I want my 6 weeks of salary repaid along with my 7k hospital bill from NIAID and Fauci. And I also want Daszac, Baric and Fauci tried for treason and hung in public.


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I want restitution for the death of three friends: a father of 10, a wife of one devastated husband, a young mother of two girls who will never know their mother’s love. Give all these psychopath intellectuals a taste of hell before they get there.

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Some times I lose hope, and then thinking about the possibility of these murders being held accountable keeps me going. Revenge, maybe. Real justice, definitely.

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"This study cemented the toxic collaboration between the Wuhan scientists and Dr. Fauci's MVP researcher, Ralph Baric. Under the umbrella of this grant, Dr. Baric generously shared with the Chinese his groundbreaking techniques for using reverse engineering and genetic manipulation to create lethal and virulent clones and to teach wild coronaviruses to infect humans."

The Wuhan Cover-up


p. 285

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The Fauci book (On Call) tour had just had him on the View where he was questioned on the threats coming some Republicans in Congress.

“You know, obviously, you always take threats that people make seriously, but I, quite frankly, don’t know what they’re talking about," Fauci answered. "What are the charges, that you saved millions of lives with the vaccine that you helped develop? Or that you got people to do things that were interventions that made them more safe against a deadly pandemic that killed 1.2 million people? So if trying to save people’s lives is a crime, then I am guilty, you know."

His pants have been on fire his entire career of lying.

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Now he claims his life is in danger. What a pity.

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Yes pity.

I know of no one that has called for his murder. That would take the justice out of a fair trial where jury members could hear the truth about his decades of treacherous subversion, not only here but around the world. Not only would he go down but all his comrades too, traders and murderers. No doubt Congress is complicit . . .

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"justice" in the USSA in the 21st century is a meaningless platitude.

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Yes, but who would his jurors be and where would the trial be held and who would be the judge? Impartial, all? I think not.

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There's the rub.

In my world it would be held in Texas, the jurors would be family members of those killed by his vaccine or the hospitals, the judge would be someone whose health was compromised by too many jabs.

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It's quite a trick isn't it? Authors of democide sell themselves as philanthropists. Killers sell themselves as victims. Subversives sell themselves as proponents of progress. Propagandists like Joy Behar sell themselves as truth tellers. Truly we are upside-down; and you see why I cancelled my DirecTV several years ago, and never looked back.

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When Direct TV cancelled One America News couple years ago, I cancelled Direct TV. Direct TV was not bad - up until it was bought by AT&T whose CEO at that time was Randall L. Stephenson - who just happened to be - YOU GUESSED IT - A "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" member.

About the time Stephenson 'retired' from AT&T , Direct TV was put under daily operations by a mysterious TEXAS based company - and as I understand has lost some 13 million users.

I am still Right Side Up - watching my beloved nation being purposefully inverted from WITHIN - and spiraling STRAIGHT DOWN into the depths of hell sold as "EQUALITY".

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The DC clowns don’t give a hoot now that NIH etc has declared humans to be lab rats! Accelerates how fast new injections can be tested on humans!

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How about Daszac, Baric and Fauci - DRAWN and QUARTERED - in public ( look it up).

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lol &col (crying out loud) - good to know I'm not the only one harboring such sinister thoughts ;)

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Make that 3 of us.

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we are more (than 3)!, I've got 6 likes in a few hours for this innocent remark :)

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Im for public castration of these 3 murderers.

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They’re all pretty old so I think they’re firing blanks if in fact they still can at all. I think that should be an option for sexual predators, especially those who prey upon children.

They should definitely be fully investigated for defrauding the public as well as for financial kickbacks from the pharmaceutical corporations. They first tried Remdesivir on orphaned children killing more than 50% years before the plandemic. Their sinister egoism was on display for decades but didn’t have the global effect until 2020. Hubris and a lack of medical ethical considerations are not good qualities in anyone appointed to oversee public health management or set protocols.

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I like your take on child predators. I say, 2 strikes and off with your boys!

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Now that would please me!

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Jun 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 2012 statement tells it all from Iron Fisted Fatal Fauci! A Bureaucratic Medical Politician that didn’t pay attention in medical school! RFK Jr. nailed him in his book, but DC is ignoring the evidence.

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But F-ouchi's book tour continues. Already being discounted, particularly the audio book. Being called out for blatant lies. By Natalie Winters, no less on Bannon. She did a deep investigation since the injection roll out. I also have RFK Jrs book.

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Like always. Facts don’t matter, your feelings do and BTW, feelings are facts; it’s science!

