I just realized that I get a more accurate informed sense of what’s going on in our country from the Friday Funnies and the Sunday Strip than I get from the main stream media. Another week of horrendous evidence coming out on government corruption with zero news and of coarse zero consequences. The absolute useless republican House of Representatives, I use the term representative loosely, couldn’t even stick together to censure the compulsive liar Adam Schiff. This piece of Schiff testified under oath that their was no Russian collusion but continued to lie day after day to the American public costing the American tax payer tens of millions of dollars. He should be ashamed of himself, but like most of our self centered sociopathic politicians he just goes forward with no care of the destruction he’s caused and left in his wake. J.Goodrich

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"Piece of Schiff" is . . . hmmm . . . sociopath or psychopath? Perhaps the latter.

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Sorry I some times have a hard time holding back.

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Very clever anyhow!

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I agree. The actual news/non-news is literally so gut wrenching its....impossible to watch. I'm continually asking myself if I'm wrong, or lacking a more complete understanding, but no, look at the vax injuries in just my sphere.

Steve Kirtsch seems to be running out of $ for his VSRF, and yet aren't we all. You want to help but, I can't even watch his latest video-The Great Plandemic. Just too depressing this week. Oh, to be able to go back to that naivete Dark Horse podcast, with Dr. Malone, Kirtsch, Weinstein, and the idea that truth can wash this away.

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Actually I found Pandemic 3 - The Great Awakenng positive. The past in perspective with a multitude awakening from the hypnosis imposed on them. Now forewarned/forearmed moving forward to a better future

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I too found it encouraging! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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I'll try, next week. RFK, Jr was on Joe Rogan. We all wonder at times how he'll stay alive....embeddd clip: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-rfk-jr-says-he-must-be-careful-cia-doesnt-assassinate-him

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You are so right- this video chronicals the evils wrought. For myself, this reality, has caused a severe avoid hospitals at all costs reaction.

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Not one corrupt politician, bureaucrat, or anyone involved in the military establishment has any shame. Never have, never will. Moral value, honest and conscience must be jettisoned to attain these positions if these traitors ever had any to begin with.

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I remember when “gay” was a synonym for “happy, joyous, etc.” And “woke” was something you did in the morning after a good night’s sleep. And right-side up meant just that!

Most excellent funnies today. Thank you!

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Watched the video. Got a lot out of it. It's dismaying so many people think mismanagement of Covid by government was benign human error. I have no doubt it was deliberate. Where it crossed a clear bright line from innocent incompetence to intentional wrongdoing was their efforts to censor experts with opposing opinions.

I don't so much blame Democrats, the Deep State, and State Media as I blame establishment Republicans. With very few exceptions like Senators Johnson and Paul, they've all turned a blind eye. They think it's better to keep their heads down.

I used to pretty much vote straight ticket Republican. I don't do that anymore. If it's an incumbent, he/she has to have actually done something beyond committee hearing Kabuke theater to get my vote. For that reason and others, I won't be voting for my Senators Cornyn and Cruz again.

For the avoidance of doubt, I'll never vote Democrat again.

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Cruz actually did pursue a worthy health cause a while back. He should have informed us of the outcome and if not satisfactory and not further pursued - why.

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Cruz may be coming around, but that is your call. I informed my rhino rep (both Senators are Dims) that without an immediate about face in her positions to supporting other real Republicans, I am voting democratic. If they are just there for the parties, it is time to remove them, even with a Dem if we can't primary them or some other way.

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I like your threat. If they won't do what their voters elected them to do, might as well have a Democrat.

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I’ve come to the conclusion it’s time for a third party. Before I didn’t think it would work but with all of the corruption, incompetence, and lack of care for America and Americans I believe the time is right!!

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"Never say never..."

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I thought the feminist movement was to empower women as a whole, distinct entity- allowing women power

Without requisite consent of her father or husband. Now “man” is the standard, and non-man is comparatively, vaguely, everyone else. I don’t understand why women go along with this.

