Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Xiden while holding a sippy cup in a doctor's office.

Doctor: Jill's got COVID again

Pedo Joe: After 150 boosters?

Bidet: Give her another one.

hahaha, that's so perfect.

Here's one for you Doctor: "The propeller is really just a big fan made to cool down the pilot in the cockpit. You can tell this because when it stops you can see the pilot start sweating excessively."

Here are the five funniest videos you will watch today. I guarantee it. The world is in rough shape - take a break and laugh a little: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/doom-break-volume-1-raise-your-vibrations

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It funny. We call the prop the big fan ourselves because when it’s running we actually get cooler air into the cockpit thru the NACA vents. At the same time, your point is valid. I just thought it was funny.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The parody is probably the most direct, best depiction of what really happens to a trans male after surgery. Horrible and gross song - but accurate.

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We would never see these little "ditties" on main stream media.

Thanks Dr. Malone and staff.

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Indeed! Great to have not one but two comic strips per week.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the laughs Drs. Malone, my favorite are all, but the song at the end was funny but oh so true. I am glad my loving mother is not here to watch this insanity. Two words she would be saying each and every day is Boze Sacuvaj translates to God Protect us. Have a great week end. God Bless!!

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Boze Sacuvaj indeed is what my mom would always say too. (She was born in Croatia - Yugoslavia back then). I'm also glad she is not here to see this. I cared for her at home for years as she withered from dementia and other ailments. I would not put her in a nursing home. Her last year, during the pandemic lockdowns, was so difficult as all my caregiver helpers couldn't come to the house, nor would her friends/family (and even the priest). She could not understand what was going on with the masks and all. The isolation our elders endured was a crime against humanity.

Bog blagoslovio (God Bless)

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My parents were also from the former Yugoslavia, Croatia however of Serbian descent, all are the same. I feel for what you went through, my mom did go into a nursing home the final two years of her life. Tata (dad) refused to leave his house regardless of anything and anyone. He passed away at 100 two months ago, with dementia, a nasty thing to have. Your story I can totally relate to as it relates so much to mine. Yes they were honest, hard workers all their lives in a foreign country they had a difficult time adjusting to. Thank God my parents allowed our priest to come, say a prayer for them. Ned, thank you for telling my story better than I could. Bog nas Blagoslovio. Slava Bogu.

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The leadoff was an insult to dogs. Their poop smells better.

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When it comes to the NWO any and all poop on it is warranted and welcomed! :)

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Being born in the late 50’s ( very late) , that Tik Tok video shouted right out at me and as an ob/gyn , how flippant and nonchalant some women have become in understanding when life begins.

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Another youngster amongst us.

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We were all younger at one time. Getting closer to the 'other side' may be a blessing with the NWO right around the corner - 2030. I just hope the younger generations are health enough in body and soul to put up the fight of their lifetime, that includes you and dear Dr. Malone.

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Shelley thank you , we all have to fight , you included ! 😉

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I've been putting up the good fight since 2009 and will continue to do what I can even if it is only donating to those organization that do the heavy lifting, supporting and combating MO state legislature bills as they come up, assisting JBS anyway I can and passing on information I have to others. You no doubt have helped many as an ob/gyn and will continue as someone with a medical voice that's likely persuasive.

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Thanks Shelley , tomorrow I’m going to Ohio for the CHD bus visit!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm re-reading your book "Lies My Government Told Me..." and I just have no further patience with people who don't recognize the deep lies and duplicity. As the middle cartoon says about history, those who DO recognize the patterns are definitely doomed to live through it again and again, while knowing it's going to get worse before it gets better. I have hope but also deep-seated frustration. You have your farm, I go into my garden, seek rivers and oceans often, and cherish my pets. Sunshine's overhead and we keep going.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Book = Read twice. Mattias Desmet’s book on second read…Sheesh…That will make You wanna beer. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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Not really in a laughing mood today as you’ll see below:


But if you want some dark humor about my Pfizer mandate plight, here’s an alternate headline for my story: “Sudden Death? More Like Sudden Border Security!”

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I am aware that contacting our elected officials of any stripe is all too often a disappointing waste of time. On the other hand your situation also reflects on other Legal immigrants advancing to legal recognition. (As a former USG ee - note the perverted pathology extends below the SES to the reg drafters below too). It seems to me passing this perversion on to Senators Paul and Johnson might be laudable. In the meantime will be wishing you a 'healthy,' unharmed welcome.

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What a terrible position for you to be in. Can you delay citizenship until the next administration?

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Someone needs to make hay about that a the SCOTUS level. It is just plain stupidest and it is not a LAW. The regs for citizenship come from Congress, not the President. I can think of many law firms that would go after this, pro bono.

