
The COVID lie that started it all.


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So, does anyone know what agency writes the scripts for,the MSM ?

CIA? FBI? Joe Bidens writing crew?

You would think they would use different descriptors, adjectives, adverbs, so they couldn't be linked to the same propoganda team?

Nah ! No one will figure it out


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Somewhere I heard the NY Times sends their script to all the woke news rooms.

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Interesting how none of them are now talking about excess death percentages. 😡

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Interesting maybe but not surprising.

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The Government are Liars. The "official" scientists are Liars. The AMA and Pharma are Liars (and murderers). So called "Public Health Official" are (stupid) Liars. And the MEDIA are prostitute Liars, and are worst of all since it is their job to report facts. And they expect forgiveness? They expect respect and to be trusted?!!! They mistakenly think we are truly stupid and have no recollection of what THEY did. They've earned our disdain, our mistrust, and honestly, our hatred. You reap what you sow...

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Great video. Nice to include the sanity of John Ioannidis. We forget the strength of the opposition even from the git go of the pandemic. The fear porn. 3.4% my rear end, as if many even understood the devastation such a rate would bring.

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That last woman was right, we were (and are) in a very dangerous time, but not for the reason she thought.

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I'll take his hunch!!!

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I live in the neighborhood I grew up in. The elementary school was built and given to the neighbors by the builder so the kids would have their own neighborhood school. People in my neighborhood vote conservative and like their kids having a neighborhood school. The town has become phony woke like you wouldn’t believe. They hate the idea of a neighborhood having its own school. They are having talks now to tear our elementary school down, which sits on 14 acres, and build a huge hotel to house illegals. This would solve many problems our phony woke local officials have. It would turn the last conservative section of town liberal. They would bus the neighborhood kids to the liberal parts of town. And their hatred for a diverse community would be solved so they can sleep better at night knowing they destroyed the last district in town that had nice local connections between students and their neighborhood, isn’t liberalism wonderful. Their so constructive... J.Goodrich

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Repulsive. Liberalism is an invasive cancer that consumes its host to the point, the only way to eliminate it is to smash its zombie brains in

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I keep saying this but progressives are not liberals. True liberalism is an anathema to progressives who have managed to hide behind the liberal facade for far too long. They need to keep the sunlight of what they truly are on them constantly, i.e. socialists

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Agreed. you are correct. if they call themselves "liberals" then ask them if they mean socialism.

It is dangerous to use the word "liberal" because the left has captured this word, and it means something totally different when it is used by progressives.

For all intensive purposes, Liberal = Democrat. Even though "true liberals" were not insane progressives, classic liberals believed many policies in the shallow end, that in practice morph into something more resembling communism when they are applied to real life.

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I think it has been a process of the definition sliding left as has the dim party who embraced it. In their time frame, our Founders would be considered liberal re the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Hardly conservative views then.

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I think the point of referring to them as Liberal" is long past. They have fully embraced NeoMarxism Communism.

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So I guess Republicans are conservatives?

Conservatives are Right wing?

Right wing are Catholics and Hasidic Jews ?

Catholics And Jews are Right wing radical religious zealots ?

Semantics / connotations / proper definitions are all important, yes, no doubt.

Why not just call them crazies, and us non crazies ? This way we can lump everyone together in two big bowls, one filled with guacamole and the other filled with sour cream. Now all you got to do is ask, what dip to you stick your chip in ? and we're all good to go.

Anyone else hungry, except me ?

BTW, I'm not republican, right wing, nor anything other than a conservative with centrist leanings. Not sure if any one particular label works, but CWCL works for me.

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Thoughtful Insight. Ed

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Satanists present themselves as atheists when in reality, they know there is a God they just hate him. They come up with all kinds of atheist drivel until they see if you're ready for the bigger picture. Communists always say they are socialists and come up with all kinds of socialist dribble until they see if you're ready for the bigger picture. One can enter many semi secret societies by simply keeping your mouth shut, except in agreement, and keeping a semi-stupid look in your eyes and on your face.

