I hope someone out there can make something out of Sanchez's comment yesterday on the rights "granted to Americans" by the Constutution.

That is disturbing. For the record, Ms Sanchez, the Constitution does not "grant" rights, it "recognizes rights granted by our creator".

Big difference but just shows the mindset of these people.

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Just like the willfully ignorant clods who keep harping about our democracy.

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Yup. Remember all of those federal ballot measures Congress asked us to vote on? Yeah, me neither.

Remember the 31 State ballot measures on gay marriage where voters overwhelmingly said NO before SCOTUS deemed it a right? Yup, that is our democracy in action.

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I have many friends in same sex marriages. The reason it had ti be passed is to give the spouse rights to Social Security benefits if one partner dies. They adopt children no one wants, raise them very well. Hence the SS was important.

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No, it did not have to be passed. It was making them equal in the eyes of God, which man cannot do. It was the slippery slope we all knew it would be and we are witnessing the ill begotten fruits from it ever since (it's trans now and who knows what will be next). I don't know that they adopt children 'that no one wants'. They do rent out a woman's body to get a person they could not produce on their own. They care not that they rob a child of a mother/father. It is totally selfish, like Dave Rubin told Peterson - "we are not complete without a family" - so they buy one.

Just like abortion, SCOTUS had no constitutional authority to make it so. Congress could have overstepped its own constitutional limitations with a law that made same 'sex' couples eligible for civil unions, providing them the 'rights' or equity to the several benefits married couples have without the slew of lawsuits against floweriest, photographers, bakers, the Catholic Church and state employees.

We all reap what a few people sow because it is God's world and His laws we must obey, not man inspired laws that do not align with His. It is no wonder we are being punished for the world's sinful ways.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Check out how many children are never adopted. I have volunteered in the inner city. The organization supposed to protect children returns them over and over from hospital where they were treated after being severely beaten by parents. 300 plus were killed after being returned. The organisation, Department of Children and family services does not have anywhere to put them up. They knew a baby was living in a crack house, no where to put her. Found dead under a couch. Children are my concern. Those here. I nursed the crack babies. Mothers 14 year old drug addicted prostitutes. They actually allow them to take the baby home after it is weaned off the drug. All my same sex couples who adopted raised kids they sent to college. Not the same as sex change. There is a chromosome that could identify a fetus as being possibly gay. The test is illegal. I'm for abortion to 3 months and special cases. Forcing a raped 10 year old to give birth is cruel.

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What Shelly, I and others have been positing is that our Republic is like a dike (no pun intended) that is being weakened by mice nibbling away at it for over a century. The socialists mean to destroy the Republic by destroying its culture. The legal recognition of gay marriage was one big chomp. Deviancy is deviant and while individuals may be allowed tolerance the culture at large cannot because it will ultimately be devoured by the counter culture and with it our Republic.

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The World has been sinfull for thousands of years. Probably better today. At least today we know and acknowledge that paediophiles renting small children is a trillion dollar business.

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What about separation of Church and State?

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Glad you mentioned separation of church and state. A civil union is granted by the state and a marriage is recognized by religious. Years ago, I didn't understand why some fought the use of the word "marriage" for same sex couples, but I now understand. It's a religious term used for recognizing the joining of a man and a woman.

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In my opinion, if marriage is going to be a legal institution (which I disagree with) then same sex couples should not be excluded from the benefits that entering into a legal interpersonal relationship with your government provide.

Whether the churches recognize these relationships is up to them.

I just can not make a case for the government discriminating certain people from the benefits it offers with certain arrangements.

My view is involving the government in your interpersonal relationship is about as bad as a mistake one can make.

So have it!

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She’s an idiot

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Friday's funnies seem to not be uplifting! Since California passed a law that human dead bodies can be composted tells me the Soylent Green cartoon is truly unnerving of what is coming. California has always been seen as the leader in societal change. Time to build a wall between California and the rest of the country!

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30,000 people have been euthanized in Canada. When people call the Gubmint to ask about scheduling a serious operation they are met with, “Sorry, we can’t fit you in but we can help Redrum you”.

Notice that the pieces of totalitarianism are being given trial runs in separate countries:

England: cancellation of free speech

France: restriction of internal travel

New Zealand/Oz: Covid internment camps

US: intentional food shortages

Germany: intentional energy shortages

Canada: banking cancellations and euthanasia

All at the same time by the same people.

