And the swearing in of Charles as the new King of England will insure that his WEF wrecking crew have laid the New World Order foundation as planned. (recall his exit plan for Lady Diana)
Oh.....there is a plan all righty....a big fat de-pop burger and little pink houses for you and me.
And the swearing in of Charles as the new King of England will insure that his WEF wrecking crew have laid the New World Order foundation as planned. (recall his exit plan for Lady Diana)
Oh.....there is a plan all righty....a big fat de-pop burger and little pink houses for you and me.
Good to be King Eh? Right up till the moment the massive crowds show up with extremely sharp and pointy "Pitch Forks"!! Want Days of yore do ya Chuck?? We will count to 10......
King Charles III serves as the head of state of 14 sovereign countries other than his own – making the UK the most prolific among the world’s 17 constitutional monarchies...
And the swearing in of Charles as the new King of England will insure that his WEF wrecking crew have laid the New World Order foundation as planned. (recall his exit plan for Lady Diana)
Oh.....there is a plan all righty....a big fat de-pop burger and little pink houses for you and me.
I now live in the uk. Crapanation is set. (Kid Rock language left out); but, You know what I’m thinking = wef.
Copy That Ed.
Good to be King Eh? Right up till the moment the massive crowds show up with extremely sharp and pointy "Pitch Forks"!! Want Days of yore do ya Chuck?? We will count to 10......
King Charles III serves as the head of state of 14 sovereign countries other than his own – making the UK the most prolific among the world’s 17 constitutional monarchies...
£250m and the ring of steel around Londinium, hypersonics notwithstanding... Singalong...
Thy choicest gifts in store for paedos and warmonger whores,
Long may he reign,
May he avoid our laws, income and inheritance fraud,
Plebs sing with heart and voice,
God save the King!
Fear not, I have it on good authority that Satan loses the contest. Never could win really.
Satan needs more storage space for his candidates. Even Limbo is overcrowded.
Don’t be surprised to see Mellencamp there. The Queen is rolling in her grave.
I bet her majesty is too. She did all she could to protect Diana from tying that Royal Knot!
She knew full well what men of that caliber were poised for. Nothing good to come of it!
No way to protect her once the gilded cage surrounded her. Another hapless slave to a Throne.
Charles was nearly 34 yrs older than she @19. Robbing cradles and nations Job #1.