Aug 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your quote at the end gave me chills. The gaslighting narcissist that passes for a prime minister in Canadá is already starting to say that.

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It makes me wonder what the actual reason is for their impending divorce... is she just 'DONE' with his garbage or does she not want to be associated with him when the blowback knocks him on his @$$?

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Who cares??

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Normally, I would not. He is however, in my opinion, part of a criminal enterprise that has wreaked havoc on our brothers and sisters in humanity to the North.

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I talk to Canadians who seem as divided as we are. His personal life doesnt concern me. Thats between him and his wife. Im English, i woukdnt watch The Queen. The tv show.

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I believe most television and movies are used either by the IC or for foreign entities to create a narrative or a mood. Visual storytelling is one of the most effective propaganda tools.

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I disagree. My favourite film is "A Christmas Story" a comedy. I was raised on musicals such as Showboat. Shindlers list finally showed the holocaust to rural USA. I rarely watch the trash they turn out today.

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Honestly don’t know what to make of it. People at that level of the game don’t seem to think and feel like regular folks.

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It is my understanding that reptiles aside from being cold blooded think little about much more than where their next kill will be. Mammals are probably a favorite meal. See the connection.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

LDT, I read some interesting opinions yesterday that indicate the relationship is much more intricate than we imagine. Much more contrived and subverted. I found the comment from yesterday's SS Kadlec throws Fauci under the bus. Donna Kovacevic

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I even advocated for people to write a one page agreement stating that company officers certify that the jab they are forcing their employee to take as a condition of continued employment is safe and effective, and ask officers to sign it. Of course no officer would ever do that, but the employee then has a strong basis to go after them for wrongful termination at some point. Like now.

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Funny that the pharmaceutical company my daughter works for did not mandate employees to take the jab. They all worked from home. They knew the vaxine was not proven to be safe for everyone. Pfizer said that too. They did the best they could in the time they had. Trials cannot be rushed. Takes years. The mandates were the law breakers. Forcing people to put something into their bodies that the politicians knew was a risk.

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The first person who says that to me will die. That’s a fact

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Like the term "friendly fire"!

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Or a way to protect half the family's assets if the game Trudeau is involved in doesn't go as anticipated and the rest of humanity turns on him? Let the lawsuits begin!

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Trudeau must be reading this substack :-)

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Robert and Jill. Thank you for the laughs this morning.

Much needed as we watch the Republic of the United States begin its decent into communism. (but I guess we could say it began a very long time ago) 😢😢😢

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Wilson kick started the process

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He even gave it the "keeping the world safe for democracy" theme song.

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I think you mean The Banana Republic of the United States. BYOB*

*Bring your own bananas

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“... but I guess we could say it began a very long time ago.” Not really. I took my family to Berlin in 1990. The Berlin Wall had fallen the year before, and East Berlin still looked like it did at the end of World War II. In other words, nothing had changed in East Berlin in 45 years. My kids immediately saw the dangers of communism. In fact, all of Generation X should know the dangers of communism and communists.

I passed my hatred for communism on to my kids. If communism is gaining a foothold here now, the Millennials and Generation Z are to blame.

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First time Germans had met Germans who didnt want to work. Communism like welfare, give them scraps to keep them happy. Those at the top have the gold.

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Communism is an opportunistic parasite. It creeps in wherever apathy takes hold. It began here with Wilson and his progressive cohorts but I believe a major degree of apathy set into this Republic when our men returned from the fighting post WW II and eased back into civilian life. They simply were too beaten down to be as involved in child rearing as they needed to be, and allowed those progressives (protocommunists if you will) free rein in indoctrinating the next generations in their malignant idiology...and that has been carried on now for several more generations virtually unchecked

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I completely disagree with you. My Dad and my Uncle came back from World War II. Another Uncle didn’t survive an attack by a German in an Me 109. Perhaps there were some men who returned from that war beaten down, but no men that I knew of. All the men I knew were involved in child rearing. And, it wasn’t just 2.3 children. Our family had four. I knew many others who had five, six, and even more.

My folks hated communism and communists, and taught us all very well to do the same. Americans fought the spread of communism in Korea and in Vietnam. Fifty thousand Americans died fighting to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia.

Apathy, you say? Right. Millennials and the children in Generation Z are apathetic. But do not try to blame that on my folks.

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It is absolutly different for everyone. I find fathers who participate had fathers who participated. My Dad youngest of 10 joined up at 17. Kind man. He worked and supported us, but was rarely present. I believe he never had a role model growing up. The war just made it worse.

