For those that have not read the 1973 OVERVIEW by Frank Zappa

Lyrics of

"I'm The Slime"

[backing vocals Tina Turner]

I am gross and perverted

I'm obsessed 'n deranged

I have existed for years

But very little has changed

I'm the tool of the Government

And industry too

For I am destined to rule

And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious

But you can't look away

I make you think I'm delicious

With the stuff that I say

I'm the best you can get

Have you guessed me yet?

I'm the slime oozin' out

From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you

And eat the garbage that I feed you

Until the day that we don't need you

Don't go for help... no one will heed you

Your mind is totally controlled

It has been stuffed into my mold

And you will do as you are told

Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks...

Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video

Oozin' along on your livin' room floor

I am the slime from your video

Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go

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I detect a theme:

"There's no way to delay

That trouble comin' every day."

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And how true.

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Wow. So accurate, especially now.

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Its on my playlist. 😉

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"The Evolution of the trashcan icon"......🤣🤣🤣


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the answer for climate change is very simple, it is called regenerative farming. Regenerative farming gets away from the industrial farming that most farmers do now, which requires lots of pesticides, insecticides, industrial fertilizers, and mono crop farming with tilling. Regenerative farming was what farmers did up into the 50's before agriculture giants decided they needed to go industrial chemical in farming. With regenerative farming the soil comes back from being dirt to being living soil again with billions of micro-organisms in the soil, and this living soil consumes the CO2 in the atmosphere for use by the plants, regenerative farming can take us back to having a normal amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. No more worries about climate change, no more unnecessary farm subsidies, no more dead soil needing more and more fertilizers, and poor crops devoid of nutrients except the 3 main ones in fertilizer.

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My answer to the climate change nonsense is to call a pack of lies fueled by activists touting worthless climate (weather) models loaded with algorerithms.

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robert, do you listen to Zach Bush? He is the biggest educator of regenerative farming that I know of.

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So many horrible dark issues watching this country fall into tyranny in 2 years and 3 months. A trans woman that shot 3 nine year olds in the face and three Christian’s adults is being shown as somewhat of a hero by the new rainbow shirt arm of the democrat party. Their president makes ice cream jokes and laughs about it. Now they have indicted Trump, the leading opposing presidential candidate in this country. If we accept these atrocities as another day in America this republic is over. Sorry I have no cheery message... Trying to figure out in my head where to go to escape as best as I can the democrat tyrants.

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As Ana's post implies, we are being led today by bottom feeders. Consider that most toxic sludge settles on the bottom. I call that food for a hopeful thought

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Agreed, but I’m not sure what that means.

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I think we already gave them a few thousand football fields worth of a head's start. Now it is more about pushing that yardage backward rather than battling to hold them where they are. And no, I don't know how to do that with a GOP that aids and abets them.

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Been watching what you just described happening here in Texas. In 2 primaries Republicans voted for a slate of legislation that was d.o.a. because of a House leader who openly was in bed with the dems. The Tex. Rep. leadership just censured a rep from s. Texas for siding with dems on some issues but pointedly ignore that house leader that killed our slate twice before and is doing it again--with lots of help

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I know, so sorry. TX has been the state the Dems have wanted back for years. After they clinched CO they saw it was possible. My bet is Gonzales and Phelan are ‘sleeper’ Dems, with Phelan engaged by them to run years ago and Gonzales just recently. It is so blatant to me, a non-Texan.

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Phelan is the 3rd house leader to coordinate well th the dems to block any significant conservative measures. A definite cabal in operation run by rinos probably harking back to the lbj/rayburn days. Appears that when the worm turned here the yellow dogs changed the d after their name to r and continued their control. Rinos galore today

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OMG outstanding today! The Joy ,Whoopi, Sunny one was hysterical! The Hi Rez video - fantastic! We are in a battle for our souls and that’s a critical situation, but it sure does help to have a few laughs and a theme song in the trenches!

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The Obama-Biden effect: A fraud government acting against the will of it's people.

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Progressive admins have been doing that ever since wilson

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What we need now is another Coolidge without the deep state. Harding and Hoover also.

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yes, I donate to his regenerative farming program. But I learned regenerative farming in High School in the early 60's in Montana. We were required to take farming class in High School and all they taught in those days was regenerative farming. That is what farming was in those days. Everything was organic although they didn't call it that, and crops were rotated, manure was the fertilizer, and no chemicals were used, and farmers and ranchers made a good living, there was no need for farm subsidies.

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Don't know how old you are but I am 81 and we could not afford butter as far back as the 40' s because farm subsidies then in force to keep its price high. The gov actually bought any surplus and included it in commodity packages.

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The Feds have had their grip on commercial and private farming since FDR. One of its favorite games was market manipulation of commodities. Americans like to believe that only countries like the Soviet Union and China control food production. Ha I say.

