Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I stand with TEXAS!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

All conservatives stand with Texas, even idiots like me, who continue to reside in these shithole blue states. It's the treasonous libtard left and RINO's that betray us on a daily basis.

I actually have me people who want this immigration because they think that it benefits the people who come here, and our country. I've heard:

"They're all good people

They just want a job

They want to provide for their familes

They want a new life in safe, prosperous country"

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bla, bla, bla. Keep dreaming, libtard.

I've seen enough to know our border isn't only being infiltrated by mommy's and babies who are looking for betterment. Tens of thousands of military aged men crossing our borders. Known TERRORISTS who hate America are here now, planning their fun, fun, fun.

For example : "you are really not smart enough to know who I am, but soon you gonna know who I am"

Movsum Samadov

If you don't know what I'm talking about, enlighten yourself.

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I agree! And I’m in favor of LEGAL immigration, where people are screened for weapons, drugs, diseases, terrorist and criminal records, and their ability to provide for themselves with personal resources and skills. It’s this ‘open border’ stuff that’s insane.

The Federal government is required by our Constitution to protect our borders, and the current administration is not doing so. I am grateful to the governor of Texas, that he is forcing the issue, forcing their hand, to resolve this crucial issue.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

My best friend is Guatamalan. Came here with his mom, dad and sis at age 8. Took him a decade or more to legally become a citizen. He is mad as hell that HIS country (America) which he loves more than life itself, is being invaded.

Im glad too, but it took too long

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I like you, and please tell your friend that I like HIM. He is a true American, helping to build his new country!

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Regardless of any reasons the immigrants give, the point is: The US has laws that our government is bound to enforce. Follow the law!

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my favorite excuse for illegal immigrants coming here is they are escaping Climate Change in their country. What a crock.

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Kamel-toe Harris spews that dribble constantly, being the border /climate czar. Coming here is like jumping into a roaring fire of chemtrail delight, when someone simply put a match between your toes, and lit it.

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For being the border czar, she sure avoids the border. She's inept and wouldn't know what to do to solve the issue, even if it not to import future democrats.

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Will Arizona stand up? We know where California is.

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I’ll bet they will, and I sure hope so!

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Montana stands with Texas too! Consider supporting or attending the up-coming Take Our Border Back peaceful protest along the entire southern border. Share the link if you love America and want to force the media to report this.

This should surpass but also support...after the fact... the valiant Trucker Protest we witnessed up in Canada and lately in Europe. https://takeourborderback.com

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Hobbs i don't think so.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

It’s times like these I’m glad I’m older and know what it is to have lived in the best of times. Young people don’t know what their leftist loon parents, teachers and government has taken from them. But, Biden due to his tyrannical anti American stance has awakened a sleeping giant. 25 Governors is nothing to sneeze at and Biden gave Texas an ultimatum, what an idiot.

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I know what you mean - I’m almost 68. I’m still baffled by how completely loonytoons it’s become! Is there no common sense anymore? Can teachers and so-called leaders not think anything through?

But the Oklahoma National Guard is headed to Texas to help protect the border - the situation is expanding!

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T. FYI: The video is labeled that it shows people on their way to Texas. LOL - it is cold, rainy, winter here now in Portland. Look at the GREEN leaves on the shrubs. Look at the clothing. Obviously this is not a current photo. In fact, it is from 2019 in August.

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Show me where i said this was recent.

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why does it feel like I’m having a nightmare while lucid dreaming?

Original "Planet of the Apes," in the theater, what feels like a couple life times ago. Every year since, I feel more’n’more like Mr Heston.

Interesting that not a single Demonrat Guv or State expressed support for TEXAS, seeing as many of them, and their municipalities, are the ones stinking up the place with their whining about abuse of their sanctuary status (and that we, or I, in a non-sanctuary state must pony up more lucre to support their foolish sanctuary "ideals."

God Bless THE Republic of Texas

Who knew a man on wheels could stride so boldly.

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Message to d.c. trolls

The eyes of texas are upon you…..

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Unfortunately the d.c. trolls message back: The eyes of taxes are upon you.

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We will see

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BREAKING: Biden Administration has issued punitive sanctions against Texas by pausing liquid natural gas development opportunities, which will directly hurt the Texas economy.


