I can’t tell all of you how sad I am thinking of Memorial Day, all the sacrifice and suffering Americans have made to keep us free from tyrannical persecution. I’m not sure if I’ll ever understand the psychology of democrats. I’m amazed seeing people celebrating the railroading of Donald Trump by Joe Biden and the democrats. For me if Trump had prosecuted and convicted Hillary Clinton, even though she should have been, I would have truly felt sad. Joe Biden, the democrats and the people celebrating what happened yesterday are and have been destroying America. Here are a few similar historic instances of political persecution.

# In 1933 Hitlers political opponents were the first victims of the Nazi party. In fact the first concentration camps in Germany rose for them before they started putting Jewish people away, (think of the Covid lockdowns and the governments desire to encamp unvaccinated people). Oh, that could never happen here right?

# In 1936 Stalin’s paranoia of a plot to kill him began the persecution of Communist party members in order to terrorize them into absolute submission. Many “defendants” in the Soviet show trials were forced to confess to treachery against the Soviet Union by threatening their families. At the time there were prominent Americans that could be found (democrats) defending the prosecutions and executions.

# In 1966 Mao launched a revolution in China saying bourgeois elements had infiltrated the government trying to restore capitalism. Mostly young people formed the Red Guard and were compelled by Mao to bombard the headquarters, “to rebel is justified”. The cultural revolution included the massacre of Guangxi, and massacres in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Yunnan and Hunan. Deaths were typically estimated at 1 to 2 million. The Red Guard (young illegal immigrants?) sought to eliminate the four olds, old ideas, old cultures, old customs, and old habits. Tens of millions were persecuted, including senior officials: most notably president Lou Shaoqi, as well as Deng Xiaoping, Peng Dehuai and He Long. Millions were persecuted for being opposition members. Mao died in 1976.

# In 1978 Deng Xiaoping became the new paramount leader of China and gradually dismantled the ideology of the cultural revolution.

# There have been revolutions throughout the worlds history always taking down ex leaders and always end in the deaths of tens of thousands if not millions, but it couldn’t happen here. My prediction is Trump, if he isn’t assassinated, will win again, a third time, but the democrats will steal it again. They cannot allow him in for he is much wiser than his first term, and what happens after that will depend on us. J.Goodrich

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100%. When you talk about the psychology of democrats, today I see only sheep or sociopaths. Perfect example is a relative who is extremely book smart, but dumb as a rock common sense, who cannot be convinced of facts outside of MSM. As the saying goes, you just can’t fix stupid!

We are witnessing communism pushed by democrat sociopaths for their lust of greed & power! If one can’t understand this, see previous paragraph.

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Thanks for the extra spicy, Docs.

Good stuff James.

Democrat motto: it is better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

Playbook from Hegel: people are used by history (us) then discarded.

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May 31·edited May 31

I have a couple relatives like that too and some friends. I’ve given up, but one thing for sure, they need to leave their politics outside my front door because I’m not gonna tolerate their ignorance inside my home. You really can’t fix stupid. You can still love em but you don’t have to tolerate them

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Well said.

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Thank you

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Totally agree! My brothers and sister in law were so gleeful after the verdict. “Do we want a Dictatorship under Trump? I think not”. You can’t fix stupid. I replied that we already have a dictatorship now. Was argued against. Finally just gave up. 😢

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You’re much kinder than me! I’m dreading a visit from my Brother from CA and praying he keeps his mouth shut or I may have to ask him to leave :-(

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I had an Uncle Roland, he was a WW2 navy vet. He was a welder on a ship in the Pacific. I asked him if Hitler was running as a democrat against Trump who would he vote for? He said boy that’s a tough one I’m not sure. He wouldn’t answer me, but I think I knew the real answer!!

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May Sr citizens do not have cable thus they only see MSM, and we know how they are! Sad for America. Coupled with ignorance a lot of them, also believe they MUST vote for a democrat because they are registered as a democrat. One man actually went to the election board then told me I was right. And this man was in his 80's and had always believed he had to vote that way. Talk about stupidity, and there are many like that in this state!

