That Gender Meme was Insightful! So was the Snowden One!

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Context for "1990, 2012, 2023" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRAdhX6VM1c

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That poor autistic girl. I think Huxley may have had a time machine, traveled there while writing. We are so perilously close to that in the US.

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Ironically, I wrote an article on Huxley and Orwell and their books and how it predicted the world we live in today:


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San Francisco Barbie is riotous, systemic white privilege notwithstanding.

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Tony Bennett’s 1962 recording of “I left my heart in San Francisco” became his world-famous signature piece. In 1969, the song became the official song of San Francisco.

In 2023, San Francisco has lost the starlight luster, “where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars.” It is a much different city. I don’t think Tony would have his heart in it anymore.

In honor of Tony Bennett’s passing, a homeless person sings, “I left my cart in San Francisco.”

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Visited in 1985. Stayed on Lombard Street. Lovely city..Sad to see what has happened to it..

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Residents forced to move over to Haight street.

The bending over never ends does?

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Been there many times. Last time was in 1994. I think now it is just an open version of Alcatraz.

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Been there twice on meetings in '90s. Hated the place. Was dirty and constantly accosted by young healthy people begging for money. Not my cuppa.

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That comment goes for Portland also. But they had old too, mentally ill also out on the streets.

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Does this San Francisco Barbie take real shits in the street?

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Great point—the meme would be much more realistic with a bunch of 💩💩💩 and 💉💉💉 littered around the street.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Roseanne is bonkers, in a good way. "They're weaponizing stupidity"

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Hoarding "banned" light bulbs talks right back at it.

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That would be me. I use them in my cat house in the winter cause they produce heat! LED don't have that feature.

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Oh oh. I see a visit from the FBI.

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She's the "right kind of Jew". Love her candor.

Prolapsed uterus. Geesh !


Don't like Pierce, but that's my right.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

That rant was so funny. I'd like to hear her kids rail on her.

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Fly on the wall

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

I think I like the 'cat-pill' best. One of my greatest joys the last few years has been learning not to fall into a reactionary mode and when to unplug. The Lord has also been teaching me not to answer the fool. P.S. Did you see the jury intimidation that the attorney got away with in the Andy Ngo case?!

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Liked it too. I have one gets an allergy pill every nite. Luckily he looks forward to it because accompanied by bribe of 2 treats. At 18 lbs he could pose a prob otherwise.

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One of my young cats performs jujitsu moves. When walking outside, he sneaks along behind me and jumps up high enough to land all four paws on the small of my back while he is in a sideways motion. I hope to never have to get something down their throats.

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Yup, I had one that would run down the hall full bore and jumped my Mom doing dishes and then ran as fast as could be. A kitten tho. I have so many stories, we could write a cat book!

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Knew someone who had 2 Siamese that allegedly liked to perch on door sills and drop down on people as the came thru the door. Have no idea how

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My sister asked me to look in on her 2 Siamese when she was out of town. The apartment looked like someone had broken in. They knocked every item from shelves and furniture on the ground. Expressing anger over her having the nerve to leave them.

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Visited a rabbit blocked in a carpeted room while his owner was gone. He usually had his hops of the house. He was furious. Developed diarrhea. By the time she returned it was unbelievable

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

Sounds like a Maine Coon cat at that weight. We cannot have cats anymore, I have developed ‘cat asthma'.

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Maybe some of that in him. He adopted us and our old Lab and moved in. Knew nada re feeding cats and he really puts on wt. from carbs. Went to 28 lbs on so called diet food...all of which runs to 30-40% carb. Put him on canned food and that brought the wt. down. Heseems to carry his 18 lbs pretty well. Vet suggests could be less but doesn't seem to feel too necessary

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

We had an older rescue cat once that was morbidly obese, the owner was an elderly widower who feed him McDonald’s and other inappropriate foods, he was in kidney failure when we got him. We gave him a few extra years than he would have had.

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My sisters cat was on kidney dialysis. She asked how long the first time. Vet said. Not long. 6 years later she had stopped counting the cost.

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Good for you. Have really enjoyed getting to know cats. Mom put me off them as a child telling me how her younger brother died from tetanus acquired from a cat scratch. But we now have two aboptees and love them both

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Coon cats are beautiful.

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Ours is "Oxford", aka "Oxy" or "Oxypox". On his last legs now as he's approaching 12. Pees on my wife's shoes of late with two new kittens about. He is her lap cat, no one else's. I guess it's a sign of affection but she doesn't see it that way, so shoes are put out of reach. Her lap, however, is always within reach.

