Jul 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Therapy is a bad attempt to recreate Catholic confession. Instead of talking to a priest, you talk to a white woman that voted for Joe Biden.

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SO (sadly) true… except that these confessionals affirm and exacerbate your every psychosis and character flaw. Most ‘therapists’ should be in therapy themselves.

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Believe me, they have been!

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Actually I understand psychiatrists have to undergo deep therapy and probably explains why so many go off the deep end. Not many minds can tolerate that extensive scrutiny.

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Scripture alludes to a realm of existence that science doesn't recognize, where "powers and principalities...spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" hold sway. These folks are opening a dangerous door, entering unawares, and eschewing what they consider to be a non-existent solution. See, "Spiritual Warfare", subtitled "Christians, Demonization and Deliverance" by Karl J. Payne.

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Is there any hope of recovery to sanity when we pay for advice from an individuals with the same mental issues?? No, but we will get more indoctrinated with BS.

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Yes. Outside of chemical imbalances and severe trauma, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7. God is a remarkable healer when we learn who we are in Christ.

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…or man …or woman who identifies as a man…or man who identifies as a woman. Oh, stop already!

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Therapy 101: ignore the problem, milk the "symptoms" for all their worth.

See you next week at the same time??

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The whole psychology commentary about most psychologists being liberals ... which kind of "liberal" are you talking about? I used to be a liberal until liberal somehow morphed into Totalitarian Psycho Jerk. Now I apparently am a conservative and listen to Tucker Carlson. Who would have thunk it 5 years ago? Talk about a plot to keep you unbalanced!

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The progressives stole the term liberal to hide behind. They are about as liberal as pol pot. And dem progressivism hails all the way back to wilson

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It took almost a century for the radical prohibition people (progressives) to get Congress to send out the 18th Amendment to the states. They ratified it Jan. 1919. It did not describe what an intoxicating liquor was and localities could define it. But, surprisingly, when Congress approved the Volstead Act that defined it as any beverage containing over 1.5 percentage alcohol, Wilson veto the Act and Congress overrode his veto. The lawlessness that ensued was a result of Congress gaining ‘limited government’ advocates. They would not provide over site funds to the Feds.

If we back up a bit, Socialists had been running for Congress and Presidency well before the 20th Century. The term was dropped after 1976 but its tenants were adopted by the Democrats prior to the 20th Century, branding themselves as Progressives after Teddy’s one-off party. Most Progressives during this time were from northern states that bordered Canada, which had a spreading influence.

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Re progressives believe they came into being in wisconsin in 1800s. Wisconsin had a,large german derived population and a major element of this progressive party was immigrant german socialists still calling themselves 48ers after their failed socialist revolution in germany.

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same here. thought I was dem but did not know that dem had shifted to garbage can

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I totally agree wholeheartedly!

I've been saying over and over that the terms we use to designate political identity have been made useless. I am "old left" and subscribe to Dr. Malone's channel, listen to Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, etc.

Most of the commentators on this site are consistently guilty of misusing these labels. Let's get back to "substance" rather than "labelling" and "name calling".

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It is all subterfuge. All the parties use marketing techniques like branding. And, just like corporations, they market their wares by selling fear of the other party’s platform. They are especially good at this during their convention speeches. To top it off, they use their congressional power to do the bidding of their overlords, which runs all of them. That’s why adverts against the Patriot Act, other over-reaching laws like Obamacare, and the wars paradigm are never stop.

We are stuck with it. I will note that on other SSs it is evident that many honestly believe that an administrative state that provides for ‘all’ (FDR rhetoric) is worthy. Could be educational indoctrination.

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Jim, Exactly. Labels and name calling, and dare I add hate, are so superficial.

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Thank you. I might add just for more clarification that labels are sort of "binary" and are oversimplifications. One is either "this" or "that". It puts you in a category, never to escape from. Down with labels!

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I like that, TPJ syndrome. Congrats on your escape!

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This is exactly the goal of this tiny but so powerful and destructive 0,2%, CONFUSION AND


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Same here. The trouble with gross generalizations/labels is they entirely miss the critical details.

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My favorite today is the dog as the excuse to skip out of social functions. That is my husband Jim. I am fairly sure that is why we adopted an 85 lb. dog, so we have to go home to feed him. We are always the first to leave.

The creepiest thing today is the take on Psychologists. I have worked for several and amazingly they have all been conservative. One of them was talked into becoming a doc to help people and the patients drove him nuts in the first year. So, he quit and purchased a Starbucks. He said now he gets paid a lot more to observe crazy people but has no obligation to fix them.

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my dog serves that purpose perfectly too LOL. If I don't feel like going, the dog has an accident LOLOL Poor thing she is so good.

