Love the Gavin Newsom meme. I’m intrigued by Newsom. His resume makes him a perfect democratic presidential candidate. He’s driven billions of dollars in tax based business out of California, he shut all public schools down putting the middle and poor class kids years behind while his kids didn’t miss a day at private schools, he refused to clean up the forest, producing massive wild fires, he crushed energy so residents have constant brown and black outs, he forced masks on Californians while he hob knobbed with his hi class friends in hi priced restaurants with no mask, the once most beautiful cities in America are now overrun by homeless and drugs, even the democrats are leaving. So the meme is perfect he’s run the state right off the cliff, I’d say he’s a shoe in.... Quick question slightly altered from the 80’s. Is America better off 2 years and 3 months into this administration than it was 4 years ago. On Good Friday please add a prayer for our country!! J.Goodrich

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Wondering if he is an ancestor of yours? This is a wonderfully written article about the transition from state-backed religion.

A marker in Caroline County, Virginia, stated:

“1771, The Hermon Baptist Association to commemorate the heroism of Bartholomew Chewing, John Young, Lewis Craig, Edward Herndon, John Burrus, James Goodrich, who by the order of the court … were imprisoned in the Caroline County jail … on the charge of ‘teaching and preaching the Gospel without having Episcopal ordination or a license from the General Court.'” …

Established Anglican clergy, called “parsons” received income in the form of tobacco from farmers. In 1763, there was a poor harvest and farmers were being forced off their farms to pay debts, yet the parsons insisted on being paid the usual amount. The “Parson’s Cause” case went before King George III, who sided with the established clergy.

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That’s a riot, I read years ago there was a Goodrich that was with Lewis and Clark on their expedition. Not sure of my Goodrich heritage past my fathers father. He left for Virginia to mine coal to support his wife and kids in the depression. That is where he passed. So he may be??? Thanks for that Shelley!!

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The way things are going I may end up in the same place as my long lost ancestor 😵‍💫.

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Choices James. Tow the line or don't comply and be a victim.

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well said James, and yet, they did not recall him in the end. California has earned every bit of pain and suffering they get. They just keep shoveling poop on top of poop.

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The recall election was rigged like every other election. Larry Elder would be Governor now if not for fraud.

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I just don’t get it. I am acquainted with a family member. Gruesome Newsom is as despicable as he seems.

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Your 1000% right Jerry, I’m sure he can count on California in the presidential election...???

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

The posh party without masks was for the birthday of the CEO of Poseidon-The hideous desalinization corporation that has $1 billion contract with the state. He is partners with John Paul Getty's son in a wine vineyard that they have sprayed with immense amounts of poison because he it is such an environmentalist. The Vineyard is named after Shakespeare's character Falstaff!

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The scary part of Democrats leaving the State is that they then bring it with them.

Colorado has a woman beating sorry California reject messing it up now!

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SO many right-on comics! Thank you. I’ll be sharing this post.

🔎 I had to look up what the second chemist was having. A subtle chemistry reference!

🫧 If you missed it, H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. Not so good to drink, but it’s great diluted for brushing one’s teeth. 🦷🪥

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I think the idea may be that a little twisting of the ‘truth’ leads to disastrous consequences.

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I suspected it was lethal, thanks for researching that Big E.

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actually, highly concentrated H2O2 is HIGHLY lethal. It actually is such a good oxidizer it is rocket fuel.

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Dr. Malone, the film is so far beyond explicable it can only be deigned nefarious. For years I’ve been screaming to deaf ears that blaming the entirety of America’s destruction on the Dems is obtuse. They could not perpetrate a coup without complicity within the GOP. There is a core group of UniParty Establishment deviant corrupt players. Decades of criminality , graft and mutual coverups with their Dem counterparts. Why would any thinking person not put two and two together when every so called “ investigation” end without any resolution? Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, Syria, the Russia Hoax, Egypt/Arab Spring/ Muslim Brotherhood, Iraq WMDs, Afghan withdrawal, Covid-19 origin, Ukraine impeachment , Jan 6 etc?

Because they’re all complicit. McCain, Graham, Romney,Flake, Burr, Corker, Shelby, Mitch,Thune,McMullin,Christie, Jeb,Cheney,Collins,Murkowski,Kerner,Portman,John Roberts,Kasich,Chao,Gowdy,Wray,Mueller,Haspel,Rosenstein,Burr,Pence,Capito,Hatch,Cofer-Black,Rosenstein,Ryan,Rove… The most wicked , McCain, seconded by Graham, followed by Mitch,Romney,Ryan,Flake,Corker,Kasich,Burr,Christie abetted by the most heinous switch hitters, Mueller,Wray,Cofer-Black,Rosenstein,Barr,Kerner,Fauci,Collins,McMaster,Milley on the so-called Republican side.