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Not to dampen your spirit any further, now it’s about dividing to conquer. Prior history highlights how forces (including the subliminal like Dr Malone has opined on) were used to move women out of the home into the workforce to lower birth rates; and to initiate and support the abortion industry for the same reason. Population has been a concern since the 1950s. Nixon shelved the report congress requested on how to deal with the population here but worked with the UN on maintaining populations in third world countries. But when Ford took over he went full out here at home. We still have an Office of Population. If you care to peruse.





And the details provided by Planned Parenthood in 1969 to the president of The Population Council https://jaffememo.com/

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Yeah! What is the syntax difference between wo-man and non-man? They’re just doing it again. Nonsensical.

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It's the only thing a Yoko Ono CD would be good for ! Why didn't I think of that??

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The permutations and combinations in this whole alphabet soup thing make my head spin! The one thing I know for sure: there will be no compliance and no air given to it in our family. Guys are guys, gals are gals, we dress and act accordingly and if necessary the younger members of our family will be home schooled. My child/athlete kids tell me the only reason they can think at all is because they were rarely ever at school so they don't learn much there anyway. I think grandparents are going to have a much bigger role going forward, helping out with the home schooling, and this will be a good thing for stronger, inter-generational family connections.

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I think the "make my head spin" thing is a very intentional tactic of the evil overlords. I'm reminded of the four pre-conditions that precede Mass Formation, as identified by Mattias Desmet. One is "lack of meaning-making"; i.e., difficulty in making sense of the world. They want to keep us dazed and confused in preparation for the next Mass Formation.

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All the more reason to stand firm, rooted in what we know is the truth, and carry on. The mass formation can't form if we ignore them. In fact, they can't do much of anything if we all refuse to co-operate. Mass non-compliance! Become ungovernable and stay grounded.

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Agreed. If you want a fire to go out, don’t put any more wood on it. If you want a tyranny to collapse, don’t obey it any more. The problem is not civil disobedience. The problem is ongoing civil obedience in a basically sociopathic system.

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Yes Russ! Intentionally to make and keep the population off-balance and divided. Lived this with my marriage and long extrication from my psychopath ex.. these are dark forces at work and no doubt are just ramping up. The only way I survived and kept my kids sane and thriving was to dig deep and focus on the truth (for me, The Bible), suit up with the armor of God and be as wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove and know that we are not contending against flesh (to resist pitting against each other) but the dark principalities of the air (think airwaves: media, digital) and to STAND (not cower to the fist)

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I heard a comment by a caller on the Mike Gallagher show who said that he woke up this morning feeling like he

was in Paris in 1940....and was praying it wasn't so......

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“I Am Not A Dress” by @brandubh4

We are women, we are warriors of steel.

Woman is something no man will ever feel.

Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.

Woman is our word and it is ours alone.

I am not a dress to be worn on a whim,

A man in a dress is nonetheless a him.

Women are not simply what we wear.

If this offends you, I do not care.

I am not an idea in any man’s mind

And my purpose in life is not to be kind.

So while my rights are trampled every day of the week,

I will not stand by being docile and meek.

I am not defined by sexist lies.

There is more to a woman than that shallow guise,

That guise of dresses, bikinis, and skirts.

Those clothes are not what womanhood is worth.

I am not a bitch, a TERF, a whore, a slag,

Hysterical, witch, a slut, a hag.

No, I am a woman. I am a female,

Who will not let her rights be put up for sale.

I am not defined by what men are not,

So to hell with cis misogynistic rot.

I am a woman, I’m not as subset of my sex.

If this makes me a dinosaur, so be it, I’m a T-Rex.

I am not a bleeder nor a menstruator,

A womb carrier or a uterus haver.

These words and phrases are such a sham.

Just call me woman, it’s who I am.

We are women, we are warriors of steel.

Woman is something no man will ever feel.

Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.

Woman is our word and it is ours alone.