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I have 6 cats. They sleep inside at night. That works too. “I’m so sorry to leave early, but I must get all the felines in before dark, you know how they are about catting around. If i don’t get them in …. Blah, blah, blah”. Works every time.

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Deanna, Interesting what you experienced re: psychologists being conservative. Makes me wonder how big the sample was that Dr. Malone sited in today's post.

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It is impossible to say. I do know that the ones I worked for were out of money and had to become business people to survive. One could barely pay her office rent and had not had a paycheck in a year. It changes your attitude when you are self employed and hungry. I was able to help them turn their practices around so that they could survive and eventually retire.

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Conservative Christian therapist here. Because I advertise Christian counseling and don’t provide pronouns, my practice attracts similarly-minded people. Not always. Sometimes I’m just close. It’s pretty easy to determine someone’s leanings based on how they present themselves. And I only talk politics if the client first approaches it. The topic is more about stress and anxiety over the current situation. Therapy may get a bad wrap bc of the large number of liberal therapists out there (believe me I see it at conferences and avoid any outright woke organizations) but some of us are just here to help and guide and support people going through difficult times. And a goal of mine is to make it short and send you on your way. You absolutely can find a good conservative therapist that won’t tell you to divorce your spouse, eliminate everything that hurts your feelings and cut yourself off from family that doesn’t think the same as you.

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Sometimes people just need a stranger to listen. Someone that shows empathy, does not argue/criticize about their feelings or misgivings, hears them out, and doesn’t scare them with some unwanted diagnosis.

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Is not that what bartenders are for?

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And hairdressers.

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No. #1 - sell booze. #2 - don't argue.

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Yes, selling you booze and if not too busy, commiserating with you.

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One of the psychotherapeutic strategies is to listen carefully and then to repeat what was said back to the client. When I volunteered at a local crisis service we were directed to follow this prescription.

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I suppose that works for therapy. When I complain about something I don't want it repeated back at me! Never been to a head doc before.

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My personal opinion was that it wasn't very effective for our callers. I left to volunteer for other opportunities. I expect part of its appeal for management was it was unlikely to give cause for litigation.

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These therapy stats legitimize Dr.Michael Savages quote “liberalism is a mental disorder!!”

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I came to that conclusion about my previous husband who was then and still now is a psychologist.

Hence he has the title of my previous husband!

Lol 😆 🤣 😂

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Am disgusted how they have come out as proponents of child mutilation.

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"Crazy" can be a desirable kinda thing.

When Ann and Nancy Wilson sing the Hit Song From Heart, "Let me go Crazy on you"....

I can't help but wish it would be nice to have happened!

Silly boy me!


Thinking young is still legal isn't it?

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That was/is a great song.

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Roger that Houston.....We have an amazing liftoff into the stars.

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I haven't heard him for a decade. Must by on Sirius.

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What a collection of absolute gems! And congrats for all the invitations and accolades — well deserved (to Drs. Cole and Nass, too!). Who needs Joe Rogan, Spotify, and Cuckoo Cola when you are recognized by those with true honesty, ethics, integrity and uncaptured dedication to freedom?

And to Dr. Jill, best of luck with foal season. May all the foals come out head first and healthy.

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I can't say the memory is sharp or clear, but I have vague recollection of the notion that spaghetti grew on trees. And I think I picked this up as a boy from a local (Atlanta-area) Italian restaurant in the 70s, that may have put BBC's joke on display on their premises. I think my mom and stepdad indulged the joke at the time.

Of course, that was before my prodigious worldliness and sophistication had reached maturity.

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Spaghetti 🍝, like money 💰, of course grows on trees 🌴 🤣

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Hmph. I had taken this explanation of money creation to heart. But it's Australian, and they may do things differently there.


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Reminds me of being a wee lad in the early '50s. My uncle lived near a railroad and that sucker was loud when it went by the farmhouse. He told me, "The train is in the basement." I didn't believe him, but I also didn't go down the steps in the dark to check it out.

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I remember seeing this very clip on our black and white TV, when I was about 8 years old. I laughed at it then, and laughed when I just watched it again. My family members were all Democrats, so I became one till I saw The Light with Reagan. Guess I had a latent Conservative gene at an early age, and am glad it vanquished any of the Marxist philosophy I was taught as a child! And all this growth and progress without the help of a shrink!

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Another great collection. The one about the cat appearing in the driveway is how we became owned by our two.

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Dogs have masters; cats have staff. We prove it every day.

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Mostly happens that way.

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That is exactly why avoid looking at our driveway!!!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂

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But don't you believe every cat should at times master the dog who also become best friends whilst establishing an order similar to their caregivers? Love our cats, past and present. Except the one we adopted for a short time and moved back to the humane society due to it's bladder incontinence. Much older than we thought.

