Sep 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amazing how fast the plexiglass and the markers for "social distancing" and the masks and washing our food and don't touch the handrail or anything, and stay inside and die alone, burials alone, no proms, nothing but fear. There was nothing in society that was set up and followed so fast. A lesson in the absence of critical thinking and this needs to be remembered and reminded over and over again. I was a target of group think, no more! Keep up the reminders, THANKS!

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I must continually remind myself that the danger we face is "very real", but the fear is optional! And, if I don't control my mind, something or someone else will.

After prayer, I remind myself as needed throughout the day of these truths. I share this only because it helps me stay mentally focused and to escape the 24/7 negativity that is designed to create anxiety, depression, and lose of hope on "we the people". Hope it helps others.

Fight, fight, fight!

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So true!!!

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Yes, thank you!

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Not one word from the deranged medicine men speaking to the need to boost everyone's immune system to ward off all pathogens. No money to be made that way. Big chemo drives Big Agra and Big Food and the beneficiary is Big Pharma. Auto-immune diseases have skyrocketed and they don't address the root cause from toxins in our food supply and the injections! NIH and all their divisions are brain dead and only listen to those who they supposedly regulate. Who is regulating who? Kamala certainly won't say a word on the subject. RFK Jr. is the only politician with the guts to address the issue head on.

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James Delingpole (in England) remarked that, instantly, banners appeared with slogans for the new behavior, businesses simultaneously refusing cash because "dirty germs," just when the tech bros were urging all commerce/learning/socializing to be done via a computer for cleanliness and health! Naomi Wolf has a lot to say about the computerization component, because it allows all aspects of life to be monitored and monetized.

As a note, see a man regularly in public, walking, in his mid-60s, who wears two masks, in layers--one is white and the edges appear on his cheeks, the outer is black, and both sets of ear loops are visible. He wears these, now, in 2024, outside, in full sunny, windy, overcast, no-matter-the-weather, environments. Hypochondria is real.

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It makes my head explode 🤯 💥 😫. I just don't and can't understand 🙃.

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Several stores in my area still have the plexiglass up. And the Maskers are slowly becoming more numerous.

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So sad 😞 😔.

There is a cashier at a store that I frequently visit who to this date has been wearing a mask 😷!!!

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The ones I come across the clerks lean over and talk around them

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Absolutely. We must tell this story, and our individual story, the things we did, to our children and grandchildren, so they will pass this down to their children and grandchildren, and so forth. Each of our experiences need to be preserved.

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D D, in view of the fact that to begin with, I'm a germ-a-phobe, I was wondering 🤔 why everyone was copying me and FINALLY following general sanitation practices!?!

😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

I've written about this before. To me, it's so obvious, and so galling. The Biden video of him announcing vax mandates- time stamp 1:42: Biden saying, "We're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers." ...by forcing the unvaccinated to take the vax.

Do I really need to point this out? If the vaccines work, how are the vaccinated in any danger from the unvaccinated?

Did our country really get to be this stupid?

Did we?

Can anyone help me understand how this makes any sense?

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yup the public school system has been turning out uneducated morons, just look at what's going on at Columbia and other ivy league schools.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

If the vax is 100% effective then there's no justification for the mandates.

if the vax is 0% effective then there's no justification for the mandates.

So obviously the vax is exactly as effective as needed to justify the vax mandates. Give me a minute while I work backwards from the result I want to get and come up with the correct effectiveness.

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The end justifies the means.

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I have been trying to explain this to my former jabbed friends. They don't understand. Something is wrong in those heads for sure. too much education, I am afraid.

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Ingrid, if too much education caused your friends to be wrong in their heads...then how do you explain Doc Malone, who has way more education than most, being so right in his head?

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And Mike Yeadon.

And Victor Davis Hanson.

Let's not valorize lack of formal education. Let's criticize and keep out of power people who lack wisdom, and put people in who do have it.

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Mass Formation at its best!

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Evil Incarnate, sadly 😥 FEAR 😨 caused logic to go out the window 🪟!!!

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Another missing trait in this administration. You will never receive what you are not willing to give. The amount of honor you show others will be directly related to the favor shown to you. Many times we miss an opportunity, but we should never miss an opportunity to honor others. A great analogy is the honor the gold star families deserved from our current president and vice President, but never got. Because our two top politicians are incapable of honoring the 13 dead soldiers and their grieving families, (these 13 young kids they were responsible for), the pres. and vice pres. in the future have lost all of that favor. Think about how a quick phone call or a one hour meeting honoring the dead would have changed so much instead of all those closed doors. Take this story in context.

I’ve never been one to expect anything without performing a job, or a service. It’s always been a theme in my life to work for everything I get. For decades I’ve worked for a local business. Over the years I’ve always stood behind them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood up for these people when speaking to their customers, people in town here, and when meeting with town officials pushing a project for them. For nearly 40 years I have consistently bent over backwards for this family and their business. always being there at their beckoning call. They may not have been aware of me sticking up for them behind the scenes, but this was in another way me honoring them.