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I had an 18lb cat. Just a tabby. We went on vacation. My mom stayed with him. As we unpacked he peed over everything. Not happy we left.

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My folks had one (got it for my sister and. neither one could stand the other so folks stuck with him) who would pee on their bed every time he saw a suitcase

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PtSD obviously.

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The house and senate should immediately do the democrat thing and change the name of the fbi. I prefer gestapo but many who’s families have been destroyed or murdered by East Germany’s fbi would rather stasi. Either way the fbi seems to embody both forms of secret police, they all use or have used similar tactics. Christopher Wray should be immediately promoted with a new title of reichsfuhrer-SS. This should be very acceptable to the party that loves to control words, speech, definitions and people. It also would send a message to a fearful public, like the way they broke down the door of Craig Robertson home, smoke bombed the house, and opened fire killing him; then dragged his bloody body out to the street and covered it with a blood soaked white sheet just to make sure everyone is aware if you speak out against Biden’s democrat administration this could be you. Remember Johnny Depp, Madonna, Kathy Griffin, or how about that wonderful play Shakespeare in the park where they stab a Trump look alike to death. No problem there he’s a Republican. No the murder of a 75 year old air force veteran that could barely walk was to send a message to the people and children. The state of Utah can not wait for cowards like Mitt Romney or Mike Lee, they should file murder charges against all 40 agents that took part in this assault on our constitution. The fbi is not judge jury and executioner of American citizens. The fbi treated Craig Robertson like they treat us, a piece of garbage that you take to the curb and leave under a blood soaked sheet in the hot sun for hours. What has our government become. J.Goodrich

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Guess Ruby Ridge just a preview of coming attractions huh?

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Broke my heart.

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"...change the name of the fbi." Wouldn't take much. Just call it the Federal Investigation Bureau.

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That was a heart rendering story. In my book, they should have made 'check out first' efforts. By phone. Folks next door, family. Local law inforcement. No excuse. Just to message a threat to the rest of us.

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Last night listening to authorities attempts to remove parents from their children's choices I thought about Hitlers Youth. Kids actually turned parents in to authorities. I never compare anyone or anything to Hitlers Germany, this just jumped out at me. The similarity. Is it planned?

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I don’t take Nazi Germany analogies lightly either Margaret. My father was shot in the back in the battle of the bulge, was red tagged to die, and ended up in England where a surgeon removed a lung and saved him. He ended up addicted to morphine which he had to kick. Then had us 4 kids. It seems the fbi is above the law. If they threw a smoke bomb through a window they smashed, broke down the door and fired over 40 shots within seconds of entering how did they know he had a gun in the smoke. Then they completely destroyed the crime scene by dragging the body out to the street. What type of people would do this. They could have arrested him 1000 different ways. It’s to tell us to shut up and accept the new tyranny. Funny how people are such useful idiots and go along with this. I have a Nazi pin that was on a uniform of a nazi I think my father killed. He took it off his uniform. It was given to people who taught children to be good Nazis’s. This was the very thing you speak of how they separated children from parents. The same way the democrats use this gender BS now in America. You can’t kill a free society without splitting the child from the parent. They have been doing this for decades. I have a picture of the pin I’m going to try to post it. Also this administration tried to create the ministry of truth. Another attempt to copy the Nazis ministry of enlightenment. Amazingly they call everyone else Nazis but it’s all projection. Don’t forget their censorship and use of the words misinformation disinformation and false information right out of the communist/socialist playbook.

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My mom lived through the bombing in England. My Dad Royal Navy. Submarine Division. My mother studied.Germany. How Hitler took control. Brown Shirts were above the law. Then they became too powerful. Hitler turned on them. I see the similarities. 1 000 held in prison from Jan 6th. The FBI considering devout Catholics terrorists. The politicisation of the CIA, the Justice Dept and the FBI. I am so sorry for what happened to your father. I was raised to be forever grateful to the brave men from the USA who saved my family and my country. Your father deserved to have had a blessed life. When one looks at 2020.and the theft and destruction I'm reminded of Nazi Getmany too. Not only was it condoned but by giving money in restitution to those involved. It is encouraged. KRISTALNIGHT, JUST LARGER. I AGREE! The book our leaders are following was written by Adolph Hitler.