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Facts are missinformation. Inconvenient facts are missinformation - missing information.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Meanwhile, whispers of widening war continue. I like the Snowden meme.

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Just a thought on Democrat projection. Is their projection involved when democrats call conservatives Hitler?

Let us overlook for a moment Biden’s attempted ministry of Enlightenment, jailing political opponents, censoring opposing views, and forced poisonous injections. Isn’t it ironic George Soros as a boy in Hungary, protected by his phony godfather, collaborated with Hitler’s gestapo as he went house to house pointing out fellow Jews (many hiding) which in turn sent them to concentration camps? Soros, his “godfather” and the Nazi’s greatly profited by confiscating and selling off all of these peoples property’s and possessions. He has said in interviews that he feels no guilt for his participation and the results of what happened to the people he turned in. The obvious irony is that he is a major donor to all that is democrat and what are we to ignore his links to Hitler and the tyrannical power he witnessed as Jewish peoples were murdered and their properties stolen and sold off because he donates money to democrats? The democrats have influenced or been influenced by Hitler before, during and after his rise to fuhrer. Is it not ironic one of the biggest donors to the democrat party helped and was influenced by Hitler as they call conservatives Hitler nearly every minute of the day? Do democrats feel guilt by taking money from a man that profited off his actions during the holocaust? Is it not irony that Soros has and continues to destroy the middle class in many different countries including America, for his own personal profit? Is the money Soros donates to democrats connected to his profit from the murder of Jews he turned in to Hitler and the Nazis? Why do democrats accept money from someone that took part in the holocaust? And one more rhetorical question, Why do we allow this Nazi collaborator to roam free throughout our country? If you think about the role Soros played in the holocaust and the evil connection to his I’ll-gotten gains, it makes it much clearer and understandable the evil that continues through his dirty money and his dirty actions. Think of the lives this man has helped to end or ruin. How can democrats take this man’s dirty money?

The always non controversial; J.Goodrich

60 Minutes interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86d6EiYg9ZE

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Just bolstered my revulsion of our granting dual citizenship.

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Absolutely agree with you, & also wonder why Soros has been allowed to "roam free throughout OUR COUNTRY"???? Wonderful, & informative post, thank you James.

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And NEVER forget, George Soros HIMSELF is Jewish; considers himself a "kind of God"; is a "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" member (who by his own admission FAKED a broken leg prior to starting a job that required PHYSICAL labor - which he has NEVER performed ).

BIG question is - being that SOROS - born in a European country (HUNGARY) - was NOT a US "citizen" by BIRTH - and had to attain (his) US citizenship via the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ten (10) steps to U.S. Citizenship:

#5: FBI investigation of any criminal behavior; #8: "Receive a Notice to Take the Oath of Allegiance to the U.S".; #9: "Take the Oath of Allegiance to the U.S."; and #10: "Support and DEFEND the U.S. Constitution".

Ever since George Soros became a "U.S. Citizen", he has CONTINUOUSLY sought to UNDERMINE the U.S. Constitution and OVERTHROW the U.S. Government.

QUESTION: WHY has this person NOT been STRIPPED of his U.S. Citizenship and DEPORTED?

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I believe Hungary would like him deposed and tried.

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So would several others

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Money. He buys everything including politicians right here.

It’s become an American tradition.

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Silly me! Of Course!

As our Founders feared, the transformation of the Constitutional foundation of our Republic (was) based upon - that being Judaeo Christian principles of MORALITY and individual INTEGRITY - have been usurped by so-called "secular humanism"

which is totally AMORAL.

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I rarely hear a single politician of any party say anything against Soros.

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The parallels with the beginning of the rabid nazis is frightening, when compared to todays rabid democrats and other leftist vermin.

Never thought the rabid democrats would combine communism, and nazism, without diminishing the evils of either.

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Id volunteer to pull the cord on the guillotine to chop off this snake's head.

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All I can say is WOW mate. THAT REALLY sets the record straight.

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I added that interview because if you google Soros they have fact checkers that deny everything he says in the interview. It’s amazing how deceitful the media is about Soros. I saw Harris Faulkner one day speaking to Newt Gingrich shut him down for bringing up Soros. He said what is talking about Soros now verboten? I think after that Newt was kicked off of Fox News for a stretch. It’s amazing the corruption of money and people. He corrupts people and positions in governments at will with money.