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There is a total truth that the liberal cannot let people be left alone. They must infest every aspect of everyone’s life regardless of the destruction to the children and or the family. We in this neighborhood pay a minimum of 10,000 dollars per year in property taxes. That is the low end, and we just want our children to be able to walk to school and continue a community type atmosphere for our kids. But that is asking far too much for the liberal woke. This must be stopped.

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Again, another more truthful statement cannot be made. Ed

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My grade school, which the building that was built in the late 30's early 40's still exists. It's no longer a school, but has been converted into an outreach center, whatever the hell that is.

Every time I drive past, I get a queasyness in my stomach, knowing all the memories both myself, and thousands of children, now adults had, are no longer being experienced.

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I also went to this elementary school. I have fond memories walking to school and also coming home for lunch to my WW2 100 % disabled veteran father. These phony woke local authoritarians can’t stand the fact that this type of community can still exist. They only destroy good, they never create it.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

I went and visited a buddy of mine I met on the internet some decade ago. We've been chatting and meeting up at car shows. as year after year, we met up at Carlise Mopar event in Carlisle PA, and we've been bonded buds ever since. He brings his daughter, and I bring my wife and pups., and we meet other enthusiasts there for the event.

It's always a great time, as we sit around, BS-ing, enjoying the beautiful cars, the beautiful people, and the family environment. Never a lick of trouble, no fights, no crazy people hurting anyone else. I look forwards enjoying the antique cars, hotrods, trucks, special events, and parts on display, every year, as it's sense of community is overwhelming, and yet I know almost no one there.

I always feel like I'm surrounded by one family of 4000 members, walking around, enjoying the days events. Good food, Good friends, and beautiful scenery. This is what life is about to me, and memories of these times are made new every time we go. My wife loves it, and she has become very fond of my buddy, his wife, and his daughter, now that we've been visiting him where he lives in Northern VT.

Memories of my childhood growing up in a school that exists, but isn't a school anymore, is now replaced with fantastic times with good people. Again, Not much of the original town remains, but I guess since nothing is static, we just have to cope with the loss by creating fresh memories of those around us whom we cherish to be with.

Maybe Dr. R. Wil have an end of summer BBQ ?

Haha. Not going to happen, but sounds good anyway.

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T, Doncha know, I love old cars too. Actually my current car is so old it qualifies. (2001 Celica) I love the description of your time at the shows.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

My newest vehicle is a 2007 HD Commercial truck. Everything else I have is older than 2003, so your ride isn't really old, at least to me, anyways.

I love the old rides. No fancy computer screens, no wifi, and I can still work on them. These new cars are idiotic. I have a friend who bought a new Chevy pickup a few years ago. His brakes needed to be replaced, and when he went to do them himself, he found out he couldn't because the computer needs a reset. Dumb as can be.

These new cars do not require any skills to operate, just a very large bank account or credit card to charge up on.

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I am no way near the expertise of the details of cars. I love the flow, the lines, the design.

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Ha!!! Special…”I bring My Pups!”. I could ramble on. Movie - “Best In Show” is not comedy, it is a documentary. Ask Me how I know. 😁, Ed

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T this is a car I bought in 1985 for 3500– delivered to me from Santa Rosa California. 38 years later I still enjoy it.

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Ha!!! We have an ‘82 911 currently being “gone through”. Completely restored. It was My Wife’s Dad’s. The three daughters learned to drive a stick in that car. I was like “Hard No”…that car does not leave the family. We bought it for a song. Ed

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$3500 ? Put a pistol to the dudes head to get that at that price?

That's freaking sweet ! Love the old Goats, especially the early ones. My mother had a 71 lemans, and if I had only known.

I've always been a mopar fan, which explains why my first car was a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda fastback. Sold it to make room for my company work vehicle, which is on my property. It was in pretty bad shape, and all the years of sitting made it a $1500 parts vehicle.

Today, I'm tooling around in a old Dodge diesel, and it makes me smile each and every time I hop in, so I know that feeling you get when you're cruising in that bad boy.

Good for you.

Enjoy every moment as if it was your last.

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James, that is TERRIBLE!

I'm so sorry about what is happening in your community 💔 😔.

Do you have anyone or are you organizing a team to counter this?

