A blonde joke that fits Biden so well:

Biden calls his aide and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started."

The aide asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"

Biden says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster."

His aide decides to go over and help with the puzzle.

Biden lets her in and shows her where he has the puzzle spread all over the table.

The aide studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to Biden and says,

"First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster."

The aide then takes Biden's hand and says, "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then,"

... the aide adds with a deep sigh ....

"Let's put all these Corn Flakes back in the box"

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May 17·edited May 17

Yeah. He thought the box of Lucky Charms was a home-made jewelry kit. Same day. Some days he just fixates on arts & crafts.

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The LIKE function is still not working!

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Mine show up after refresh.

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Somehow, it just started working.

I'm glad since I don't know how to refresh the page!!!

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If you're on a Windows box, just go to the top row on your keyboard and hit the "F5" key. I use it frequently when I perform an action that doesn't appear to have worked.

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worked for me...

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Ditto here.

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Still can’t seem to get likes to work on replied comments??? Not sure why!!

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hey there James!

It is working but not updating. . . push the re-load button.

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Where is the reload button?

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F5 at the top of your keyboard

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TriTorch, thank 😊 you.

Like Jean, I'm on my cell phone.

However, the LIKE BUTTON is now working. Let's see for how long.

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My cell keyboards don't have any buttons. My computer keyboard is an antique basic issue. I did try backing out of the post and clicking back in, with no relief. Using Dr M's preferred approach - it may be the SSsystem is overloaded. As the load is reduced, niceties return?

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System acting screwy. Blasted thing toggled me off so did not get yesterdays posts…missed both. Second time that has happened in just a couple of weeks

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May 18·edited May 18

Next to the word substack at the way top of the post is an incomplete circle with an arrow pointing to the right. Click on that and it reloads the page.

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Jean, on a cellphone click the URL bar (this will highlight the web address) and then hit enter on your keyboard to refresh.

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James, figured this out yesterday. Try clicking the heart. Wait five seconds. Refresh the page. You should see that it registered.

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Methinks there is a metaphor here with our government not registering our "likes" until it is refreshed (with the blood of tyrants).

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Sounds like the recipe for a new meme, Ned... =)

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Me either!!!!!

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I heard he planted his Cheerio seeds to try and grow donuts.

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Maybe that’s what he’s looking for on the WH grounds…

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thanks! I forwarded that to an awakening person.

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Made my day!!

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That’s a great one!

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oh man, thanks, I just figured out a meme

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When I look at the medical establishment and the current justice system in America, it’s hard to fathom how you can put so many people into positions of power that have absolutely no integrity, no honesty, and a complete lack of care for a persons health and well being or the jailing and destroying of innocent people. It’s truly unimaginable. J.Goodrich

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I agree James and I have thought about this particular subject a great deal. Of all industries, how did the medical industry become so captured and corrupt? I do not believe it happened organically by any stretch of the imagination. It was planned for a long time, directed by powerful interests, most of them outside or tangential to the medical industry. The very targeted destruction of private practice medicine is just one example and a very important piece of what occurred. This is what Obamacare was aimed at, finishing a job that had been started by the big insurance companies. It was very successful. The medical schools also played an important role, miseducating doctors and nurses and transforming medicine from health care to sick care while undermining both the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code. And then of course there is Big Pharma, arguably the most important element of what occurred. Here we see an institutional version of “we own the science” that became wedded to money and that became corrupted to such a degree that one can only call it evil. The money was then weaponized to buy compliance throughout the industry. It is a long and tragic story. There was a day when the US medical industry was the envy of the world.

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The medical industry was among Rockefeller's first targets. He utilized the love of money to capture it fully:

Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee Investigation: One of the Most Important Interviews in History: https://bitchute.com/video/9A3Duj2eLBLG [52:53min]

The reason the medical industry and homeopathic medicine were among his first acquisitions is that - as we saw with the COVID fraud - there are few things in life that will hastily grant a tyrant total control over the populace through fear, than the invisible threat of an unseen virus, disease, contagion, take your pick.