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Back at the vets with Simba.

Retrospect on GARM.

Isn’t it always the Marxist Left that use flowery deceptive titles that you would say oh of coarse I’m for affordable health care. The inflation reduction act, absolutely, we must pass that to reduce inflation. It’s a safe and effective vaccine with 95% efficacy, take it or become very sick, oh well let me roll up my sleeve. Or The Global Alliance for Responsible Media, yes, yes, who wouldn’t want a responsible media. (After your post on this org I saw a piece on Newsmax about it, Jim Jordan ran the investigation into GARM. Why do I think George Soros is somehow involved)?

The people that try to deceive us with their choice of words and phony titles are evil scam artists, charlatans. Their desire and lust is for complete power and coercive dominance over the people and the peoples thoughts, words and political leanings. “My enemies lay traps for me, they make plans to ruin me, but I am deaf to their threats”. We should all be deaf to their negatives. No one can make you think something, you get to choose what you dwell on. Your life will always move in the direction of your most dominant thoughts, try to look beyond these shysters.

We must always remember that we are the majority and our strength is in our numbers. Stay creative, thoughtful and innovative and success will always follow you. One of our enemies biggest downfalls is their existence survives and thrives on the destruction of others who simply have opposing political and or life views. Their attempt to destroy people in this way has no place in a free society. As we see, when we stay deaf to their negatives and ignore them they become insignificant, they begin to eat their own, it’s happening right before our eyes. Truth is Power. Stay strong. J.Goodrich

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Just checking on Simba.

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Thanks DD, Simba is very sick. He ended up being admitted to Tufts Animal Medical Center yesterday. He was given a ultra sound and they found a spot on his stomach that is bleeding, this is why his stool is black like tar. They are very concerned he may have stomach cancer and honestly I was up all night worried about him. Just a couple hours ago they called and said the bleeding (and his stool) have improved but his red blood cell count went slightly down to 23.5. At a point last night his heart began to race which they say can be do to blood loss. My wife and I have been very sad and depressed all day. I’m holding onto hope it’s not C and maybe the spot has been caused by something else. We lost a yellow lab Brandy 8 years ago to stomach cancer, she was very much my dog, would follow me around and always lay on my feet. The very strange thing is Simba has been perfectly fine up until Tuesday when Teresa sad he seemed a bit depressed. This has happened before when he swallowed something before he threw it up. That’s what I thought it was, unfortunately it wasn’t that. Waiting to hear from doctor. If you can say a prayer for my dog he’s an awesome animal. Another saying I read from a book at the vet “if I could be half the person my dog is, I’d be twice the person I am”.

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Sorry, James.

Didnt want to text you, this late at night. Give me a shout out if you need anything.

Prayers and healthy thoughts heading Simba's way

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The doc called at 630 his crit went down to 20 so they wanted to keep him again tonight. Going to get him tomorrow either way. I read a little about red blood cell production, it said it comes from bone marrow, not sure how but it said it takes anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks so that may be why his numbers still haven’t bounced back. Thanks for your prayers I do believe it works hopefully it will for my beautiful Simba. Thanks so much!!

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I am so sorry to hear this, I just read your request for prayers to my husband too. I always include in my prayers "For the highest good." We oftentimes don't know what the spiritual picture is. Our animals can and do take on some of our sicknesses and karma. Letting Go is hard to do, someone said. :(

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Another misuse of labels: "Marxist Democrats".

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More like: "Fascist Democrats"

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A virtual redundancy today

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I really liked the one about the most aggressive dog breeds. Only once have I ever come across one of those little critters that didn't believe it was Godzilla.

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Gotta be careful stereotyping pets. Got bit on the lip by a rat terrier when I was 3 and introduced to glycerin injections in the abdominal muscle so was not a fan. Made lots of unflattering comments about the breed to a coworker who had one. Then we ran away from an approaching hurricane to my wife's sister''s home. A 16 hr drive to go less than 300 miles. Got there pooped and passed out on a couch where my wife took a picture of me out like a light with a rat terrier happily asleep on my tum. She was a sweetie.

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Micheal, Re: stereotyping pets - works the same way re: people.

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Micheal, Be careful stereotyping humans too . I had a rat terrier dog as a pet and she or he, I don't remember, was so patient with me as I painted her toenails while she napped. I too, got bit in the nose- at 5 or so, by a jumping, happy to see me dog. Small injury and no residue about dog types. I'm thinking about the Kennedy name. Maybe there is some wiggle room for acceptance of the possibility that he is not the representation of the Kennedy stances that you don't agree with?

