." was veeerrry sarcastic.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

The betting markets have Trump substantially ahead of Harris. Zuck is probably worried that when Trump is President, it won't be good for him unless he somehow grovels in advance, tries to throw blame to the government and mend fences a little bit. It appeared pretty calculated and phony to me.

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kind of exactly what I was getting at.

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He has no idea what’s in store for him down the road.

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I want to know WHO forced him to pay all of the ZUCKERBUCKS to get them elected and to defeat Trump 🤔 🙄?

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US Intel owns him and FB is one of its many tools. The story on his money flow was to provide a cover for the actual fraud that took place. Same with censoring the Hunter LT.

Had to make everyone believe the installation of B/H was from legit votes.

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They own him because he voluntarily sold out to them!!!

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I believe all the current tech giants did, including Google or whatever it calls itself now, to get the gov's seed money through mutual arrangements. One gets the profits and the other gets citizen data, surveillance, propaganda, and censorship tools. What’s not to like. Even Thiel’s Palantir is used by Intel as is Ebay and PayPal.

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A hundred years ago it was just the elite Universities that were used by people within the USG to provide both future persons and scientific discoveries to the USG. For the last three or so decades grant funding from the majority of USG institutions has also been dispersed to all State Universities.

The watchful eyes of the USG and its underwriters have long used start up companies with useful ideas to their advantage by funding the means to roll out nationally and globally. The USG protects them by having them buy out any new competing company without any monopoly oversight by the USG.

Making a movie about FB was probably floated by the USG.

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For an even more deplorable use of funding, watch this. Depressing as all get out. I've known for years it went deep, but that doesn't begin to describe it. https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1828340556897874125?t=LNiObcwtwQxo4Y2Jykj4hQ&s=09

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His letter to the House Committee was the start of this comment thread. Benz is rightfully mad because Zuck waited until after SCOTUS ruled on the Murthy v MO lawsuit which said gov us forcing tech companies to censor.

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The movie The Social Network” was the reason I never got involved in FB.

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Jimminy cricket?

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Why did Disney used the grasshopper as a prototype for Jimminy's head.

Asking for a friend.

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Anticipating the locust behavior they were destined for?

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Maybe Corn Pop

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Zuckerberg knows he is in trouble if 45 is elected 47. Hedging his bets. Zuck will squeal or roll over...whichever needs doing to save his ass. He is the type that will never repent before God because he thinks he can be god.

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Anne ... I just made a photo like you described so FB can silence me or put me in FB jail (again) because they DON'T or should not have the right to silence us and the more of us that stand up against their insanity, the more who will be standing at the end together! The MORE we test them and their authority to do such things, the more they will realize that we are STANDING UP TOGETHER!

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I did a screenshot of the post and put it up instead of sharing the other one. The shared one was covered by FB, the screenshot was not! Victory!

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The actual interview with Kamala was 38 minutes. They only showed 18 minutes, hmm confusing. There were many confusing things to me like many of her word salad answers. So she was against fracking but now she is for it; she wanted too sick the IRS after taxes on tips but now she wants to eliminate the tax, she wanted to defund the police but now she is tough on crime, she said the border wall was a mid evil show of racism, now she wants to build the wall, she called ice Nazi’s now she wants more ice, she hated oil and coal production now she loves oil and coal production. I guess we’ll have to elect her to find out what’s really inside her.

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We know what’s inside of her. Her words and actions prove it, but a lot of people have been blinded by the propaganda machine in the educational system.

Thats why the Department of Education needs to be scuttled and sent back to the states, and keep the Teacher’s Union out of the policy making business—sorry rascals!

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Outlawing all public unions is the answer.

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Outlawing. most of these agencies would also

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Absolutely. Most were unlawful when established. I just glanced at the duties of Congress and any amendments giving it additional power or restricting it - a very large portion of the USG was illegal established and my guess is many citizens knew at the time those agencies were illegal.

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That should be the 1st thing DJT does when he’s elected

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The sad thing is, none of it makes any difference to stupid people who will vote for her because she is breaking the glass ceiling, as the first woman of color seeking to be president. I saw a clip in which people were asked to name one of her policies that they like. No one could name a single policy, although one said she had served as vice president, as though that is a policy.