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I just did. They fought a war for an administration riddled with communists. The only one raising concern about communists back then was Gen. Paton....and that might explain his "accidental" death. The worm took the big turn post WW II helped by the g.i. bill prompting a lot of guys to get college degrees that really were not needed in that eras workplace but feeding the "higher education" boondoggle that then regurgitated the newly socialist indoctrinated into the lower education echelons. The rest is history.

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Umm. You purport to be a Ph.D. But, obviously, writing is not your strong suit. Or, at least, grammar and punctuation. Doesn’t surprise me. You seem to want to express yourself about subjects for which you have no knowledge.

Was that insult enough, or should I continue.

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Did not even scratch the surface.

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We didnt know about post traumatic stress syndrome. The men returning didnt know what was wrong. They pushed the memories down and some turned to booze.

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Perfectly said Laura! 😢😢😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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"no one made you take it ". Sadly true and untrue. Difficult to claim being forced to inject experimental toxins or lose your job is not coercion. On the true side we did have the freedom to not inject experimental toxins, if we had the courage to find another job and face public shaming for being so uncaring for others. An interesting lose ~ lose.

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But even more important, would you continue to refuse again at any and all costs?

I feel I would have to. I knew enough not to allow toxin juice past my dermis shell the first moment the propaganda launched. It was an automatic "They are at this shit again"!

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If the pharmaceutical company doesnt guarentee it i will not take it. The FDA is as much to blame as our politicians. They are usually beyond careful in what they approve. Often its the drugs that once approved are copied by China and india then sold cheaply on the internet that kill. Well, now we know, not all of the time.

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You are much too kind to the FDA. They have a long list of pre-Covid drug withdrawals.

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Impossible even over years to test for everything. Too many possibilities that cannot be forseen. Such as drug interaction. Also, the moment FDA approves a drug China and india illegally try to copy it and sell it cheaper. Often the copied drug is the one that causes death. The FDA routinely refuses to approve drugs that were formulated and tested for years causing a loss of billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry. That is the reason it was impossible for the covid vaccine to be properly tested. The reason Pfizer would not guarentee it.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

I think that anyone who voluntarily takes that jab at this point in history should just jump off a rocky cliff, and save everyone around them (and society) the trouble, as you have to be a mindless dolt living under an old matress, to not have heard some truth regarding what is happening to those who took it. Either that or you're a Biden fan, and i encourage you to go out and get it now

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It’s called duress and it’s recognized as a legal defense

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A legal defense for whom? The coerced or the coercer? Gov & bus will say they were under duress by the health emergency.

Comey, “this investigation was done honestly, competently and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear. I know there were many opinions expressed by people who were not part of the investigation — including people in government — but none of that mattered to us. Opinions are irrelevant, and they were all uninformed by insight into our investigation because we did our investigation the right way.” Clinton and her team were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information” but he said there was no clear evidence they intended to violate the law. “Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

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And the law does not excuse lack of intent.

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And, those supposedly applying the law do, over and over again excuse lack of intent. I wished I had saved the link to the law review website's reaction to Comey's stance. They went bonkers with many examples of what this would mean for applying the law going forward.

What haven't they already done?

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They only excuse it for favored individuals. Quite a,few cooling their heels in prison for lesser acts than hers

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No One Is Above The Law*

*some exceptions apply.

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No one made you take it. Fauci will latch onto that one with the same lawyer-speak and gaslighting as when he argued with Rand Paul.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Media promoted the jab among elderly and physically compromised. The daily numbers of dead old people was extremely concerning. We were prepared to try anything.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

My wife took 3 waitressing jobs to make a portion of her salary back. Every God dammed insurance company who was looking for employees demanded that any applicant be jabbed. She said "F-you" to them all until finally, they started hiring again, without the requirement you were given the injected death over 4 to 5 years juice.

After 3 years, she's back full time, and the waitressing jobs keep calling her to come back, because no one wants to work anymore.

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I thought about this tonight. If someone says that no one was forced, draw a knife, show a pill, and ask, “if you don’t take this pill, which may or may not kill you, I will cut off one of your fingers.” See if they then get the connection.

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Informed consent was never given to anyone that was forced to take jabs or lose livelihood‼️

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Cou!d not be given because necessary info unavailable. Deliberate obfuscation.

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It was akin to a cattle call. Wife got it on recommendation from her oncologist. He also recommended it to me, even though I have a precancerous blood disorder. I refused. We're both fine, luckily. But informed consent? No, we had to go to the fairgrounds and line up like cattle for my wife's first one. And this is in Florida, where it was dumped pretty quick. Meanwhile my jabbed out the ass family in NYS with boosters galore seems to get it every six months. We haven't had it or if we did, it was before the scaredemic.

