May 3·edited May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I called my family-owned butcher shop (they own their cattle) back when you mentioned the new EPA rules to find out if they would be able to stay in business, fortunately they will. North of you, we’re dealing with the ‘New Era’ power tower threat… the current proposed line goes through small family farms and National Historic Preservation Land, which I am firmly against since there are less harmful extant routes. Oddly, the groups against it used buzz words or phrases like ‘stake-holders’ and 'climate goals'… so my little red flags are up.

As to this whole s***-show, at the universities… it feels like agitprop. (I won’t go into my many thoughts as to why, except it is one more in a series of many *events*.) However, this anti-free speech law they are peddling in Congress is sickening. People have opinions and they have protected political speech, the government has NO business trying to curtail it. Fortunately, the Supreme Court would smash it…but perhaps not before they get to use it to shut people down. I don’t like Farakhan’s message, but he has the right to speak.

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Re: Free speech. Watch Rep. Hageman dismantle former admin official Rob Flaherty. Other good questioning by Reps. Steube and Fry drawing in Andy Slavitt, sitting next to Flaherty.

Rep. Hageman:


Rep. Fry:


Rep. Steube:


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Great... however, I wonder how much is theater. Both Steube and Fry voted for the anti-free speech bill re: 'anti-semitism'.

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I understand and share your wariness. I am sold on the belief that Hageman at least is legit and formidable.

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Perhaps, I do not know much about her.

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Harriet Hageman is legit. She is a fighter, ex trial lawyer who advocated against the United States Forest Service's roadless rule in Nebraska v. Wyoming and she was born and raised on a ranch.

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Let's not forget the big Orange Lug, who has stated publicly that he "Would use the full power of the US govt to ......antisemitism".

Makes ya wonder just how many have been captured.

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I have not heard this statement. I think that hating anyone is bad form, but I do not think we should have 'carve-outs' from the applicable application of the Constitution.

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Goto 3:39:00

His rant goes on how he will FORCE colleges and educational facilities to:

Rising antisemitic hate.....

"Threats or crimes against ....I will protect our Jewish citizens from these maniacs..... crimes against jews... fullest extent of the law.....

I signed a landmark executive order ....confirming discrimination against Jewish Students will be aggressively punished....... colleges and university will purge the antisemitism, pro terrorism..... or lose their accreditations and every last penny of student loans."

This is BULLSHIT. We have existing discrimination laws, and segregating people of the Jewish religion, or descent will continue to divide people into classes, which is exactly what the globalists want. He's doing their bidding by following this course.

Trump is segregating Jewish citizens from all citizens who deserve the same protections. He's flaming this false premise against Jews that 99% of Americans do not hold against anyone of Jewish heritage. He's promoting the hate that doesn't exist widespread as he says it is. Are there people who do not like Jews? Sure there are, but this "widespread attacks against jews" are in isolated enclaves of America, and are not the generalized feelings of most of America.

What's the negative side of what he proposes ?

How about people using these special "protections", against honest criticism of anyone who's Jewish, as they could use their religion as the reason for the person who's voicing their honest opinion against that person, which may have zero to do with their religious beliefs.

Don't think this could happen ? It can, and it will.

Okay, then let's change the word "Jewish" to what is happening with this radical religious sickness of "gender identity or trans" that's permeating society now.

If anyone voices their opinions that these people who claim they're women, and Identify as a woman, when they have a penis and testicles between their legs, that person voicing their opinion is attacked, belittled, and driven out of the conversation as being "anti-trans", or "transphobic". A man who claims they identify as a woman, can enter women's bathrooms, enter women's sporting events, and teams, and can violate women's rights in doing so. It's happening all over the United States as we speak.

I see it constantly here, in libtard land, where I live. If the Orange Lug goes and fulfills his promises, becomes President again, and then weaponizes opposing thoughts, or words of anything against a person of Jewish heritage, that Jewish person will wield endless power over any opposing opinion by simply claiming "I'm Jewish, and they're antisemitic" .

Trumps bullshit is the same as all the other politicians out there who want new laws, executive orders, or proclamations, for the same shit we already have laws governing whatever it is, they're proposing new laws for. This is the same tactics that the democraps use.

"OH, we need new laws to fix the immigration issue".

Well Jackass, we already have laws on the books, and if you'd simply enforce them, we wouldn't be in this mess we're in now, now would we?

But that wouldn't match the narrative.

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I think our situation has become very complicated. For some reason our government is 'pro-Islam’… but the US is fickle and the world knows it.

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May 4·edited May 4

And I agree with you, that our constitution should be followed, and being usurped, denigrated, and purposedully misinterpreted, has severely damaged the greatest form of government ever devised.