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I did catch a meeting and the district head is fighting to keep the school. The town makes it out to be that the local residence are racist anti immigrant group, I’m serious I’ve heard this in town, but the neighborhood just wants its own elementary school, the way it’s been for 60 plus years. It’s strange to be the brunt of the people calling you racist or xenophobes. These people we pay and they receive benefits on our dollars.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

I saw an interview of Charles Murray, one of the authors of "The Bell Curve." The book was demonized by liberals b/c it cited statistics showing the average IQ's for different races of people. (Somehow, today, dumbing down "white" mathematics so that black kids can get passing grades isn't insulting to anybody, but that's a topic for another day.) Murray was widely vilified as a racist. Obviously, it was hurtful and unsettling to him.

In the interview, he talked about standing in front of an audience to discuss his book, and being called a racist. And he realized, it just didn't bother him anymore.

I've been through something similar, albeit at a much lower level- being called a racist in some of these forums. And yeah, It bothered me the first time it happened. Now, I respond, "You want to call me a racist? Well you just go right on ahead."

Don't let it bother you James. Consider the source.

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Perhaps the ivy leagues read his report. I understand they hold their black students in such low regard they only grade them P/F ( and all of them pass which is how we got #44 in our white house. Suspect money from soros or a clone paid the freight).

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How predictable!

Right out of the Marxist playback!


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I feel being called those names by the cretins who do it is as meaningful as a political promise by a rino. Those words have long lost what ever little meaning they ever had.

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Hi James. Thanks for sharing - yes this is evil. Rally a group of likemined individuals in your community. Vote all these communists out, and replace them with a non-woke board. This is what we must do everywhere if this is going to change.

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This is exactly what liberals mean by equity. They don't want to improve life for the downtrodden, they just want to take away from the successful so that everyone lives equally low lives.

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No, this can't be allowed to happen! This school must be saved!

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This is not the first time the town tried to steal this piece of land. A neighbor of mine was the granddaughter of the builder. They went to a meeting and spoke out that the land was given to the town for neighborhood children. This worked at least temporarily. The left never quotes though. They just keep fighting relentlessly.

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Just absolutely unimaginable! 👿👿👿🤯🤯🤯

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wow, time to move

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They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…

And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO & CDC for being saved…

from a cold.

Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.

Always remember: https://tritorch.com/safety.jpg [image]

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Tri, hate to say it, but the infection is more than a cold. More like a full range flu. My immune system is pumped, no vax for anything in decades, eat so healthy I could win a prize, and I caught the crud from my husband. No testing.

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D D I do not doubt your experience, but the flu was re-branded as COVID - it went to zero when the pandemic hit the scene:

https://tritorch.com/flu [image]

The PCR test cannot tell the difference between bacteria and a virus and this was just one of a manifold of problems with that egregiously fraudulent test:

https://tritorch.com/PCRBacteria [image]

Meanwhile SARS-CoV2 is dangerous to almost no one - and they knew it nearly from the the start.

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

In September 2020, this was the CDC's best estimate for the COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate:

Rate by Age Group:

0-19 years old: 0.00003

20-49 years old: 0.0002

50-69 years old: 0.005

70+ years old: 0.054

Meaning all of the following carnage was based on a deliberate lie:

The masks ● the social distancing ● the lockdowns ● the economic and farming destruction ● the mental and physical health destruction ● the arrested development of millions of children ● the myriad of preventable suicides ● the bevy of new, rushed, barely tested, deadly vaccines

They had a practice run for this charade in 2009: https://youtu.be/Gs-DBOFWCpc [3.31mins]

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John Denver is my favorite singer/songwriter, that's pretty cool, D D =j

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I thought he was an amazing human. I also did the hair of his family, I would go to their house in my broken-down VW and did massage too. He was generous and truly cared for the Earth. I'm afraid today he would be ridiculed for his care.

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This makes me happy to hear a first hand account of the man, and to learn how great he truly was. You've surely heard this before, 'The Ambulance Down in the Valley':


What an incredible entertainer, thinker, advocate, and artist he was.

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Thanks for that, kinda opens my 40 yr old view of Denver.

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Tri, I hadn't heard it before! Thanks and that was my haircut!

