Harvard president Claudine Gay was caught in 40 instances of plagiarism. Now it has come out she herself had expelled 27 students for plagiarism. I would expect a class action law suit against Harvard by the students she expelled for the very thing she did. If it’s ok for Claudine is it not ok for all? DEI to me “Division, Exclusion and Intolerance!!!!”

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Academia sets itself up as a plagiarism refuge. Had a case where I worked where a prof “borrowed” and published a graduate student’s work without attribution. Not all that unusual

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

Absolutely true Micheal!...this is not an uncommon. Even during my undergraduate days, I witnessed faculty members shamelessly taking students' papers and passing them off as their own. There's one instance that stands out – an individual brazenly swiping papers from undergraduates and submitting them as if they were their own work. Fortunately, justice prevailed, and that person was shown the door.

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Today, said same person would most likely receive a tenured chair, or a Deanship or some other high 'honor'.

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Or president on an ivy

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Think big: The White House (Biden, proven serial plagiarist).

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Cheer up Dudes…..It’s Christmas! (Jim Carrey as the Grinch)

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Not happening, Owain. He didn't fit into the preferred social stratum. But for the others it's that all-too-familiar ritual of elevating those who make a mess to camouflage widespread incompetence. This scenario feels like a warped variation of the Peter’s Principle. Wait, scratch that – the Peter’s Principle was about promoting folks to their level of incompetence. These characters began their journey already at that level. We might just need a whole new principle.

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Where he promptly no doubt went to the academic door next door and was instantly hired. Remind me, why did we waste our time going to college? Was it to become better liars?

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Do you notice Dr. Nash it’s never a bad thing what the liberal left does, the bad is that their complete hypocrisy is exposed. Then the people that expose it have to be prosecuted.

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We need to take back control…period. And alternative news like sub stack is a start.

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James, I just had a light bulb appear above my cranium:

The conservative community should generate a Go Fund Me to advertise and FIND those 27 students and a class-action lawsuit against Haaaahvad.

I meant Give, send, GO!


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Another great idea Red!!!

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12/22/23: If anyone does anything about this, please link me up with the GFM link --- but are we not concerned about Go Fund Me's past radical political wokeness (Soviet Communism)? Would they accept such an account? What alternatives are there?

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I have here Don I’m trying to send it on a reply to you.

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Excellent. The CO Supreme Court has just re-enacted FDR's disastrous Court-packing scheme (how ironic!) of 1937.

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Crapp. You are right! I really meant GIVE, SEND, GO! instead.

What was I thinking?

will revise . . . ?!@#

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Marvelous. They got her now. I add that Spitzer was especially egregious because as the state DA he had prosecuted prostitutes/johns. And guess The Other John Was? (!!!). Of course, this didn't bother CNN, which later gave him his own show. His co-host quit after ONE SHOW!

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Go for it!

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I like old guys (like me) that have great ideas (like you).

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Hey James, D D and I missed you chiming in yesterday!

Glad to have you back in the discussions. MERRY 🎄 CHRISTMAS to you and yours!

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Thank You Ana I hope you have a peaceful Christmas!!!

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We ALL need Peace!!!

Thank 😊 you!

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Is this a case of "It takes one to know one"?....

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Aside from generations of "American" born Communists via Communist "parents" -the so-called "Red-Diaper" babies" of the 30s and 40s; the downfall of this Republic can be traced directly to the generation of the "Red-Diaper-Doper" babies of the 60s ; "taught" by the Red- Diaper babies of the 30s and 40s who became "trained in Marxism" in the "American" teachers colleges and then spread Marxist "teachings" like a WUHAN virus into K-12 PUBLIC education and on up the academic chain to infest and permanently inculcate the absolutely irrational and destructive mindset of Marxist "thought" into the brains of those who NOW hold the so-called "levers of power" WITHIN the US federal government; as well in MANY (but not yet all) of the 50 states -

The new president of Harvard - Claudine Gay - personifies this mental degeneration.

Of course most ALL of the Harvard "faculty" support Claudine. They TOO are the "products" of our Marxist based "educational system" spoon-fed the mind-numbing pablum of Marx & Engels, Saul Alinsky, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci, Erich Fromm and other Leftist "deep-thinkers" - most of whom never ever themselves got their hands dirty doing real productive work in their entire lifetimes.

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Lordy, I so wish we’d stop using the Left’s language handout - if we’re gonna use their letters, let’s put them in the correct order, it’s DIE: Diversity Inclusion Equity, or in this case Division Intolerance Exclusion.

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12/22/23: Gay expelled 27 students for plagiarism?!?!?! Can we get a link to that? Thank you.