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Was not the bite that traumatized...the anti rabies jabs did that. As for the kennedys, they served as coming attractions. A crime family as vicious as the one now in 1600 led by a crime don who stole the election for a horn dog son (clinton precursor) propped up by a madison ave. led team of honchos who were the shadow gov. (shades of #44 there). Another son who wantonly drowned a woman and a cousin who brained a classmate with a golf club, And frankly the history of the current offering has a whiff of hunter b. to me. Once burned....well that family has pretty well singed this Republic , do not see giving it a chance for more.

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Shoot. There's another instance of my wanting to disagree but realize nostalgia is very misleading and sometimes outright lying.

But, they had really good marketing. Camelot and all that.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off subject; I have been watching and listening to your podcast with "Tommy's Podcast" and you mention your state of being after processing the roosters. I am so impressed with your whole demeanor towards this new experience and especially the incredible purity of the end results. What an accomplishment!!! More insight into the nature of people who don't capitulate to mandates or "orders." Freedom to see and act differently than the masses. I have experienced that phenomena and didn't know the subtlety of my action. Thank you for pointing it out!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

The percentage of liberal Professional Psychologists has apparently changed since I took Psychology Classes in the late 60s and early 70s.

The guy, who got me interested enough to essentially do a second major had been a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Manhattan, but fit into rural West Virginia life quite well. He had decided he wanted to teach a few years before retirement and was very conservative. He also taught a Math Department quality statistics class. I have had others, including one in the earth sciences taught by a guy, who became a good friend, with an undergrad math degree from an Ivy League school but none as concise and understandable.

When asked the first generation Italian-American educational psychology guy when asked whose theories he used to raise his son replied “my mother’s”, of course! His Italian Immigrant mother was far from liberal!

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I doubt that conservatives could pass the tests given to wannabe psychs in the era.

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I have been careful about political discussions with my former across the street neighbor who teaches Psychology. He and his wife are good people and have always had my back and vice versa in disputes with the city and I can’t see rocking the boat. In the same location I was a couple of blocks down and around the corner from no less than B F Skinner’s daughter, who grew up in the box, but was just far enough away that I never met her. She was the Italian-American teacher’s dissertation advisor in the day and did a couple of favors that I benefitted from. One of my favorite geography professors once again a good man, is a flaming liberal and was almost next door. I also have an old high school buddy, who I fear went over to the dark side. Living in a faculty neighborhood you learn to keep your mouth shut so they assume you are one of them. The county I moved to is next door, but is also one of the reddest in West Virginia so these people might suspect something now!

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The term liberal can cross a wide swath of folks. Not all were or are progressive thinkers as in boys can be girls, men can have babies, and terms like hard work or American, grandfather, brave and master which are words Stanford University includes in its index of 'harmful language' because they are 'ableist, sexist or racist'.

Some were against the Patriot Act, the Iraq war and such things. I agree with those assessments. I wonder how many of them actually step over the line of common sense? Not talking about our politicians, they are a different breed all together . . .

Most of the people I worked with for 35 years I believe were democrats. None were seriously deranged, just not deep thinkers.


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Scott: Kudos - sounds as tho you wisely relate to your neighbors in a deeper way.

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Doctor Malone, the narrative about therapist really resonated.

My previous husband was a phycologist and YES, definitely KEEP YOUR CHILDREN away from them!!

Sadly, I couldn't do that with the fox already in the hen house.

My children's views have been molded by him and during these contentious times, I can't discuss anything about the current state of our country.

Needless to say, I'm praying for Divine Intervention 🙏.

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The key word here is "previous"! Good for you.

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You stay strong, Sister!

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The 10-4 office hours for Biden are in effect only when he's not on vacay.

And he takes a LOT of vacation.

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The 4th and 5th Steps of AA - (written moral inventory, compassionately criticized confession) brings God into the wound and allows the confessee to integrate the detrimental emotional charge that occasioned the substance addiction. Now THAT is therapeutic - taking ownership.

Oh yeah, if the work is done with depth and weight, people get off psych meds - a pharma scam that needs no explanation here.

Great work Doc!

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Alan, Yes! Working with depth and weight, introspection and ownership - exactly the same process as well-trained psychotherapists.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Definition: ‘Therapist’: Someone with serious emotional and psychological problems of their own… who is narcissistic enough to think they can help others by affirming the same psychosis and character flaws they often possess. (Yes, I know many therapists.)

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I know a few absolutely matching that description, and one who was perfectly fine. A lady in her 50s with 5 children.

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The ‘like’ button stopped being available to me about a month ago.

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You don’t know enough good ones.

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The ‘me generation’ is pretty screwed up and the 30 somethings are brainwashed. Yes, there are a few… they tend to be the oft forgotten Gen X, (independent latch-key kids).

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