Although I didn’t like Kamala Harris and her voting history as a senator, she was what she was, a crazy leftist San Francisco communist. She could be herself. I think her big problem as she became vice president and now the Democratic presidential candidate she can no longer be what she really is, and unlike Obama she is not a good enough politician (liar) to pull this off. So now the democrat powers that be have twisted her into a pretzel that she doesn’t have the ability or mental capacity to talk her way through this. I really think she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

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She is certainly in over her head and out of her depth. She could be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If so, I suspect there are some White House doctors with medications at the ready to mask her madness.

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yeah, feed her some SSRI's. . .

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More vaccines would help.

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If you look at her speech patterns in the context of accusations she's a day drinker... I don't know if it's true, but it kind'a makes sense.

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Example of the Peter Principle applied to the ultimate conclusion. Failed up until she was way in front of her skis, then because of Biden's dementia, becomes installed to be the candidate for President. The most important and difficult job in the world. This is all the fault of the democrat party operatives who took a person who couldn't poll above 1% in the 2020 primary then got appointed to VP candidate as a diversity hire, spent all the 1st term doing nothing except presiding over the Senate for a couple votes her handlers said she should do. Look up "shit show" in the dictionary and find her picture along with a description of this campaign.

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Peter Principle for sure but I would add Dunning Kruger. She definitely thinks she is smarter than she appears. Doesn't realize how dumb she is or sounds.

I believe she is like Joe in so many ways and one way is neither of them really ever held a job where they had to produce. They have always had staff .

People like that look down on trades people like myself.

I remember an Engineer wanting me to hook up an electrical control his way and I pointed out his mistake. He proceeded to tell me in a condescending tone, "I will not debate temperature control with you!". It worked exactly like I predicted and he went to my boss complaining about it. I told my boss my side of it and his attitude. I said you can have someone else work on it because he doesn't respect my work.

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Just guessing here but he actually wanted to use PID control, when as in 90% of cases of temp control only PI is necessary!

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I have always thought it was just one Marxist that installed Kami, first as senator, then forced her on Biden as VP and the finale was the coup to get her on the ballot for Pres -

the well laid out plan of Barack Hussein Obama. When he left office he was in control of the entire Dem war chest. I remember Hillary once complained that there were no funds.

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As I point out often, there was no he (the puppet) but a cabal of string pullers. What amazes me is that they allow him so much publicity in this campaign as I am still convinced a thorough investigation would retroactively unseat his term in office. I do not believe he was qualified...period

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Obama was the face of the cabal. Don't get me started on his lack of qualifications. Who the heck is he to run for Pres and then have his stooges in the media say Palin was not qualified to be VP. He generated the Tea Party, the 912 groups, As A Mom, and many other groups. The new public engagement in the political arena was astounding and rightfully so.

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Barry Soterio, aka Barrack Hussein Obutthead - same as Joe Biden - never actually worked at a real job in his (their) adult lives. Living examples (along with Kalamity Harris) of the "Peter Principle" (noun) "the principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent".

For those three - it was from day ONE!

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I keep hoping the peperdine papers get exposed to the light of day. That may. be all that is needed....and explain the ft. knox security they enjoy.

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I would add duplicitous to her outstanding qualities

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Ergo, the inevitable word salad.

Last night's outtakes on Jesse's World revealed graphic, tongue-tied salad spewed ad nauseum.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

I have no doubt that there are very shrewd oligarchs who are diligently at work precipitating the downfall of the US and the rest of the West. But it appears that sometimes they have to rely on dingbat puppets and proxies who are prone to falter in carrying out the mission of subversion. It must irk these so-called elites to no end to see remnants of patriotism and prosperity linger on, and to see their malevolence thwarted.

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Although it is not thwarted yet. When O ran there was so much hype and outright threats to newspapers everyone fell in line. GQ public heard spin and lies and went along with hope and change, a civilian force bigger than the military, gov run health care, overseas apologizes, and the divisive rhetoric of Obama; all because he was suppose to be the cool guy that care.

