Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Funny, I feel a little reticent to be a first poster, there is responsibility in even that. I have been on a roll this morning, reading and looking at a lot of controversies, so this Fri. Funny hits the spot. Most were right on for me, and the chicks add a bit of humanity. Since you need to get those pesky chores done, see you later.

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Top Friday news is the chicks. 👍🏼

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best describing the Biden communist et al regime is Trump loan crime vs student loan bribe!

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, down here in the rural South, when a hawk is decimating our valuable poultry flock, we usually make that hawk an offer that he/she can’t refuse.

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Am somewhat surprised hearing nada about the $1.4 trillion spending spree congress went on that Texas AG Paxton convinced SCOTUS was unconstitutional. Nary a peep have I heard and that is odd.

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I wish it was SCOTUS. It was one federal judge in Texas. Appears it only affects on item in the package.

According to United States District Judge James Wesley Hendrix of the Northern District of Texas, the House of Representatives improperly passed the spending package because a quorum of members was absent. Hendrix, a Republican appointee of former President Donald Trump, prevented the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act from being applied to the state as an employer after discovering that the funding bill had been passed incorrectly.

“Although the Court finds that the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act violated the Constitution, Texas does not seek an injunction of—and the Court does not enjoin—the entire Act,” Hendrix wrote in the 120-page opinion. “Rather, the Court enjoins only the application of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act against Texas. The relief granted here is limited to abating the injury that Texas has proven will occur.”

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And one state over in AZ, a federal judge just ruled that Arizona CAN NOT

1. remove non citizens from the voter rolls

2. require proof of citizenship to vote in Presidential election

3. require proof of citizenship to vote my mail

judge says they are precluded from this by federal law. And to ice the cake, apparently the ruling on 2 of the issue was made last March but withheld untill now....so to hamper actions to overturn it by this election.

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Do we ultimately have Congress to thank for this?

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It is just a big ***** mess.

Head of AZ GOP contacted Harmeet Dillon, they are going to see what can be done. The lawfare, in your face, let's see how you block this bs, is so depressing. It's a tactical move to thwart the election. Not to mention all the illegalities, we'll wait for the Supreme Court, involved in the invasion we pay for.

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It feels like a complicated maze and the good guys are all in a room in the center, while padlocks are put on the room's door. Why Trump did not back Dillon for RNC pres is beyond me.

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See link below, no answer on why Dillon for RNC, tho agree it would have been/will be a great choice.

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Any idea WHO appointed that federal (so-called) "judge"??

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No, but if you were betting on it, you could make a fortune.

This is from this morning, been working all day, not sure what has since transpired.


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How on earth anyone could interpret federal law as allowing noncitizens to vote is beyond me.

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So, WHY did that "unconstitutional" bill pass scrutiny of the House "parliamentarians" in the first place?

Also, nice to know at least ONE of the 300 or so "constitutional" judges Trump appointed are actually DOING something to see that the Constitutional precepts are adhered to.

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My impression was the plus that other States could take advantage to sue on similar issues.

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That $1.7 trillion bill included $350 billion for the States. States will be careful if/when they nit-pick about similar issues.

See what your state was allocated here: sorry about the website owner - https://rockinst.org/blog/the-american-rescue-plan-act-state-and-local-funding-breakdown/

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Maryland is a committed Obama Biden State fully and well beyond toeing their party line. Every week the Governor (rumored to be a part of the next party tickets) is giving out goodies $$$ weekly. Working to prevent 'tax' increases (fees are going out of sight). Our County Exec has aspirations and is too. Local elites and commoners are generally eating it up. Precious few eyes and thoughts are open.

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Proximity to DC doesn't help.

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OK..I guess. That does not sound like what I read in Texas Minute but…. The emphasis of the article was that passing that omnibus bill without a quorum invalidated it. Hmmmm. Suspect that single part was chosen to combat that stinking “standing” b.s. that SCOTUS claimed they did not have when they were there claiming Texans votes in 20 were canceled by fraud.

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I think you nailed it. I wonder if the Biteme admin will care to appeal - bet not if it puts the entire bill at stake.

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Doesn't fit the narrative of how "great" Biden is doing.

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Exactly! Zero, Zilch, Nada!

I've been waiting for some legal minded commentators to explain the scope and effect of that case!!!

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It is small and limited to one issue Paxton sued on. See my other post. Otherwise the media would be having a hissy-fit.

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Are we talking about the same thing? A trillion dollar vote by a House lacking aa quorum, in fact, less than 1/2 present? That is small one issue.. I would say the only issue

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I'm with you on this, as usual. I can only think that Paxton felt he had a chance of success if he made it about specific ramifications to the state of TX.