I have built or renovated all of their children’s houses and the parents home. I have made all of them millions and millions of dollars in equity way over and above what I got paid. Whenever something bad happened I would be there for them. I’ve watched for years dedicated people that helped them be cast aside, they pushed them aside and moved on . I overlooked their uncaring insincerity to those people that helped them. I knew one day it would be me that would be cast to the side and as it turns out I was the next. This is where I take a deep breath, exhale and move on. I can use the advice of the father who said to me successful people take the hit and keep moving forward and that’s what I intend to do, move past them. Once in my life they were a good customer and now they’re not. In this one way, like with Biden/Harris, I pity them. I pity them because of their inability to honori the deserved, the people that protected them, helped them, enriched them for decades, they will never in return receive the favor and the honor they have refused to give. Sometimes it can be as simple as a thank you.


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The brave 13 were discarded like yesterday's trash by this regime!!

They're shameless for attacking the ONE PRESIDENT who has had the decency to be there for the 13 and their families! 😠 😡 😤

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I take comfort in knowing that we will be shown the good, the bad and the ugly sides of ourselves when we have a "life review". Dannion Brinkley suggests doing a review each night, to stay current on the results of our actions. Simple acts of kindness do make a difference, as you know James!

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In Catholicism it's called an Examen (of conscience). The Mussar (Jewish ethical practice system) discusses paying attention to one's behavior and inner life. It's a standard Jewish teaching that, after death, every Jewish person will be asked: "Do you make time for study of the Scriptures? Were you honest in business? Did you enjoy all of the permitted pleasures?" (because life is good and God made it)! Another Jewish saying is that you can know a lot about a person by how he or she handles: anger, money, intoxicants (it's a pithy, aphoristic saying in Hebrew or Yiddish).

The hard part is when there doesn't seem to be a corresponding level of reciprocity or life-circumstances well-being no matter how much you do the right things. The religions have a lot to say about this too. I remember an interview with Rabbi Harold Kushner, the author of the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," saying that many readers had asked him to write a follow-up volume, "When Good Things Happen to Bad People."

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Yes, and even if they are not appreciated.

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James, truth again. Thank you!

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Unfortunate turn of events, James, but it appears you anticipated tis day would come. I often tell my business partner, if you are going to do something special for a client at a reduced rate or no cost, TELL THEM. They don't know that "because they've been our client for decades or given us a lot of business, referrals and the like" that we appreciate them and want to reward them however that might be unless you make it known! When there are challenges in the future, that one move might make a difference in their mind. Respect goes both ways. On the other hand, sometimes you just have to move on and the feelings or agreements are no longer mutual. I suspect you will come to find out that it was the best thing that ever happened to you.

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Barbara, there has been changes made at this business where the parents have begun to let their children manage and run things. Honestly the two kids are very tough to deal with, many of us there new this day would come and it has. I generally do better outside of there but I have to hustle more to keep work coming in. One thing I’ve given up there is snow plowing. I don’t trust the two kids and it’s a really difficult job. The last two winters I haven’t made hardly anything there and on big storms I’ll be out for days. I’m stepping off that race track. I thought after 40 years they may have reached out to me but as of yet nothing. Probably when they get triple the price they will.

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Bravo James!

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When will our Fact-Checkers drown?!?!

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Given the current rate of sea level rise due to climate change, proffered by The Science TM, somewhere between 6:30 and 7 pm this evening.

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Silly Nilly ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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Good question.

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soon as the flood comes!

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I can't wait for it to break the dam!!!

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Sep 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

McConsequences indeed. Shipments of robots intended for Toyota plants were made by mistake to the emergent automated McDonald's around the country. Widespread reports of buns riveted to patties and french fries welded together. And now there's word that a lot full of RAV4's has been found to be upholstered with lettuce and American cheese.

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That was good! Sounds like what would happen to our guts after eating that stuff!

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Vaxxstreet Boys 😂🤣

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.....bread (along with beer and pretzels) and circuses.

If we had an electorate in this country, who spent as much time concerned about the actions of their federal and state government, as they do sports and other leisure/entertaiment activities, we just might have a responsible government, obligated to serve the people honestly, and accountable for all its actions. Freedom demands responsibility from the electorate.

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Doesn't it astound you that the most highly-paid persons in our society are entertainers--in the form of athletes, musicians, and theatrical people. Many Public Employees Retirement Systems are paying out the highest sums to retired college football coaches.

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Biden gets too much credit. All the guy ever did was read from teleprompters.

The real villains behind things like the vax mandate are the people that made it happen. Pfizer lobbyists and people like Fauci.

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and Rotschield and Rockefeller and the likes

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Sep 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I tried to go to Amazon and buy the book (pre-order) but they did not seem to know about it, and kept showing me the previous book.

When I got the bottom of your email I ordered a few copies directly from the link you provided. I noticed that it was from Amazon. So it seems to me that they are deliberately NOT showing your book to people who search for it, unless they come through your link. I thought you might want to know this.