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Sarah Hoyt said this trial maligned kangaroos. Caps it.

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Maligned kangaroos? Well that's the last straw. There's just no room for marsupiaphobia in our society.

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Absolutely, James!! No room!

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Greetings James Goodrich: Your writing and thoughts are amazing and most appreciated.

May I make a gentle request for screen-weary old folks like me?

Could you break up your most excellent thoughts into shorter paragraphs by pressing the ENTER key more often on your computer or on-screen keyboard? This breakup will greatly help those who read on screens and become overwhelmed or even intimidated by unbroken text. Whitespace can be a godsend for readers like me.

Here are two references on this topic that might help all writers:

* https://www.inmotionhosting.com/blog/what-is-whitespace-and-why-is-it-important/

* https://www.hurleywrite.com/blog/writing-skills/the-value-of-white-space/

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I can Big E, you’re not the first to say that to me. I will do that. Thank you!!!

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I understand it’s annoying but keep in mind some individuals are sight-impaired and may needs to use Caps. Just like closed-caption can give you a headache/eyeache (I know it did for me at first) I need it because I am hearing-impaired (deaf actually w/ cochlears). I’d hate for someone not to communicate here because all caps is frowned upon. I love your writing as well. 😊

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You're so very welcome, James. I look forward to reading your comments!

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Thank you I always look forward to your comments as well Big E!!!

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Awww, shucks. I'm blushing 😳😊. Can you see?

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No but I can feel!!☺️

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excellent comment Big E.

something that helps me is: on my Apple MacBook Air screen it is very easy to enlarge the entire column of print so it spreads to the width of my screen; just a simple gesture on the pad-- two fingers widening out. Weighs only a pound too.

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Yes, I make the type bigger on both my iPad and PC ;-) But I still like breakups -- not human relationship breakups, just text breakups.

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Well said! Nixon said to China. Send your best and brightest to our Universities and learn. Changed the global paradigm and prevented WWIII. Now we are descending into the crisis because of the DC clowns!

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Thomas I know many people that are completely ignorant of history even history that’s happened in their own lifetime, as most all of us know, but this isn’t the conviction of Trump, this is a giant step in Obama’s and the democrat/communist revolution. It’s hard to watch people celebrating the many graves that will need to be dug.

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I pray we can stop this crisis which has the potential to exterminate all life on earth and return this beautiful planet into a pile of rocks.

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I pray as well. Although I am absolutely an imperfect person it is getting to the point with me that I have to hand this off to God. At some point, though we do what we can, I pray that He won’t allow this to happen, it can be relieving to me. What will be will be.

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It's been said you "CAN NOT ESCAPE" judgement day. Believe in that.

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Fingers on Big Red Buttons next to an Un-answered Red Phone disturbing.

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Right. This is so much bigger than DJT and so many just don’t get it.

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I agree

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Do not know about avoiding WWIII because since commies stink at innovation (pretty well also demonstrated by ussr) they have sent hoards of "students" here to steal every scrap of intellectual property they can...and they have. We have built their noe formidable war machine.

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You forgot, some of the most important elements of their push to dominate the world was given to them - by Demonratz, of course: notably Clinton gave them the tech to successfully launch rockets (aka ICBMs), locked up our cleanest coal; the current WH resident, aka fondly President 💩 💩 🧠 locked up OUR oil while freeing up Iranian oil - and wrapping it all with worthless large denomination US currency; pres Hussain gave the soviets Crimea (warm water port), and those are just the ones off the top of my head before my AM tea does its thing.

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She also she also gave russia 1/3-1/2 of our uranium ore

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Now it seems more prudent to keep our "best and brightest" out of our universities, to avoid brainwashing.

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Spot on!

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I may not get the quote quite right but sockpuppet Joe advises Trump that ' No one is above the law!' And he doesn't see how absurd that is. May his and Humters time come soon.

