Friday's funnies seem to not be uplifting! Since California passed a law that human dead bodies can be composted tells me the Soylent Green cartoon is truly unnerving of what is coming. California has always been seen as the leader in societal change. Time to build a wall between California and the rest of the country!
I hope someone out there can make something out of Sanchez's comment yesterday on the rights "granted to Americans" by the Constutution.
That is disturbing. For the record, Ms Sanchez, the Constitution does not "grant" rights, it "recognizes rights granted by our creator".
Big difference but just shows the mindset of these people.
Friday's funnies seem to not be uplifting! Since California passed a law that human dead bodies can be composted tells me the Soylent Green cartoon is truly unnerving of what is coming. California has always been seen as the leader in societal change. Time to build a wall between California and the rest of the country!