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My family in England still practice's free speech. One needs to go North to the industrial areas. Their speech is so free even my Mother called them racist.

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I remarked long ago that eventually the Kevorkian suicide machine would be available to rent at your local drugstore.

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It is interesting. When one looks at Sunak (sp?) and the King being commited WEFers, one suspects unfortunate outcomes.

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Interesting. Truthfully my friends and family are much happier not knowing. I won't tell them.

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I'm thinking you need a wall around Maryland too. We are California east. And our new Gov seems to expect he's going to be the next BHO. At least that is what some locals are suggesting.

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Proves seeing is in the eye of the beholder. To me that comparison would describe someone who is as dumb as a rock, personifies mediocre, is easily led and has an exploitable phenotype.

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Assuming you're referring to our Gov (hopefully to be like OMalley and Hogan) he's handing out $$$ daily and keeping up with CA. Never forget the meteoric rise from no where his example accomplished.

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Wait until the $$$ will not even buy a loaf of bread!

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I have 2 bumper stickers on my car (among a couple others) that say "Cut Spending Now!" They well represent my sentimates on the matter. My grocery bills have doubled. Not happy on that score either.

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... "Let them eat cake !"

We know what's next

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Or the digits in your bank account won't cover it or you are buying the wrong things.

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Each time i see that name on a bridge, I am surprised it isn't written "We's More !" ... as he blames his predecessor for everything.

Now shut up and go buy some State weed. But turn-in your legally-acquired firearm first

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No! Never!

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And meanwhile in Minnesota... 😣

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Won't keep the crazies away. Every state has the useful idiots and Kool aid drinkers busy trying to bring their agenda in.

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Keep hoping it will fall off

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Take over CaCafornina. It wouldn't be that hard.

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sauer-testimony.pdf (house.gov)

Conclusion: Two Visions of Freedom This struggle over federal censorship reflects two competing visions of freedom in America. First, as the Louisiana court emphasizes, CISA Director Jen Easterly aptly summarizes the federal officials’ view: “She … stated, ‘We live in a world where people talk about alternative facts, post-truth, which I think is really, really dangerous if people get to pick their own facts.’” Ex. 1, at 77. She also stated, “[W]e’re in the business of protecting critical infrastructure, and the most critical is our ‘cognitive infrastructure.’” Id. Thus, Easterly’s view—reflected in federal censorship activity—is that the American “people” cannot be trusted “to pick their own facts,” and that the government should pick our facts for us. Id. She believes that the federal government—armed with the weapons, authority, and the domestic surveillance capacity of the national-security state—should police our “cognitive infrastructure.” Id. As the Louisiana court found, “cognitive infrastructure” means that “the CISA Defendants believe they had a mandate to control the process of acquiring knowledge.” Id. at 110.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s watershed First Amendment opinions express a radically different view of freedom. “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion.” W. Virginia State Bd. of Educ. v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 642 (1943). “Our constitutional tradition stands against the idea that we need Oceania’s Ministry of Truth.” United States v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709, 723 (2012) (plurality op.). The Louisiana case is one part of a titanic struggle between these two visions of freedom. The former view—the view reflected in the actions of federal censorship agents like Jennifer Psaki, Rob Flaherty, Andy Slavitt, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Carol Crawford, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jen Easterly, Matthew Masterson, Brian Scully, Alex Stamos, Rene DiResta, Kate Starbird, Elvis Chan, Laura Dehmlow, and a host of other federal censors—is terrifying and tyrannical, and its power is expanding rapidly. But the latter view is the vision enshrined in the plain text of our Constitution and deeply engrained in our traditions of liberty. I am profoundly hopeful that this latter vision of freedom will prevail.

D. John Sauer

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"federal censorship agents like Jennifer Psaki, Rob Flaherty, Andy Slavitt, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Carol Crawford, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Jen Easterly, Matthew Masterson, Brian Scully, Alex Stamos, Rene DiResta, Kate Starbird, Elvis Chan, Laura Dehmlow, and a host of other federal censors"

What in the world would make soooo many individuals want to subvert the freedoms our constitution laid down for US ? Why would so few spend so much time attempting to restrict the masses ?


A population kept under thumb, easily manipulated and controlled, allows those who rule to pillage and plunder the vast wealth of that nation, regardless if that wealth was material or human in form.

It's always about control, power, wealth and perversion, otherwise people would just live their lives, and leave everyone else alone.