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Because the $ is the highest in corruption, and a very part in America right or wrong, I see this with SOROS how easy it is for years he has done this it is no secret and can get away with it, he has been here for a very long time active with the almighty $ that has bought him his popularity in the eyes of both Parties, and so many more we do know who they are we are accepting it then and now why you may ask is it now we talking about him or writing about him True or false or could it be of his Billions to give for what makes him to be acknowledge he is now 94 years and his son is caring forward his future task are we surprised no we already seen it and let it run its course as usual, so dust yourself off and think about how can this be tolerated with so many things there has happen and more to come!

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I think I’m trying to shake people up about the election in November. Americans have such short memories and when it comes to democrats, Soros donations, anything he desires they will do. If Soros offered me 5 billion dollars to do something horribly anti American I’d tell him to stick it sideways. Honestly I wouldn’t let him buy me a coffee.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Most Americans apparently don't know Soros has helped put all the Democrat non-prosecutors in office by massively funding their campaigns, leading to all the criminals on the street. No connection is made between these two things. Actually, I'd hazard a guess that most Americans don't even know who Soros is.

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Well said Mr. Jim

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Happy solstice of summeratude day, Plus one. Though today is the full moon so it really should be today. Yesterday my congress critter sent out a email that all cattle in Wisconsin must be tested for bird flu before being moved to any show or sale. There are zero cases of bird flu in the state! We live in a dairy area, come smell our dairy air. Safe travels.

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"They" are using every weapon they have at hand. Totally unaware of the ones we have our hands on

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The rabid little democrat vermin believe they can win a "shooting" war with the sane folks in the USA.

We have over 40 million MEN with guns, that know how to use them, and billions of rounds, and they get "triggered" by simple words, don't know which bathroom to use.

Hell, every Fall, in the democrat state of Pennsylvania, the worlds 4th largest ARMED army prepares to go hunting.

And that is just one democrat ridden state.

Man, the delusions of significance these vermin have!!!

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I’m going to suggest here that we don’t need to fire those guns (just own them). What we need is for all 40 million of those men (and their wives and families) to simultaneously WITHHOLD their tax dollars until the government requires us assign out tax dollars to every spending proposal every year with every tax return. When Elon thinks in first principles, he gets solutions that don’t tinker around the edges but goes right to the heart of the problem. The heart of this problem is the lack of accountability to the people who are funding the government… US. Stop the funding and jerk the chain. See heads roll and the ship of state begin to right itself. Done one at a time, we can be intimidated. Done all at once together we would constitute the Boston Tea Party 2.0.

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We just need a little " well regulated".

I hope that trumps truth social owns its own servers, so that if we the people need a communication platform, the rabid democrats cannot shut it down, so we can be coordinated, if the tree of liberty needs a little donkey water, or to get some democrat rodents voted out of office,

One thing nice about armed citizens, if enough show up, the democrat gestapo backs the fuck down,

See also The Battle of Athens, and Bundy Ranch.

Not enough, you get Ruby Ridge and Waco, where the democrats gestapo murdered a mother while she was holding her baby, in her own house, or Waco, where Clinton and Reno's Gestapo burned a lot of children to death

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And woman?

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not to much history of women taking up arms to stop rabid democrats or other vermin, see also Civil War,

Do I see a volunteer here???

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I do prefer negotiating first and have been pretty successful with negotiating. As an advanced antique striking out gun in hand to pursue maddening 'liberals' would be a last resort. However am prepared to take up my arm and do serious damage should the occasion arise. Further we hear gun sales to women are up and read of instances where women have used guns to resolve threats. BTW I'm for men protecting. Then I read many hunters aren't voting. At this point, we who care likely need to have a unified front?

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smarter women have learned that only the gun allows the most helpless to stop the most predatory, yet here we have so many rabid democrats trying so hard to disarm the victims, violate the law abiding, while they protect more criminals.

Its almost like they want more women to get raped and murdered (another crisis to take advantage of).

I like the 4 boxes of freedom, to be used in order.

The 4 boxes of Freedom

The Soap Box, IE the free press (now owned by the Democrats and social media)

The Voting Box (democrats trying to control that right now)

The Jury Box (safe for a while, thanks to Trump but Democrats trying to destroy that)

The Ammo Box, the box that protects them all. When the Dims come for that, its time to water the tree of liberty.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While the good doctor {or a trusted employee) posts some great toons, it would be nice if substack allowed us to post pics to the comments. I have saved some lovely memes mocking rabid leftists and other democrat vermin, that many others would also find funny.

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I have thought the same thing. Maybe it’s uncontrollable thus not allowed. But … what fun we could have.