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No hurt if ignored. Have finally reached that point

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

My thoughts are that Texas will be fine . simply the speed in which retribution took place was worth noting

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The eyes of about 24 states too!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

I miss Charlton Heston.

BTW, the WEF has announced its latest breakthrough in combating world hunger. They call it "soylent green."

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Careful; we’re not talking much in the way of original thinkers - you could be giving them ideas. 😱

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The latest version is soy boy green.

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Good one JL 👏👏👏

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Guess who the democrats are in the movie? Its the apes and were living it now. Our civilization is completely upside down. I was in my cavity prone years when I saw this movie and the ending scared the hell out of me. Now here we are.

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Consider supporting or attending the up-coming Take Our Border Back peaceful protest along the entire southern border. Share the link if you love America and want to force the media to report this.

This should surpass but also support...after the fact... the valiant Trucker Protest we witnessed up in Canada. https://takeourborderback.com

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Is it on 4/8/2024, say a little after noon?

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And sadly, not only are we Texans bearing the brunt of the invasion, our tax dollars are used to transport illegals elsewhere. If I were queen (and my hands were tied to keep any illegals entering my country), ALL illegals would be shipped to every single sanctuary city in the U.S., given HUGE signs saying, “I’m here because Biden told me to come and your city is a sanctuary for us.” Be careful what you wish for, NY, CA, MN, etc…..Regarding the “man on wheels,” he should’ve done this years ago. Our country is forever damaged by this invasion yet the uniparty stood by while it happened, all the while complaining that “it’s a federal issue.” It’s WAY past time to nut up or shut up.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Problem with shipping them to blue cities, is they dont stay there. They continue migrating elsewhere, suburbs, and places where the infrastructure wont support them, leaving a trail in their paths.

I cannot convey how many towns which have been depopulated and replaced with the invading forces

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So. Many. Times these past three years I have consciously blessed the people of Texas and Florida for voting sanely in ways that have kept our country from completely swirling down the drain. Thank you, thank you, beloved Texan!

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Snappy and topical, as always. Hook ‘Em Horns!

How far have we fallen?

Q: If you made a biopic about Charlton Heston, who would you cast as Heston?

We used to have men who could act. Now we have boys who have to act like men as they have few inner resources from which to draw that are, uh, manly.

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I would go with the UFC guy (Sean Strickland) that mocked the "weak leftist man" live in Canada

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Older Heston, tho he’s getting a little long in the tooth: Mel Gibson. How many others could give that “You can Take My Gun from My Cold Dead Hands,” speech at the NRA? hmmm

Younger Heston 🤔, I’d like someone who could put his (XY) soul into it - but no one comes to mind. Hollywood 🙄 😒

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I remember as a kid In 1956 a movie called “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” was made that posited that spores seeded by Aliens came to earth and created body doubles that were emotionless automatons. Does anyone one else get the impression that we are looking at something a little more sophisticated... like say neural AI net interlinks. How is it possible for people as senile and/or stupid as Biden, Harris , Mayorkis, Fauchi, Garland et al who appear to be stumbling so cleverly toward total destruction while claiming it isn’t happening. The Hunter Laptop bribery didn’t happen, the economy isn’t inflating, the collapse of food and energy is a myth, there is no censorship of free speech, we aren’t welcoming a surveillance state controlled by the FBI, AND the border is only closed until we cut the wire as ordered by the Supreme Court. Really the question is not “Who are these people “ but “are these people at all?” Now THERE’S a conspiracy theory for you. When you see a parallel universe so very different from your own reality, you have to wonder if darker forces aren’t at work. Naw we say. Couldn’t happen.... could it? I say, somebody open up one of these Yahoos and see if there aren’t chips and a wifi router inside.

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Well, first, the late 70s remake was better (IMO - probably due to nudity 😂); and yes, had similar thoughts about a certain portion of the populace being "taken over." It’s either that or you have a population subset so willing to trade for power over security and prosperity.

They’d rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

[I think there’s a specific gene, or group of genes, that predisposes people to seeing the world in a certain way, irrespective of the obvious reality and the personal cost. AND, evil scientists on the left have discovered this genetic factor, how to activate it and infected our water supply with the mutagen.

My current city, going on 35 years now, has moved drastically left in that time as has the percentage of residents on municipal treated water. I’m still on a well but all around me are those drinking the "public" water.

