Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

There is a reason for all of this being so rampant. Part of it is psychological manipulation, part indoctrination...the other part? Pure demonic.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Romans 1. They have been given over…and the church is partially to blame.

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I was an Eagle Scout back when it was still the Boy Scouts whose Scout Oath, Law, Motto (“be prepared”), and Slogan (“do a good turn daily”) espoused traditional family values rarely discussed today with notable exceptions such as Jordan Peterson. For us, it was all about backpacking into the Arizona/ Colorado/ Utah wilderness (not Pride, sex, or pedos).

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When I was a kid growing up, I did not join the Boy Scouts, as there were rumors that some of the Leaders were pedos. I did however, really enjoy camping, fishing, hunting and any other outdoor activities. Really sad to see what this organization has become.

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Wife's brother-in-law who was killed by moderna jab was in up to his ears being a scout master, absolutely loved it--until he didn't. Was really disappointed and can only guess how he would feel about scouting today

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Yes! to the Socrates quotation! Or as Gandhi said, "You must be the change you want to see."

I've just finished reading "Chaos," by James Gleick, and one of the main points of the research is that sometimes disorder can bring about a new, better order.

This is our time, so let's start rebuilding.

And thanks, once again, Dr. Malone, for inspiring your tribe.

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Yes, thank you Dr Malone, I really look forward to your substacks.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The #Walkaway group led by Brandon Straka (who is gay ) is pushing back against this evil stuff and is having some kind of town hall event in NYC on June 24. Looks like some of the gay community is "waking up" to how they are being played to further divide our country. At least Walkaway ,which has been somewhat successful at exposing the radical left, is trying to address the situation . Thanks again Drs Malone for a very on point group today!! You and Jill are a gift !!! Enjoy farm time this weekend:))

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I recently read this on a Christian website:

Pride is the deadliest of all sins because it leads to all other sins. Pride is delusional, spiteful, and bitter. At its root, it declares, “I don’t want God to be God. I want to be God!”

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Gotta hand it to the Ukrainians...invest $5 million and get $100 billion and counting in returns!

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Yes, and the televised clip is L. Graham and Zelenko laughing, rejoicing over all the dead Russian bodies. Just wrong

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

Despite what Pence and Graham would have us all think, I have no dog in that fight, nor should the US in my opinion. It is not worth one penny to me to influence who wins a border war between the motherland of Khrushchev and Brezhnev (Ukraine) and the motherland of Gorbachev and Yeltsin (Russia). They are both the ex-Soviet Union...

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It’s still sinful use of America billions and dead humans in the conflict I agree… we gain nothing.# politicians.

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Great point MS.

Marx and Engels where never able to replace a government with a socialist system partly because they lack backers with funds. The Russia Empire was brought down by Lenin and Trotsky because they were bankrolled by US and GB bankers who also found it lucrative to finance major players during WWI. It always takes money and those taking down the US love using tax payer funds to do it.

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Your right MS how can there be a winner of millions displaced and the complete destruction of Ukraine. The taxpayer gets nothing. The real winners are the arms makers, the Ukraine elites and the American politician that get their skim and donations from the arms makers. Pretty sick.

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Actually $10 billion, 5 each to the brat and the now demented daddy

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There’s also 2 more of those forms of whistle blowers turning on the big guy.

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Ooooops-- that should be $5 million

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As this steep descent of our once worldwide cherished country continues I truly can’t understand the deafening silence from the right and the left. They and their families have all so benefitted financially and with their privilege because of the system of government they were handed. They now sit on their flabby bottoms and allow our future to be plundered by this super minority of mob like thugs. God how I wish we had people of integrity on both sides that would stand up and cast this evil back to hell where it came from. I can only hope and prey that one day their complicity that has cemented us on this path to bankruptcy and serfdom is felt by them and theirs. J.Goodrich

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James, the progressives have been setting the stage for this in the gov schools for generations while parents sat on flabby butts and watched it happening. Bloody big surprise

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My first thought when I saw the Socrates quote, that’s right and it happened. But it wasn’t us, it was ‘them’.

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I see the problem as one of the “left.” Marxist is “left.”

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When Boy Scouts starting letting Girls in their organization, I stopped buying their popcorn. Now that Girl Scouts support LBQT+++ I will no longer buy their cookies.

Both products suck anyway, I only bought them to support, but no more. Go Woke, Go Friggin Broke.

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Proud to be deplorable, I took Hillary’s comment as a badge of honor.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you have outdone yourself this week. Each one: yep! My fav… example… MSM job is not to tell you the truth etc.

then: Far side.. But in light of learning that Taylor Swift is larger than an #Influencer and that the DOJ idolizes her… the poster on her poor choice of men is Perfect that she supports Biden.

I Wondered… who ever considered his actions or policies. Hey! IT’s TAYLOR 🎶! 🤣 tgif

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This comment is a throwback to yesterday's substack-----

Don't give up, please keep fighting!

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Derangement Reins Supreme!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Watch and share the Mikki Willis Movie Plandemic Series 3: The Great Awakening (1 hr 41 min): The Great Awakening assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. It explains soooooo much! (Our favorite doc makes his appearance in it!)

Available here: https://freedomman.org/video/plandemic-3/ or here (official): https://plandemicseries.com/

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the fun laughs. I feel happier now having had the modern take on the birds and bees explained 🤣

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Something wrong is happening in our society. So wrong 😑.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm baaaack! Thinking about that nibbling at the entrenched power structure has given me some new insights.

All the woke stuff is just a distraction and a way to get us hoi polloi to turn against each other, black against white, LBGTQ+ against straights,... If we want to know what the white liberal powers really think about black Americans, we can look at CA. The law allowing theft up to $950 to be a misdemeanor is the white liberal way of saying this: "We superior whites know that you blacks don't have the moral core to live the kind of lives that we expect of our own kind, so we're going to let you get away with crime because it's easier on our criminal justice system--and a whole lot cheaper." Study after study has shown that people tend to live up or down to other people's expectations, so since the white liberals expect young blacks to be criminals, they're living down to that.

And black reparations? Just more anti-black racism that says this: "You blacks are obviously incapable of succeeding that way we whites can, so we're going to give you some bribe money to shut you up."

The hard work of the civil rights movement is being destroyed with black separatism that is thoroughly encouraged by the white liberal establishment. What they're really saying is this: "Go ahead and separate. That will make it all the easier for us to keep you away from our power and our money."

I grew up watching the civil rights movement on television, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s sentence in his "I Have a Dream" speech has been my moral guidance since I first heard it: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

This is how we rebuild. We take what has meaning from the past and build on it, while creating new structures and meaning in our present.

There's a difference between being victimized and being a victim. Let's continue to think of ourselves as having the character to shape our lives regardless of what's going on around us and to do the necessary work to rebuild our country. Will we have easy and continuous success? Of course not. But the journey is often the most important part of living.

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