I strongly recommend that all of you click on the last link concerning Sheri Markson's brilliant work revealing what really happened in Wuhan. Not covered in the controlled mockingbird media.

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Talking about China flu, some thoughts about the jab. We have at least 3 mechanisms to repair DNA damage that occurs from daily exposure to carcinogens (once read ~a dozen potential mutagens in a spear of broccoli) and another mechanism called immunosurveillance to seek out and kill tumor cells resulting from DNA repair failure. By now it is obvious the jabs are resulting in increased rates of cancer. The logical reason would be the documented effect they have on immune responsiveness. But I am wondering if these perversions of the RNA used in these jabs might be mucking up the DNA repair process as well. A spate of newly made cancer cells could easily overwhelm weakened immunity. A double whammy offered by the jabs leading to cancer cells being made and surviving. If true,there is not any punishment I can think of sufficiently harsh to apply to the purveyors of these jabs.

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Help me here. Is broccoli a culprit then? What are the mechanisms to repair DNA damage?

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No, not a culprit per se but simply an example of why we have DNA repair mechanisms. We encounter hosts of mutagens daily including daily dose of sunlight. Been 1/2 century since studied these in class: one corrects thymidine dimers, another is a recombinant repair and do not remember 3rd.

BTY you might be interested knowing Texas billed for over $4 million for the failed Paxton impeachment. One Houston lawyer charged $3 million for him and 20 of his stable. And more charges expected

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Hope some of the guilty tax payers will find better candidates to vote for in the next election. Glad Paxton prevailed and is back to business.

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Names are being taken Jean. Heavy politicking carried out in what I am calling a rino hunt. Let’s hope.

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Phelan gave out $3,389,747 to 32 district reps. I'd like to see billboards and fliers put out that say those 32 district reps need to pay the stinking bill. I am assuming that money was from donors and not tax payers.

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Probably donations and that is why I howl about out of state monies pouring into state elections. Because I doubt phelan can pull in all that lucre in state. Suspect some zuck bucks there, etc.

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I assumed it was Bush and his backers.

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There's video of her on YouTube, on the Sky News Australia channel, dated 9-12-21, in which she advocated vaccine mandates. Although one might retain such a position and still work to uncover origins, I hope she has reconsidered and is motivated by regret.

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The piece closes with, "...we're just as vulnerable as we were three years ago to a pandemic." However, I would add that the CPC has had three more years to construct and hide numerous mini-labs all over this country, as the one accidentally discovered in California. How many more, FBI? Too busy investigating Catholics to check?

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Totally reinforces my absolute intuitive gut feeling that if it had been bats with virus's, thousands of Chinese citizens all over China would been dead and dying decades ago.

Plus the sinister fact that this media blitz smelled like a skunk run over by a semi.

A 9/11 higher intensity smoke screen cover up was inundated propaganda launch time 24/7

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Weather grifting czar John Kerry was confronted on his private jet and denied owning one. When pressed on the issue by someone that knew the truth, he begrudgingly admitted his wife owns the jet that he flies around in. Hypocrites and liars.

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The doctor gave me one year to live, so I shot him with my gun. The judge gave me 18-to-Life. Problem solved?

I hope Death is a woman. That way it will never look at me twice.

My wife told me she'll slam my head on the keyboard if I don't get off the computer. I'm not too worried, I think she's jokinlkjhfakljn m,.nbziyoao78yv87dfaoyuofaytdf

I like to spend my weekends playing chess with old men in the park. It's not easy. You try finding 32 old guys.

I visited my friend at his new house. He told me to make myself at home. So I threw him out. I hate having visitors.

"I have good and bad news," the doctor said to his patient. "Give me the good news first," the patient said. "Your test results are back," the doctor said, "and you have only two days to live." "That's the good news?" the patient exclaimed. "What's the bad news?" "I've been trying to reach you for two days."

My grief counselor died the other day. He was so good at his job, I didn't even care.

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It's important to have a good vocabulary. If I had known the difference between the words "antidote" and "anecdote," one of my good friends would still be alive.

At home, they treat me like God. I'm generally ignored until someone wants something.