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It is opposite day. Whatever the Dems say, the opposite is true. Just ask Dumb and Dumber. https://mikebond.substack.com/p/dumb-and-dumber

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Let’s pray! I was infuriated by everything he said. Talk about gaslighting!

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Edwin just published this article by an astute analyst. Compare Putin's address to Biden's.


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Very scary Thomas, I don’t get why administration after administration continues the want to surround Russia even though we agreed not to. I’m afraid the day will come when one idiot president finally trips that wire that can never be put back into place.

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It's an odd History Lesson in the making for sure.

One to recall. But Not a 9/11 JFK/RFK/MLK moments in time.

Don't let all these unresolved conflicts ruin your day.

Those History books are not always written with the greatest of accuracy.

This could really get Bizarre if the Guy with a Midas touch returned to an oval 1616 office.

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hey, holy crapp!

great editing.

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Thanks Red!!! I should have done it from the beginning, I have a lot to learn, that’s for sure!!

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Don't be sure, James, that it "Couldn't happen Here". it IS HAPPENING NOW - from WITHIN - not from direct kinetic attacks (so far), but NOTHING is sacred (to or for) the liberals, progressives Socialists, Communists, (MARXISTS) and Maoists hell bent on COLLECTIVE POWER - and the permanent DESTRUCTION of the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787...with (their) IMPOSSIBLE wet-dream of absolute equality in ALL things evermore for the masses. What absolute BULL-SHIT!

"They" want America decapitated to CONFORM to their GLOBALIST (WEF, WHO, UN) as contained in the UN's "AGENDA-2030" ( This latest U.N. iteration started with "AGENDA-21" in the 1970s) - and 2030 in now only SIX YEARS away from "their" plan of final, CONCRETE transnational "governance" over the ENTIRE PLANET, ruled in perpetuity by "experts" NO ONE VOTED FOR - ALL APPOINTED by the Grand-Poobahs and High-Muckety-Mucks who fancy themselves as "SMART" but are de facto inveterate idiots, blow-hards, charlatans and power-mad-control-freaks who ONLY care about aggrandizing THEMSELVES - using platitudes about "saving mother earth" - and "universal sustainability" and "controlled growth".

"THEY" (collectively) HATE the idea of America EVER becoming "GREAT" again; and that if Trump (somehow) would be elected again it would STIFLE their PLANS for "AGENDA 2030" to become the REAL LAW IN AMERICA by 2030! The U.S. Constitution be damed and discarded (like CFR MEMBER) - JOE BIDEN - IS DOING).

IF DIGITAL DOLLARS ARE foisted upon the world - ALL INDIVIDUAL liberty and FREEDOM will be LOST FOREVER.

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Not sure Tom if you saw the house vote stopping digital currency a couple days ago. All of the democrats except 3 voted to allow it. A yes vote stopped it so it did pass thank God but it won’t take much for them to control all. When I say it won’t happen here I was being sarcastic because as you said it is happening!!!! The past 4 democrat presidents under the dems new rules of prosecution could be looking at some serious jail time, Obama killed American citizens with drone attacks, no judge or jury. Biden raped his 11 year old daughter and commits treason every day. Bill Clinton went to orgy island I think 49 times, Hillary too. I bet they could put Jimmy Carter in jail for something, maybe killing service men in his ridiculous attempt to rescue the hostages. With a judge like Marches in the right court anyone can be convicted (banana republic) Honestly they should indict all of them just for spite.

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I missed that vote, James. Thanks for clueing me in...but did ALL the so-called "Republicans" vote NO along with the (4) "Democrats"?

IF the liberals, progressives, Socialists, Marxists and Maoists (who call them "Democrats" re-take the House THIS November; and the stone-cold COMMUNIST - Hakeem Jeffries - controls the gavel; and WAY too many RINO's and weak-suck "Republicans" - digital currency will probably sneak in in the dead of night - and If Any "Democrat" wins the White House, it WILL be SIGNED INTO LAW.