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I signed up for this substack as a former liberal/progressive, now "independent" voter. But I'm still progressive. I believe in medical freedom and am extremely and fervently opposed to the censorship and violation of the first amendment and all other forms of oppressive measures brought about by the left of late. But I'm not anti left wing. I'm still progressive. I think this substack is starting to seem more like a substack that's about being pro-Republicans and anti-Democrats/anti-progressive and that troubles me. Or at least that's not what I had originally signed up for. I had hoped it would be non partisan and pro the US constitution, pro freedom. But why not poke fun at the right as well? and point out their foibles. I just value objectivity, impartiality, honesty. I liked what Bret Weinstein said in an interview about retaining his identity as a progressive even with all this insanity going on and thinking that that's important. I worry about group-think now forming along Republican lines. Mattias Desmet warned that group think could easily and readily form among the anti-totalitarian shakers and movers. I also feel a little squeamish with the jokes poking fun at transgenders, wondering what the transgender people I know and care about would think of such jokes and me being a participating audience member of such humor. Not to be oversensitive, but I do wonder, would they find it funny?. Having said all that, I value this substack and the true thought leadership contained. Robert Malone is one of THE strongest leaders there is, and has swayed many. And I recognize his substance and reflections therein are always kind, respectful and thoughtful. But I am honestly finding myself having these misgivings and uncertainties and concerns. So, I"m sharing. And maybe hoping for some reassurance or mutual reflection.

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You are doing exactly as Mattias Desmet recommended: In the public space, speak your truth as honestly, clearly, and calmly as possible, and continue doing so. It is our ethical duty as human beings living together in society. I value what you had to say here. Have a great day.

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Ahh, thank you so much! This means a great deal to me.

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Believe me, Paula, I too have struggled with certain aspects of the direction of some people, but I know that not everyone thinks the same as me. I have a trans grandson and have voiced many responses to the attitudes of some. Mostly I have gotten considerate replies, including Dr. Malone. Thank you for sharing your concerns and referencing Matitias. As time goes on, I see the awareness of knowing that both parties have "issues".

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Yes, BOTH parties have issues. I DO think so! But of course: to err is human after all.

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You and Jill are priceless ♥️🎁❤️

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Dr. Malone, you needed a much large meme to show the actual size of the laws and regulations. Perhaps an ant and elephant.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

The first funnie was so funny I laughed out loud and immediately shared it with my husband, he laughed too. I enjoyed quite a few of the lighter ones, too much heavy energy is too much today. Happy Fathers Day in advance! (Sorry, it was the second one)

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Lock downs? They all can Pound Sand. So can Johns Hopkins.

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What is a lock down? It is when we are unlawfully compelled to surrender our right

o to associate

o to practice our faith

o to wed

o to bury

o to see loved ones

o to work

o to play

o to move

o to learn

o to disagree

o to purchase

o and to speak

For others it afforded the right

• to snitch on others

• to berate others

• to hate others

• to do physical violence to others

For those in high places, they finally understood why during Obama’s presidency the State legislatures were all guided to enacted a substantial law providing their governor unlimited power to call a state-wide emergency without limitations, for excessive periods and not tethered to legislative oversight.

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Everything anti-constitutional and anti-human. Fortunately, many will no longer go along and the courts have been ruling against the government. Do not comply.

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But they got away with and much more with the Jabs.

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Some refused, and more will. Lean on our Lord and Savior.

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" In my Second Term .... " dishwashers ? ...

Senator John Kennedy


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My attempt at something funny (though true!): a look at which school won the crown for wokest commencement of the year:


“ While safety schools like CUNY are still insulting Israel like it’s the 1990s, the most prestigious members of the Ivy League look fearlessly to the mindless ideological trends of the future, like castrating children and judging people by the color of their skin. Which school wore wokeness best? Let’s go to the tape.”

Lots of Covid mandates involved, too! Head over to see the winner! ; )

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