"When President Joe Biden signed the illegally passed law, Attorney General Paxton sued and sought an injunction against the implementation of certain provisions of the law affecting the State of Texas." Here is the decision -


This is from Ken Paxton's office (and I find it sort of misleading as to what TX and no one else gained) - https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-wins-case-challenging-17-trillion-federal-funding-bill-passed

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STANDING!!! But if the quorum rule was violated, why in holy hell does that not apply to the entire thing? Said before, SCOTUS decisions today depend on headlines, not the Constitution

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Everyone, including the Robes, work within the unconstitutional political framework.

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WHERE was "Speaker" Johnson in all this?

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Yay! Now I can start my weekend with a smile since reading the Friday Funnies! Good luck with your adorable new chicks, Dr Malone. And life goes on! 🤗

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Yes fresh eggs and future soup.

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Because of Bidenflation, Gloria decided to switch from cash cow to become a Gold calf 😂 - talk about sacred cow!

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Sometimes I think of words and string them together. I later see or read something and it makes me think of the words. Without hope you can’t have faith. I was thinking about hope and the next 12 months. More importantly I was thinking of my friends hope , all of you here on this sub stack, and your future. It might sound quirky but I honestly worry about all of your hope and faith over the next 12 months. If things were to go wrong will you continue to fight? You all have been like a pair of crutches that I have used to move forward over the past 3 years. Selfishly I worry if things go wrong and hope is lost and faith is interrupted or lost will you continue to fight? In my mind no matter what happens, I will continue on. I am asking will you? The fight won’t end unless we give up. I’m asking you not to give up. J. Goodrich

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone's favorite psychologist MD advises we need to keep on. Our Good Dr's Malone have taken some heavy hits and have kept on

We have every reason to think there will be very challenging times ahead. I think we all (at least most) draw strength and resolve from our community and our Great Dr's here. I, personally think together we'll keep standing. I won't be giving up eithrr

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No matter how rough or tough the times get, the tough don't given in or give up. We up our game, instead.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

I’m not going anywhere. No way in heck I’m giving up! Some days I might be feeling that way, but ultimately I just can’t. I fight for my Daughters future in addition for our country. I meed to know when it’s my time to leave this world she’ll be ok.

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Your awesome Cheryl B.!!!!!! Thank You

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Right back at ya James! 😊

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A saint once said that perseverance was the whole key to spiritual success. I think it’s the key to any success. And for me, adversity stiffens my spine. My friends do not appreciate this nearly as much as posterity will 😂

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My son got chicks from Tractor Supply and built a house for them. When I heard of it, I called my 6-year-old Granddaughter about every week to ask if they had any eggs yet.

After four or five of the calls, she finally got frustrated with me and the minute she answered, she hollered NO we don't have any eggs they're just CHICKS. Ha!

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55 years ago I pushed a lawn mower up&down the streets of my neighborhood for spending money, saved a portion; 50 years ago I worked summers, afternoons and weekends during high school for spending money, saved a portion; 40 years ago I completed graduate work in BioMedical Engineering during which I didn’t work other than long days in the lab (for which I received a small token of appreciation 😂) - but before that I put myself through NoVa community college, VaTech Biochem by working nearly any hours not spent in school or studying, and I saved a portion. I graduated law school debt free by working and marrying well (well, golly, ya gotta do what ya gotta do 😀 😆). My son and his wife graduated with their own flavor of professional doctorates with a pile of their own debt - let me repeat that: THEIR own debt. They could’a waited for the 💩 💩 in chief to bribe them (wouldn’t work 😊) but they did what previous generations have done and paid THEIR debt. Let me repeat that part as well: THEY paid off their debt.

What floods my fields is having to pay for someone else’s debt. If they actually paid for something worthwhile, had a work ethic that was once part of this nation (really not so long ago), if our national ethos still reflected timeless characteristics…

Instead, evil Robin Hood is alive and well today, taking from ____ and giving to ____, via the mechanism of wealth transfer. Partially, as a result of this, a national ethos has been inverted and our great great great 🤔 great great grandchildren owe $34T, soon to be $50T <- which does not include unfunded liabilities.

We’ve looked in the mirror…and seen the enemy.

Well, wish I could say today’s venting made me feel better; tho I will say Mr Douglass is correct with the exception some of us don’t have cartridge boxes - I reload!

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Ty and Charlene are great. I had the opportunity to interview them a few years ago. I was censored on Youtube and Facebook and just got deplatformed from LinkedIn... That's why I am here. Thank you Dr. Malone for your humorous Fridays and the update on your homestead.

