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North of Richmond - PARODY - Oliver Anthony (on Rumble)
I almost didn’t include this - because it is rude. So, if you are offended easily, don’t watch.
If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?
Xiden while holding a sippy cup in a doctor's office.
Doctor: Jill's got COVID again
Pedo Joe: After 150 boosters?
Bidet: Give her another one.
hahaha, that's so perfect.
Here's one for you Doctor: "The propeller is really just a big fan made to cool down the pilot in the cockpit. You can tell this because when it stops you can see the pilot start sweating excessively."
Here are the five funniest videos you will watch today. I guarantee it. The world is in rough shape - take a break and laugh a little: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/doom-break-volume-1-raise-your-vibrations
The parody is probably the most direct, best depiction of what really happens to a trans male after surgery. Horrible and gross song - but accurate.