🤔 Coincidence? 🧐

Think about it: name a metro area that votes conservative or even Republican?

Name more than a handful of rural areas that are not RED?


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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With all of the forces in our world that are literally trying to deceive and hurt us, the most important thing in someone’s life is knowledge. Someone who creates a place that teaches people of these evils and deceptions is invaluable. When I am taught something and I focus on it, I gain confidence on that subject. I have been a carpenter for close to 40 years now, but the past 3 plus years I’ve tried to absorb as much knowledge on Covid and the mRNA injections as I can. I know you get compliments all the time, many times from me, I’d like you to take this as encouragement!! If people just learn to question and think about what is happening to us all today this sub stack is an overwhelming success. When I get one person to become aware and question things it’s a great day!! You should feel really good Dr. Malone, because you certainly have given me a wide variety of knowledge and have made me think. A true friend walks in, when everyone else is walking out. Thank you my friend!! I wanted to finish with a question; why is it ok for the Massachusetts national guard to remove illegal aliens from Martha’s Vineyard, but it’s not all right for the Texas national guard to try and prevent illegal aliens from invading their state? J.Goodrich

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in marthas vineyard, the democrat vermin rarely suffer for their votes

in texas, everyone suffers because of the way democrat vote

apparently, to democrat vermin, its OK for everyone else to suffer for their bad decisions,

except themselves.

see also the rich democrats in CA, and north of Richmond!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Great Question!

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James, as we continue to take in all of the news through a fire 🔥 hydrant hose, I want to thank 😊 you for bringing up that question up to the forefront!!!

I'm not on social media, however it would be nice for those of you who are to pose that VERY QUESTION out there 🤔!

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That is an EXCELLENT question.

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Invading Texas and invading the entire USA. Hoping twinkletoes takes a header coming off AF1 and put an end to this.

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Then the cackling hyena takes over ?

Dear lord, what will that bring ?

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That would suck but she's not as dangerous as he is. IMO

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Not the same one pulling his and 44s strings maybe?

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I suspect chaos, since not even leftist vermin can keep a lid on that rodent known as ,La

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😂😂😂 love that twinkle toes!!!

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Hey! I didn't know you were a carpenter?!

unlike some, where all solutions require a hammer.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Way to go, Brother James.

Always getting us to "THINK" a little bit, eh ? You waskily wabbit, you!

You can't allow the Libtard wealthy left's homes to be invaded with foreigners who come here illegally. Poopin in the streets isn't allowed in Marta's Vinyard, as Big Mike and his hubby Barache might step in it, and track it into their house, covering up the footprints of their former chef. Wouldn't that be a travesty ?

I sent a video about these evil bastards doing their thing, to at least 20 people I know. 2 replies. No one wants to hear it anymore, as they just want to live in their bubbles, ignoring everything that comes their way (and that is conservatives I'm referencing). Imaging how much "ignoring" is going on in the leftist libtard front? Way more than we can even propose in this thread.

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"why is it ok for the Massachusetts national guard to remove illegal aliens from Martha’s Vineyard, but it’s not all right for the Texas national guard to try and prevent illegal aliens from invading their state"

I'm sure if the Obombs had their multi-mil-mansion on the banks of the Rio Grande instead of the Vineyards shielded from windmill views, we'd be seeing a different play.

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The bathroom sign made me chuckle, thanks.

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Q: What do you look for most in a woman?

A: Two X chromosomes.

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one of the funniest memes (tragic I cannot post it here) is a "girl" telling the guy a small penis is OK, He says, "I kind of wish you didn't have one at all".

That one caused a coffee spew (that am)

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Will, the bathroom sign didn't make me chuckle, but it did make me remember a situation I witnessed about a year ago, where my wife used to work as a waitress, in a local diner, not far from home.

The diner was closing, and I was there, sitting at the bar, waiting to pick up the Mrs. from her long afternoon of serving meals to wackjobs, weirdo's, pedo's, pervs, and the few nice folks who found themselves in the diner, she worked in at that time.

So, all tables cleared out except for one table of 4 sickos that stayed past their welcome. At the head of the table was this dude, about 240 lbs of manly goodness (sarcasm), except he was wearing fake breasts (or implants), a wig, lots of makeup, nail polish, and talked like a sqeaking bitch toy my dog chews on. This "dude" was the most pronounced pronoun suck jobs that sat at the table, as he wanted the world to know what a basketcase he really is. I didn't pay any attention to him while I was there, but I was forced to shortly after closing.