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And the media is still as kind as can be about the total failure of the (un)a.c.a.

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It's easy to sling invective and call someone stupid.

In Harris's case, her inability to answer questions that should have been easily anticipated, planned for, and answers scripted raises legitimate question about whether her IQ rises above double digits.

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Spot-on, James.

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Las Vegas odds give Trump the win 59% to 41%. There’s a problem however, Dominion makes the Vegas odds machine.

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In 2022, I received two mail in ballots that I had not ordered because I wanted to vote in person. The polling captain said my vote can't be counted until they know I didn't use the mail in ballots. Guess what? In 2024, I did order one mail in ballot, but received two. Par for Cook County, Illinois Democratic controlled manipulators. In addition, Wisconsin (Milwaukee and Madison BLUE cities) has informed me I voted in the 2020 election, and not 2022 and wanted to be sure I voted in 2024. Never lived in the state! I'll stand by my statement that : "If you understand statistics, it is not a random occurrence when six blue states with major democratic metropolitan population centers all have a reversal of voting counts in the middle of the night on election day. It was epizootic and carefully preplanned. Mike Lindell tried to prove it and Lindell says Walz targeted him for erasure. Proving it is another matter since it involves digital computer manipulation and many other moving parts facilitated by the Covid con. They had to destroy the J6 patriots to keep the pressure on. Hillary Clinton was really pissed when President Trump lost the popular vote, but maximized the electoral vote in 2016 and won. He has experienced 8 years of h*ll on earth and has displayed the unbelievable fortitude to with stand the legal political gamesmanship including two assassination attempts by persons in my mind that have been cleverly guided. Good old HC is probably the mastermind of the overall efforts since she owns the DNC. The wrath of a women's revenge can be over whelming. My guess is that Obama and Billy are great cheer leaders for the effort. My kids don't believe I am correct.

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Michigan and Pennsylvania have uncovered fraudulent voting schemes. In the news today! Isn't over till the fat lady sings!

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Which will probably be trans.

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Not so sure about HC.(Suspect it takes a caball+), but expect you're closest to the truths of the matters being asserted.

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Lets not forget that Hillary Clinton (and Bubba and Chelsea) - like Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell), are all members of the "STRING-PULLERS" aka the "NGO" - the "Council on Foreign Relations" that for way more than a half century have had (its) members "embedded" in EVERY important organ of the US federal government - Executive, Legislative and Judicial - not to mention the over 300 agencies, bureau's and departments.

The "CFR" is without doubt the "NGO" that is behind the 24/7/365 agenda to nudge, push, shove and cajole the American people into forgetting and negating their personal sovereignty to become "citizens of the world" - just like Barrack Hussein Obutthead sez he is - and accept the rule and domination of "One-World-Order" as codified in the UN's "AGENDA-2030"....now ONLY FIVE years away. Time to WAKE UP and PUSH BACK!

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Top ID of most of the elements of the caball+. Thank you!

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Trying to alert and wake up my fellow Americans is (definitely) like spitting into the wind.

Thank you, Jean.

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He is "Going for it all"!

I like it!!!

Little to slow down for now......

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You are 💯 correct! ‼️‼️‼️

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Historically in Nevada, the first year of electronic voting machines was September 7, 2004; and the machines were SEQUOIA - later changed to DOMINION....same machines, same mfg.

What could possibly be wrong with that?

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Sounds like a shell game to me.

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I'd just call it ongoing schemes by liberals, progressives, Socialists, Communists and Maoists (ALL the SAME damn thing) to hold permanent and absolute power over the 'means of production' - as Karl Marx called it.

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Not entirely off subject but just got back from voting...stood 1.5-2 hr in line. Was told they are seeing over 1000/day....for early voting. They have never seen the like before.

