I know the three people Trump debated against Tuesday night got under his skin. Honestly it’s hard to fathom how extremely frustrating it must have been to be fact checked 7 times by two “moderators” that lied while Kamala lied away without 1 correction, among all the other things!

The day Trump left the White House, the Ukraine, as corrupt as the Obama/Biden government had made it, was physically a beautiful pristine place. Harris in the debate spoke of standing behind our friends in the Ukraine but since this weak Harris administration has been installed over 500 thousand Ukrainians are dead, so much for our good friends. The thought of this missing generation of young Ukrainians though doesn’t seem to phase Harris at all, she wants more and more money sent to Ukraine to not only enrich her and all of the connected war facilitators, like her great friends the Cheney’s, but to continue enriching the weapons makers and all of our government that make millions investing in the continued death of Ukrainians. It’s an evil way to make a living, but thank satan there are people like Harris out there that don’t care if a million more Ukrainians are killed, as long as the money keeps flowing let the death and the raping of the American taxpayer continue. It doesn’t seem to matter to the D’s that speak of joy and cheer her on while the country of Ukraine will never get back to what it was, Harris has completely destroyed it and let’s not forget the dead, the war must go on.

When Trump left the White House Iran was struggling and broke. There was peace in the region and the historic Abraham Accords were signed. Under this foolish Harris administration they have not only released billions into the Iranian government they have allowed Iran to make hundreds of billions selling oil again. This has emboldened Iran to once again start spreading terror around the region. Trump in the debate predicted that if this fool Kamala Harris the puppet gets installed Israel will be gone in two years.

What has happened to this democrat party. They have become the party of death, war, perversion, debt, and slavery, the debt, slavery and perversion part isn’t so new. If you think about it, Marxist fascism, and the Democrat communist manifesto is not so new either. J.Goodrich

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My son’s fiancé’s roots are Ukrainian and Brazilian. I know, odd combination. Her mother’s side are Ukrainian and they are all about us supporting Ukraine. Thanks for pointing out the hundreds of thousands killed. Next time we discuss this I’ll remind her of the deaths and ask would she prefer our government keep sending money or stop the killing and negotiate a peace deal? If she’s as intelligent as I think she is the answer is peace.

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GMoody, I have lots of conservative friends that say continue against Putin but at what price to the Ukraine is enough. The country and the people are destroyed. I’m sad for your future daughter in law and her relatives from Ukraine, this all should have been avoided. When I believe it was Yeltzin allowed the Ukraine their independence America made promises to Russia and one of them was the Ukraine was never to be a part of NATO. For decades we have been poking the bear until Biden/Harris pushed Ukraine to become a member. Trump said he never wanted to pay for Ukraine along with the rest of non paying Europe so Putin had no reason to invade Ukraine while Trump was president, Trump was honoring our promise. Biden/Harris is the reason for all of the death and destruction there. Putin said if you push NATO status onto Ukraine I will not stand down and allow NATO missiles at our border. It’s sad how we are all just pawns to these elites.

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Spot on. Read Lew Rockwell and the article about Cheney. Him and Rumsfeld were the key neocons that have perpetuated the war machine. Democratic party has become their safe harbor and that's why Cheney is now a Democrat and against Trump. Don't want anyone to shut down the M/I machinery, especially now when their biowarfare efforts are going full blast! The talking heads like Muir and etc just follow orders. Well paid and will sell their soul, just like all the late night talk show fools.

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What really bothers me Thomas is yes the destruction of Ukraine, but it’s the senseless killing of so many on both sides all because Biden/Harris believe they can do whatever they want when it comes to Ukraine in NATO. Once your kids or parents are dead it’s over, it never gets normal again. Why can’t the war cheerleaders understand death the of a family member, Ukrainians are people too, they have the same feelings and emotions as Laken Riley’s parents. All of this senseless death at the feet of Harris!!

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None of the people involved with these well planned and well financed catastrophes give a damn about the peoples lives they affect. "We the people" and the good people of other countries are referred to by the left as expendable and collateral damage. In their minds, that must excuse the misery, loss of life, and evil their decisions produce. Wonder if any of these low life slugs realize that they are expendable too?

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I don't really think that the power lies with her. She can hardly stand on her own two feet, let alone run a war. All involved will pay the price, just not here. There has seldom been a time in our history without war. That is the nature of the beast. And the human population at large, is the beast.