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Excellent selection - too hard to choose just one. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/humor/trudeaus-tinder-profile/

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love the Canadian content

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The meat packing one reminds me of Temple Grandin’s slaughterhouse innovation where she curved on on-ramp into the dispatch area where cows are given the Anton Chigurh kiss. So the cows in line can’t see what is happening up front.

Any association between Grandin’s innovation, WW2 boxcars and current Einsatzgruppen-MD/RN offices is purely intentional.

Thanks for all you do Good Sir!

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Bravo on the “No Country for Old Men” reference! Another great from the Cohen bros.

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Haha Kamala is just two points behind tooth decay 😂😂😂

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And here I was thinking it was 3 points

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On the Republican side, Pence is toast, because he does not understand statistical analysis, which clearly indicated that Biden stole the election from President Trump! Really doesn’t matter since on the Democratic side Kamala Harris is toast! MSNBC just published a very negative article about her ability to run a nation in disarray! My prediction is she will resign, and then Joe Biden will nominate Newsom of California as a new VP! Inturn Biden will resign for cognitive issues, and we will have a new President of the United States without voting for him! I hope this is only a nightmare and I will wake up!

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Sounds like something written by stephen king

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When the bias left MSNBC publishes an article very negative about Harris you know what is coming. She is toast!

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Actually she has been toast since Tulsi demolished her in that debate. They just keep putting fresh butter on her burns and passing her off as good as new (without much consideration as to how good that was)

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Whole wheat, rye, or pumpernickle? Obvious, she's not Wonderbread

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Our winter home is Az. Houses selling fast to people from California. They really push the price up.

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Yep! My hose has almost tripled in value since purchase!

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Everyone we know cringes when they see a California license plate. Hobbs signed legislation in one day, saving a muderer from the death sentence and making it legal to kill a baby who survives an abortion. Im still confused.

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Respect for the sanctity of life is going south because of the those who no longer believe in the Ten Commandments!

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As a Jew i have 613. Half are only required after the Temple is rebuilt. I believe being raised with the 10,.did result in adults who knew right from wrong. I agree, that is part of the problem.

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What is 613? So only 5 Commandments were followed?

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That's one sick, sadistic scenario. The only way it could be worse is to force us to watch Nancy Piglosi become the speaker again, or in a bikini walking through the Whitehouse. My eyes will burn right the f out.

Hope to God I never see your prediction come to fruition.

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Me Too!

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

JP did hit it out of the park, the Cramer clip was premium, I had forgot that guy was still on the airwaves, what a nothing burger.

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If you want to have a million dollars in a year following Cramers advice, start with 2 million dollars.

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Re: Zuckerberg: I always wondered how that guy was able to take a guy's dorm room girl ogle and become one of the richest on the planet...his ideas, or what ideas of others he selects, end up in the rubbish. He had a big showdown with My Space, who then appeared to just leave the room. And now we learn Wiki, via one of the founders and Greenwald---seemed okay in the early oughts but forget it now---was manipulated by the intelligence folks.


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I vaguely remember a movie on TV about the making and rise of Facebook and Zuck's partner he said he got shafted. Can't remember when it aired or why I was even watching parts of it since I've never joined.

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I think the feds got (our) their money's worth out of FB. Lots happened with organic uprisings around the world with results one can only dream of if that was the goal.

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It was a film. The two brothers had the idea. Zuckerberg had the "know how". They didnt hang in long enough. He took it to being the money maker. They sued and recieved millions in compensation. I dont think Zuckerberg did anything wrong.

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Is there a difference between a movie and film on TV? I wouldn't know one way or the other - if Zuck did anything wrong. I did hear that Zuck was bankrolled by either the FBI or CIA.

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For the idea of a social media site. He was in college. It wasnt used by a political party in the beginning. It was a fast way to stay in touch with friends and family in other parts of the world. They had the idea. Much like Bezos with Amazon.

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Yup, that’s the story -just a couple of young Harvard students who did not want to use the email system, but rather build a mechanism for people to divulged their private lives, thoughts, feelings and activities. Why would a government care about any of that? Why would it care if FB bots were used to stir up revolutions in Egypt and elsewhere.

Why would a government be interested in starting and growing a web enterprise to eventually be a convenient one-stop-shopping place for non-food purchases with home delivery? Why would the gov care about a website where people could sell items online to online buyers? Or, a web-based company that facilitates the financial transactions between sellers/buyers online? Amazon, eBay, PayPal... all started by entrepreneurs. And, what makes an entrepreneur? All three were highly profitable within 3 years of I’m thinking about it. Bezos said he did it in his rented garage in WA. Omidyar from his home. Isn’t America great?