Terrorize them with such a notion, and many will eagerly throw their (and their neighbors') liberty at your feet, while begging you to save their souls, cue the COVID killshots. This playbook has likely been used over and over again throughout "history".

"If the news is fake now, just imagine how fake history is." -Yuri Bezmenov, the Substack author.

In addition, control over the medical industrial complex gives you control over most of mankind via vaccine and prescription protocols...

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The Rockefeller foundation owns the chemotherapy treatment. I wonder why there is no cure. There are cures out there but not through the FDA . They make to much money off of cancer. Chemo, anti nausea medicine, and the list goes on.

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Cancer is really big business. Have often said if anyone actually came up with a cure he would be disappeared. Not entirely in jest.

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I know of treatment my mom took for her lymphoma . She was given 8 years to live and it had been 6. The drs were going to increase her chemo. She found out about a treatment in another country. She had nothing to loose so she went and got the treatment. She came back different woman and lived 27 years. It was developed by a cancer research Dr . It worked with the immune system. It corrected the immune system. It didn’t make her sick , only made her feel better. I went for the same treatment for my autoimmune disease, Hashimotos . It made me feel better. I no longer have antibodies. There were many attempts on his life. He could read your blood and tell you where you cancer was. He also rated it on an inflammation scale. My mom went in the 1980’s.

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Something called immunosurveillance has been around quite awhile and evidence has been moutig that immunotherapy will be the magic bullet. The role of the immune system in detection of new cancer cells is being highlighted today with these turbo cancers popping up in folks who took the jab which has pretty well been demonstrated to be immunosuppressant.

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It started with medicare that pushed the cost of medical treatment thru the roof and forced us into buying med insurance. Prior very few of us had any

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I remember when medicare and medicaid started and the line of people outside the doctors office was half a block long cause it was free.

They love to keep you coming back for appointments as much as possible.

Before that our old Doctor charged $5 for an office call and still drove a Cadillac!

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Back then the buick was known as “the doctors car”. Today a mercedes? Ours also charged $5 back then. There were not nearly as many big dollar specialties then either.

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My parents never had health insurance when I was growing up they just paid cash. The drs made house calls. Then the price of medicine went through the roof and they were force to buy it

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My recollection from the '50s and possibly very early '60s (pre--63).

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Just like EDUCATION, the price of tuition has gone up as they fund their raises!!!!

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Great point. Medicare/medicaid is a major piece of the story that I omitted.

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Yep, they create a so-called program that is supposed to help The People but it is really designed to fund all of their programs!

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Nixons war on cancer I have heard never saved a single life. But it did spend bunched of money in the process

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I believe that the downward spiral began with the Federal Health Maintenance Act of 1973. That put the wheels in motion for much that followed, all of which put far too many controls on the doctor-patient relationship. Fifty years later, there are precious few sole practitioners. They are nearly all part of a corporate medical entity, who take most of their marching orders from our federal health agencies. Hence the mindless, senseless imposition of harmful & often deadly covid policies (suppression of early out-patient treatment, poorly tested, experimental genetic injections, remdesivir/ventilators to name but a few).

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Now it has become the enemy of the world just like our CIA.

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Brien so perfectly said! So tragic, sad and very very maddening! 👿👿👿

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Yes indeed Jennifer. The lessons of the past 4 years have come so fast and furious as to defy our ability to capture them all. This all happened slowly, then all of a sudden, as such things do. For a long time people who held traditional and time tested values dropped out of the fight without even realizing there was a fight going on. The results speak for themselves.

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"The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" Everything else that we loathe in our world today just follows this grave error, logically, and inevitably .

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"It’s truly unimaginable."