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I suspect its a substack thing, either they don't want to deal with the leftist vermin whining about the cool memes, or they have to many leftist rodents working there.

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Expect it's a system load issue. Pics require more resources than text. Not to mention obscene possibilities, even from subscribers.

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now that is a good point, pics do require more storage. It could be that simple, rather than my "conspiracy theory".

Hmmm, I would be willing to pay extra to post my colorful memes.

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I mean, I can "report" anyone here, so I believe that if some really nasty "illegal" crap was posted, someone would report it, and it would get removed, and if the perp did that to often, they get deleted. This reminds me of how schools used to punish the actual offender, and not the class. That took work. Then democrat vermin took over, were too lazy to actually punish the responsible brat, and punished the whole class. This worked for a while because the kids could punish the perp that was screwing it up for everyone, then the democrat rodents punished the kids that corrected the brats behavior,

Democrats just destroy everything they get their paws on

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Love the comparison between Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin!

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What really bugged me was changing centigrade to Celsius. The french really did not own that name...did they?

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When I first came across it, that Snowden quote really resonated with me. Now, not so much - because a lot of people seem to actually feel like that and think speech is hateful and needs to be regulated. Is the Constitution or the Bill of Rights even taught in school anymore? Do today’s school children even understand the significance of free speech?

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As a 23 year veteran of public schools in four states, the answer to your question is no. If public school really wants to put a dent in what’s wrong in America , they would make graduation from high school dependent on being able to recite the contents of just two documents: the Constitution/Bill of Rights and the Ten commandments!! Having learned a sellable skill would also help!

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It's a threat to "our democracy" they say. We all know they don't mean Democracy = democratically voting for representatives and offices of the government to represent all the people and defend the constitution. No, they mean themselves - the democrat party.

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Yes, probably not understanding the significance of free speech. I'm not sure any type of history is even taught in public schools now- too much emphasis on division-equity, & CRT, as well as indoctrination regarding transitioning into "what gender are you" for little children! Reading-writing-arithmetic basics have been pushed aside! The dumbing down of America, unfortunately! We need to NIP THIS IN THE BUD NOW!

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This is where sources like Hillsdale and I think someplace like Dr Carson mentioned last night come in. Using available aids parents can home school on these particulars, until (if ever) this deficiency is cured.

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I like Dr. Ben Carson & follow him. He has a wonderful program for children!

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Prager U has some excellent courses for both adults and kids.

Dr Carson has been one of my favorite people for many years.

It will be a few years or more before the rot in public education can be eradicated which is sadly gonna be to the detriment of every kid in public school, many of which are already falling behind due to the stupidity of our COVID policies.

But given the contempt certain wealthy ppl have for the very country that made them wealthy I think that was part of the plan anyway.

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I do hope folks hear your message. Despite the put downs the kids may encounter, with the knowledge and forewarning they will be in a position to help head us in the direction for better tomorrows.

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As they are not allowed it....probably not.

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to a democrat rodent or other rabid leftist, free speech is racist

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Everything is racist to democrats. It’s the song they’ve been singing for the past 20 years at least. It is true that racist laws and people have treated all but WASP’s as second class ppl. Most ppl would agree that’s not right but all our efforts to “fix” that have only amplified other problems. We have come a long way to change that. Poverty isn’t easy to overcome and I think there does need to be assistance that helps ppl at least get back on their feet. These colleges and universities that have these huge endowments need to start sucking up some of the responsibility for overcharging young ppl and/or setting young ppl up with huge debt over some relatively useless liberal arts degree.

There isn’t a country in the world that doesn’t have some dubious history and humans aren’t in any danger of perfection but America was established as a new thing altogether. We’ve lost our way over the past 15-20 years and if we can’t get this turned around then maybe it true that it’s too late.

I guess we’ll see.

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well informed folks are sofaking kool, and leftist vermin hate them.

When these idiots mention "systemic racism" I point out the only systemic racism this country ever had, happened because of democrats. The KKK and Jim Crow laws were invented, and continued, by rabid little democrats, and were only stopped by Repubs. See also Civil War, when a bunch of white repubs killed enough white democrats to make them give up their black slaves (not the whole picture, but more than enough to meet "historical evil" by democrat standards).

Black "families" were actually prospering, and progressing, under these democrat racist policies. Then, LBJ, and his evil democrats, created the welfare state. LBJ was correct when he said, and I quote, "we will have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years". Just damn!

The Brookings Institute (left leaning research) determined, with much study, that if anyone, no matter their poor beginnings, will do these 3 things, 93 percent will work their way into middle class in ten years.