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As for me and my household, we'll never buy anything from Anheuser-Busch or Victoria's Secret. Woke go broke all the way, when will they learn? The Trump McDonalds visit was brilliant so many iconic photos and moments talking with supporting customers, totally humanized Trump. I really pray every evil scheme to rig the election gets exposed now. I also pray the Trump team finds every booby trap they are setting for him in the deep state, especially the economic ones. I believe the 0.5 interest rate hike was a booby trap for Trump, it will cause run-away inflation for his presidency. I believe they want to crash the economy on his head, just like they tried to do with the Plandemic.

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MOST people do not understand the absolute POWER each individual has by NOT buying products (of) manufacturers they disapprove of. The Go WOKE Go BROKE scenario is explicit.

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Yes. I'm also working to not buy anything with plastic, if possible.

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Good luck with that one.

May have to wait till carbon is outlawed - which includes the Homo-Sapiens species.

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Actually, buying items without plastic is often possible, and investing more time in searches can usually be rewarded with success. Paying more might be necessary. Food grade 100% stainless steel probably isn't the cheapest choice. Lead- and cadmium-free glass is another example of an alternative to plastic. Silicone is plastic, and it's practically always blended with other materials to fulfill a desired function. Micro- and nanoplastics are, IMO, a significant danger to Homo sapiens.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I may or may not relate to the one where the therapy patient says Add to Cart. 😄 Only I don’t see a therapist. I just…Add to Cart. 👀🤭😂

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I can relate! :-)

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Don't we all kinda wish "Victoria " would keep THAT " Secret" to him/her/them self ?

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When we talk about selecting those for highly-coveted positions based on merit, we know we're likely getting the right individual for the job. When someone gets a job because of inclusivity, they're most likely getting the job at the expense of someone who otherwise should have gotten that job based on merit. This is what your pro-DEI and inclusivity fanatics don't understand, and it's why DEI is, and should be, becoming such an unpopular idea.

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BOEING Aircraft is learning the hard way. "MEI" is the answer: " MERIT, EXCELLENCE (and) INTELLIGENCE - like what drove America before the Marxists invaded, over ran and corrupted virtually every institution extant in the USSA TODAY.

Communism SUCKS!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re: the Budweiser and Victoria's Secret boycotts: This is the ONLY POWER we have. Remind others that if they fall for CBDC, we will have none!

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Appreciate the Victoria Secret panels and the associated Bud Lite panels - tho I wouldn’t call it a boycott. Rather, it was a visceral reaction by the original target audience of Bud Lite: men who saw themselves as men who got on board with a beer that was supposedly less caloric. When AB-InBev made a panty wearing, light in the loafers, sexually confused homosexual its BudLite spox (can’t say spokesman or spokeswoman as neither seem appropriate), what real man wanted to be seen swilling its product. Men continued drinking "lite" beers, as shifting market shares showed, but not BL; what confuses me today is WHO is still buying it

As for VS, I can appreciate their stiff lipped strident continuation of shaping social mores. But, at some point they’re gonna have to come to the realization that neither women or men (the majority, that is) want to see an obese chunking woman in something skimpingly boudoir’ish, the barely there material stretched beyond the bounds of believability. No, VS sold illusion that when she puts on the translucent ca,I or slips into the $50 bit of dental floss, she could look the same. Reality has very little to do with the former success of VS.

Likewise, prominent Adam’s apples or bulges (down there 😉) on emaciated sexually/genderly confused XYs are not what guys buying VS are looking for - for their main or side squeeze.

Not a boycott, revulsion.

[personally, I don’t think it’s a marketing misfire, I’m of the opinion that it’s an insidious invasion of corporations prominent in our social milieu in an effort to 1) influence the social milieu and 2) destroy the corporations that have secured spots in our social milieu.]

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This quote from Cindy Sheehan's substack summarizes Kamala's campaign succinctly:

"In a short three months, or so, Que Mala went from the Joy Campaign; to her stay in the basement strategy; to her brief MAGA phase where she promoted many of OMB’s policies like a closed border and no tax on tips; to her angry/indignant arc where she quadruples down on her TDS, to, for now, her “Trump is Hitler” stage. She’s toast."