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I appreciate it! I’m no lawyer, but I don’t think there is a case for immigrants here. American soldiers or government officials, yes - though even they have faced terrible hurdles in the courts. But as far as I’m concerned America can make whatever laws it wants as far as immigrants go - if it wants us all to learn Esperanto to become citizens, well, it’s dumb, but it’s their right. So I’m resigned to my fate but just wanted to spread the word so that y’all can encourage your representatives to change the dumb law!

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I just found out was Esperanto is! Found an old Sept 2010 post on As A Mom with a link to this website. I searched for George Soros aka Schwartz, and found out. Very interesting.


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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

North of Richmond - PARODY is great. I needed a good laugh this morning...

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I wish it were available on another outlet -- youtube now requires a sign-in to view the video, so I guess I will wait to see it elsewhere.

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There’s a Rumble link above the Youtube link.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

History is not going to be kind to this / our time. They will look back and wonder what the hell happened to these people?

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History spends a !ot of time doing that

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Repost: By pushing these mandates again this administration is callously saying to we the people, we don’t care that people were medically injured by these injections, we don’t care that school lockdowns reduced children’s IQ by 22 points, and we don’t care if children have to breath high levels of CO2 all day. The president, because of his erratic evacuation plan, caused the deaths of 13 soldiers, then continually looks at his watch while the families accept their children’s dead lifeless bodies stateside is void of even empathy. To say the least the president, his administration, Big Pharma, and all who support their policies are unsympathetic. Sympathy derives from a Greek word that means to suffer. If a person says I sympathize with you, they are saying I suffer with you. Totalitarians, like the ones running our country, are devoid of these types of emotions. Honestly if you pay attention to them, they exempt themselves from their own mandates and policies. Watch as he walks through crowds of people unmasked after being exposed to their new variant. People must stand up with courage and not comply to these liars. J.Goodrich

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Funny how many don’t like uncomfortable truths, “not liked”. In many ways is this not why the USA is where it is? Getting used to it…

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t it interesting that just as Labor Day is over and we move into the fall season of flu Covid and RSV that Jill Biden acquires Covid and it is published across the mass media from shore to shore and the fear level is going up and the masks are coming back on! Is this round two to keep Americans in fear for another year?

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It’s not working here in rural Kentucky. I’m not afraid and my last doctor visit office said you don’t have to mask up unless you are sick, please. I thought the please was a very nice touch.

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Watching the dots Thomas, always provides clues to tomorrow. BTW, Piglosi, 83, just announced she is running again for her 11th term as San Fran's representative, noting “Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery.” “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL." Way to go Nan!

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Spiraling down into a cess pool city. I always looked forward to visiting SF. You can't pay me to go there today. Wait till the homeless decide to raid her ice cream freezer.

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Well, they know how, just break a window on a house with top security, walk in and shout is Nancy home! If she's not, knock her hubby out with a hammer and raid the fridge. If she is home perhaps she may say ‘over my dead body.’ Not wishing any cruelty on anyone.

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You missed the part where the homeless guy had sex with Piglosi's husband, and also turns out to be a camera man at J-6th, recent photos show.

Giving credit where its due

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Now, now, it was about the homeless raiding her ice cream freezer not a guy with a makeshift home coming over to dink around with Paul while Nan was out.

I did not know about him being a camera man at J-6th. I thought Piglosi only used her daughter as videographer during J6th. The highlight was her capturing mom leaving through the halls.

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I can't post photos or attachments here, unless you're aware of how to? I can show you what I recently came across which I found strange

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I wanted to gag/ advance S.F. and further our recovery? What recovery is that?

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More credence to the nursing home comic

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not only am I NOT offended, I'm sharing!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Parody is hilariously true 😂

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Huntington Beach, a beautiful seaside town in Orange County, will never again enforce a mask or vaccine mandate.

At a meeting on Tuesday, the Huntington Beach City Council voted to ban universal mask mandates and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the city. Mayor Pro Tem Gracey Van Der Mark (R) introduced the resolution, which was approved by a 4-3 vote.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

3 voted for masking up


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True, but at least those that abhor the masks and jabs don't have to worry.

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More news you will like Shelley, your AG just won an appeal vs the USG who was told to pound sand re their efforts to stifle free speech on the internet

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Great news. Thanks Micheal!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 50's lady and purple hair lady are great food for thought. I grew up with ads for Virginia Slims.

"I can bring home the bacon. Fry it up in the pan."

Helen Reddy "I am woman, hear me roar" "If I have to, I can do anything, I am strong, I am invencible. I am WOMAN."

This was me. It was not worth it.

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I was already marriage with kids when Helen roared that song, working three days a week until both boys were in school. A funny: when I asked my youngest what he wanted to be when he grew up he said married so I would have someone to play with at the babysitters. His older brother by 14 months wanted to work at the Dairy Queen.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The North of Richmond parody is strong stuff but if it prevents one adolescent maiming a healthy body it is worth it.

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