"What's your name, son?" The principal asked his student. The kid replied, "D-d-d-dav-dav-David, sir." "Do you have a stutter?" the principal asked. The student answered, "No sir, my dad has a stutter but the guy who registered my name was a real jerk."

My wife left a note on the fridge that said, "This isn't working." I'm not sure what she's talking about. I opened the fridge door and it's working fine!

Today, I asked my phone, "Alexa, why am I still single?" and it activated the front camera.

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I like the grand Finale....Alexa why am i.....

Confucius knew the answer long ago.

One picture worth a thousand words. Camera not much make improvement either.

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Haha, nice.

Speaking of that camera: https://bitchute.com/video/5echnDnSrQCA [42 seconds]

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I guess the real question is where is all this pixel poop to be stored away that some bizzaro glitchy electron viro-bug may Ai invade and amplify a hunger to eat all of it for digi-food?

Say Goodbye to all those precious baby and family pics we thought safe to access forever.

I have 3 Hdrives in desktops starting in 1994 no one can open to retrieve music/pics now!

Think of it like Pacman reincarnated. Hahahah AHHHH STOP NOOOO........Wakawakawaka

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These are my laughs for the day, Thanks TriT!!!

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Really poor dancing without any training or fitness, with lots of eye-rolling sleaziness and gay overtones. Revolting. They truly are boors.

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I watched what must have been a version of the tape [perhaps using the music they played when recording the video?] and all I could focus on was the sound of the metal taps on their shoes damaging the hardwood floors of the WH. Had to turn it off.

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"And by the way, what the heck is going on with Sky News?"

This confused me too, that Sky News Australia reports with a POV counter to that of Sky News UK. A check of "Sky News" on Wiki(Deep State Encyclo)pedia reveals that "Sky News Australia was part-owned by Sky News parent Sky plc until December 2016. Sky News Australia and Sky News UK are presently unlinked, despite the similar names and logos."

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Dr Malone! Where oh where do you find these great “funnies”? My weekends always start off perfectly after you post on Fridays! You and Jill have a wonderful weekend.

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Not up to watching the WH garbage making a mockery of our country and us. The history ‘read it before they ban it’ is a real warning. Most written history is through someone's lens and worse, propaganda. The truth of history is very evasive as people eventually discover. With AI on the loose, if you don’t already own DVDs and books by serious research authors, real history will be lost. Glenn Beck has always said, buy physical books. He has spent millions collecting, storing and preserving real history, written and in artifacts. God Bless him. The myriad books on the Covid debacle are priceless in this regard.

Have a great weekend everybody!

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As I have grown older have come to realize just how little history I was taught in school. As someone else posted here Calvin Coolidge was never mentioned in any of my courses and I knew practically nothing of him. And the Civil War—pap. Regurgitated Beards every year made history one of the most boring subjects in school.

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Think it was bad then, just imagine (no need because it is absolutely on flagrant display) what has not been covered since then only to give time for nonsense propaganda. David Barton has been fighting this for decades, especially in TX because the one or two select publishers of school text books go to the largest States to get their wares approved. The pressure has literally all been from one side and poor David needed an arm of supporter.

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Had an Accomplished, HTTA, haughty boring HIstory teacher. Left class badly turned off. Today the results are often irritating. Glad to have you guys noting it when relevant.

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I guess I was lucky, in that both my 7th and 8th grade US History and Civics classes were taught back and forth by a superb lay teacher.

A ZeroHedge article yesterday lays out tthe financial quacckery to try to get the dems relected next yeear. The historical glimpse of LBJ railroading the supposedly impartial Federal Reserve at the end of the article is great.

Edit: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/now-it-all-makes-sense

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I don't know why that teaching quality can't be implemented anymore. I coasted with A's thru both high school and university US History due to those 2 years. I started in public schools, then by 4th grade mom put her foot down, dam the cost, for parochial schooling. It was a big deal as that meant all my brothers would go parochial too. By high school, it was back public for me, and the educational difference was huge. Dad often complained of paying for 2 schools, ie against all the taxes to support public schools. I commend all now who make the extra sacrifices to home school their children.

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Wow - may that “holiday” video forever be preserved. A smack in our face visual, forever preserved of how far the pendulum has swung in our country.