Several years ago SCOTUS ruled in favor of a CA raisin grower who took the 'raisin commission' to court because it was requiring him to ruin current yields because there were too many one year and it would lower prices. He's like, I have a right to produce as many raisins as I want and market them himself. Court agreed!

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I have not fond memories of Government limited oleomargerine being doled out instead of butter. No clue as to when that was.

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We may be remembering the same thing. My mom would take a plastic bag full of white goop with a spot of red dye in it. She would then squeeze and massage that goop until the dye spread throughout and turned it yellowish. That?

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Micheal, yes I remember it well. I always wanted to be able to squish the red dot. Little did anybody know what poison it was. Everybody in the city from the farm was too excited about the newfangled, modern stuff. Look where that has taken us!

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Right and I hated the stuff. It was a way to lessen one's desire for buttery effects.

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Thanks to an insider tip on this substack, we were ready to react to Hi-Rez's new song as soon as it dropped yesterday, and our Rumble version went up this morning! Everybody wants to know Doc is Nurse Malone your daughter?


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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Author

Erin and I are not related.

She is an important whistelblower about the hospital practices during COVID in NYC. And she is also a close friend to Rachel, Rez' wife.

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BTW I looked and it doesn't look like Hi-Rez has a Rumble channel. With the material he is putting out, he is probably going to need one soon!

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So you can't give us her phone #? Just kidding. We tried to look her up, but there are so many Malones out there! Glad to hear she is doing important whistle blowing. We need a lot more like her!

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deletedMar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023
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Thanks I will add this link to the description of my video.

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In-law maybe, I don't think he has a daughter...

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The US federal reserve is no more federal than is Federal Express, it is a private concern controlled by the big banks of the western world, mostly US banks but also the Rothchilds. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson fought hard to prevent central banks from controlling our economy for the wealthy. But the federal reserve was passed into law in 1913 by a small group of people representing the big banks. The Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, JP Morgan and the Rothchilds. The big banks own the federal reserve and can legally print money, and loan money at interest, something you and I would go to jail for doing. The media gives you the impression that the federal reserve is trying to help the economy, but it's real mission is to help the wealthy get wealthier, and that is what it spends every waking moment of it's existence doing. They could care less about the ordinary person in the US. That is why they tell you inflation is good, we just want 2%. But really inflation is good for them, the wealthy get wealthier with inflation. Your dollars get weaker, your belongings less valuable. Just realize that the dollar has lost 98% of it's value since 1913. The Fed really isn't sad when small or medium size banks fail. They have the big banks snap up all the assets of the failed banks at a huge discount, and the FDIC and the taxpayers pay off the debts, what could be more profitable than that. The most recent bank failures saw that happen, as the big banks bought the assets of the failures and the FDIC paid off up to 250,000$ and the US taxpayer paid anything beyond 250,000 dollars, then the Fed printed billions about 360 billion to cover the rest of the banks and of course those near failing banks will pay the Fed interest on those billion dollar loans. What a deal for the Fed.

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Great video and for better or worse you guys had plenty of material to work with ! The MInnesota one today is also spot on and why they keep electing these people is beyond comprehension I drove out of that state in 1981 and never looked back. But then it was because of the butt freezing weather. Different times.....

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A strange state that flips both House & Senate every few years. Its only trifecta was in 2010 -REP. Steve Deace, who has a radio program on The Blaze (Glenn Beck) has commented that MN politics are lost on him, especially lately. I wonder if being a dumping ground for the Fed’s asylum program eventually skews its politics. MN has an Asylum Network and many refugee programs within the Det of Human Services, including resettlement.

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Think Lutherans played a big resettlement role there too. Has always puzzled me how folks tend to resettle those from equatorial Africa in places where it snows 1/2 the year. But...

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One told a family member of mine who asked-"how come you guys come to this freezing place"?The answer-MInnesota has the best benefits ie government handout programs.

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Ah, but most of them are placed where there are skywalks!

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The truth is there are patent-free technologies based on ancient knowledge that could solve most of the intractable problems humanity faces, but they are being held back from us either because of ignorance of how they operate or because of the unrestricted power they can wield that has been and is used to control us.


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The US government = the "dumb-kibbutz effect".

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Fab funnies today! Love the video too! Must have been fun to make! Doc please know how much you and Jill are appreciated and loved! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

These are awesome, Dr. Malone! Of course, ironically, you could say all of this was confirmation bias, too. 'You’re preaching to the choir.’ However, I came here willingly…and already knew something was very OFF when they said, ’surgical masks prevented the spread' and the response outstripped the CDC’s chance of death stats.

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I still see it occasionally. I just ignore it and feel bad that they are living in fear.

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At this point, they doing because they want to.

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BTW, I just saw a woman entering the supermarket with an Adams apple but went dumpster diving first. Hair was a lovely shade of pink and looked like a tart.

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I love starting my Friday mornings with your Friday Funnies! Thanks for sharing the video, too!

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