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Time for a beer…You just set Me off. Signed, Pissed Off, Ed

Edit - And some whittling and carving. 🙃

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Gotta laugh at the left's pivot to describing people they don't like with their attributes and behaviors. Like the "egg producers" cartoon. Perhaps we need to refer to people like Lavine as "gender stealers"? I can actually think of much worse, but will self censor in the interest of civility ;-)

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Love, love this idea!

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Maybe an even better term is "gender appropriators", lol!

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Didn't comply last time, and not this time either. Great memes.

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Sad to see the masks are coming back again. Here’s an article I wrote from 2020 why I don’t wear masks and why others shouldn’t as well:


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Just refer to the masks as mouth diapers....

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face nappies

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stupid catchers? :-)))

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There are simply things I do not understand. Bad JuJu has been going around since the beginning of time. I would not have found Mattias if not for You and Dr.JM. He has shed a great deal of light for me on our current mentalities and situations. Ed

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

A key component of non-compliance imo should be holding to account those who we elected to represent us, and those who seek our votes today. For example: "Mr. Pence, you've spoken forcefully about how the VP had no Constitutional authority to send electoral votes back to the states for reexamination. Yet somehow you found Constitutional authority for you and your boss to lock down the entire nation for months and months. I read the Constitution and no such authority exists. So why should anyone vote for you or your former boss when you both violated your oaths of office so egregiously as to suspend numerous Constitutional rights of the American people with absolutely no legal basis?"

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Good collection. The prostate one made me wonder if all those idiot females calling themselves men will be lining up for prostate exams at age 40. Imagine the doc, after some serious looking saying "mccavity isn't there". (That's introduces a cat element for us cat lovers).

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There is a good probability that the scrambled brains who despise their junk intensely enough to mutilate themselves permanently, do not possess the critical thinking skills to have avoided being jabbed with the death concoction. Pretty clear to me that their time is limited, and wont get to see their 40th, considering how many young, healthy, and mindful folks are dropping like flies next to a bug zapper. Sudden, mysterious deaths are now the norm, and will continue till this farce has been stopped

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Yeah and those who survive will be facing the spectre of autoimmune problems and cancer in their future. But, they most likely have no idea about that.....ignorance providing bliss I guess.

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I am still at “only” 21 suspected adverse events with family and friends (one other with “vaccine regret”, no elaboration). What terrrifies me is that we don’t know what the long term adverse effects may be. My wife is double “vaxxed” Her choice, no third - thank God I got through to Her. I Love Her. I worry about this “stuff” (inappropriate language left out). Me = the twelfth of never. Ed

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Micheal, Here I go again, my grandchild, now 18, and parents were fully informed of the dangers of hormone therapy. The need was stronger than the fear. You know the story.

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Tragic. Saw today that JAMA reports tripling of gender mod. surgery due mainly to policies handed down to us from the mentor of current aberration in our White House. No data on numbers for hormonal mutalitions.

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At least 22 states, including TX and MO, have banned underage surgeries and most hormone therapy. Can’t legally stop adults from ruining their life but I am still afraid for children whose parent(s) is behind transition because of the trauma to the child. The USA Today article says about 3 in 5 patients were covered by a private insurance plan, and 1 in 4 had Medicaid. All to depopulate the planet to leave more for the demons.

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And that law in Texas is currently being challenged in court. I believe docs also involved .

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I suspect that unvaxxed kids don't experience gender dysphoria.

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You could ask the Amish, and the Mennonites this question.

You will most likely find that these kids are not obese, they are well adjusted, have little to no cancer, adhd, or any other "child issues" plaguing MOST of Americas kids.

I'm sure they have outliers, but they're never vaccinated, and do not have any of the mental or physical issues that American children (and adults) have.

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Yes, Steve Kirsch has published several articles about this.

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Precisely what study i was referencing

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Ned, my grandchild was never vaxed, IQ was checked early, genius level etc. The feelings of suicide were so fierce, hospital didn't keep for observation because of covid. This was all before any transition. This has been a nightmare for our family.

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I am so sorry, DD, I cannot imagine the anguish.

We have a trans person in our extended, traditional/conservative family - my only (in)direct experience. Very challenging for the immediate family.