So my wife, takes off her apron, leaves it on the counter chair, and says, " I have to use the ladies room before we go".

With that, the Chubbette man/ woman tard gets up, and follows her/him pathway to the ladies room behind my wife. My wife had made it inside, before the freak entered, and she had just finished changing her work shirt to a regular shirt, when she entered the stall. Freak boy/girl shithead entered the bathroom as she sat down.

Sitting there, on the throne, as freak boy then entered the stall next to her. She could see that he was not "sitting down" to pee, as he whipped out his penis, and feet pointing the direction of the toilet, began to piss all over the seat, and in the bowl, as well as on the floor, just besides her, behind the wall of steel separating the two toilets. He/she/it was singing to itself, as he was relieving himself of his bag of urine all over the place. My wife, nervous about him, waited till he was gone, before exiting the stall, and out into the diner.

This pedo, cross dressing jerkoff was pretending to be a woman, actually Identifying as an asshole, and pissing in the ladies room because of some sick, perverted sexual fantasy, and the "thumbs up" by our political class. This betrayal of the rights of the people is promoted by your and my rogue government, and all the sick pedos that push this agenda. This is beyond anything she had ever experienced before, and as My wife left the bathroom, and came out into the dining area, I see her face is as red as a shiny just plucked apple off an apple tree. I could see the distain, anger, and disgust in her eyes, as she sat next to me at the counter. Her words were short:

"I'm losing my shit, and I need to calm down."

After a few minutes, the manager asked the freak table to leave, as they were closing the diner for the night. My wife, then, went off.

She told me what had happened, and that she feared getting out of the stall when she was in there with him. Imagine that ? You work at a diner, and you can't relieve yourself at the end of your 6 hour shift without being scared to leave the bathroom stall because of some perverted freak who is in the bathroom with you ?

So I told the manager about it, and she said they would tell the owner of the diner.

The diner did NOTHING about it. That was the end of the conversation.

The manager said "What am I supposed to do ? Put a photo of a penis on one door, and a vagina on the other door, and a placard that says to use the door with the production piece you possess?

The manager said she couldn't do anything about it, simply because the owner of the diner had heard of another diner not far away who wound up shutting down because of a massive protest(s) outside their building because of a similar situation, where the day manager threw a bathroom crossing pervert out of the diner. Within 20 minutes, a hoard of freaks, pedos and liberal blue haired slime were outside,with signs picketing the place. Eventually, the diner couldn't stay open any longer, and closed their doors because of all the "bad publicity".

Why ? Because of the pressure put against them by these sick bastards who push this issue. I think even Governor SCUMBAG Murphy stuck his ugly poodle head beak into the mess, which after threats of civil rights violations, they would shut the place down. The owner closed up anyway, not wanting to deal with the issue anymore.

So, yeah. I get a different feel when I see that bathroom placard.

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Yoooooo man! What a reply!! I love it! I’m sorry your wife went through that, but if you take “my wife” out of that story, it’s comedic gold! We call those freaks your wife had a run in with “CoyDragons” check out some of my writing, be warned its all written in a “Hunter S Thompson while high and having a psychotic episode” kind of style. Cheers homie.

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She still recalls that same exact episode I described here today, to me, whenever the subject comes up. She left that diner shortly thereafter, never to return. The owner of a diner is unwilling to protect it's employees, and it's patrons is someplace that I would never let her work again at.

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Agreed. Shit got weird fast. We moved to the middle of nowhere 👍😀

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Where do you write your psychotic episode like stuff?

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Try that one lol it’s public. I spent a day thinking and writing from the devil’s perspective. Strange day to be sure

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You and I have something in common.


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Also, hit the free sub and I’ll comp you

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Will read when i get some time to relax and delve into it

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The internet is a strange place. I posted a short piece about a meeting with Jesus, albeit in a rather abstract manner. It has gotten less then half of the attention that my crazy ramblings about the devil have gotten. Weird. Check it out if you get time, and subscribe. It’s fun


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McDonald’s makes you ask for a key to get into the bathroom in some locations to stop this sort of stuff. Your wife might suggest that.

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Excellent idea !