I'd rather die on my feet, than to submit on my knees, but that's just me.

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Thank you! We are in a state of revolution.

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So I’ve heard the cocaine was found in the library, outside by the fence, and finally ended up in cubby #50. They also said locker #50’s key was missing. Question; if the cocaine was in locker #50, the key was missing and I’m sure the door was shut, how was someone able to see it and call the fire department? The reason is the package of cocaine was found in the library that is restricted to residence only. The locker/cubby was a lie like everything else that is told to the public. J.Goodrich

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The problem with sussing this out is you cannot believe a thing said by anyone even remotely associated with this purloined administration

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So many have dealt with drug addicted off spring. We have a certain amount of sympathy for any parent dealing with it. However, our kids went to prison. The cover up is somewhat annoying.

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Reminds me of the game Clue from years ago. COL Mustard killed the cocaine in the library with a candlestick. 😂 Your beliefs and results may differ as the investigation ends with no villain.

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I’m sorry but I had to make a post on the house censorship and the freedom of speech “hearing”. I wanted to mention the definition of a hearing is an opportunity to state one’s case. (I feel I got a fair hearing). It was obvious to anyone watching that this was not the intention of any democrat there to allow any of the witnesses to state their case and have a fair hearing. For years now, if not decades, the democrats have zero decorum when it comes to anyone or any thing that goes against their extreme green, woke, communist, socialist agenda period end of “hearing”. They made statements and only wanted yes or no answers with absolutely no input or follow up from the witnesses. They barely entered any facts into the hearing and footage played was edited. The democrats have become a meat grinding party that has no room for a free exchange of ideas. Whenever they were pressed on the issue of censorship or free speech all I could hear was double speak to evade the question. Maya Wiley was a perfect example with her non answer answers. She kept going back to Trump. I knew but didn’t realize the extent of censorship that was taking place in the Biden administration. The White House, the fbi, even the Ukraine was able to censor anti Ukraine posts. How can these totalitarian democrats justify these actions? I believe the democrats have implied their supporters are to stupid to think for themselves and see that eliminating the first amendment is the one way road to totalitarianism. J.Goodrich

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

James, absolutely, it was a staggering display of political filth. I will not forget that one. We need ol' Sensenbrenner back to keep control of these hearings, Jordan appears soft in comparison.

But there is a silver lining here. I do not think Kennedy lost one supporter yesterday while Sanchez and Wasserman just put themselves on notice.

And if anything Kennedy's handling of that disgusting attack (I would have thrown a chair) shows that he has the disposition to hold that nuclear football, so to speak.

So while it was gross and disgusting and embarrassing as an American to watch, the end result is a net win.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

aldous, any person that is engaged and watched that hearing knows what Debbie Wasserman Schultz did was a total outrage. It was a perfect example of how they take a persons statements completely out of context and destroy them. It was such a cold, heartless (democrat) thing to do it was really hard to watch. If you are not aware of the truth you would think Kennedy was a racist animal. I’m not a big fan of the Kennedy’s, however I am very impressed with RFK Jr.’s ability to be at the very lowest depths a person can be, and turn it around to be a productive caring person that can make a difference in this evil world. If you look at the man the democrats are circling their wagons around, this in itself is beyond despicable. I as a conservative person am taking a democratic ballot and giving him my vote in the Primary. I think all conservative should it seems to be the only way to finally rid our poor trampled country finally of Joe Biden and his son.

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You would think that the outlier dems in the room would realize how their party is "eating their own", and would do something to counteract it.

Naaah ! As long as they play along, they'll continue to be enriched by the outright larceny of America. RINO's included.

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I guess one could call that the Dem's 'art of the no deal'.

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Agree. Democrat politicians are assuming those who follow will follow blindly.

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James, Mass psychosis is alive and well, Justification is easy if you are brainwashed and greedy and corrupt and have "god" on your side. Dylan knew...

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Anyone who (via CSPAN-I), has watched the shenanigans emanating from House of Representatives (from its 1st airing in the late 1970s when"Tip" O'Neil was Speaker - as this writer has), and/or CSPAN-II from the Senate (when those buffoons finally figured out they could get their mugs on TV a lot), TODAY in 2023, the EXACT same PRE-WRITTEN Leftist tripe is regurgitated by the current cabal of Liberal, Progressive, Socialist & Communist members of the House & Senate, which they READ and RECITE - in front of the cameras- as either debates or statements.