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When her and Biden started pushing Ukraine towards becoming a NATO member Putin warned I won’t let Ukraine become a NATO member and put missiles at our border. She said she was usually the last person in the room, I’m sure she was aware as Russian troops starting building along the Ukraine border. And then the administration said well minor incursion wouldn’t create a reaction. At the debate she talked about continued support of the war, no talk of a peace agreement. I believe if Trump wins the killing of Ukrainians will be over before he is sworn in. Russia wasn’t scared of Trump so much Trump just showed respect and our promise not to go into Ukraine with NATO weapons. Russia has been attack through Ukraine at least 3 times including Hitler in WW2, so it’s understandably a sore spot for Putin. He said it was going too far. It’s the Biden Harris arrogance that they can do whatever they want that created the war. They have no respect for a nation that wants to stay sovereign including our own. She frightens me.

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Wars are about power and money, period. Who benefits the most wins. We the people" sacrifice our money and our soldiers to pay for it in the name of making the world a better and safer place?????

Win or lose the election, it ain't gonna be pretty.

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My sad reply Red green

It is in the name of making the rich richer and installing a one world government. Ukraine will be used eventually by the PTB as one of their most productive food sources.

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Power That Be.

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They egged on Putin to start the war. War makes money for the bad guys and covers up their corrupt dealings in the meantime time. My favorite meme is the one about food stamps. You could also add top of the line cell phones. They all have them.

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What kills me about the fact checking is that the very people that spread the lies in the very beginning are using their own lies as facts.

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Best comment yet bean.

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Rule #1 when employed as a ruling member of the current DC Swamp Club.

You must abide by the rule to fake all your humane compassions,

that you truly care who dies needlessly from your personal participation of .GOV mayhem.

Take Dick Cheney for a good example.

You'll be treated as just another varmint pest on his multi-million dollar ranch.

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I wonder if the family of Cheney's heart donor in 2011 knows he has it.

I sort of assume that Bush was selected as a candidate but only if Cheney ran with him. It was a new century and the PTB had much to get done.

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Progressives don't seem too concerned about the carnage in Ukraine, yet continually point their followers towards the Middle East and Gaza, to highlight the atrocities committed (only) by Israel. The slogan, "Islam is a religion of peace." first uttered by George Bush after 9/11 effectively neutralized the brain cells of many Americans, who could then look upon women forced to wear polyester black bags, as paragons of modesty, instead of the victims of a misogynous religious and political regime. Flights of fancy in the face of terrorism. Obama sending the Mullahs pallets of money by night, praising Muslims and bashing Christians, was overlooked as were Trumps great strides with the Abraham Accords...all to further this sick globalist/Marxist nightmare.

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You can’t blame the D for all that. Look how many R support foreign wars.

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I agree bean im comparing Trump and Harris and creating peace. And I’m comparing Trump voters that want peace and Harris voters that I don’t think they know they are cheering on more Ukrainian deaths. I think it’s more of a problem of uninformed voters.

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Well said!! 👏👏👏 Can I share on FB? I will use your name of course.

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Yes and you can or don’t have to use my name either way Karen much appreciated!!

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Thanks! And I will def use your name. 🙂

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Question : Did President (?) J Biden send some $$$billion dollars to Iran at one time in the past as cash? Or was that fake news.!

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Obama sent Iran 400 million in cash on a plane as a part of a total 1.6 billion that had been frozen in a bank from 1979. Biden gave Iran 6 billion to release prisoners I believe. But the big thing was Biden’s removing sanctions on Iran allowing them to sell oil which has made the Mullahs rich.

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So why does not DJT even mention that in his campaigns or even in the debacle /debate. Is that in the memory hole now? Like removing the sanctions against Iran?

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Truth James! I refer to them as DemonRats! 👿👿👿

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After watching the debate, I thought someone on Trump's prep team got through to him about the optics of mudslinging against and glowering at a woman opponent. As in, there was the potential pitfall of further alienating scores of millions of women voters, all at one sitting. So he was as disciplined as I've seen him; controlled his expression, avoided talking over her, avoided even looking at her. On balance, I thought he did well. I do wish he'd stop boasting about Warp Speed.

I thought Kamala triumphed over low expectations. Improved on her habitually nutty word salad. It wasn't going to be worth it to me to hang around for MSM commentary, because I knew they'd be fawning over her "brilliant" performance. But she was less disciplined than he was, often looking at him with a condescending smile and shaking her head. Of course, true to leftist form, she accused him of so many lies of which she herself was guilty. She exceeded expectations, but it's easier to do that when one completely untethers herself from any conscience, loyalty to the truth, reality, or record of the facts.

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Great observations well summarized.