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That’s what I worry about also. I don’t like to throw Biden’s past rapes around a lot. I don’t think you find it offensive but some probably do. I think that’s a part of the problem, no one says the truth so people don’t know or ignore it. Why can’t people tell the truth freely? Our country would get fixed much faster!!!

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No doubt, James, I "offend" many with my 'comments' - too damn bad!

It seems the "perpetually offended" class find offense at anything that challenges their "collectivist" world view. again, TOO DAMN BAD!

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If I didn’t offend people they may wonder if it’s really me….

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Let’s not forget to charge Biden with raping Tara Reade. He’s such a nice old man.

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This was the vote, it looks as though all republicans voted yes. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c5fdR_T-5aNyzku5VMWyPpFA

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I share your predictions James and thank you for providing us some history. I’ve always had a foreboding something bad would happen here and worried our Freedom was being taken for granted. I never wanted to actually believe I’d be witnessing this but here we are. Sad, sad day on many levels.

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I still hold hope for America. I pray that a higher power (God) will step in and stop the possibility of 4 more years with Biden. I can’t imagine what the real people running this county have in store for us. God help us!!

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Praying right along with ya 🙏🙏🙏

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"The press is the enemy

The press is the enemy

The press is the enemy

The estiblishment is the enemy

The professors are the enemy

Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it"

—Richard Nixon 1972

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And then FBI Hoover calls him and asks if he left his blue dress in the room near oval office.

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deletedMay 31·edited May 31
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JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.

Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….

This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.

—From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917

If newspapers were that powerful back then, imagine how powerful TV is now:

"Television is, by nature, the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, and repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coercion, brainwashing, and manipulation." —Terence McKenna

"American people don't believe anything's real until they see it on TV" —Nixon, 1994

"Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad." —Kurt Vonnegut

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All so true. Why I never subscribed to a newspaper and TV was not a part of my adult life.

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Every panel is a truth bomb 💣, Drs. Malone!

Let the appeals and disbarment of the prosecution's judge and lawyers in this case begin NOW. And those jurors should be tried for treason against the American people. Saving democracy, indeed!

Shame, shame, shame doesn't begin to describe this travesty against America's founding principles and the rule of law!

What's almost as sad is that these people -- the leftists/Marxists/Communists/Socialists involved in this case and throughout America -- don't realize that "they're next," most likely at the hands of their own side. Just wait. Of course, by the time true justice or a great awakening occurs, these enemies of We the People may have destroyed everything and everyone in America except the scattered few remaining patriots and adherents to the rule of law.

NOTE: You don't have to be a Donald Trump supporter to see what's happened here. He may be guilty of crimes such as enabling and continuing to promote Operation Warp Speed, but he isn't guilty of the fabricated crimes -- whatever they were, who knows? -- for which this horrid judge, lawyers, and jury convicted him.

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I think history will show the so called “experts” advising the President like Anthony Fauci had more to do with continuing to promote Warp Speed. Trump is, after all, a Wharton Business School Graduate and not a scientist.

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Indeed. I'm pretty sure DJT's only crime in the covid debacle was misjudging Anthony Fauci's uh..... Sincerity. Which, as we know, may be a mistake but is most certainly not a crime.

Fauci's moto: When you can fake sincerity, you've got it made.

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May 31·edited May 31

From personal experience in a different science the first generation who were grandfathered into the Senior Executive Service were reasonable public servants. After they retired and generally moved back to their childhood homes another generation took over that were more interested in promoting themselves and their agencies. In my opinion many of our troubles today with the deep state result directly from the creation of the Senior Executive Service and it needs to be aabolished. Fauci is probably from or rose to prominence during that second generation.

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Fauci is on record for telling Bush43 that a cure for HIV will be during his term -- he also told that to O and to Trump. What 's not to like about Falsy Fauci.

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Great funnies as usual.

There is a saying in the LE / Criminal justice community.

“Bad cases make bad case law”.