Chuck Schumer would be mute unless he had SCRIPTED spiel in front of him - which raises the question of WHO WRITES all the bull-excrement exhaled by these scoundrels? Most likely MUCH of it by "STAFF". SAME UN-elected (and) UN-accountable bunch that write and draft LEGISLATION for the "elected" mouthpieces to bring to the floor in BOTH chambers to VOTE on - which may become LAW!

WHO has "oversight" of the STAFF of the House & Senate?

Or, the UN-elected and Un-accountable "parliamentarians" for that matter?

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Truth, Light

"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light" George Washington--


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain FREE, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of EVERY American to be informed" Thomas Jefferson-


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Thank you for the quote. I sincerely hope everything will be done to bring the truth to light.

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These are fabulous. We are dealing with those who have come under the yoke of the father of lies. Thank you for including my favorite Scotsman…he is dead on right.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fabulous line-up of funnies!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Neil Oliver is one of my favorites, as are you. I am gob smacked at just how far we have fallen down the rabbit hole of Neo Liberal insanity. Climb out! No matter what it takes, never give up.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Oliver's cogent and informative rant did contain one error. Bill Gates isn't the "largest private landowner" in America. In fact, according to The Land Report Winter 2022 edition (https://landreport.com/2022/12/the-land-report-winter-2022/) he is tied for 41st largest. Jeff Bezos is #24. Gates, however, may be the largest owner of FARMLAND in America, as most big landowners have ranches and timberland.

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In these dark times, it is good to find a way to laugh at some of it. Humor has always been a good medicine for the soul. Thank you, Doctor Malone!

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I have to ask, are Americans really falling for explanation of the cocaine? They media is talking out of both sides of their mouth.

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Well, they fell for Epstein committing suicide. Covid not from a lab. The Russian dossier was real. Etc. Etc.

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I don't know why we are still talking about it. Yes I do. They want us fixated on it.

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Right. Who cares. I read that when the Whitehouse staff gets paid the drug dealers have their best day. Read that 20 years ago.

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Off topic: Today, there is a joint plenary meeting and, for the first time, the two different paths to control every aspect of your life are converging at the World Health Organization (WHO) right now. The INB and the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) will also hold a joint plenary meeting today.

Alongside epidemics and pandemics, the WHO is adding to its arsenal an “infodemic” in which there is “too much information” as determined by the WHO. Even if the information is true, the WHO wants to limit and control it — just like a disease.

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Time to draw up the drawbridge and drop the portcullis.

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New word for me today!

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No question the would be rulers of the world want the masses transformed into mushrooms wholly deviod of meanful actionable knowledge.

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Off topic: Yesterday Congressional Republicans led by Rand Paul and Jim Jordan strike back against Biden’s censorship with the Free Speech Protection Act.


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Three guesses re its fate in the senate.

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Sadly that might include the house too. With the primaries looming maybe we should start thinking of our voter registration as a hunting license and add a tag for rinos. They need culling.

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50 years a Democrat. Switched in 2016. Not going back.

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Finally changed my affiliation in 2020.

Thing is though, we know them well, very very well.

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I always feel a cringe (more than that) when I see references to cities burning and looting. I am embarrassed by everything my state is doing, under the guise of "progression". Why are there so many asses in embarrassed.

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NY just authorised millions to be paid to those arrested during the destruction and theft. It's a win win. Steal. Get arrested then be compensated. The World is laughing.

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OMG! Soylent green without the beautiful movie ending!

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It is long overdue to publicly state and restate that we have been and are in the middle of largest US conspiracy ever.

Conspiracy led by Hillary DNC team (including St. Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Schiff, etc.) and Deep State (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) and also select RINO GOP collaborators.

The unprecedented and on-going CONSPIRACY includes

• Russia-gate 5-year hoax and major election interference,

• coup in Ukraine and attempted coup against elected US president,

• Hunter laptop premediated lies, silencing of US president in social media and resulting stealing of 2020 election,

• protection of Biden and Biden’s family major corruption,

• Jan. 6 armed insurrection set-up (with almost ten dead according to AOC),

• Building a major censorship apparatus led by CIA and FBI executives in State media, Internet, major universities and technology giant firms – that is still maintained

• Persecution, prosecution, and silencing leading 2024 presidential candidates who are opposing the US War uni-party

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