I was content, I felt safe, I was proud to be American up unril 2020, when everything changed in my own perceptions and illusions of what I thought was reality fell to the wayside, forever.

DJT clearly opened the minds of millions to the harsh reality of what was really going on, and I'm forever grateful. 3 years of comfort, and a lifetime of clarity are what I owe the Orange Lug. I remain hopefull we can bypass this horror before us now, but as the days pass, that hope dims ever so slightly

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Well, if Im able to locate it, Ill post a link.

I watched him say it. He was giving a speech from a podium to a room full of supporters, maybe even at CPAC

I can tell you since i stopped drinking. And I dont smoke crack with Hunter Biden anymore, the illusions have faded, and clarity has taken over my mind.

I sure do miss those days of crack, hookers and a dog or two in bed.


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May 3·edited May 4

Glad you have faith in SCOTUS, as I'm not feeling all fuzzy with 7 out of the 9.

But that's just me....🤔

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I agree, they are less than perfect… Sotomayor, particularly, seems a little dim witted at times. In most cases of the 1st and 2nd Amendment, they have been relatively consistent. The Chevron decision, however, needs to be discarded as their guiding light, in my opinion. When the compass is off slightly… the further out we travel, the great distance from the desired destination we will find ourselves. We need to recalibrate to our 'true North’.

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All so appropriate! Thank you! Just back from fighting to vote. They gave me a Democrat card. Took a half hour and approaching uncivil to get the right one. Anyway, mission accomplished! Have a terrific weekend. Looking forward to Fallout tonight!

Beatest Ever and Always ♡♡♡

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I hope you were one of many fighting for the 'right' card!

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May 3·edited May 3

The biggest rub was they made the mistake and told me as a result, I had to do a provisional Repub ballot. After some fur settled, they provided a regular Repub ballot. I filled in the blanks and they put it in the machine. I actually didn't have much choice and in the end the Repubs almost always loose. Highly so in my county. At least I let them know there are those with other perspectives.

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, Your discussion on VSRF last night was impressive. I wanted to take the 1st opportunity I had to tell you this.

Friday Funnies is also right on the mark. "Save those tents" to start it off = perfect. I hope it comes true for a lot of those students. I think job recruiters and interviewers will be taking a hard look at the graduates from all these colleges.

The games being played on farmers and meat processing companies is very concerning. In my old home we had several family butchers where we would go in with friends to buy 1/4 or 1/2 a steer and store in a locker. Best quality meat ever.

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" I think job recruiters and interviewers will be taking a hard look at the graduates from all these colleges."

From your lips to God's ear.

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In addition to everything in the cartoon, Soros, with the UN, is also behind the invasion of all western nations. Here is the Hungarian Prime Minister exposing this plot from a 2015 'Project Syndicate' manifesto by Soros: https://tritorch.com/clowardpiven [2:37mins]

What we have here is the execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy where criminal invaders flood our borders, swamping the US, meanwhile Soros buys up DAs all across the country who refuse to prosecute most crimes, and who are emptying the prisons. All of this is a deliberate recipe for cataclysm. Once the invaders fall off the welfare wagon and can no longer occupy hotels, they will be coming for our resources. It may be wise to get your spiritual house in order, and stock up on provisions. More on this here: https://tritorch.com/soros

Edited to add: while this maybe the reality, I see it as an opportunity to embrace a higher power. It isn't meant to demoralize, but is a signal that it's time to wean ourselves off this material plane.

Fear not.

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Stumbled on this yesterday, and thought this was a perfect place for it in a chatroom full of PHDs. Author unknown:

A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a priest were flying on a small private plane. Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble. Despite the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute and yelled to the passengers that they better jump, and he bailed out.

Unfortunately, only three parachutes were remaining.

The doctor grabbed one of the parachutes and said, "I’m a doctor, I save lives, so I must live to save other’s lives," and jumped out.

The lawyer then said, "I’m a lawyer, and lawyers are the smartest people in the world. Therefore, I deserve to live." He also grabbed a parachute and jumped.

The priest looked at the little boy and said, "My son, I’ve lived a long and full life. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. So take the last parachute and live in peace."

The little boy handed the parachute back to the priest and said, "Do not worry, Father. The smartest man in the world just took off with my backpack."

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Kinda says it all. My brother gave up practicing law professionally. He said it was ruining his reputation.

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My son quit before he got started .. “ nobody follows the constitution either , and I can’t serve 2 masters.”

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Mentored the research of a young lady who after her Ph.D. went to law school and was quite underwhelmed by her classmates. Drawer full of dull knives. That was not always the case and I wonder when it changed. D.e.i. maybe?