Also, she's trying to hang in there like the crazy-obsessed loony-tunes ex-Governor of NY, Eliot Spitzer (2008). Her Custer's Last Stand will end exactly like his. Wen she does resign, or is forced to resign, please run on a loop the videos of the Hamas scum-vermin surrendering to the Israelis! And run that loop on the side of trucks driving around Harvard and Cambridge!

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Oh Karma is great!

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In the world of wokeness, I’m sure Claudine will get a huge hoooliday bonus!!!

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James, Glad to see your post, I even asked Anna if she knew if you were ok, with all the weather going on.

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I’m OK thanks DD, Merry Christmas!!

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Advance ticket for a Niagara Falls Barrel ride for Xmas. Plagiary that story.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Substack: Soros Financing Behind Colorado Ruling to Remove Trump from the Ballot ......................................................


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Not the least bit surprised...amazing how much damage to our society this one dude has done. Seems he could be tied up in court for the rest of his life if someone/some agency would say enough is enough with Soros.

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Not at all a surprise, right?

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He's a human stain.

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Schwartz has been spreading cheer and goodwill for many decades through his spending billions. I guess he thinks money can buy anything. There is one treasure it can't buy and he will find that out soon enough. Just because he does not believe doesn't mean it's nonexistent.

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Soros is a face man. He gets the blame for things like this but everything he does is sanctioned by the deep state.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can relate to the animal/human sleep debate! And I love gerbils. Other than that, it's been a rough week on the planet.

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Don't send your kids or money to Harvard.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the Asian Santa Clause. The donkeytolla is dead on.

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I love your handle - Red Green. Used to watch that a long time ago!

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The under rated McGivers of the frozen north. Reality TV at it's duct tape finest.

Hey wait a minute....I don't live that far from these guys......

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I had to look it up. Never heard of it but the time frame, 1991-2006, is the give-away. No TV between 1985 and 2009.

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So funny. Watch a few and you’ll be hooked.

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Merry Christmas! May your heart be full of the joy that His incarnation brings that the Light of Christ shines so brightly from you that even your ‘enemies’ will find their way by it. Peace to you and yours.

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Great funnies Drs Malone. Sadly it highlights the fact that, as a culture, mediocrity and perversion have risen, literally, to the top. Fixing that, short of the second coming of Christ , is anyone’s best guess.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great collection, still waiting for the news that “Harvard gets purchased by China”. I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas and New Year

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm waiting for the acknowledgment that Harvard is run by China.

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Perhaps it already has been. Search for the Bloomberg article titled "Harvard Leads U.S. Colleges That Received $1 Billion From China".

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The Tables are much larger for passing money under in China.

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Took a few minutes out of my crazy Holiday preparations to peruse your terrific Friday Funnies. I am back at it with a big smile on my face! Thanks you, as usual.

Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year to you, Jill and all your Substack readers! We deserve a Happy New Year, don’t we?

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We are having an excellent 'Indian Summer' (aka El Nino!) in the great white north prairies... Christmas shopping in shorts! thanks to EVERYONE for BREATHING & FARTING and otherwise 'totally contributing' to this cyclical warm spell

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I love global warming💥🔥

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Fuck ya, and I want to bet on it!!

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" How your House is looked at" felt painfully personal... when I went to see the property tax appraisal last spring complaining about their latest yearly hike, and mentioned that their appraisal value is more than the bank's, he said - with a tone of voice that made me feel bad for asking a stupid question - it is the way it supposed be. Why…because the banks are not in the business of selling houses. They undervalue homes to prevent losses from defaults... to protect their business.

Then, I got the updated appraisal from my home insurance agent informing that my home value went up by 30%. I called her, not that I expected any remediation, but was only curious what her explanation would be. Oddly, using the same tone of voice as did the property tax appraisal, she said …"of course, the replacement value of your home is higher now than it was last year, since the cost of construction materials went up."

I wish I could find another insurance company, but there are only three providers in my area and they all ask the same premiums. (I wonder, if they compare notes?)

Remembering the peasant revolution during the 15th. century in Hungary - my native country - that was provoked by a 10% taxation levied by the king (on behalf of the kingdom's landed nobility), I often wonder were those peasants different people like us? It is certain that they must have been more sovereign than we are. They must have felt it was unjust to pay 10% of their hard earn labor to support the parasitic nobility and were brave to fight to death to defend their economic freedom. But the untrained army of an estimated 70,000 peasants lacked funding as the fights got stretched out for months, and finally were suppressed by the hired army of the nobles. Most of the peasants were killed in the fights, and the remaining survivors were tortured, then executed... I guess, it explains how bravery was removed from the gene pool, at least for us, the Hungarians.

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Rigged by law, and rigged by greed, and rigged by force. No win situation Timea.