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I tried to post the picture of the pin, so frustrating that I can’t do it. I have a really close friend and customer that’s Jewish. When I mentioned this pin to him he said it was probably produced in a labor camp by a Jewish person. He’s probably right. My father had many other things he somehow got back to the states. I honestly don’t know how it happened. He died, probably from his injuries, when I was only 20. I guess that was another part of the sacrifice for this country.

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My family immigrated in 1959..I have lived with Holocaust survivors since then. I took Holocaust studies. I always remind people 6 million Polish people died in the camps. 3 million were Catholic. Almost the entire Romanian gypsy population were murdered. The Germans routinely walked into towns throughout Europe lining every boy 12 and up.and shooting them. A Yugoslavian woman was upset when the Nazi party was given permission to march in Skokie. I was furious with VW and Mercrdes for using children on their production lines. Jews and Poles. They worked them until they dropped dead. The experiments on children were perhaps the most inhumane. The throwing of live Jrwidh babies into fires also beyond comprehension. After the war Germany did not teach what they had done. Much like Japan still does not. But all countries do that. I recall at a very young age thinking our native people were the "bad" guys. I'm a converted Jew. My husband is Catholic. Judaism only religion that has not murdered other religious groups or each other. What I see in the USA is beyond anything I could have imagined. Dangerous and must be stopped. I think we believe answers to everything from Jan 6th to Covid etc. The CIA was always corrupt. Just more so now. More blatant. That signals they do not feel they have to cover up any longer.

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Deserve answers.

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Just as well. All non Democrats now labeled Nazi and Racist. Who knows what they could have nailed you with if you posted that pin.

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It came up on my substack note

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Im.sorry I replied with so much detail about the sins of the Germans WW2. I say :loved too long, know too much:.

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Your father was lucky James. As was mine in the Pacific front. The biplane he and the pilot were in was shot down and while in parachutes the Jap planes made several passes to scrape them with bullets.

I did not know how that went down in Utah but sounds just like what a gangster mob would do.

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Both of our fathers were lucky. To make it back meet my mother and have a family was amazing. I’m also amazed how a person can make it through such horrors and be productive citizens. Wether it be our fathers or holocaust survivors. I don’t think I could handle it. The man from Utah had a blind son that he took to church every Sunday. Im sure his son will be lost without his father. Posting threats on Facebook is never right. I thought they didn’t allow that but let that go. There was another case years ago where a man threatened the president and was arrested. The case went to the Supreme Court and was dismissed because of 1st amendment rights. Those were the days.

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My father was fished out of the ocean, transferred using overhead cable to another ship and spent some months in a hospital on the east coast. He was from San Fran. He met my mother in NJ who was a Wave. After marrying, they both went to Stanford U on the GI bill. Perhaps they make the most out of life for almost having lost it. Mr. Robertson was not a threat and they knew it. He became their example and their threat to others ‘you best be silent or you’ll be dead’.

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I saw Glenn Beck put out a video about this issues today. I will watch tomorrow but here is a link to it on YouTube were it is free. It is called "The Select Few Who Can Make Presidential Death Threats & Not Get Slain by FBI"


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Edward Snowden is my favorite. Absolutely the truth. Here is Tucker and Steven Sund for more.


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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

I will watch it later. I wonder if they discussed his letter to Nancy Pelosi dated 2/1/21, 25 days after the staged insurrection. And whether or not he discusses this, which I created 5/21/21:

• Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood, 51, is reported to have died by suicide Jan 11th

• Metro Police Dept officer Jeffry Smith is reported to have died by suicide Jan 15th

• Three people who made their way to the Capitol from the rally died there

o Kevin Greeson, 55, of Athens, GA, suffered a heart attack

o Benjamin Phillips, 50, also died after suffering a cardiac event

o Rosanne Boylan, 34, from GA reportedly died after suffering “medical emergencies”

• Reports differ on the physical location of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick when he died.

• Feb 25th Officer Sicknick’s autopsy is still outstanding

• Brian’s family still does not know exactly (2)

o why Brian died

o where he was when he fell ill

o how he was transported to the hospital and from where


• Wednesday 6th Brian Sicknick (a Trump supporter) is supposedly at the US Capitol Building in uniform? There has been no footage placing him there in uniform.

• Wednesday night Brian texts brother Ken; pepper-sprayed twice but safe & in good shape.

• Thursday afternoon Brian’s family began getting phone calls that Brian had been declared dead.

Phone calls not from hospital, treating physicians, US Capitol Police, FBI or DOJ.

