In case anyone hasn't seen this yet, it's too good not to have all eyes on it. Please share it far and wide to sledgehammer some cracks in someone's cognitive dissonance. This was not written by me:

The Anthem of SADS Victims

Vaxxer, Vaxxer, so obsessed, wore your mask and took your tests

Still got Covid, every strain - spike proteins in every vein…

Short of breath at twenty four, "Dr. Fauci, give me more!"

Swollen heart at twenty five, "thank Moderna I’m alive!"

Heart attack at twenty six, prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxer, Vaxxer, death is lurking,

Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”

Died of SADS at twenty seven, all good Vaxxers go to heaven

Obituary headline noted: "Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid."

Family is quite dismayed, but they don't feel one bit betrayed

They all claim, “Its for the better – Without the vax, he would be deader.”

—Anonumous (Modified)

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While it all may be true, anyone who is affected or has a family member or friend affect in this manner will just think it's cruel.

Perhaps just share with officials that were part of the lie.

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Mockery and memes have a better chance of tearing down the covid industrial complex and Pfizer than sticking strictly with scientific studies.

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Perhaps. To gov 'believers' mockery and memes are hate activity, perhaps to be punished.

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That's their problem now,isn't it? Punishing people for speech they don't like? Nothing will blow up in their face more powerfully than going after people mocking the government and being chastised/arrested/tut tutted. You yourself sound a tad put off.

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Mocking with memes is common place. I see many of them and even post some. It makes us feel like we are taking some 'action'. good. I have g reat memes of Fauci.

While thinking about it, I have never sent one to a family member or friend who does does not share my belief that such memes hold value in truth.

I doubt the CI complex ever sees these memes. They 'follow' their own.

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The officials who were part of these criminal acts only care about one thing: money. Appealing to them is like talking to a brick wall. We the People need to "tear down this wall!"

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May have the time line wrong. Suspect the initial goal was to insure Trump did not win the election. His eviction was an international want. When pharma started handing out stock shares like Halloween candy is when the greed factor went hog wild.

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Of course they don't care. But is a way to show them we all know what they did.

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Impossible to do. It needs to be publicized as far as possible - the "officials" will get wind of it. But, more importantly, the masses will have something else to mark against those "officials." As to those who were afflicted, this will just be a reminder to them and theirs to NEVER do that again!

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Lifting one’s spirits as Shakespeare has done is important to bring humor and clarity into this tumultuous time of our lives of this global disaster. We all have loved ones either injured and/or have died or will be soon. This is a breath of fresh air and I thank anonymous and Tritorch.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Can we build a wall around NYC with direct high-speed rail access from the border? Keep all those migrants in! A twofer!

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Perhaps that was the vision for the movie, “Escape From New York “. I just love Kirt Russel.

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Vision, or prediction, or preview.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My fav - how to treat a virus rather than invoking communism.

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Mine was the cat dissing a philosophy degree. Reminds me of the look I get sometimes from my two.

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Thank you! I did not notice the cat! I was just skimming the words.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sky News, what American media used to be 🫣

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Without government, who would water the trees about says it all... Thanks to Jill for her picks in the mix, I loved them all.

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Love Trudeau watering plants in the rain. I wonder if he sold Canada some of his companies MRNA Jizz and put it in the water? A thought; How in this world have we gotten to this point that the overwhelming majority of citizens in this country are good, honest souls, that would put themselves in harms way to help a stranger be treated in this manner. I think of my wife who is still feeling the effects of long Covid, but is in the OR today helping to fix someone’s child. (BTW, the Boston hospital just came out with get the 4th shot or be fired). I also think of you and your wife Dr. Malone. You both sacrifice so much, and really put everything on the line to benefit others. On the other end of the spectrum we see this out of control government using people as pawns destroying the lives of millions upon millions of people just to achieve their goal for personal or political profit. As an example they obstruct peace and promote war where tens of thousands of people have been and will continue to be killed. Families with their children are driven out of their homes or worse. All of this grows from roots of bribery, high crimes, deception and coverups by thousands of criminals. I’m trying to understand and connect in my mind how this continues with no real political resistance or end. I’m trying to understand what the end result will be. J.Goodrich

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James, these are the times that it is imperative to have a solid knowing that we as souls are untouched by death. That doesn't mean that we won't do everything possible to keep this Earth and all in it knowing the power of Love over hate. These are the true tests.