The progressive left, run by our Psychotic Overlords, have truly outdone themselves with the show trial of Pres. Trump.

Gonna be a helluva show….

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May 31·edited May 31

I don't care for Trump much. That being said, I am thoroughly disgusted. EVERYONE deserves DUE PROCESS and 'equal justice under the law'. This is obscene. Every single person who had a hand in this farce and crime against the Constitution and We the People needs to go to jail... for a very long time.

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I can only hope the Republicans will latch onto the impact of this verdict from a perspective of precedence, and then run with it. We keep hearing that this case would have never happened if it was anybody but Trump. That's certainly true, but if people hear it enough, they'll possibly feel complacent, believing it won't happen to them, so why worry about it.

The legal system runs largely on precedence. Any legal brief in a criminal case is filled with citations to precedent: cases that have gone before and that corroborate the position of the filing party. Now that this kangaroo court has taken place and is "in the books," it sets a precedent that can be utilized again and again in justifying cases against other people.

People need to understand that the precedence established by this case puts anyone and everyone in danger of similar kangaroo prosecutions. It's no longer just Trump. I sincerely hope the Republicans (too many of whom are RINOs) will snap to attention and use this to convince voters that Liberals have now set a precedent that can very possibly eradicate freedom and put us all in grave danger.

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That is correct. I know when my husband would prepare for trial he would research cases that had set a precedent and site these cases as part of his argument.

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THANKS, I needed these laughs this morning. I seem to have an injustice hangover.

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Worry not, it won't last.

There is an intoxicating next big news item headed your way.

So stay tuned. Don't touch that dial. Hahaha

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Just read Coffee & Covid and found out Sleepy Joe has supposedly ok’d US giving Ukraine the geeenlight to use OUR nuclear middles to strike Russia. Great plan, Joey! And way to sneak it in 3 seconds before the dumbest verdict in the world!

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I’ve posted parts of this letter before but took the time to write it out. It’s a great read and may give us some hope.

I do not know whether it be to yourself or Mr. Adams I am to give my thanks for the copy of the new constitution. I beg leave through you to place them where due. It will be yet three weeks before I shall receive them from America. There are very good articles in it and very bad. I do not know which preponderate. What we lately have read in the history of Holland, in the chapter on the Stadtholder, would have sufficed to set me against a chief Magistrate eligible for a long duration, if I had ever been deposed towards one and what we have always read of the elections of Polish kings should have forever excluded the idea of one continuable for life. Wonderful is the effect of impudent and persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance in Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honorably conducted? I say nothing of its motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13 states independents for 11 years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion on a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. Our convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection in Massachusetts and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in God this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.

Thomas Jefferson to William Stephans Smith the son in law of John Adams (1787)

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very interesting in this the reference to MSM / government propaganda nearly 300 years ago.

"The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. "

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Also his argument vs a life tenured magistrate mirrors mine about them creating SCOTUS. We just witnessed the worst form of lawfare in NYC. Lawyers should never have been given the power allotted to judges.

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That last one.....HA!

A little sunshine after an extremely overcast NYC day

When the USA finally decides to flush these traitors away, NYC is where they will insert the hose.

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Anyone who is not afraid of what has and is happening to the Orange man is assuming it can’t happen to them. I’ve never liked Trump as a bragging, narcissistic, know it all, I hated his Apprentice show and his hair is ridiculous, but I will vote for him as a convicted felon even if he’s in jail. This can’t end well without the sleeping public awakening with a “too big to rig” turnout. I’m not optimistic.

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and. . . wait for it. . .

I will second that!

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Since it is funny Friday a funny quote from the Texas Ag Commissioner. Sid Miller referencing the win in a runoff by phelan (won by ~1% with maybe 9% of his votes from dems) but all his,supporters losing there's...."a leader without followers is just a man taking a walk".

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I loved the Carol Burnett funny. She is so funny. As for Trump’s trial, what a joke. It certainly shows that the bad dudes are running scared. I chuckled at “Why did our rent go up?”