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Not how I heard it. It was a way for dorm friends of his to privately rate or comment on various campus women they met.

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Hell, i always thought Zuck was just a front man for another CIA operation, but who hell am I?

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I used to watch Cramer and got some good ideas through the BS, but he obviously started taking Soma and like all the other Woke absolutists started to think he was smarter than he is.

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Back in the days of "peak oil", when WTI was first running to $140, you could make a bundle betting against whatever he preached.

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The Mike Pence cartoon makes me ask, can anyone remember a single memorable thing he did while Trump's VP? He occasionally stood in the background, maybe looking mature and wise with his white hair. Other than that... ?

Trump named Pence as point man during the Covid outbreak. Scott Atlas's description of meetings with Pence, Fauci, and Birx were damning for Pence. Pence was supposed to make decisions. He would listen to the different viewpoints, then thank the participants for their views and dismiss them, and there'd be no further follow-up.

What makes every 2-bit, washed-up politician think they are a viable candidate for president? I guess it takes a gigantic ego to be in that line of work. Plus, they surround themselves w/ brown-nosing sycophants who say, "Yes, you should run for president. Everyone I know says they'd vote for you." :-D

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Yes! It was a meaningful red meat assignment! If he wasn't up to it he should have recommended someone else take it! Why the H..L isn't he getting any of the blame? Bannon has the right name for him. Can't imagine how I got on his mailing list. I've Unsubscribed!

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Good ones. Liked the recruiting poster. If I had put on a dress in the '60s I would have had a very short enlistment in the AF.

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Only real men know what real men are like! G.Carlin

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Sargent Klinger. . . way in the past now.

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Haha, the Schnozz of Toledo

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

It's so idiotic. The backbone of military service must center on discipline and esprit de corps. You're sending folks into battle to risk their life or limb.

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I vote we use the uniform the Scots used in WW1. Kilts...

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I nominate BRANCO for the next Admins White House Press Sec.

One picture worth thousand words! Confucius

One picture worth thousand smirks/laffs/giggles/and atta boys! RMS

Nice group of comedy artists . A+

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His today a good lead for a funny story. We were walking our labs, she was 80 lb of brains and brawn, he was 125 lb who fit totally under her thumb. We came up on a freshly deposited pile of horse poo and he had to have some. So he grabbed a big lab mouth full of the stuff only to find he really did not like it at all...showcased by some bodacious ear and dewlap flappping head shaking followed by his trying to learn to spit for the rest of the walk. A lesson learned.

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A lesson learned until the next time?

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Never again. Think she had a talk with him.

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Isn't that the way Joe Biden used to walk with Hunter, when he was a youngster? I recall it was actually Joe who took up the mouth full of horse rinds. Most fitting since Joey is always spewing horseshit, and sniffing heads

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Truthfully i understand his wanting to protect Hunter. I do not understand him using him for his own corruption.

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That isthe easy part.

From the very beginning, it has been speculated. (Haha) that joey could never legitimately win a presidential election, as his previous attempts clearly failed, and he pretty much sucks as a politician and a human. Most people who aren't cognitively impaired can see this being fact..

Now if the intelligence community approached joey and family, and said:

"Let's make a deal. We know your son did bad stuff, you were a pay to play slimebag VP, and your family were all involved in illegal govt grants, how about we install you as president, you do what a good puppet would do, and we will guarantee you than neither you, your son Hunter, or your family members will never see a day in prison, and be paid handsomely for your part.

We will ensure you and your family are taken care of forever. Just do what we want."

From the very beginning, joey was no way capable of this job, and the world knew it. He participated in it due to both ego, and a sure fire way of ensuring Hunters freedom

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I like the last one best. Yes, no one made anyone get injected. Sure. No shame with the vaxxers. None.

Danny Huckabee

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Oh my there are so many goodies today I can’t choose a fave! But all SPOT ON Doc! Thank you and God bless you for your truth telling! You truly are a gem! 💛

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Good one Robert! You saved the best for last. You nailed it!

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That quip on the JP video showing Zuckershmuck @ threads topic.....is it me or does he really look/act/talk/ exactly like a typical sci-fi movie Android creation? Is this guy a DOD planted actor?

The porcelain silicon like face creeps me out. (Boogie man chills)

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Hes evolved into that. Being a billionaire obviously did something to his brain. Once he was just a smart college kid.

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Does he never go out in the sun and only eat vegan (bugs and such)? He never looks healthy.

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