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Yes, the cards are stacked against us.

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I live in MO in a red county just south of a blue haven county of ‘democracy’ that 5-6 years ago determined it would implement Agenda 21’s sustainable development, which, it turns out, is extremely costly. This year it used and paid a TX company $17.9 million to perform appraisal and reassessment services for the 2023 assessment of real estate in the county. None of the assessment processes for communicating with the home owners were followed. The average rate hike for 2024 over 2022 was 30%. For some it was 100%. Realtors representing home owners filed suit, the county asked for it to be dismissed and the circuit court said no, so it went to the state supreme court which held the suit was not lawful because the home owners need to first use all the available remedies. The MO Auditor did an audit and reported all the missteps that were taken. The next day the Mo AG filed a petition for writ of mandamus, injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and relief under the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act. We will see what comes of that.

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Had something like that happen in Houston in the 80s. Appraisal increased over 100%. A fix-up we bought for $16,000 in 1970 appraised for somewhere in the $30s.

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Was it after a decade though. You must have done a heck of a fix-up job!

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Houston went through an incredible growth spurt in the70s and literally outgrew itself. It needed money and went after homeowners. Oh and my wife said it evaluated in the $60s.

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The problems in CO are so numerous its hard to know where to begin...

Double Jeopardy: the Senate already tried Trump for insurrection and acquitted him.

Procedural: the CO SC has tried, convicted and sentenced with no trial, no representation, and for that matter, no formal charges, based purely on hearsay since there were also no witnesses.

Jurisdiction: the CO SC has assumed jurisdiction over a matter that clearly has direct bearing on the citizens of other states, a matter where the Senate clearly does have jurisdiction and has already acted and acquitted.

Conspiracy to Violate Rights: one can make a very strong argument that four members of the CO SC have conspired to violate the rights of both Trump and his supporters by way of convicting him and sentencing him without benefit of a trial, clearly for purely political reasons and in violation of the Due Process clause.

Full disclosure: I am against Trump in the primaries for his dismal and unconstitutional (imo) performance during covid.

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Full disclosure, I've been for Trump since 2015 and I agree 👍 with what you said however on the covid fiasco, I blame Fauci and Pence!!!

Trump wasn't a dictator and left it up to the states!

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Can we blame the marijuana yet in Colorado ? ;)

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Yes, unfortunately, Trump is not our savior either... also, he supports for the Military Industrial complex as well.

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Outstanding collection. No fave but….donkeytolla…..really?

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On a more personal note....I am watching my deceased Conservative small town home grown Minn Supreme Ct Justice father in Law do more than rolling revolutions in his grave.

Someone reported smoke at the head stone location. Is that even Possible?......

Hey Colorado...Go F... yourself.

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Arlington should be in turmoil

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With head stones cascading over by the minute.....Sigh....

One picture worth lifetime of words.....

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We live in a wacky, crazy, upside down world. Restoring decency and honor to the White House? Really? It is quite obvious that the White House does not know what honor and decency mean.

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Sooooo appropriate!

Have to go with the cats and dogs. In my experience cats will accept you as a heating pad. On the other hand, the kitties 'candies' surely don't appeal here in this corner of the world.

Sunny day here, so likely in your there. Have a happy day preparing for your loving celebration.

Much love to you and yours.

Very Bestest Always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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I'm so fed up with these people mis-naming us!

Today I decided that I'm going to tell them:

" I know you are, but WHAT am I?!?!"

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Yes, Ana, bring back the famous Pee Wee Herman line.

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Deanna, I must have had a flashback in my desperation! Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂 😹

I went online and found this:


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Well, thank you. I had never heard that reply in use.

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It came back to me from the catacombs of my mind!

This is all very frustrating!


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Thanks for sharing the link.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

In my early 20s I worked as a waitress in a trendy SF restaurant and bar. The manager, who was 'interested' in me though I was not interested in him, would repeatedly come up behind me and pinch me with his thumb and forefinger just above my elbow which resulted in a sharp pain. When I asked him why he did this he said, "Because it's the only way I can get your attention." On another occasion I suddenly grew sick with flu symptoms at work and needed to go home and to bed. He offered to give me a lift which I accepted rather than take the bus. It ended up being on his motorcycle which I got onto though it was very cold and rainy outside and he drove it all over town, and not to where I lived on purpose, for nearly an hour before dropping me off at my apartment. I was young and healthy enough that this didn't make me much sicker than having a typical cold or flu. That's what our political leaders, government agencies, the supreme courts and probably event the presidential candidates themselves are most likely doing. They don't really want peace, freedom and justice for all. For if there were, we wouldn't be taking sides and they wouldn't be 'news items' all over the place.

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