Have a great weekend!

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Not a lot of joy this AM, even the katz couldn’t lift my spirits by laughing at my inability to walk on 4 legs 🤷‍♀️- katz, def have an interesting take on the world; anyway, corner stove has warmed up the cabin sufficient to melt the icicles from my nose and AM tea has warmed my insides, I almost smirked at a few of the preliminary warm-up panels and then {sigh} I got to "election math 2024," and the following panel, and I once again have to ask, "just who do people think patriots/conservatives/republicans (PCRs)ARE?

Oh sure, enemies at the gate and we’ll rise like a cloud of pissed off western yellow jackets; but when the enemy is inside the gates AND are fellow Americans? Who da’ hell do they think we are, democrats, leftists, marxists…? AND, this next "war" will not be one divided along geographic lines - we will, literally, be divided along property divisions. Oh sure, there’ll be concentrations in some areas but I wouldn’t need a sniper rifle in the next "civil war" as the "enemy" is just as likely to be on the other side of the hedge (a 9mm carbine would be just as effective). It wasn’t PCRs burning/looting/killing during those "mostly peaceful" "protests" in that recent summer, FOR WHICH THERE HAS BEEN NO JUSTICE, and while it was a protest that got out of hand (yeah, I, too, believe they were invited in via a false flag operation), it was the other side that decided that killing a trespasser was justified.

So, while we HOPE and PRAY that "Election Math 2024" is real, keep in mind who really is the threat of violence in this country; REMEMBER who will still be in power in November, December, January; and REMEMBER, those in charge currently have invited in and welcomed military aged men from all sorts of {bleep} hole countries around the world - WHY?

If I sound like a pessimist, I’m sorry, but history is a cruel teacher/mentor.

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As no one really could succinctly articulate the charges against Donald Trump so that he could defend himself one can only conclude that he is guilty of being Donald Trump and that is a Felony in New York!

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Alan Dershowitz has done a great job point out all the flaws in the case, he officially classifies the US as a banana republic as a result of this case, and he's no Trump supporter either.

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They say Karma is pretty wicked when dealing with evil . What goes around.......

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And the sooner the better!

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I think Bragg just surpassed Biden as the most hated man in the Nation.

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May 31·edited May 31

Mark your calendars:

Monday, June 3, 2024, 10 am ET

Anthony Fauci is scheduled to publicly testify before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

In the wake of Dr. David Morens' recent testimony, this could be interesting.

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If he brings his memory. Was not present in his last time there.

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Q. And so who are the last two authors listed on the top there?

A. Well, one is Ralph Baric, who I believe is a scientist at North Carolina, who is a long-term grantee of NIAID.

Q. Do you know Ralph Baric?

A. Not really. I know who he is. I doubt if I've ever met him. I may have met him at one of the meetings where there are thousands of scientists saying hi to each other, but I know who he is. He is a scientist at University of North Carolina.

Q. And he's funded by NIAID?

A. He is.

Q. But you don't remember ever meeting him in person?

A. Again, I don't recall. I could have met him. Again, I run into several thousands of scientists that we refer to, but don't recall certainly having a relationship with him.

Q. How about the person that's listed immediately before him listed here as Zhengli Shi? Do you know who that is?

A. I believe, if I'm correct, that this is a scientist who is at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, I believe. I'm not a hundred percent certain. I get sometimes confused with Asian names, but I believe this is the person who is a scientist at the Wuhan Institute.

Q. And are you aware generally that there's someone called Shi Zhengli who's described in the media as the bat woman who does research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab --

A. Yeah, is that her? I don't know if that's the same person. Like I said, when you're dealing with Asian names, sometimes the first name is last and the last name is first. So I -- I -- I believe this is the person from Wuhan.

Q. Have you ever met that person before?

A. To my knowledge, I haven't. I don't -- I'm fairly certain I have not. I could possibly, again, have run into her at one of the manyscientific meetings that occur, but I don't

specifically recall ever personally running into her.

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