This would put the onus on the employee at the Mickydees to determine the physical characteristics of that person requesting the bathroom key.

I could think that this scenario has the capability of becoming a disruptive moment of the day at McDonalds.

A fly on the wall....

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I get it, but it made me cringe.

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It’s a mad world. I have a very different take on things than most people, and even I don’t know how we got this far, this fast.

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Cringe, How so?

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Yes, so spot-on!

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Put the ladders back" hahaha, that encapsulates the situation perfectly.

Trust: Arrives on foot. Leaves on horseback.

Some teachers from an engineering school were invited to a trip. After they were all comfortably seated, they were informed that the plane was built by their students. They got up and ran desperately to the outside of the plane, almost panicking. Only one teacher remained calm and seated at his spot. When the other teachers asked why he was so calm he said: "I know the capacity of my students, if they built it, I'm sure this bloody thing won't even start"

So, you don't trust a WEF doctor to stitch you up? Fine. Suture self.

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A man wanted to literally die with his $$$, so he trusted a third of his money to a Priest, a third to a Doctor, and a third to his Lawyer to bury him with it when he died.

After his death, at the man’s funeral the priest whispered to his dead body and placed a bag in his coffin. The doctor then proceeded to whisper to the body and placed a bag in there as well. Then the lawyer went and dropped off a bag and moved on.

As they were carpooling back from the funeral the lawyer asked what the priest whispered. The priest — with tears in his eyes — said that he had to confess he spent some of the money on an orphanage so that some hungry kids would not starve and that he feels bad for what he had done, but that he had no choice. The doctor then admits that he too had to let him know that one of his patients needed a surgery that he alone could not do, that he spent some of the money to save the person’s life. The lawyer looks at them with scorn and says, “how could you? You have betrayed a man’s last and dying request!” The doctor and priest look at the lawyer and asks, “so your bag had all the money he entrusted you with?” To which he replies, “damn right, I wrote the check for the full amount, not a penny less!”

^ https://youtu.be/n73DD0kv2l4 [47seconds]

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good one, I wish we could post some of the great memes coming out about leftist vermin and other lawyers.

What's the difference between a mosquito and a lawyer?

One is a blood sucking diseased parasite.

The other is an insect.

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2nd oldest profession in the world. Flippers up!

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yes, I have heard about that "professional" courtesy.

(sharks, for the young ones that dont know)

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Other options

Be careful - avoid cuts

Check re WEF connections first

Avoid newly minted physicians

Check with FLCCC for possible sources

Find good Doc, establish good relationship

Touchy topic

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just ask your new doc if he or she can define a woman.

if they cannot, run .

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The lasty Gyno my wife went to, and never went back to, had a questionaire:

Asked if she was born male or female

Asked her if she identified as "Gender Queer"

Asked her if she was interested in any "Gender altering surgeries".

Mind you, that this was an office whose specialty was a gynecology.

Never went back.

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let us start the new movement

save the vagina's, not the cunts

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Ron White, call your office:

Q: Ron, how far do you think this plane will travel on just one (DEI) engine?

A: All the way to the scene of the crash.

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and that's when the democrat vermin show up to bury the survivors.

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I have been living in Texas since 1980. There are reasons I stay in this state and Gov. Abbot's letter to President Biden is a prime example. 🙌 to Gov. Abbot and his team. Game on.

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As I replied to LDT it took 3 yrs for the outrage here to build to the degree to push him to act. The man talks the talk but is very poor in followthrough. Let us hope this time he stays the course (but count me skeptical).

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It's incredible how long it's been going on. Even more incredible Mayorkas and Garland went to the Supreme Court to try to stop anyone from slowing it down.

Also interesting that the same problem plagues all western nations at the same time. This is not about blue voters.

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Canada, population 40 Million took in 1.5 MILLION last year and far more than usual a number of years prior. No idea how many! The Libiots wonder why young people can’t find housing...nor can the migrants and why housing prices are sky-high. Our PM Toady is a WEF disciple which explains why our Country is going down the tubes.

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Fits the cartoon re conspiracy theories doesn’t it.