It was too difficult for me to endure 12 mins.

I just have a real distain about ABC Media TV truly phoney baloney acting.

" They all seem like game show hosts to me "

Sting. (If I ever lose my faith in you.)

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You made it farther than I did. I couldn't finish the debate, it disturbs me to the core to see the 3 against one. But I do agree he held it together considering the ambush.

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I'm pretty confident the 'all he'd done for New York' (not really Warp Speed) was the result of Cuomo's testimony that afternoon that NY covid issues were Trump's fault and Trump was a liar. Cuomo did get a proper shellacking from MTG & ES, but Trump evidently felt a need to set the record straight. IMO Trump went way over and beyond for NY. CUOMO was personally responsible for the nursing home deaths.

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Also she had an ear bug and was probably repeating what they told her to say

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My daughter rarely watches TV coverage of any of this, but when I told her some people think she might have had an earpiece, she immediately said "Oh yeah, those earrings."

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Women who are voting for her would never vote for him anyway. They always vote on social issues like protecting abortion, women, alphabet people etc. Nothing that would affect the country as whole.

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They vote against their own best interests every time. I personally think, generally that is, that certain females have been successfully cured over the decades of their natural empathy for others, recognizing their divine place in humanity, measuring results rather than seeking impossible perfection. I expect many were pleased to see Kami stick it to the Man.

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At some point it might’a drove home the issue had President Trump looked the male identifying "moderator" in the eye and asked who he was there to debate.

Also, for for a debate in which the microphone of the non-speaker was suppose to be off, kaMAHla sure seemed to have a lively mic toward the end

Frankly, I didn’t tune in for anything of substance, I was just there for the potential fireworks - President Trump’s refusal to look at kaMAHla, or even in her direction, despite her concerted efforts to poke the bear, I thought she was close to stomping over to him and yelling, "look at me when I’m poking you, orangeman!"

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I don't know why Trump didn't calmly state that Harris' lies were in fact debunked lies. He didn't have to say more than that.

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There’s no need to worry, after the devastating train wreck in Palestine Ohio and now cats, dogs, ducks, geese, birds and livestock disappearing from parks and peoples homes in Springfield Ohio, the elites will not be effected in any way by these disgusting atrocities they have burdened us with, all because of Kamala “the border czars” policies. (Do you know in China you can’t find a dog or a cat anywhere). So don’t you go worrying about Barrack and Michelle, Joe and Jill or Kamala and Doug, their families, pets and their environment are just perfect. The fact is, as they push for buying back your guns they all have armed SS agents around them and their family 24 hours a day. Theirs no gun control for the SS. There’s no Voo-Doo cat eating Haitian around any of them either, thank God for that. It’s kind of sick that with all of the rapes, murders, armed take overs of apartments, luting etc. going on, it’s the eating of cats that finally gets some people’s attention. The whole thing is a twisted disgrace.

I live a little over an hour and a boat ride away from Martha’s Vineyard and it was quite something how fast those illegals were removed from anywhere near Barrack and Michelle’s home, very telling.

You can be sure if you speak out about your missing cat hanging from a tree at your neighbors house, you’ll probably face discrimination charges or at least be called a racist. How can people vote for this? How did we ever allow these evil vane despicable politicians like Kamala Harris do this to us? I wish this greasy smiled politician had stayed in San Fran Sicko where people really love her politics even as they move out to get away from the devastation.

There has to be trials for these traitors that have obvious complete distain for the American people, as we get closer to voting for what could be the final stage of destroying America.


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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I've been arguing with my idiot leftist brother about the cat/dog thing. One report was fake, and the mayor said it was fake and not happening, so of course he believe that ONE comment. I sent my brother a lot of links about dog eating in a lot of Asian countries...apparently China is the worst. I sent him photos of dead dogs lined up for sale on the street somewhere in Asia, with people on bikes and in cars going by and totally ignoring it. I sent him a photo of a dog on a grill in a market somewhere. Finally he just said "well, Haitians who come to the U.S. just wouldn't do that any more." SIGH!

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"Who radicalized you?"

"No one. I'm just a normal person from 20 years ago."

That's it exactly. Yet another neat psy-op. They want to throw life and country as we knew them down the memory hole. They want to make the Constitution obsolete, and force global governance from Geneva or Brussels or Beijing. They want to tear down the monuments to our history. They want to make patriotism equivalent to nazism.

And they call us extremists.

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I'd rather go back to irritating everybody

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If we follow UK and Germany recent examples, you do that and you are jailed.

