
BTW- there is a part two to the story of Albert and the lion (spooler alert - it has a happy ending) - I will put up the audio on Sunday.

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I am anxiously awaiting the happy ending for Albert!

And just maybe 2023 will bring us a happy ending to all “The Lies (our) Government Told (us) “

Loved the video with you and Drs. Urso and Cole. God bless all of you and Merry Christmas.

PS. Robert - your eulogy for a child broke my heart. I prayed for you and Jill as I choked back the tears.

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Same here. I'm not as optimistic for 2023 since the same people are still in charge, but we all keep plugging away for justice.

Dr. Malone, you are amazing and thank you for all that you do.

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Oh thank goodness

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#1. The best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis

(And santa obviously avoided the jab)

On ELON. On Twitter. On Comet Cupid Dancer and Critter! (Yeh imadethatshyt up)

#2. That's why it's called a "Spending Bill"! It's on the working stiffs credit card and offspring.

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Regarding the spending bill and the now $100 Billion given to Ukraine...$100 Billion could have instead been invested in trust accounts to the tune of about $10,000 each for every single newborn in the US over the past three years. Think how life changing that would be for so many the recipients when they turn 21. Especially with an option to roll it into an IRA or pay for college. Fixes a lot of problems for a lot of people, not to mention providing financial hope. And the gov't would eventually get the majority back as future tax revenues. We have truly bizarre priorities imo.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You've outdone yourself today, especially with the Santa video! Thanks for all the laughs. I confess I skipped Karine's nonsense for now, didn't want to spoil the mood. I'll come back to her later. Merry Christmas!

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“This is dangerous to democracy.”

She forgot “extremely” and “our” (https://twitter.com/akheriaty/status/1596331604070174727) — or maybe she was just mixing it up to make it look like it was an original thought 😆

Robert, I’ve just published what I feel is one of my most important pieces as it outlines a blazingly simple strategy that has the potential to halt the injection pogrom instantaneously. All credit goes to attorney Jeff Childers for articulating the idea, and I merely proposed it as part of three pieces of legislation I am asking Ron Johnson to sponsor (#MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma) in this piece:

• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)

Jeff Childers says all it would take is a one-sentence federal law repealing pharma liability (#MakePharmaLiable).

#RememberBabyAlex focuses on protecting our right to access uninjected blood and follows up this heartrending testimony Baby Alex’s mother shared with me in a statement that also clears up many previously reported inaccuracies about this case:

• “Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/baby-alex-the-definitive-accountin)

#PutPeopleOverPharma would enshrine the Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, and Universal Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights in a legally binding manner that could actually be enforced.

I know you are connected with Ron Johnson. If you would be willing to share my letter with him, I would greatly appreciate that as he is more likely to pay attention to a communication from you.

I am also encouraging people everywhere to send this letter to their own representatives asking them to sponsor this legislation specifically (if in the US) or similar legislation in other countries.

I am hoping everyone can also share widely on social media so we have a hope of getting #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma trending to raise awareness about this proposed legislation.

Whatever you would be willing to do to help rally the troops would be a gift 🙌

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We will send letters. The liability law would quite rock the boat. The Put People over Pharma would resolve quite a lot of issues as well. Baby Alex (and Will and all the others) is lovely but as some folks have pointed out may not be possible. It looks as if unvaccinated folks are compromised and getting blood clots as well through whatever mechanism is driving that. I’m not sure we could ever find enough untainted blood to make matches; have enough honest labs that could verify the blood source and it’s untainted status; and trust all the folks saying they were not vaccinated when they give blood. It wouldn’t take very many dishonest folks in the latter two categories to taint even the unvaccinated supplies. But maybe allow us to use blood from our own sources that we know, assuming a good match, would be the way to go. I just don’t think, in todays environment, that a “clean” blood pool is possible since we don’t know why unvaccinated folks are being found to have similar clots and odd things in their blood. Maybe it’s shedding (I struggle with that but what do I know) or maybe it’s poisons dropped on us from the chemtrails (I coukd buy into that) or maybe it’s from infection with COVID (which makes me shudder.) Great ideas regardless.

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the entire concept of any blood supply relies on ability to TEST for impurities. Such a spike protein test will likely be worth . . . billions, if possible.

EDIT: YES, the LNP's are virtually UNfilterable! and yes, likelihood is almost 100% that someone will claim "filtered" but, I can see no way to actually do it short of new technological innovation-- supercalifragilistic expialidoshious molecular sieve chromatography. YES, forgot about that one!

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It’s not just spike protein that might be the problem which makes testing more complicated.

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If honestly used. If accurate. If…….

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas Dr Malone. I asked Santa for a free country and the arrests of all the Covidian Masters.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the funnies and the videos. Some levity now is helpful.

Merry Christmas!


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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Quiet elves"! love it. Thanks for all you & Jill do. Christmas blessings to you all.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE DR'S MALONE And Cheers to a great new year in 2023. May there be peace on earth and COVID accountability for all!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe we are spelling democracy wrong these days! Demoncrazy! Our leader is exhibiting signs of this daily!

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So then, "Repugdunces" - just for the sake symmetry/balance.

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Very creative!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Stanley Holloway recording!! ‘E sounds like me grandfathuh.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies today. The best was the Santa video.

Nice whinny Dr. Malone!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So loved your Santa video! You just do it all Doc! MERRY CHRISTMAS and God bless you! 🎄🎄🎄

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent and thank you

In MSM media still nothing about Twitter Files -- except for misinformation. This is one more proof that ALL are as infiltrated as Twitter or even more…

Have a Merry Christmas and all the best and beautiful in coming years

PS: Dec. 22 – Ep. 9 -- New CIA/JFK Revelations, The Latest from Brazil, & Answering Your Qs


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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved the video of you, Dr. Urso, and Dr. Cole -- stay well, safe, and effective Drs. Malone.

My favorite of Stanley Holloway was his role in My Fair Lady: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0391361/

Movie Trailer: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi2945302553/?playlistId=nm0391361&ref_=nm_ov_vi

Stanley Holloway clip: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi3311338009/?ref_=nm_vi_i_1

Bio: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0391361/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm

Merry Christmas to you and Jill!

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"With a little bit of Luck, with a little bit of luck". I almost posted this as a (third) video - but thought It would make the funnies too long.

Stanley Holloway was a comic genius - under appreciated in these times.

BTW- there is a part two to story of Albert and the lion

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Funnies “too long”? Perish the thought, please. They’re always over too soon for me.

Thanks Doc. Deeply appreciate your continued willingness to put yourself on the head of the spear.


Pureblood (thanks to you) in North Central Washington (the good part of the good Washington).

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Yes!!! I was racking my puny brain for "wiv a lidtle bit of luck" (not sure how to spell that phonetically).

Here's the "With A Little Bit Of Luck - Stanley Holloway (My fair Lady)" video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxOMTK5bYFA

Thank you for caring enough to write back to this little fan of yours!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my, I was so distressed I was going to have to watch 3 minutes of that cockroach Fauci! So I scanned forward until I got to you guys and watched that. What a relief!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, its been a tough year for all of us. Alot of people gone from the jab labeled a Vaccine but is really Gene Theraphy. Your support and commited work is much needed and appreciated by all of us.

May God Bless you and your family.

Merry Christmas 🎅

Notice the likeness🤭

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