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Thank you, TriTorch. This is awesome!

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Good one Tritorch 😉🤗

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Soros is the living embodiment of why NOT dual citizenship

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Hope everyone saw Senator Ron Johnson's 1 May letter to the administration regarding WHO treaties. Co-signed by every Republican in the Senate. Strong stuff.


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Here is some more strong stuff

ttorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden Administration for Unlawfully Using Title IX to Mandate Radical Gender Ideology, Violating Constitution and Putting Women At Risk

AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued to stop an unlawful federal rule issued by the Biden Administration that destroys protections for women in educational institutions by mandating compliance with radical gender ideology.

The Department of Education’s new regulatory requirements under Title IX expand the definition of “sex” to include one’s self-professed “gender identity.” Title IX is a civil rights law granting protections to women by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program that receives federal money, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. The new rule contorts these protections for women by forcing schools to accommodate the wishes of men claiming to identify as women (or “transgender”) to enter female-only spaces and join female-only organizations. This would force schools to permit biological males to use female restrooms and lockers. If schools refused, federal funding would be withheld.

While the Biden Administration initially attempted to implement this agenda through informal agency guidance, the Department of Education has now turned to formally amending the Code of Federal Regulations. This rule violates existing federal law, ignores the Constitution, and denies women the protections that Title IX was intended to afford them. The Biden Administration has exceeded its authority and radically distorted the meaning intended by Congress when the law was made. Further, the changes would fundamentally transform the educational atmosphere of publicly funded educational institutions, forcing communities to capitulate to unscientific gender ideology and putting girls and women at risk in K-12 schools and on college campuses.

In addition, the new regulations promise to repeat the Department’s ill-advised 2011 Dear Colleague Letter, which had a detrimental impact on publicly funded education across the country, including in Texas. This rule walks back many of the safeguards promulgated by the Trump Administration to ensure that students accused of harassment have access to a fair hearing. At the same time, the Biden Administration redefines “harassment” to include constitutionally protected activity, such as using biologically accurate pronouns.

“Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women in furtherance of his radical obsession with gender ideology,” said Attorney General Paxton. “This attempt to subvert federal law is plainly illegal, undemocratic, and divorced from reality. Texas will always take the lead to oppose Biden’s extremist, destructive policies that put women at risk.”

America First Legal is serving as co-counsel. AFL President Stephen Miller said: “America First Legal is honored to stand with the great Ken Paxton and the State of Texas in filing this emergency lawsuit to stop Biden’s war on women. Biden’s new Title IX regulation is a vile obscenity: it forces women and girls to share locker rooms and restrooms with men. It forces them to call a he, a she, and to pretend in every way that a man is a woman, humiliating, degrading, and erasing women. This is an abomination, and as outside counsel for Texas we will battle this regulation in court with all the legal fight we can bring. It must be defeated for the sake of American women and for the sake of our daughters.”

Previously, Texas sued the Biden Administration over initial guidance documents that attempted to force the same policies. Attorney General Paxton issued a comment letter when the federal rule redefining sex based on “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” rather than objective reproductive biology was first proposed.

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May 3·edited May 3

I’d say, 'they can go to he!!', but appears they already know the way. [I must add, I hope they repent.]

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AFL has been getting my donations. Miller is a very serious person when it comes to our rights and common sense. They make a good team - Paxton/Miller

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That title 9 has been wrong footed from the getgo. It epitomizes the E in d.e.i. And now it has come back to bite the feministas in the butt

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Agree 100%. It was just one of a thousand manipulations of a free society by an overbearing, meddling Congress.

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The next President and congress need to figure out how to stop these bureaucrats from amending the law. How does that happen!!!!?????

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I guess because we have let them. SCOTUS today pays more attention to headlines than to the Constitution

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Thank you, Micheal for posting this.

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Did any Dems sign it?

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May 3·edited May 3

Signatures do not include state/party. But I believe this is along party lines. So I think the number is zero, as was the case on Dem support for Senator Johnson's S.444.


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I figured as much, but don’t have time to investigate it, thanks.

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The video takes me back to my childhood on our beef ranch! Of course, it was before freeze branding, and hydrolic chutes, so it was a bit more dramatic..side note: I saw first hand the corruption in the federal park service as they did everything in their power to make it impossible for my dad to keep the ranch (long story). Thanks for the best memes always. "No to wolfphobia!" 😂🤣

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great interview on Infowars yesterday!