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Aint that the truth

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??? Got me on that one

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I'd rather go back to irritating everybody = Make America Irritated Again?

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👍👍👍👍. We can be awesome when properly irritated

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They are far from being the majority but like Glenn Beck says it only takes about 10% to change the course of human events.

I wish our 50% could change the course.

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Taylor who?

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When someone blatantly lies to me about something, I immediately question everything they ever told me. During the debate a “neutral, unbiased” moderator said there was no state that allowed late abortion. As a person in the news business for many years, she was either lying or incredibly ignorant.

This statement is easily fact checked. You can print out the specific law that was passed, who sponsored it and voted for it and when it went into effect. All facts.

So my question to liberals and undecided is: when do you decide to not believe this person? When do you begin to question all the things that they told you about Covid. The facts are ready available in statistical data files both government and private.

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I have always maintained talking to a liar is a waste of time...so I won't.

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Trump was stuck with it.

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Could have refused..said Gabbard already did that for him

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What did Gabbard do for him? I have not followed anything DJT has put out since the debate except for the fact he thinks he won it.

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She destroyed the commie in 2020. Trump had absolutely nothing to win in this phony debate and lots to lose.. None of them are ever really debates, going back to Nixon/j.f.k. Nixon was one of the best debaters in the Senate. He tried to debate. J.f.k. just stood there uttering platitudes and looking pretty. He "won" by looking pretty.

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I watched that Dem debate. All I thought was they are all fools because I just could not believe people would vote for any of them. Tulsi was the least offensive and she did give it to her.

Word was if you watch pale Nixon and Jack in makeup, Jack won. If you listened on the radio, Richard mop the floor with him.

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I have this thought about inflation and the price of everything has gone up. Gasoline, vehicles, electric, internet, all of these are subject to sales tax in NY. Also bottled water as I have recently had some cloudiness in my well and have been buy a bit of that. My point is this administration and NY have no incentive to lower prices when higher prices bring in more sales tax for the state.

But the tax on water really drove it home for me, How can you claim that we should give free, free, free to Illegals but tax my water?

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

In California, gas taxes are $1.43/gallon and soon to go up closer to $2/gallon. My home and water is heated by propane. When I get a propane delivery, whether it's one gallon or 100 gallons, the tax is $22. The tax on my phone is $11 per line. It just goes on and on, the government has its hands in our pocketbooks constantly. As for the gas tax, if Harris is elected everyone else in the country will probably be paying as much tax as we do in California. Get ready.

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Funny, we had just been debating this week, how people get promoted away from the work floor because they are useless. I remember long time ago, how dad told one of the bosses was like that - could not do the job properly so they got rid of him by upping him... probably cost too much to lay him off.

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The early riser Friday The 13th Edition.

Only for those with a superstitious mind......Haha

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35 years ago, my husband and I had our first date on Friday the 13th, but it was October. It is what you make of it, so I guess it's good for us. Now I can't say much for cats in Ohio!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It hasn't been either of our 'parties' for a long time. 'Constitutional Conservative', anyone? I like the '3 year employee' meme, however... I imagine she did exactly as she was told.

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Last night I saw an advertisement on our local Fox 31 news (Denver), about a proposition 131 (I believe it was 131); but, an ad to allow citizens to vote outside our two-party system. I need to “Fact.Check.That” first though- I believe it may be on our ballot this November. I’m tired both parties, & may switch back from the republican party to Independent!

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Here is the right up I saw yesterday from Ballotpedia

Colorado Proposition 131: This citizen initiative would establish top-four open primary elections and ranked-choice voting for U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, Colorado University board of regents, state board of education, and state legislature. Initiative sponsors submitted nearly 213,000 signatures on Aug. 1, 2024. To qualify, 124,238 signatures need to be declared valid. The state's deadline for verifying signatures is Aug. 30, 2024.


Primaries only get the best candidates with they are closed.

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I'm not a fan of rank-choice voting, especially if you have only one candidate you are in favor of. It seems to me it opens up the process for more manipulation of the primary voting system, i.e, the party heads can more easily maneuver who they want the candidate to be. That's pretty much how California became a one party state.

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Agree. That's why they get it on the ballot. AK has a measure to repeal RCV. They have to vote no on it in two elections to get rid of it. They voted no last election.

They voted against it in 2002 yet it was sort of forced on them recently.

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Yeah, keep at it until they get what they want.