Whenever I hear Republicans lamenting the IRS Scandal targeting Conservative groups, my blood boils.McCain,Kerner and Paul Ryan were players. A single internet search yields link after link exposing the filth.

Ditto Benghazi, the 2014 false flag Ukraine Orange Revolution, arming Al Qaeda in Syria, ousting Egypt’s Mubarak and installing Islamist jihadi Mohammed Morsi, the planning of taking out Trump and framing Manafort in Ukraine… it goes on and on. McCain gets a ten day traveling casket circus and a hero’s burial. Lauded as a “ Maverick” and a wonderful patriot, always working towards bipartisan consensus. Bipartisan is a euphemism for incorrigibly corrupt UniParty globalist.

On a different note, when “ Common Core” was scripted by Jeb Bush, I was struck by the implication of the name.” Common”. What the hell is the message? Sameness, nothingness, low expectations, Communism… Not exceptionalism, achievement, excellence, individualism, lifting all of our children up . Instead, sameness, nothing to strive for, no shining future or recognition. Mediocrity is the standard.

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Yes. Common core was a project of Bush II, a globalist neofeudal prince

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I feel your anger! John McCain was a POW for 5 years in North Vietnam, because he refused to leave his fellow pilots. That said much about his character at the time. I valued his tenacity to persevere under horrible conditions! The Jan 6 prisoners have now endured a similar fate in the USA that is suppose to have compassion for life. Demorcrats don't want the death penalty even for the most horrible killings. We recall 50,000 baby beds because of two deaths, but believe it is OK to abort a million fetus's a year for convenience! We ignore the deaths and great harm caused by over vaccinating our children. Did John McCain succumb to the deep state to stay in office? Has the American public been so brained washed and GASLITE that they can't understand the great harm being done to our society today? What about the standard bearer "Hillary" for socielism? "It take a village to raise a child" No it takes a husband and wife and a family setting, which is going south in the USA. The tail is wagging the dog. JB just does what he is told! God help us!

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Re the video. Remember the 3 Rs? Math was not one of them. The push to drive kids from arithmetic to "math" opened the door for common core and has gifted us with generations of adults who cannot even make correct change today. Or balance a checkbook-- of course hardly anyone does that today which is a good thing since they have also quit teaching cursive so...

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After watching that film, I know how government economists are created.

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I now know why there is a teacher shortage! The smart ones have found a new line of work. How can you educate, when the kids have been over vaccinated, undernourished and are prescribed drugs to keep them docile. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/ray-of-sunshine

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Expanded viewpoint:

Root cause of school shootings are children deranged by psychotropic drugs! Until 1986, the vaccine manufacturers were losing $$$ because of lawsuits. Some closed their production lines. Then they got Congress to absolve them from liability and created a federal vaccine court to ajudicate. Since that day, there have been parallel exponential growth curves in the number of autism cases identified and the the financial growth of the vaccine manufacturers. So we went from 1 in 10,000 with autism to 1:36 today. SIDS is defined as a separate and unknown disease state that takes the lives of our infants. IMO it is caused by the infants immune system over reacting to a non-self component of the injection administered (25 in CA in first 6 months!) and is a fatal anaphylactic reaction. Now, they have created the push that Tylenol taken during pregancy is the culprit and they want retail chains to be blamed. Many drugs taken during pregancy have adverse reaction on the fetus, as well as mother's to be negative lifestyle issues. Over vaccination is an assault on the immune system and is creating the expanding speciel needs schooling which is often accompanied by adminstering psychotropic drugs that harm! Result is school shootings. All connected!

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We are born pretty well immuno- naive depending on mom's transplacental and breast milk offerings to get us past a 6 month (?) window during which we are. busily building up our own immunological repertory. It surely seems nothing short of criminal to me to be interfering with this process so necessary for immediate and long term survival. I have little doubt those jabs are playing a big role in all the autoimmune disorders and neoplasia we are experiencing today

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Spot on! Too bad our pediatricians are not smart enough to say they will not go with the vaccine con!

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Follow the money. When a kid I had a bleeding disorder (outgrown) that made taking my tonsils risky but before antibiotics made threat of rheumatic fever riskier. So mom stuffed me w/ Jello 3X daily for 2 weeks and out they came. Today they will allow tonsils to badly abscess before even thinking of taking them. Gone and all those expensive visits to the dr. are history. Suspect same holds true for the jabs.

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Truth! Our waitress earlier this morning told us her baby died of SIDS in 2017. I agree that vaccines should be implicated in a lot of these cases. Of course, I didn't say anything to her about that.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The video was hilarious! I loved the "wait for it" moment at the end. It illustrated helicopter parents and liberals all wrapped together. Great fun to watch.