Calls were from media reporters, evidently those privileged to receive sensitive information circulating among law enforcement officials.

• It turned out he was not dead at the time of these calls

• An hour later his family rushed to the hospital to see what they believed was Brian still fighting for his life, the US Capitol Police issued a further statement: NOW Brian was dead.

• But Ken, his brother, had been told his brother collapsed inside the Capitol building, then was rushed to the hospital.

• But the US Capitol Police’s statement that night told a different story: he had returned to his office at the police division first.

Sometime between Brian being fine, and back in his office on Wednesday night and dead or effectively dead early Thursday evening, he apparently suffered a stroke.

• Brian was represented in the Rotunda at the US Capitol by an empty coffin so folks could pay their respects.

• Brian was cremated as ordered by ‘we don’t know’.

• His remains are in an urn.

• Feb 25 Autopsy has yet to be released (may never be?)

• Brian’s family still does not know exactly:

o why Brian died

o where he was when he fell ill

And then there is Ashley Babbit, 35, from CA shot to death

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Not sure if you mentioned this I read your post last night at 330 in the morning, wasn’t there a Tucker Carlson interview with the capital police chief that fox didn’t air? He said the whole January 6th demonstration was a hoax. And is he still alive?

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I have not watched it yet. I've seen enough videos and critiques from Epoch Times and others to know it was a set up, Roseanne was beaten to death, two males died from Capitol Police abuse with rubber bullets and flash bangs, and the CP and MDP suicides were hit jobs and Brian was offed too. Agree -it is strange that Sund is still alive. Stenger, Senate S at Arms died at 71 during the J6th hearings. Irving, H S at Arms, joined the Secret service in 1983 and retire in 2008, then a senior security consultant in DC until 2012 when he became HSA. At 66, he is alive and certainly knows to keep quite.

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Only way to get the truth is to vote Democrsts out.

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The J6 committee already expunged all records, tapes, depositions and videos. Only thing left is recorded testimony.

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I have for years ranted about calling rank progressives liberals. True liberals are totally antithetical to progressivism. Looking like it is time to pay dimocrats the same courtesy.

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They are the ones that ascribe the adjective we are to use in reference to their policies. Just another word game they use within their overarching political correction feature which inherently abuses everyone else. I think even progressive no longer describes this cult. There must be another term. . .

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Well, the progressives were started by socialists in the 1800s. That is a start

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That's it then. No longer libs but definitely Socialists. Newsweek had a front page cover in 2009 that said we are all socialist now. I think that mag has the right label with the Kenyan in the WH. He had 8 years to totally shore up the deep state that is at work today.

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Destroying evidence! Climate taking precedence to keep our youth from paying attention to politics. I spent 2020 in Az. Summers are always unbearable! . Moving young towards Sovialism. Why did so many immigrste to usa. Only country a poor person could get ahead without an education. Hard work all thst was needrd. .

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I watched that late last night. IF true, it is a double edged sword… the public has a right to be furious... and they want it that way. It would appear that this was either planned out by the MIC and IC or they allowed it and exacerbated it for political purposes. The question becomes WHO was calling the shots, ultimately? Domestic or foreign? One would be treason, the other, an act of war. Did they perhaps work in concert? Trump is neither intelligent enough nor did he have enough loyal connections in the right places to organize this, in my opinion.

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Trump had a standing offer to Congress for 25k National Guard well in advance of J6. That offer was rejected and Major Muriel Bowser's letter 1/5/21 to the acting AG, Sec of Defense and Acting Sec of the Army said "...the Metropolitan Police department (MPD) is prepared for this week's First Amendment activities. ... has coordinated with its federal partners, namely the US Park Police, US Capitol Police and the US Secret Service - all of whom regularly have uniformed personnel protecting federal assets in DC. This week, MPD has additional logistical support of unarmed members of the DC Nat'l Guard, who will work under the direction of, and in coordination with, MPD.” She concludes with this “To be clear, The District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to, and consultation with, MPD if such plans are underway.”


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DC has had an ‘integrity’ issue with its mayors for as long as I can remember.

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Good to know. Never paid attention before 2020. Now for decades I've known about Chicago's mayor Daley and those that came after. Neither DC or Chicago come close to serving the Democrat party like NYC's Tammany Hall did by engaging the poor and immigrants to their advantage.