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correct, the blue voters are just rabid vermin following along, barely useful idiots

its the rabid elected officials that are spreading the rabies,

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it is disgusting how many leftist rodents (and other democrat types) want to import more slaves

let us hope these slaves recognize the evil vermin for what they are, lord knows the blacks slaves in the USA keep voting for more massa

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They do not want slaves so much as more strain on our economy to destroy us. The progressives have hated us since forever. Am coming to believe progressives are holdover torries who never wanted to leave english, i.e., european influence and have struggled to bring us back into he european fold ever since

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and that is as good an explanation as any, about the leftist vermin hell bent on dragging us back into the caves, if they do not kill us

the woke are evil rabid rodents,

the rest of us are waking up

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The question that nags me is “what’s in it LONG TERM for them. They might be the cream at the top of the milk pail, the nest at the top of the tree but when the milk drys up and the tree falls, there is no top. Then what?

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As per Article IV,, Section 4., in the U.S. Constitution, the federal government is PRIMARILY responsible for protecting EACH of the States from (quote)"INVASION". THAT article alone is enough to IMPEACH not only "president"( and COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS member ) - Joe Biden - and ALSO his "secretary of homeland security" (and COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS member - Alejandro Mayorkas - BOTH Out-AND-OUT TRAITORS to the American people and the U.S. CONSTITUTION they BOTH "swore" upon the Bible to UPHOLD!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

He allowed this to happen, and now your Governor is worried that if Trump gets in, then what will happen to him?

Since the 2020 election, I watched report after report, after report about how border towns were being invaded. The mayors, councilmen, and anyone else with a voice contacted your governor, time and time again, begging for help with the drug lords, the rampant disorder, the constant, overwhelming flow of illegals into their towns, and every single one of them was met with the same response: (...Crickets....)

Your governor is part of the swamp, and he proved that by doing NOTHING and not following through, as he's another paid swamp creature playing a role in a very large, complicated production.

NOW he does something about it, after 10 to 12 million were released into the USA ?

I call bullshit ! He's trying to save his ass, knowing full well that humans have a very short attention span, and forget the transgressions of the past. Well, call me Dumbo, because I haven't forgotten.

RINO's and the left have infiltrated our country, and the repercussions will be felt for decades to come.

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The feds subverted state power by taking over more and more of state spending. Like a deal with the devil, we are finally awakening to the cost of all that free money.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

I wish all would realize that money isnt everything, thereby making the right choices.

I live in dreamland, yeah I know

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I can see that. That's why I said "...and his team."

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Michael, put me in the skeptical column too!!!

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I totally understand. The "team" part implies the influence/pressure from other's involved. I work in production and was involved in setting up the live event he recently held with Nasdaq at the Governor's mansion. Ironically, I worked for UT Football for the 2022/2023 season. Every time he came down to the sidelines he kept rolling over my audio cables and the people that wanted to speak to him kept obscuring my view. I actually had to tell him and someone else to please move aside because they were preventing me from doing my job. Overall, I have my doubts about him though it is good to see that the letter was written and published. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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Anothergood show. For those who do not know, in the Texas revolution, the city of Gonzales had a cannon belonging to Mexico. When Mexico sent troops for it the first land battle of the war as fought. 2 women there made a flag depicting the cannon and thesuggestion they “come and take it”. They failed.

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Right on Governor Abbott!!! This letter sure “appears to be real” grounds to IMPEACH BIDEN! Enough is enough, I also stand with Texas!

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Consider supporting or attending the up-coming Take Our Border Back peaceful protest along the entire southern border. Share the link if you love America and want to force the media to report this.

This should surpass but also support...after the fact... the valiant Trucker Protest we witnessed up in Canada. https://takeourborderback.com

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Happy chores Robert and Jill!

Standing with Texas as well.

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Chores. Same here. The forest is alive with green…

I’ve just discovered this is Chinese Privet :(

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yeah, and some of it prickly ash or buckthorn!

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Jan 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone!

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Yet more confirmation that WEF becomes a badge of shame....

Found a US embassy page for "US Embassy for Switzerland and Liechtenstein" > "U.S. Delegation to Attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting"

Only five officials are listed, among them only one elected:

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry

United States Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien

United States Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power

Senator Chris Coons

The Politico article that I referenced in an earlier post added the names of Senator Mike Rounds, Rep. Juan Vargas, Rep. Darrell Issa, with three others unnamed.

