Tony Bennett’s 1962 recording of “I left my heart in San Francisco” became his world-famous signature piece. In 1969, the song became the official song of San Francisco.
In 2023, San Francisco has lost the starlight luster, “where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars.” It is a much different city. I don’t think Tony would have his heart in it anymore.
In honor of Tony Bennett’s passing, a homeless person sings, “I left my cart in San Francisco.”
San Francisco Barbie is riotous, systemic white privilege notwithstanding.
Tony Bennett’s 1962 recording of “I left my heart in San Francisco” became his world-famous signature piece. In 1969, the song became the official song of San Francisco.
In 2023, San Francisco has lost the starlight luster, “where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars.” It is a much different city. I don’t think Tony would have his heart in it anymore.
In honor of Tony Bennett’s passing, a homeless person sings, “I left my cart in San Francisco.”
Visited in 1985. Stayed on Lombard Street. Lovely city..Sad to see what has happened to it..
Residents forced to move over to Haight street.
The bending over never ends does?
Been there many times. Last time was in 1994. I think now it is just an open version of Alcatraz.
Been there twice on meetings in '90s. Hated the place. Was dirty and constantly accosted by young healthy people begging for money. Not my cuppa.
That comment goes for Portland also. But they had old too, mentally ill also out on the streets.
Does this San Francisco Barbie take real shits in the street?
Great point—the meme would be much more realistic with a bunch of 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉 littered around the street.