Graduate High School, get a job, don't have babies till you get married.

Thanks to democrats, a lot less people graduate High School, a lot less get a job, and a lot do not get married before they have babies. Hell the democrat vermin encourage black women to stay single, and raise their babies, with the gov being the daddy. They get less tax payer money if a husband is in the house.

The good news, as more and more idiot democrats suffer the consequences of their vote, (and not just the poor people) they start to get a little less insane.

As more and more democrats lynch their babies in the womb, or mutilate the healthy sex organs of their mentally ill children, in one or two generations, these vermin will exterminate themselves, despite the rabies they spread in our colleges.

Sane humans are very good at dealing with slow moving disasters, and leftist vermin are a slow moving disaster.

The futures so bright, I need to wear shades.

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No. They don’t and spoiled, pampered delicate things that they are, can’t distinguish words they simply don’t want to hear with actual harm. God forbid anything “trigger” their delicate minds.

They don’t understand that PTSD isn’t something that occurs from your refusal to accept what you hear or actually getting told “no”.

This state of the weenies is astounding. No wonder young men are attracted to the likes of Andrew Tate. They have fewer real men to look up to. Men that don’t use the ladies room and don’t think other men should either.

The governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, put out a happy Father’s Day message but added that “to all you men who can’t drive a manual transmission car, happy Mother’s Day”. I digress.

I think every generation looks at the next and just shakes their heads but this group of young people who insist on embracing all this woke nonsense and DEI/CRT are in for a rude awakening.

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JP always nails it! I think it is important as parents and grandparents to take time to disgust current events, the constitution, life. What better time to talk about it than at the dinner table. Keep your kids informed. We are their teachers. Have safe travels Drs Malone. Have a great day !

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Safe travels! Thanks for the Friday Funnies 😂 God Bless everyone 🙏🏻

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Oh, the coffee meme is my favorite! I did replace coffee with organic tea, for a while- but, can't go "whole hog on tea"! I love coffee in the morning too much! So, as the saying goes on coffee meme #2: "I MISS THE OLD DAYS....."! Indeed I miss the Sixties, muscle gas cars, going to Woolworth's cafe counter for a coke & hot French fries! Have a wonderful time in Italy, doctor's!

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Those 2 resonated most with me too! Nothing like a good morning cup of coffee and I miss the old days also for the same reasons. There was Kresge’s also much like Woolworth’s or Sander’s. We had them all in Detroit when I was little.

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It is nice to have those memories of growing up! I remember selling Christmas cards to my childhood neighbors, & I would also make pot-holders to sell, & I would babysit on occasion, so the money I made allowed me to shop at the only outside mall near Sacramento. There were several neighborhood kids on my block, & back then (1960's), my parent's dropped all of us kids off & we shopped all afternoon!

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Yes, such great memories and carefree times. My parents always warned us what to be careful about and possible ways to protect ourselves (remember this was the 60’s & 70’s in Detroit) and then let us carryon to be kids. You were quite the entrepreneur!

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Dr. Malone, you need to reveal the secrets of your energy, as you keep going, and going and going.

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Happy Poets Day everyone.

Every Friday is poets day.

You know, Piss On Everything, Tomorrows Saturday.

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Fauci’s grandparents migrated from Italy. His father lived to 98, was a pharmacist, attended Columbia University and owned a drug store in Brooklyn. Fauci must have had a patron, most likely Rockefeller. He attended a Jesuit high school in Manhattan’s upper east side. At 22 he had a BA from College of the Holy Cross and further education, internship/residency all from Cornell. At 28 his first job was clinical associate at NIAID, 1968. 1974 was head of the LCI’s Clinical Physiology Section; 1980 appointed chief of the NIAID’s Laboratory of Immunoregulation; in 1984 became NIAID director. Anthony Fauci was a well-controlled ‘plant’ from the beginning.

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Our ComCastic Bombastic Xfinity link was down when I woke early this morning???

Back on line as of 915 am. How long off? ...I do not know.

This highly digital life existence has performed a personal future wake up call.

Hence very gentle but unique reminders of "Things that can get ugly bad" overnight.

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Reminder for sure. Can't be too hard to block access to the 'cloud'.

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I do not know who the DNC string pullers might be, but pretty sure they are chanting Skooby Doo's " wrot wo". Love J.P.'s Pride skit. Sexuality has always been a human preoccupation, but the current omnipresence of sexual deviancy is a new form of that. A case of the few outweigh the many.

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