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This "licking-up" woman is an empty suit. And I call this specie *mis-leader*.

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James, to reiterate the old proverb:

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice shame on me!!!

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Fool me thrice call me a Lemocrat!!

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As my mother used to say:

Let’s don’t and say we did!

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Ooooh, good one James.

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I think she did fall out of a coconut tree 🌴

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Aug 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love that balloon pop!

And the rest of your always entertaining, always real line up. Many Thanks!!

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When I watched it my reaction was, doesn't he have something better to do with his time. Had he been a kid I would understand.

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Watch it again...and again. It took some engineering genius to put that together.

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When I had coffee with a very good friend on May 18, 2012, date of ***facebook*** IPO, I told him to

keep away. I knew right away, from what I read about *zuckerbug's* solicitation to subscribe to this so "marvellous" tool to *socialize*, coming from a *tribe's* entity, that it would be MISUSED. I haver kept away like the plague IT IS. This unworthy specie can never do something that is upfront and honest, there is always a banana skin dirtying the pavement.

As a Swiss I beg you to vote for the 45-47th President, bring honor and dignity back to America.

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Agree on all counts

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Mr. Horst has I’m with you!

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Doctors Malone, can you please 🙏 give me another site to purchase your book 📖?

I don't believe in feeding the beast that wants to kill me.

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I will ask Skyhorse (publisher) for alternative recommendations.....

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Earlier they listed Barnes & Noble

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AG you may find it at Thriftbooks.

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Aug 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was a good week of Friday Funnies Dr. Malone. Some of them made do a Homer.

I sure wished I could have seen you speak last week in Hartford CT. But we are cash poor right now with our tax bill up 23% from last year and more taxes to come as soon as our supermajority gets their fat little behinds into their seats come January.

Thank you both for all you do. You make us laugh, you make our brains better, you fight for us. Thank you.

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Oh, and is it me or does Batman with the canes remind anyone of RFK Jr?

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It sure reminds me of me

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"Very few people have learned more in the past 5 years than Drs. R& J Malone".....

I'm rather feelin the same way, as a subscriber on deck here most every day.

"Install the “stuff” that’s built to last when possible."

"Do the same with friendships."


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Love the funny emotional support Tim. Your fingers have fingertips is great. Socialism funny is so true yet people just don’t “get it”. I love the bird pictures. Have a great Labor Day weekend. We are taking our camp trailer camping for the weekend.

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Great funnies today! I love the birds they do look somewhat prehistoric. In AZ the road runner looks and behaves like a raptor. Plus the murder!

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My biggest laugh came from the password ..."stroganoff!"

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Kamala walking into CNN to do her pre-taped softball interview.

You know there's just something unseemly about a VP candidate who insists on "marking his territory" on all the furniture in the studio. So toxic male. Clearly, more beta male training is in order. Let's call in Levine for advice.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

I wonder how many “takes” it took to create that masterpiece.

Take 2, Take 17, take 77….. that’s a wrap….

Totally live adversarial debates would be 1000 times more productive and useful.

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a local murder... love those birds, they fly over every day...probably going to another murder

...excellent selection. put it in my SUPER folder for later use !

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A gaggle of geese, a murder of crows...

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I know you didn't post about the "cease fire" between Israel and Iran (oops, Hamas). I wonder just who is vaccinating all those 60,000 children against the dreaded polio? Follow up question. I thought Polio was found to be NOT contagious.

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Umm. Bill Gates?

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I thought he was busy sterilizing (oops again), vaccinating the kids in Africa?) I meant the Big Pharmart who is manufacturing it.

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Hey Doc, you'll have to explains the "shits an giggles' one to me, please!!!

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Amber Heard... Need i write more?

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I have no idea who Amber Heard is. I'll look her up.

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Me either and suspect I'd rather not know

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Nor do I. They pipe sunlight to us up here in our boonies. Every third Thursday. Now to go to Duck, Duck, GO & see if I can learn who Amber Heard is.

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thanks Elliot...., I think....

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Oh yeah!

I've "heard" of Heard!

Now I know why my conscious mind chose not to remember it!!!

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Me too ✋️!