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Thank you for being kind, Ned.

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Behind every blade of grass. Ed

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I also loved that one! Pretend all you want, but please stop asking me to go along with your pretense. I have a vivid imagination, but please, don't ask me to visualize what you want to be. Has anyone noticed that female heterosexuals are being cancelled world wide?

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Think the libbers are becoming aware

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Sorry…I like Dogs. For some reason, Cats tend to like me. 😁 Ed

Edit - I am still uncomfortable with Horses. Very Big and They kick. Bull story…Off site parachute landing…My Good Friend had a red parachute…Guess who the bull went after. 🔥

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So do we. Big dogs and they just became too expensive. And we got adopted by a couple of cats and big surprise to both of us we love them dearly. Had some parachute training in AF. Happy to report only have ever used it in the 4ft drops in that training. Prefer to stay firmly grounded

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No training but celebrated a big birthday with a tandem jump once. Loved it and was ready to go back up for another!

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Free Your Mind!!! 💥, Much Love, Ed

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Dogs, cats, horses, goats, birds, rats... all great pets. Not a fan of reptiles. We have 3 PWDs. The newest has a cowlick that perfectly fits her personality...think Alfalfa of Our Gang Comedies fame.

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😎 Do not give America another black eye.


🧐 And here is why…

Noncompliant Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/

🤥 Mask Myths:

Dr. Lee Merritt Masks: The Science & the Myths Video (October 18th, 2020) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/y2ocBaSPqP0n/

Author John Droz (Physicist) - https://c19science.info/COVID-19_Masks.pdf

Author Paul Elias Alexander - https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

Brownstone Institute Search - https://brownstone.org/?s=Mask

Author Robert Malone - https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/systemic-harms-to-our-children

Author Steve Kirsch - https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/do-masks-work and https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/masks-dont-work

Author Tom Renz - https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/i-know-i-should-be-better-than-this

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Where are the children?

The parents?

The grandparents?

The pets?


Oh yeah, i got to get to the nail salon, and then to the gym for more selfies of my ass cheeks for,my instagram account.

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The 3.4% death rate was way too low...for the vaxxine.

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I want the Dr. Seuss one on a t-shirt. Thank you, Dr. Malone--today’s post is awesome.

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I had a hunch that Oliver's song would find it's way on your Friday Funny.

As you have lived not far from Richmond Va for a good long time, it has a special meaning.

There is so much rich American History that Richmond is noted for. A true Pilgrimage lived here. Music is meant to inspire and lift you into new feelings. Oliver's timing was perfect for that. Thanks.

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Wholly Off Topic

Received from Interest of Justice

Last Evening - Most relevant part only

Fw: WHO's Infodemic Management News Flash August 24, 2023 | Issue #62

New Jobs posted

North Carolina


In this mixed-methods study of high-use social media platforms, physicians from across the US and representing a range of medical specialties were found to propagate COVID-19 misinformation about vaccines, treatments, and masks on large social media and other online platforms and that many had a wide reach based on number of followers.This study’s findings suggest a need for rigorous evaluation of harm that may be caused by physicians, who hold a uniquely trusted position in society, propagating misinformation; ethical and legal guidelines for propagation of misinformation are needed.

You may already have but just in case. If you want the whole pub have. Need email add (Jeff ?) to send.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

"Conspiracy theories were defined as communicating skepticism of all information that does not fit the theory, overinterpreting evidence that fits the theory, and/or evidence of internal inconsistency.."


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"over interpreting.." like the way the COVID tests work?

I live in a 55+ community in Texas and I cannot believe the number of people that still use that damn at home test the minute they start feeling poorly.

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Seen yesterday at my local library: stacks of boxes of covid tests - free! Also yesterday at Habitat ReStore: stacks of boxes of expired (?) masks - free! I never again intend to use either of them.

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I know plenty of under 55 who are ignorant enough to do the same.

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imo: a "conspiracy theory" can't be something like "being skeptical of the theories of others"

can it?

isn't such skepticism required when looking for truth?

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Channeling Dr. Seuss - awesome!

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I would like to post that on my Instagram story .. repeatedly!

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