Keep writing!!!

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Amazon claims Alexa's pro-Kamala, anti-Trump responses were in 'error,' not election interference

A spokesperson for Amazon said, “This was an error that was quickly fixed.”


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I had to enter it twice (Dr. Malone books) it came up then.

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Listening to the Biden speech about vaccinations brought back all the anger I felt about being ostracized for NOT being vaccinated! One of my proudest moments-saying NO.

Love the Harry Potter video. Very clever.

A good collection of Friday Funnies again. Yep. Now I can start my weekend! Thanks Drs M!!

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OK, a FridayFunnies to remember - nothing that left me woefully weary. Or teary. But I do have thoughts:

+1M for "Don’t let Trump cheat."

Panem et circenses is fine if that’s as far as you wanna go, but our leaders are adding to that the lotus eater like effects of "papaver somniferum" and other indolence inducing drugs.

Small nit with the "how we blocked people:" that’s how we dealt with telemarketers if we didn’t want to be rude - just let’m talk (w/o interruption 😂); to block people we UNPLUGGED the phone jack to prevent the noisome buzz.

Been thinking about this push to roboticize fast food in particular and the food industry in general: beginning in California, we may be on the cusp of a major transformation that’ll look like a return to the past - we may see more kitchen only, take and eat outlets where ordering by device is the sole option, small parking areas to await your food cooked by robots where AI has efficiently sorted orders for efficiency; those who can and are willing to pay for the nostalgia experience would interact with robots and take meals delivered on trays by robots - for "just a few dollars more 😉 ." We get to either in self-driving (robot) cars - which we might own or just rent for the experience of "going out to eat." This automation of course will expand impacting skills acquisition of our youth which … eventually the logical culmination results in most of "advanced" societies relying on intelligent but artless machines occupying most labor sectors leaving humans to become creatures of the arts&leisure: to which I ask, "can man exist if he has no purpose?" Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to WORK it and TAKE CARE of it."

Something to think about in this push (and need?) to mechanize the civilian labor market - is this just beta testing for tomorrow’s soldiers; if warfare ceases to result in human loss … what are the consequences of that?

Plexiglass tomfoolery: so so stupid - a hundred people walk into the grocery store, touch the items they intend to purchase and lord knows how many others, all the while scratching their nose, stifling a yawn (with their hand ‘cause that’s polite), touching who knows where else on their body, AND THEN placing their items on the conveyor belt where the cashier checker touches the items after doing so with everybody else’s items … and we forced the grocers, etc., to go thru the expense of erecting sneeze guards⁉️[which are now gone where I live].

It’s really hard to believe that we are the apex entities on this planet.

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In that last line maybe change are to were

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Or soon to be not 🤔

I’m trying not to be so pessimistic

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I've thought similarly when I see people wearing masks: even if the germs do not go in, nor go out of your mask, the ambient cooties will still be touching your hair, your skin, your eyes, your clothing, and can very easily get into your body from those places.

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In the 80s we had answering machines, and we could screen our calls by listening as a message was being left, too.

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Sep 6Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What I find intriguing is the fact the FBI and the DOJ warned us about election interference and yet offered no examples. How are we suppose to know what is real and not. An Example would be great. Start at CNN and work your way up to MSNBC and then the New York Times. Then worry about Russian and Iran. Plus who does Iran and Russia want in the white house? That would be nice to know.

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That one is simple. Vladimir Putin recently expressed a preference for Kamala Harris citing her laugh. Honest!

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That is because it is the FBI and DOJ and the MSM that are doing the election interference.

Trump and the RNC should file a 10 Billion lawsuit against the MSM for election interference along with the DOJ. Throw the charges back into their faces....

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Cheating in the election:

Nixon, "they stole the election!"

Advisor: "yeah, but they stole it fair and square..."

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Loved (actually hated) the Vaxstreet Boys, but super funny!

In honor of the 3rd anniversary of mask totalitarianism, we’re working on a Substack post full of freedom bill proposals. We hope some brave legislators will respond to citizens yearning to be free and run these ideas straight to the governor’s desk. Coming soon… Wish us luck 🍀

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I loved Harry Potter - Redneck ! So funny! Don’t let Trump Cheat was awesome! Psy op The Vaxstreet Boys made me laugh out loud. The Charlie Brown funny was awesome.

I needed these funnies today. I woke up at 3:30 this morning worrying about how I can prepare my big family for future events. I buy them Prepper stuff for Christmas they laugh but think they are cool items. I needed a good laugh today. Have a great day! I get to see Tucker Carlson and Helen Beck tomorrow. So excited!

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Two 'nn's.

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You are right. I was just freaked because of spell check changing Glenn to Helen.

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My cell phone makes nonsense out of my test messages !

Wishing you a great time at that event Melanie.

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We are very like that cat realizing we have been chasing a silly red dot for much of our lives. This awakening may not be what the wuflu employing progs intended

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When your cat copies your moves: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-Pv1QuOmHQ/

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