Only because you're an intelligent, sentient, educated person. For the rest of the lumpen proletariat it's de rigueur. See the movie, "Idiocracy" which was supposed to be a dark comedy, but it was actually a prescient prediction.

In fewer than twenty-five words, "It's the end result of Communist infiltration of our government having successfully turned our Republic into a DemoKracy".

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Nealstar, 😔 Sad to acknowledge that thought as a harsh reality!

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Sad, true, but not yet carved in stone and there is still a glimmer of a chance we'll prevail.

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Righto James- sadly we are living in upside down world! LET’S GO BRANDON!!!! 👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯🤯

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Easy peasy it seems and that is the problem.

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Evidently the corruption hasn't gone far enough to totally implode. I get the sense that this downward spiral in every system has to hit bottom. Where is bottom? We'll find out in due time, James. Hang on...

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D D, the more that they villanize DJT, the easier it is to blame him for the downfall of our 🇺🇸 🌎 country and our world 🌎.

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and then they wonder how it can be this bad

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Right? And they are all really stupid, to boot!

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I wonder how they were created in the first place.

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Like the nazi's of old, they are just following orders!

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What a wonderful world! You won't see this advertised on NBC,CBS and etc!


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That is hysterical! Sent to all my friends 😂😂😂

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Amen brother!

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our ONLY hope!! If this doesn't happen, we may as well kiss our butts goodbye!

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If a picture is worth a thousand words, that was worth a million. Thank you for the sheer optimism.

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My church was a big sponsor of Boy Scouts of America. One of my sons is an Eagle Scout. Then my church pulled out because of the woke agenda. Boy Scouts of America was a great program. It helped boys turn into men. They backpacked through mountains. Slept in snow caves in the Winter, learned how to build a fire , learned to read a compass. Learned how to set up camp, learned first aid.

A scout is trustworthy, loyal helpful, friendly, courteous , kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. I remember my father reciting the Boy Scout Law. If everyone lived by the Boy Scout Law the world would be a better place.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was a Cub Scout from '54 if I remember correctly and then transitioned to Boy Scouts where I learned outdoor skills that I still use to this day, remember the oath, law and motto and still have my Boy Scout True Temper hatchet and a "challenge" coin before there were such things. On the front it has the First Class badge and "On my honor I will do my best". We were supposed to keep it in our left front pocket and secretly transfer it to our right front pocket after we performed our good turn for the day.

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Gotta make that past tense.

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely 💯!

Let's go back to offending everyone!

I'm tired 😫 of walking 🚶‍♀️ on egg 🥚 shells 🐚!!!

Not really, but it's just SO FRUSTRATING 🤷!

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"Let's go back to offending everyone!"

Generally my modus operandi for most of my years on this planet.

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The way things are now Ana if I trod on an egg it would be a defossilized dinosaur egg that would hatch and bite me.

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I had a local radio show in the early Y2K days and did manage to get an award for,

"If I'm not offending someone, I'm not doing my job." and "For openly expressing thoughts that piss everyone off."

It was a once a week computer tech call-in show, but I still managed.

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Blazing Saddles REMAINS my favorite movie of all time.

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WH Staff: "Tel Aviv."

Biden: "Tell him what? And who is Aviv?"

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Friday Funnies - so look forward to this Stack! Thank you!

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here too! I never miss what the great docs post! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

WOW!!! This Friday Funnies selection is hitting on all 24 cylinders and burning NITRO! LOVE THEM ALL!

The political cartoonist (HITCH) is a marvel at characterizing the looney Left.

Best part is that more and more political cartoonists are 'expressing' their thoughts by hilariously exposing the "Collective leftists" with wit and ridicule - and being LAUGHED AT - which according to Saul Alinsky -( one of the Left's immortals )- is like flashing a CROSS at VAMPIRES!

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't know why, but these funnies made me think of a few times when I was a teenager and watching some of my friends making the same mistakes over and over. My Mom would ask me why I was so confused and I'd tell her that I've shown those guys how to do whatever it was so that it would work, but they keep on doing it wrong. She said I had to be patient and sometimes people have to learn how to do things the right way on their own.