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Both Mayor Daley's knew what was best for Chicago. Yes, it was money under the table and you scratch my back....but it worked. More corrupt now and dangerous. Politics everywhere is based on who you know and how to work the system. Daley put every resident as a priority. Then it changed.

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You need to watch the interview.


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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

My copy of Sund's book "Courage under Fire" arrived yesterday just prior to watching the Carlson interview. The interview material is extensively documented.

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I don’t want to doubt him, he seems like a stand-up guy. I feel like there is a major component to this whole cr@pshow missing… I think ‘who’ (read plural) is behind all of this would answer many of the questions.

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I question your comment regarding Trumps intelligence. His inability to separate what enters his head from coming out of his mouth is his downfall.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

He’s good a ’scrapping’, and he understands business negotiation for a win-win. He is not a complicated man, however. This was the work of many minds who are used to dealing in probabilities, chain-reactions and coordinating different teams to create desired outcomes… in other words, military-style strategists. Look into 'Color Revolutions'.

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I absolutely love the Gene Wilder meme, that is the best, simple explanation, debunking the whole gender modification justification the crazies and the left espouse daily.

The San Fran Barbie is precious too!

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Sad a 17 year old boy arrested for reading the Bible at an LGBT event. But parading transsexuals in front of 5 year olds not offensive.

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Good Morning, a great Funnies line up. Love Gene Wilder: Poster. Yet, the SNOWDEN POST is so true. How often do we witness this in our most upside down era?

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Digibuks clown world 🤣🤣🤣

Great laughs as usual.

BTW has anyone ever questioned the morals and ethics of Jack Smith?

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Aristotle informed us that you cannot prove nonexistence. A search for those qualities in Smith might in that instance refute Aristotle's supposition.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill. So sorry to hear about Max. Liked the funny stories.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the best compilations in a while. THANK YOU! Oh, and the Roseanne Barr interview - I would have never caught that otherwise. She is, well, would love to have her as a neighbor!

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Many good funnies today, thanks! The persecution of both Snowden and Assange reveals we are being led by treasonous criminals. Fauci is part of the military bioweapons establishment and that's why he so brazenly lies believing he's immune from any threat for his crimes since they are sanctioned by our military as part of National Defense. What B.S.

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Agreed. The world has most definitely gone crazy. Snowden’s meme haunts.

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USA the craziest.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so sorry to hear of Max. All the love and care you and Jill have heaped on that bird will not be in vain. The essence of Love is an energy that can never die.

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We are heartbroken.

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Read the news on Gettr. My heartfelt sympathy. We will all miss him! At least he enjoyed a charmed life while he was with you! Yes, may he rest in peace 🙏

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Prime lot today! Great finds! Alas, you know me - cats buys my day. My last cat was a gentle fellow-always downing his daily pill with grace. Next is Snowden! And yes, it's raining so fits these days.

Never mind, we'll join the one person (Bring on the Counterrevoluyion), pushing back against our ideologically driven world, to help make the difference.

Off Topic: Listened to the Missouri v Biden arguments yesterday. Our Missouri guy was terrific. The woman judge (did most of the questioning) seemed to appreciate the issues. Hope our side prevails!

Thank you for today's terrific offering! Have a good one!

Very Bestest +++

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Quack! Quack! Hilarious! Willy Wonka is spot on. Going through Facebook posts today a mother from my church posted “Please show you love and support for calling him by his preferred name. You will be blessed for it.” Then the school activity card with her picture and the preferred name. What? Her dad is a Psychologist !

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Hit the wrong button. That little girl has been to my house . She has played with my foster child. They played dolls. She was very much a girl. What an upside down world. It breaks my heart for her. The drama departments here are breeding this behavior. They are trying to fit in. I would not be sending my kids to school now days.

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My granddaughter totally female looking. Tiny blonde. No one looking at her will think her a male. We took her cell phone awsy. She was visiting sites that promoted this. School promotes it. She has 3 older brothers who treat her very well. I'm bewildered.

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Psychologists part of the game. My 9 year old granddaughter referred to one after she announced she was a boy. The psychologist recommended she start on hormone treatment. My son and his wife refused. Also told the school not to change her name from Haley to Miles. Report card comes home. Says Miles. Issue is to walk a fine line for parents. These kids committed suicide in high numbers. Perhaps part of the depopulation plan!

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Yes my friends daughter started to go her male name at school but the principal didn’t not notify her . She ended up committing suicide. So terrible. I’m so sorry about your granddaughter. Social media is pushing it hard.

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