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We live by faith in Christ Jesus, yet we are not our own judge. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes...when the day of evil comes...you may be able...to stand. Eph 6:11-13. The armor of God verses 10-20 is a fraction of the gospel (good news) message from the Word. Grace and peace.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Susanne, According to Dannion Brinkley , after"death" we have a panoramic Life review, where we become aware and feel the effects of our actions into the next generation. No judgement, just the knowingness that how we live life and treat others is held accountable to us and is experienced again. No one gets away with anything.

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Good people are easily deceived because (a) they don't like to think ill of others (b) they do not realise how bad some prominent people can be and (c) they tend to put their head in the sand rather than confront the gruesome reality that gross off-the-scale evil is operating at the highest levels of government. Let's hope that, when they do eventually wake up, the good people will be very, very angry..,,

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Well there is likely some misplaced trust on the part of the oppressed and harmed. There is a lust for power and control on the part of the bad folks. Then our system has a flaw in that it doesn't provide a way for we (the good guys) to reset in the event of system failures.

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We've been given the gift of the constitution. Now, all we have to do is enforce, through force of arms. It's not gonna stop, people,because you finally get the right judge, the right jury,the right prosecutor, and then we can prove the Biden's corruption. No, it's gonna take ten thousand patriots that have finally had enough. Then we do what the constitution says,and tear up this bogus contract.

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You have a point. I follow Mark Levin, a Constitutional expert, to the extent I can devote the time. He has a new book out, which I'll be trying to get read. He's doing his best to rally we rhe afflicted. I'm hopin, with all the various efforts (including efforts here) success is around the corner.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why does Dr. Young keep promoting the concept that medical science has never proved that a virus exists?

Does that take the CIA/Barda off the hook for being the promoter of developing gain of function virus as a biowarfare weapon?

Do we not have electron microscopes that give us a photo?

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Then there is Koch's postulates. Were discovering viruses using them long before e.m. Probably enough mice have been given china flu to have settled the question

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Thank you, Dr. Malone!! You're patriotism is strengthening my backbone and enhancing my love of the USA.

With True Patriots like you Dr. Malone, We the People have a fighting chance of emerging from a dark age the leftwingers, the globalists, and deeply corrupted politicians are doing their best to inflict upon the USA and the rest of Humanity.

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LOL the video of NYC mayor and the "View" hags complaining that illegal aliens are a problem.

I've always maintained that the proper policy is what I call the "traversal rule". Simply put, a person can only be considered for asylum if they can present documentation that they were denied asylum by every country they traversed in order to get to the U.S. border. We implement this and the problem is solved.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

How about we build the wall and nobody gets in until:

1. We have decided what to do with every illegal immigrant that has come here in the last 5 years.

2. We have done what we decided to do in #1.

3. We have created an immigration plan that states clearly who is allowed into this country, why, when and how.

4. If congress cannot agree on a plan, then nobody comes into this country.

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Please add: deport first with a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and a history of the Revolution and these words of wisdom: change your own government if you don’t like it and if you still want to come here, memorize the two books we gave you and apply legally.

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Mine is designed as something that a congress critter could actually argue in their world as being "fair and reasonable" for the narrow case of asylum seekers. But that said, as a citizen, I'd even expand on your ideas. Why limit #1 to only five years?

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Right, yours would take care of all those coming in the future and those we've allowed in and kept track of (if any), but I think too many are already here and many need to go back. I also don't want immigration to U.S. dependent on what other countries do or say. It should be based on our needs and/or preferences. Of course we're talking about something that will never happen anyway.

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The blindness is painful. Influenza cases suddenly and impossibly disappear simultaneous with "COVID" cases. The only verifiable change in public health statistics is the increase in all cause death post mRNA injection introduction. Can you see me now ?

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We cannot believe our political leaders.

We cannot believe the medical profession

We cannot believe the mainstream media

We had darn sure better start to believe insurance actuaries..they cannot afford to lie

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You asked we let you know, for the sake of later readers, if we see something that needs fixin'. At the very end you ask 'Do you ready to join-' Maybe 'Are'? Appreciate your views about our 'Comments' Community, which often includes yourselves. You deliver thoughtworthy essays and Comics

. Then we all share reactions and more. Forms a very positive part of my every day. VERY worth far more than the price of admission!

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

The best is Rita all the way. The little clip of the five was great. Look at Italy and the 3-4x outnumber of locals on the island of Lampedusa.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Do you know what the Beast is? A freight train financed by the cartels shipping flat car and boxcar loads of illegals northward through Mexico.

Or the administration's thousands (221,000) flown into various cities this year alone and HIDDEN from Americans. (FOIA revealed)

Or the huge waves about to hit the southern border in 5-10 days--5,000 massed in the various camps, estimates of 3000 arriving daily to each camp?