Eventually, my friends would figure it out and all would be okay until the next time.

BUT - It NEVER took this long before! And they at least didn't keep going in the wrong direction.

This time, they're going in the wrong direction because they are going to make it the only direction for everybody. They know it's not right but they don't care.

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It's because they're Schlemmings™ (Wooly coated Lemmings)

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Malone you get an A+ this week in Friday's Funnies class.

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This is no doubt one of the best collections yet.. loved the finale.

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had two country doctors and the first of six allergists through High School. The two GPs were more or less volunteers, who saw a need and went to work to help their respective communities. One had her degree but married a very successful, wealthy Lawyer who owned a farm near where I grew up. The nearest Doctor was about ten miles away and she decided the town needed a Doctor, so she hung out a shingle and the patients came. A wonderful lady, but in a way I was the "problem" patient. That was still in the days of reusable needles and after being autoclaved repeatedly they would weaken. In her entire career she only had one needle break off in a squirming young patient that had to be extracted. As my mother used to say "three guesses who that was and the first two don't count". Yes, the Doctor was giving a five year old me a gluteal injection and the needle broke. My mother was the athlete of the family, having joined the small club of those, who had swum across the Ohio River, as a college student, and that came in handy as she held me down over a knee while the Doctor probed my b***. Many years later I was back from grad school to vote and saw the Doctor, now retired, coming out of the Polling place. She immediately remembered the broken needle incident as it was one of the nightmares of her career!

My mother grew up a few miles east in another small town barely in another state and after my first Doctor retired this town was being served by a local Doctor, who had graduated from Medical School and become a Missionary Doctor in Africa. He had retired from that job and returned home to find home without a Doctor, so he hired a retired local nurse, literally in her 90s, and hung out his shingle, again, not because he needed the money, but to serve his community.

Neither of these Doctors needed the income, but they voluntarily went to work, because they had the right education and the communities needed them ... a far cry from Medicine today!

Today my greatest and only major affliction is respiratory allergies. The first five Allergists gave me desensitizing injections for over thirty years, finally after twenty some years extinguishing my fear of dreaded needles from the above incident. The fifth was the son of a Physician, who needed him for support in his old age and near the time he left town coincidentally Loratidine and water soluble nasal steroids had recently been introduced. He proposed giving me a couple of prescriptions instead of the injections and I could self medicate. After that I had annual checkups. Big Pharma really screwed up with these as I have been successfully taking them ever since and have fair control of my allergies and there is still nothing better than the generic medicines although they tried to repurpose Singulair for a period. I declined the offer of a prescription from my current GP because I didn't need the stuff! Before the Patents on Claritin and the nasal steroids expired I went through a period where I was vacationing on the north shore of Georgian Bay in Canada every summer and found that Claritin (branded Loratidine) was over the counter in Canada and much cheaper, but was prescription medicine in the US, so I would buy at least a six months supply at a Canadian Walmart and smuggle it back across the border. It turns out these are really safe and effective as all drugs should be. Canadian regulators realized this and declared them over the counter so we in the US got to pay the freight!

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely 💯!

Let's go back to offending everyone!

I'm tired 😫 of walking 🚶‍♀️ on egg 🥚 shells 🐚!!!

Not really, but it's just SO FRUSTRATING 🤷!

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It seems the dems hope to make a grand slam in the election using lawfare to play a no Trump hand

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I wish each meme and video had a "like" button!

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In reference to the % of homes with only female influence, I married a wonderful guy for the influence needed for my son who was 12 at the time. I didn't consciously know that is why I married him until after our divorce. Even after our separating he continued to be a positive influence on my son, as well as other men, here and there. Even my male gay room-mate was there for him. My son is a solid, kind, smart guy with a heart of gold and patience to boot!

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