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One of our candidates was apparently very correct when he described the bizarre antisocial behavior being exhibited by some cat ladies, appearing all over the internet. Maybe it is not completely their fault!

As I am a research scientist of some note in the field of infectious diseases and tropical medicine in both human and veterinary research, I find the following interesting science may have uncovered an underlying reason:

I have a lot of females, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, and a wife in my life, but they seem to be quite dignified, so I am puzzled as to what would make the difference. What is the causality for this putative lack of dignity and civility exhibited by these other modern females exemplified on the internet? We seem to have two separate populations here. To me, if real, this is terrifying.

These former "cat women" seem to have completely lost their capacity for EQUANIMITY. Samuel Johnson defined equanimity as "evenness of mind, neither elated nor depressed." In Christian philosophy, equanimity is considered essential for carrying out the virtues of modesty, gentleness, contentment, temperance, and charity. Besides Christianity, all major religions stress equanimity, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and others.

What could be causing this mass psychosis in this particular population?

Cats! It IS Cats! Here is the EVIDENCE!

Less than the size of a single human cell, the parasite Toxoplasma gondii currently infects more than 40 million people in the United States every year, according to the recent warning by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The parasite attacks the brain, eyes, and other organs during its acute active phase. If it’s not identified and treated, mortality rates can be high among those who develop symptoms.

The parasite has been detected in a wide array of mammals, both domesticated and wild. However, a common point of exposure for humans is a DOMESTIC HOUSE CAT through its LITTER BOX according to the Cornell U. Feline Health Center.

Dr. Rima McLeod, U. of Chicago, observed that 80 percent of pregnant women in a research group didn’t recall any exposure to house cats yet tested positive for the T. gondii antibody that cats carry. This indicates that the mothers had been infected without their knowledge, which can be disastrous if passed to infants and children.

A 2016 study published in the journal Plos One noted, “Poor impulse regulation, including violent and risk-taking behavior, is another potential consequence of infection.” Ah ha!

The study researchers reported that “latent T. gondii infection has been associated with increased human trait aggression in females and increased impulsivity in males.”

I suggest that we pass laws to fund treatment centers (call them Sanatoriums) where Democrat cat ladies can be court ordered to become sequestered and treated for this pernicious antisocial condition. Perhaps their loss of equanimity can be recovered after extensive treatment, I don’t know.

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Very funny. So, I imagine for us cat people who do litter duty (and have done it for decades), and don't exhibit symptoms, we have natural immunity?

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This was not a joke, it was from the CDC and recent scientific papers. One does not develop immunity to protozoal infections. BTW, how do you know you haven't developed symptoms? Are you ever angry, or on the contrary, are you the picture of equanimity?

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Hi Bubbagyro. Actually, my "very funny" comment was tongue-in-cheek. I understood that you were citing genuine research.

To be honest, I did not have much knowledge of toxoplasmosis, so I did some digging before replying here. According to my research, we do develop immunity (along with natural immunity in healthy individuals that is our first line of defense if we become exposed). I found a number of scientific articles on it, including this one from Nature:


(I know, most of us have a bad opinion of most of these previously revered journals because of their corruption regarding the Covid narrative. Nonetheless, I don't see a motive for pushing a narrative on toxoplasmosis.)

Anyway, I've not developed the classic symptoms described in the literature. Do I get angry? Well, I'm pretty upset with the psychopaths who have way too much power over us, along with so many fellow citizens who seem to have lost their critical thinking skills and are basically low-information (mis-information, propagandized?) voters, and I can get pissed at my wife sometimes, but overall I'm pretty even-keeled, being a student of Vedanta and a serious practitioner of Yoga.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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I thought it might be sarc, but one never knows on blogs! Thanks for the clarification! And you are correct, those of us in the more conservative mode have (or try to have) higher civilization attributes, like equanimity. Vedanta is great; I am a Christian and I try to control my "old man" nature as well. I was a practitioner of Ban-Do (Burmese striking art) when I was younger and did Judo in college, so I burned out most of my inate aggression throughout my life.

You and yours also—please have great LD wishes from NH!

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As well as from Minnesota!

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Everyone with power is either blackmailed or bribed by US intelligence.

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