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Being that today is Good Friday, I will leave you with these words that go down across the millennia…”What is truth?” (We are ‘Rome’.)

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If you’d like to enjoy the Masters while sticking it to Big Pharma, y’all might like this:


Happy Easter y’all!

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When I was a kid kindergarten was a pay for option. We did not. And when I started to school had to cross a very busy street twice a day--by myself. You may be able to guess my frame of mind when crawling thru a school zone-- posted for a high school.

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Jeb stepped it up several notches, if one considers a downward spiral an achievement. During his governance, Florida’s students were performing so poorly on standardized FCAT tests, instead of providing desperately needed textbooks, supplies, qualified teachers or incentives for exceptional educators, long ignored and demoralized and defeated, he enacted a bait and switch.

The “ incentive” was to reward good attendance by allowing exemption of exams and ending the FCATS. Formerly truant students who would otherwise flunked every exam attended class either disrupting, fighting, sleeping or so sick they infected the entire class. My daughter was a high school senior at the time. She was a self motivated over-achiever and becoming detached, disinterested and still receiving high marks. She asked if she could exempt the exams. I had no idea what she was talking about, but when she told me it was an option, I was furious . She was going to take the exams, period. Curious as to what the hell was going on, I made a surprise visit to her “ AP” History class. A film was playing, The teacher was asleep in his chair, back facing the room with a mask of Richard Nixon on the back of his head and a pirate hat. Can’t make it up 70% of the students were sleeping or coughing. I slammed my fist on the desk( all 5’1, 100lbs , ring size 3 presence). He didn’t budge. I finally blew up. His reaction? “ Did you have to do that? My back is killing me”.

To add insult to injury, Plant Sr. High was the top rated school in the state! And this was now the norm. I didn’t want to pull her out of school so close to graduation and made such a scene, she was transferred to a different class. Ditto English Lit, Anatomy and Physiology and Chemistry. She graduated as Valedictorian and received a full college scholarship, but it was a pyrrhic victory.

My younger daughter was in middle school and it was worse.Her wonderful creative writing teacher would purchase the daily newspaper for the entire classroom out of pocket. There was such a shortage of textbooks, the students were forced to share them and alternated days taking them home. A five cent sales tax was proposed and failed to garner support. When it was reintroduced to fund a new football stadium, it passed with overwhelming support. I pulled her out of school and enrolled her in the experimental charter school program. It was forty five minutes from home and provided no transportation. I worked full time and found someone to carpool with. Well worth it. She flourished. The particular school focused on the arts, my daughter’s passion. She became so engrossed in art history at 13 she was able to identify every period, the particular stylization, artist, apprentice, minuscule detail, inspiration from Cranich to Bosch to Botticelli, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Goya, Velazquez,Gainsborough, Reynolds, Whistler,Sargent, Manet, Cezanne, Parrish Whistler, Ingres, Millais, Arp, Picasso, DeChirico, Modigliani, Dali’, Pollack, Giacometti, Mondrian, Dine, Rauschenberg, Basquiat… it was amazing. Her creations were spectacular. Unique, all different media. And her academic achievements were schocking. Unlike her older sister, she never been really motivated or interested. She also received a full college scholarship, but earned it.

Ergo, there’s plenty of blame to go around, but the steep decline was the byproduct of the Bush Cartel. Prior to their regime, we alternated between Dem and Rep governors and all were high ranking.The most tragic result of this deceptive change was watching once brilliant, competitive students lose their desire to achieve and those who needed attention fall farther behind. And it was done without parents having a heads up. I can’t help but believe it was deliberate.

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The video takes me back 50 years to when the "New Math" was being rolled out. While in high school, my brother and I stopped by our old elementary school and had a long conversation with his sixth grade teacher on a number of subjects. She was definitely "old school" and referred to the Stanford Mathematics Study Group program (SMSG) as "Some Math, Some Garbage."

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A nerdy joke to finish, such joy. What does it say about me that I laughed when I read it? I only use the H2O (too) in emergency nasal sprays and for wound cleaning. :)

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Pro tip: its great for a foot soak if you spend a lot of time in boots, ie, feet stink at the end of the day, works better than soap.

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Some bugs make peroxidase which is why I shy away from it as a disinfectant.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

I found my own automatic feeder, nice! Move over runner, the sign says so! Love these and needed them this morning ! Now to look at the video, making me think this morning is cruel. ( I am really not in top form today)

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Thanks guys, you know who you are...

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My tummy hurts! 😭 Good Friday is best one yet but two favorites are the Malamute schooling everyone on drag queen story hour (I own one and he is the best dog I've ever adopted) and the cattle one. 🤣🤣🤣

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To the one cartoon I'd say:

"Not knowing the truth makes you ignorant. Not wanting to know the truth makes you a problem."

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