Que Mala = Kamala, OMB = Orange Man Bad, TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome

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I don't think that all the Happy Meals on the world could make her happy or give her joy!!!

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I think her joy balloon has long since deflated and now is as flacid and yucky as a used condom. There doesn't seem to be anyone on her campaign staff willing to put their lips to that sucker and puff it up again.

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now, THERE'S an image fer ya' folks!@

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Right? 🫣

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

There is one phrase that's music to every tyrant's ears: Have it your way.

As a great poet once wrote:

Hold the pickles

Hold the lettuce

Special orders don't upset us

All we ask is that you let us serve it your way.

Beautiful. Sometimes you just have to admire the rivals' handiwork.


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The only improvement on that commercial would be to have Frank Sinatra sing, "I want my Whopper my way."

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Thought I’d share an investment tip:

Plywood - those who make it, those who sell it.

Me thinks there’s gonna be a spike in demand in a week or so.

Then hold on to your investment as the rebuilding will begin soon - Appalachia, Florida, our inner cities…

Perhaps buy shares in Spotify, today, if you can 🤷‍♀️, before the Rogan-President Trump interview hits the podcasts.

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Pretty crazy when gardening and homeschooling has become the spearhead of revolution against corrupt government. You know they are going to be introducing more regulation to make both illegal.

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Kentucky will be voting on a constitutional amendment that permits parents the right to choose the education of their choice and port their ADA to that choice! There is reason to hope that public schools witness their own BudLight moment.

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There are many things in life I don’t understand, a sampling:

We’re at the tail end of 4 years of shit,

Before this, We had 8 years of this shit,

Before that We had 8 years of tolerable shit after 4 years of quasi-shit

And before, 50ish years ago, that we had the beginning with mediocre shit.

What I don’t understand: SWING STATES⁉️

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The "Swing States" voters have bought into the "FREE SHIT" come on hook-line-and sinker.

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Tom, perhaps, but I think I was being too cute for my own good; what I was trying to point out, with all that has happened when demonratz have "power," WHY are there swing states at all. It just doesn’t make sense to me; "free stuff," "Santa Claus," Easter Bunny" are a very real threat.

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One quick answer is the demoCommies rely on the so-called "Swing States" to KEEP them in power.

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Top notch lot today! Thank you!

I start with the Thought Police, having lots too much to think. Immediately engage our 'Rebel' mode.

Thank you for illustrating all our would be triggers and strategies to deal with them.

As for the Israeli secret plans timely forwarded to Iran, I've seen a picture (a sulky 25 - 35 yo woman) who is purportedly the culprit. First its the Supreme Crt leaker (never identified or to our knowledge punished) and now this. Of course lets not forget the details of the Trump golfcourse assasination attempt. Amazing how it all slips through the fingers never to be, so much as whispered about again.

The latest radio discussions, after 9 am, seem to be concerned with the threat of Marshall Law - is it. Your securing ourselves in our storm cellars during (and immediately after?) the 2024 election are on the money.

Have another great day all!


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Yeah, and RAMIREZ "toons" are incredible.

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Those who act on behalf of internationalism and global governance at the expense of nation-states, by their actions, also weaken the notion of treason as crime.

"Under the umbrella of this grant, Dr. Baric generously shared with the Chinese his groundbreaking techniques for using reverse engineering and genetic manipulation to create lethal and virulent clones and to teach wild coronaviruses to infect humans."

from "The Wuhan Cover-up," RFK Jr., p. 285.

Another example: former Harvard professor Dr. Charles Lieber. Stealth beneficiary of Chinese "Thousand Talents" program. Investigated by FBI. Per Wikipedia, "He was fined and sentenced to two days in prison, followed by two years of supervised release with six months of house arrest on April 26, 2023."


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