There's an excellent committee exchange from last April, on YouTube, between Senator Rand Paul and Samantha Power. She is, without question, talented at the art of deception. She still stonewalls Senator Paul's document request related to research grant paperwork surrounding the Wuhan Lab.

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Well, additionally, I just received a Heritage Foundation email and here is what HE said to the frickin' WEF'ers, face-to-face! . . . Kevin Roberts:

Dear Fellow Patriot,

As you may have heard, last Thursday, I spoke before the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. I’m surprised that the global elites invited me in the first place—and after my remarks, I’m sure they won’t invite me back anytime soon.

But I accepted the invitation to walk into the belly of the globalist beast to represent you.

For too long, the elites of the World Economic Forum have told us that open borders and illegal immigration are okay. That public safety isn’t a problem in big American cities. That we have this existential crisis with so-called climate change. But that is not reality.

And I told them that directly.

They invited me on a panel to explain what to expect from a Republican administration. On your behalf, I told them that the next conservative president will make a list of every policy that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum—and burn it.

It’s laughable that the World Economic Forum claims to protect liberal democracy. And that the word “dictator” would come up on the panel not in reference to the global elites, but to former president Donald Trump.

These self-appointed elites don’t respect our values or our freedom because it undermines the accretion of their power. They don’t care what Americans or free people around the globe care about: securing our borders, decreasing crime, fostering efficient energy production, standing up to China, and protecting our children from gender ideology.

And “we the people” are tired of it.

That’s why the globalists should expect a reclaiming of individual sovereignty in 2025. When conservatives take back the White House next year, the Davoisie can kiss their woke pet projects goodbye. The American people have a different mandate.

. . . he had LOTS more to say, find it here:


Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.

President, The Heritage Foundation

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Had heard of Lady Ballers, but hadn't seen it. Our world is so ironic. Winners are losers who win - this used to sound noble. Still don't see how the TX situation is under the radar, so it's up to us to press it, just like the European farmers' movement. The collection is great, and getting outside today is the BEST idea!

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LEA7, I'm in South Texas and I have 2 siblings that are clueless about the invasion because they're so brainwashed by the Lame Stream Media!!!

I do my best to inform them, but they fight 😤 me all the way!!!


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Ana keep fighting the good fight. I also have this problem with family who live in Cali who are brainwashed, rinsed, repeat and spun dried and they still tell me to get vaxxed, and that biden is a good person. UFB!

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Pinebeetle, thank 😊 you.

I'm just so upset 😡 at how this regime has worked to divide us by Class, race, Religion and our families!

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They can't divide us if we don't participate. Refuse to be divided. Stay in relationship. Find ways.

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America is holding it's own 3 day Trucker Protest beginning Jan 29th > Feb 3. Check it out and share this link with all your friends. https://takeourborderback.com

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Thank you for the morning chuckles! You and Jill, your sense of humor has made my day.

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We will also be in the 70s here in South Texas 😀 😄 🙌 😎 😊!

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uh, up here in MinnEsota. . . mid-30's. arrrrgggh.

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We have a Winter Texan friend from Minnesota!

Maybe you should consider 🤔 becoming a Winter Texan too!

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Hey, he must be my buddy Andy!

North of Austin. . .

Which county do you suggest, Ana?@!

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No, I'm in Nueces County.

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You mean Minnesnowta, or at least it used to be... This winter has me freaked out, what will happen in the spring without some moisture? We still have two or so months to go, we need moisture!

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After pushing 3 ft of snow off my low pitched roof section, chopping with ax too@!, I installed heat wires last summer. . . they've been UNcovered all winter. This is just not fair.

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Tucker Carlson’s brilliant and hilarious 35 minute speech to Canadians (01/25/24) is one that EVERYONE in the West should hear.

👏 👏 👏

So, without further ado, I bring you the great Mr. Tucker Carlson’s “full AL-freakin-BERTA speech in Edmonton”: https://twitter.com/KatKanada_TM/status/1750676275516321871

👏 👏 👏

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Not only was Tucker's speech epic...the nearly 1 hour panel discussion after that was fabulous. Canadians too are waking up and want America & Canada to be Great again. You may only be able to see it on TKR...Tucker Carlson Network. https://tuckercarlson.com/sworn-enemy-edmonton-speech/

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Thank you for this link. I will check it out.

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And watch the Smith and Carlson interview! That woman is tough. What a great person to lead Alberta.

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