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great collection. I had to borrow "Save Those Tents" (with proper attribution and links, of course) for my upcoming Substack's related article by Sam Faddis:

⩥ The Communists On Campus (04/29/24). Who are all these pro-Hamas protestors on campuses and other places around the US and the world? https://open.substack.com/pub/andmagazine/p/the-communists-on-campus

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I subscribe to Andmagazine. Sam is one smart dude.

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The CPUSA was behind the election of Biteme to his first and lasting senate seat in the early 70s.

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After reviewing some of the links for names of leading participants and leaders in these Communist Marxist organizations, there are a surprising number of Jewish surnames. I am dismayed to find them.

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Heard a report on the radio yesterday about the amount (tonnes) of trash and number (quantity) of tents transported to the dump following the offended lay-abouts removal from campus quads - couldn’t help but wonder how many backpackers will have to sleep under a tarp&blanket this season. ( 🤔 were any/all of those tents supplied by Chai-nah 🤨)

AND, knowing all too well I’m no cartoonist it is with feign humility that offer my critique of a couple of today’s panels: shouldn’t the stairs up to Marine1 (semper fi, y’all - hoo-rah) have been a RAMP? Also got to wondering, a WALKER is to WALKING as a ________ is to THINKING — I can’t come up with a word describing what president 💩 💩 🧠 needs.

PANEL2 that got my creative juices flowing: I think the side of the scale holding the Constitution should have been shown laying on the ground- severed by the sword of lawfare wielded by lady injustice; lawfare, what we’ve been seeing the past ½ dozen years is NOT about TIPPING the scales of justice, it’s about eliminating any balance at all. When/IF this is turned around, that same sword must be used to rectify the wrongs committed in its name. In this case injustice must be remedied through the application of treason and those charged must be dealt with appropriately - if any trial is to be employed it must be in remotest Wyoming, Alabama or Louisiana - anyplace where a tinge of blue has ne’er been seen, in fact blue is a cuss word. I’m also good with a "preponderance of the evidence standard" for these outlaws.

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Ramp should be an escalator or perhaps a lift?

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Would be easier on the poor saps who drew the protect the 💩 💩 🧠 short straw; but, I’ll confess, I didn’t think of those options, I was trying to keep it simple - in concept and drawing 😉

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The way he has been acting surprised he has not had them carry him up there couched on their shoulders like he was a roman emperor.

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! Homerun! Love this collection of funnies. You've hit all the most notable issues and the cartoons truly say it all. Thank you Dr. M.

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With all of the absolute freakish nonsense going on all over this country, SAVE THOSE TENTS, was the best meme of the day as far as I am concerned.

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Friday Funnies Friday Funnies. How I look forward to them each week. Have a good Summit, Drs Malone. Looking forward to your Summit in October in Ocala, FL. So enjoyed last years!

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May 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love your writings here! Thank you!

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Bird flu virus in cows milk seems to be the new engine to create fear! We need to corral all the DC clowns and neuter them! We need to stop human life being reduced to lab rat status! All human life from inception to natural death should be revered and not exploited! Ukraine, Gaza,Covid, Mass US immigration are all preplanned exercises to manipulate social order! My view!

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🤬, Ed!!!

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Ron DeSantis on X: "Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Protect Floridians from the Agenda of the Global Elites https://t.co/mOfvArJchT" / X (twitter.com)

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Vicki, don’t be surprised if Joey is able to steal this one too, people like Governor DeSantis will be thrown in jail. I think knowing this should be motivation to become a pole watcher and go vote in record breaking numbers!!!!

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James, my friend, I don't understand. Please explain why DeSantis will be in jail?

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I’ve heard The justice department is filing charges against him for flying the illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. If you look at the way they are making up any kind of charges against Trump, DeSantis is a slam dunk especially if Biden wins and DeSantis decides to run. I think during Biden’s 2nd term we are all in jeopardy of going being charged or worse go to jail. DeSantis I bet would fold up, he could never afford the BS Trump has gone through. We really have got to keep Biden from stealing this election. I really think 4 more years of this will end America for good.

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As I have said before mate, it is my FIRM opinion, that if Donald Trump does not gain victory in the upcoming election, it is NOT ONLY AMERICA that will fall, (and I DON"T make this comment lightly)


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Much of it already has…they just have not woken up to it yet

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May 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate Rep. Chip Roy's statements regarding the unconstitutional 'anti-semitism act'. Let's not fall into line with hate speech laws... a free society, with all its warts, is better than a muzzled society. Here's a short article if you're interested in what he said to the press about it and how it was passed, 'corruption' thy name is uniparty. https://thenewamerican.com/news/chip-roy-responds-to-antisemitism-awareness-act-of-2023/

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