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Rank choice voting does sound like more manipulation. Colorado doesn’t need that- we have enough problems already in my county with democrats moving into my red, conservative county!(MY county..LOL)!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Exactly! Last election there was a crazy number of candidates on the ballot for Feinstein's seat. Also for the Governor. All those candidates (some of them were on the ballot as a joke) siphoned away votes from Republicans and it seems like the top two candidates in the eventual run-off are always both Democrats. And yes, this is why Democrats control everything so overwhelmingly. I'll also add that most California voters have no idea about this happening or why it's happening.

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Likely most people would have a second choice candidate in a large slate, but when you get to 3 or 4 you’re just guessing. At the most a second choice might work. If nobody got a majority after that, it’s time to vote on the top two. This choice 3,4,5 is ridiculous and prone to undemocratic outcomes. Otherwise no rank-choice. Alaska showed the mess it can cause.

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I agree. My state does rank-choice… it’s a scheme.

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Oh, Thank You Shelley! I really appreciate your research! I was about to change the channel when I first saw the ad; but then I heard Colorado….prop 131….blah-blah-blah, & decided to see what the heck this was about! I like to know all the pros & cons for all propositions and/or amendments, & thoroughly review the “little blue book” prior to voting on anything. Since the deadline for signature verification was Aug. 30, 2024, that’s probably the reason for the TV ad!

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You are welcome. I find a l24,234 signature requirement miniscule for a state with 4 million registered voters.

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Great Memes! Can’t improve in them.

In the 80’s, my brother lived in an area with Asians. Their neighbors began losing their cats and dogs, so he kept his dog inside—and yes, as a culture many of the eat cats and dogs, so it’s not surprising Haitians do the same. Haiti is an impoverished nation, but there have been countless missionaries spreading the gospel ther for decades—many have come to Christ. They are steeped in voodoo, and have not been able to rid themselves of that Satanic superstition. Therein lies the problem, and government cannot fix it.

I personally thought Trump was disciplined but lost several opportunities to expose her—but—he did call her what she is, “A Marxist” and her response was a cynical yet large smile. He also said she had three years to do something and did nothing, and could go to the White House and shut the border down. Thise who are suffering from the illegal invasion heard and felt what Trump said. I believe he will call for a national emergency and shut the border down, until it can be fully engaged in keeping illegals and terrorists out. It needs to be done besides deporting the illegals.

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Homeowners leaving Springfield, Ohio right now are likely to be already experiencing low home purchase offers. They will lose their equity, and all they've put into in their homes. Businesses will take advantage of that opportunity to buy low. Before long, Springfield will be like Palestine, Ohio.

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Sep 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just wanna say how much I love this Substack “family.” A great place to get educated, vent and commiserate! Thank you Dr. Malone and commenters! ❤️

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I had to turn off the debate after about 20 minutes. This was not a debate. There was no debating going on. No healthy discussion of the actual issues this country faces and the candidates platforms for addressing them. Just a beat down of someone they hate and worked to humiliate in any way they could. I yearn for the American journalism we had back in the day with Huntley and Brinkley and the many "actual news" reporting agencies that prided themselves on posting the facts only. I scares me to see what the future holds. 6 months ago, this woman V.P. was being hidden, ridiculed and mocked for her idiotic responses and ideas. Then magically she was raised up to the position of "joy" and every other sickening adjective the progressives and left wing democrats could assign her. But what is more disturbing than that, is that there is a large segment of the population that is going along with it and are too ignorant to see what really happened here. The founders of this country established what they thought was a government of, by and for the people. That is no longer the case. There are true evil people working behind the scenes to destroy our Constitution and the values we stand for. They have replaced God and country with their own destroy American agenda, and honestly, if Trump is not elected, the United States of America as we once knew it will be gone.

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I'm wondering if we ever had an honest media. My husband is a Vietnam vet, and we certainly have found out in recent years how the government along with a compliant media lied to the American people about Vietnam.

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Did Trump know about this December 2019 pandemic tabletop exercise - Five Eyes led by the DoD - which factored in the 2020 US presidential election? New post -


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No, but for sure more than one in his admin did.

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Sep 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗶𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗻𝘆𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗸 (where the goose abduction allegations are coming from) 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝘀 “𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳”.

Multiple people she knows have had experiences with Haitian Immigrants saying they are going to curse them with voodoo.

“𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗜’𝗺 𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗶𝘁-𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹.”

Haitian adults are attending high schools with underage students.

“𝗠𝘆 𝟭𝟬 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝟭𝟲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀.”

She also details being accosted and sexually assaulted by a Haitian Immigrant at a grocery store.

“𝗪𝗲’𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻𝘀. 𝗪𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁, 𝘄𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱.”


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