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Hopefully now starting to swing back to normal

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I guess I got lucky, and was never exposed to the acute reaches of a higher education genius level

I got stuck with with those old JEDI knight skills Grama and Grampa showed me. God Bless em.

May the Force be with you......You know who you are......no really, you do. God bless you too!

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I love the Friday Funnies. Now I have a challenge to everyone who knows that the system has failed us. Take your TV off the wall and send it one way to the Legacy media source of your choice with a note attached, stating why you have sent the TV to them. Let's see how many tv's it takes to shut down Legacy Media.

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Sadly, as long as legacy media is bought and paid for by corporate sponsors and government actors (and by extension, all of us taxpayers), they'll continue to broadcast even if no one watches. And many people will watch because so many have literally lost their minds.

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Many good ones there, Dr. Malone. I especially like the Landers' one and the 'planting the seed'. There are many types of seeds that have been sown the past decade or so, seeds of revolution, seeds of lies, seeds of anarchy, seeds of INSANITY, seeds of chaos. I will continue to plant the ‘mustard seed’ and kindness… what we reap is far better.

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It’s a tough pill to swallow why with all of the anti white and anti semitic people of authority in the state I grew up in. When I look at the division in our country it becomes clear there are good hard working people that don’t see skin color, and there are hateful racist grifters. Why just the other day Boston’s mayor Wu sent out Email invitations for a Holiday party to be held on Dec. 13th for people of color only. It was to be held at a public tax payer paid for building. Whites need not get dressed for this party. Of course she apologized for the mistake of sending the invitations to all city council members. The mistake being those dirty white council members were not supposed to receive the racists invite. Her sincere apology to the anti human white people didn’t stop the party however, it went on without a hitch. All six members of color showed up with no regrets to the racist anti white party. I wanted to thank the mayor for allowing this dirty white taxpaying male for first allowing me to experience her racial hatred of me, and allowing me to help pay for their racist party. The democrats used to call it segregation when they forced black people to stay away from white people. Now the democrats have a much nicer softer word for there division of people solely based on the color of their skin it spaces. Isn’t that nice. A sincere Merry Christmas to Michele Wu, I’m sure her despicable racist agenda will guarantee her reelection here in Massachusetts. J.Goodrich

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We (H Co MD) just learned of similar justice. Local large Branch Library closed during open hrs for BlWms gathering. Time and place tax payer funded, AGainst Rules that apply. Official in Charge (a WM) of Rules called them on it and publicly. He just got his reward. Fired and replaced!

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James, it is past time for us to call out this misappropriation of taxpayer funds and DO SOMETHING! Voting isn’t working possibly because 1. Gaslighting 2. Stolen elections. We need a new WE THE PEOPLE tool. I’m an advocate for citizen taxpayers being required to assign their tax dollars for (or not for) every spending bill. Money is the key here. It’s OUR money. We should have final say over how it is used. I could be wrong but my guess is that woke craziness stops when their personal wallet is at stake. It is literally amazing how fast a thief gets religion when it’s his money being purloined. It is only the disconnect from reality that allows politicians to promote, implement and spend (largely in secret) what they do. If budgets dry up, then so does corruption and all associated nonsense.

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We will send the party invoice off to accounts payable.

That should just about offset the costs of the reparations the colored folks insist is owed.

What's the % for gratuity/tips for segregation parties these days? It must be included for tax deduction IRS purposes.

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I would love to see a christmas card rhyme with your theme. Go get em, James!

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Wu’s not even black! Did she attend the party? Funny sending out an invitation to a party to you can’t attend!😂🤦‍♀️

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Ring around Moderna,

Pfizer's an mRNA,

Astra, Zeneca,

All fall down.

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How did you find my stress diet?????????

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As I was reading these, especially the outrageous WH "nutcracker" (what nuts? crazy or genital) I thought, "Just get it over, go as low as you can and maybe you'll blow up". There will be a price to pay. BTW, Santa Klaus will have a lump of coal in his stocking...

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This preoccupation with gender identity horribly distorted. Aside from not caring about anyone's gender identity, I do not want to know. Gender identity is a useless energy and resource sucking subject.

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