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An additional thought I had on Trump being prosecuted for asset evaluation to get a loan.

Our government doesn't get any evaluations for loans, they've just printed an additional $32 trillion they don't have without any potential penalty besides downgrading of rating; where's the prosecution of this gross negligence? We the people are the victims of the Gov and have been wholly harmed by the unbelievable amount of debt & interest We the People are stuck with!

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We need to send Mitch to a Retirement home in Leavenworth Kansas!

Or we could send him to Hotel California where he can check in and can’t check out!!!

At any rate, he needs to be replaced NOW and not in November.

He can and will do MUCH DAMAGE to the America 🇺🇸 First agenda between now and then!!!!

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"Mitch" has been "conflicted" his entire tenure in the Senate, in that his wife - Elaine Chao -

is a longtime member of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS; and former secretary of labor.

Also, her Chinese family are big time in the (ocean going) shipping business.

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Some suspect that the shipping 🚢 company is a shell company for nefarious business accounts.

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen to Frederick Douglas. But for the second amendment, we might already all be slaves.

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George Bernard Shaw, Fabian Socialist:

"Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well."

From Shaw's "The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism (1928);"

Quoted in G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994)." From this latter also:

"The Fabian Society

The Fabians originally were an elite group of intellectuals who formed a semi-secret society for the purpose of bringing socialism to the world. Whereas Communists wanted to establish socialism quickly through violence and revolution, the Fabians preferred to do it slowly through propaganda and legislation. The word socialism was not to be emphasized. Instead, they would speak of benefits for the people such as welfare, medical care, higher wages, and better working conditions.....The three most prominent leaders in the early days were Sidney and Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw."

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spot-on, James! the Webb's invented "Fabian Socialism", and Shaw and H. G. Wells were prominent members.

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Glenn Beck showed this very short Shaw video years ago, although it did not have a foreign language at the bottom. Nobel Prize winner my behind -


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George Bernard Shaw - the epitome of the sanctimonious, supercilious so-called "intellectual" Marxist know-it-alls.

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Mar 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Time for some hawk sandwiches.

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Nature 🙁 It's likely Mom and Pop trying to feed their feathered kids. Used to watch a peregrine couple in Cleveland. They hatch early. Netting/pond covers should help keep the Chicken family safe. Love the related meme!

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Baby chicks are the best! Have a wonderful weekend.

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Oh, baby chicks are cute and all; and as adults you’ve got eggs and hot wings 🤤. But a house full of kittens, growing from bloody blobs momma is cleaning to curious cats momma has weaned are the, pardon the pun, the mat’s meow 😉. And while an adult chicken has its uses, I woke up this morning, as I do most mornings, to one of my (large) katz nestled near my head 😌 . What did I ever do to be so blessed.

Take THAT, chicken lvr.

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A feral cat entered my cat carrier. I brought it to my apt. The next day I was gifted with 6 littens. Shortly thereafter we got our eviction notice and had to move on. The feral - Diabla - become my Mother's beloved companion.

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What a sweet story Jean. Isn't life interesting and rewarding.

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Aww, similar experience, save my queen wasn’t feral, she was abandoned on my property, along with three others. Two of which moved on, the littlest, a long haired nearly all black which I named Thumbelina until ‘she’ was neutered and promptly renamed Thumbelin-O. Anyway, the queen, now my queen, blessed me with 8 babies: lost the runt (who had more heart than the entire WH combined), son took next smallest (apartment at the time and single), his mother took two, bro&sis, two lynx point went to Humane, and I kept momma and the two largest - I like big katz and I have the big house to zoom in.

Glad your she-devil found a home

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Was awakened this a.m. by our big guy licking the top of my head while the little guy was plastered against my leg. Share your sentiment.

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KITTENS!!! Someone left four newborn kittens wadded in paper in the basement of our home while under construction. We found them, took them home and bottle raised them ... all the while my hubs suggesting I figure out which two I would find a home for ... sure honey, I've already done that. Opey, Harry, Junie and Annie lived their entire lives with us ! How blessed were we??? We now have another generation of five unrelated rescued cats, two of which sleep on either side of my head and a dog at my left hip next to the dog that is at my hubs' right hip! We never nap alone and I LOVE IT!!! God is good!!!

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OK, cats i get (and got) but even having grown up with dogs, one part wolf (supposedly), I have never once considered dogs in the bed - shoot, not a fan of dogs even in the house.

Bet I’m in your naughty notes now, eh?

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