And they call the term "invasion" an exaggeration?

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Have been calling it an invasion for many years now.

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Because that is precisely what it is.

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ABSOLUTELY an "invasion" - that "CFR" members JOE BIDEN, ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS and GEORGE SOROS (the "pied piper" of a "World Without Borders") are ABSOLUTELY responsible for the absolute CHAOS at our borders and IN our states, cities and towns via never ending hordes of people from who knows where, brought in by bus loads and jet planes in the dark of night.

Further, as "Chief Executive" - "PRESIDENT" JOE BIDEN - is absolutely DERELICT in performing his SWORN duty to "Protect and UPHOLD the Constitution of the United States of America", as EXPLICITLY written in Article IV., Section. 4., which sez: QUOTE: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall PROTECT EACH OF THEM AGAINST INVASION". (my emphasis on "protect each of them against invasion"). Clearly, "CFR" member - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., has NEVER even READ the US Constitution - nor gives a rats hymen ABOUT it.

But, then, the "elite" members of this 'AMERICAN' "NGO" - the Soviet on Foreign Relations - no, wait, make that the "Council" (SOVIET in Russian) on Foreign Relations, whose members have intentionally and deliberately sold out the United States national sovereignty - including INDIVIDUAL Americans sovereignty - to the international 'elite' ( read international COMMUNISTS) - hell-bent on establishing "One-World" transnational government under the rubric of: for the good of all - via the UN's AGENDA-21, AGENDA-2030, and AGENDA-30X30.

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Such two sided bias. Two weeks ago my brother and I were returning to the US across the Canadian border. He was unable to fly (airlines require passport for international flights without Biden intervention, I guess..) to our event because his passport was several months expired, no time to renew. But you can drive to Canada with valid US drivers license and backup id. So he flew across country, and came in our car. He had the brand new secure drivers license issued by his state, his 2 month expired passport, and his birth certificate. All good going north, but return into the US was questions and questions and questions. We did make it, but it was a humbling experience.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

3000 arriving daily to each camp times $15,000 fee each (on average) equals $45,000,000 per day to the cartels... 10% for the big guy equals $4,500,000 per day...

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Just go to the videos of Ben Berquam and Oscar Ramirez at Frontline America. Look at these camps and would someone tell me who is feeding them-this requires orders of magnitude more food than normally consumed in these small villages. It is so well planned, even if it is the cartels feeding their charges. But I suspect much deeper and broader involvement--cartels aren't handing out the condoms and morning after pills. They know the horrors committed here.

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Abbott must think so tho he did once almost use that word. Understand he really did not mean to say that...might irritate some indefinable block of voters?

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I saw that. But then it turns out he really did not mean it according to an article in American Greatness today.

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Holy Mackerel. So it was just rhetoric, or is Zerohedge mis reporting, or showing a bias?

My search of Am Greatness and Abbott most recent article is on the buoys in the river. You have a link?

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My bad. It was the Texas Minute who said that it did not mean what it appeared to mean. Which is no surprise to me

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Where did we get the idea there was some kind of “emergency” going on? First of all there was a tremendous amount of over exaggeration by the media. Here in NY the Javits Center for example was empty. I met people who went down there and spoke to EMS drivers who said so. As for the hospitals many were not overflowing as many would LIKE to believe. If some were crowded that's because of the panic instilled by these exaggerated news reports. Most of the deaths were typically in the elderly due to pre-existing conditions. In China and Northern Italy atypical pneumonia due to longstanding air pollution. Many deaths were caused by iatrogenic treatment--giving people Remdesivir which caused kidney failure and then putting them on ventilators. The PCR tests cannot diagnose infection. It does not measure viral load. All it does is declare that you have a "case" of Covid, the vast majority being asymptomatic. But the CDC falsely uses these "case" numbers to make people believe there is a "pandemic." The problem is that so-called "science" today is nothing more than a religion. It's because too many people trust the "experts" and believe whatever they’re told without investigating viewpoints outside the mainstream.

THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-emergency

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an Australian, love to see Rita's brilliant take on current affairs. As long we can laugh at Leftists and ridicule them we're on the right track. A good punch on the nose might also be useful at the appropriate time.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like the last one, but instead of six months it should be closer to two years to a decade. Yeah.

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Rita failed to mention the "administration" cutting razor wire Texas installed at Eagle Pass. Abbott is going to hold his breath to retaliate.

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Maybe OBiden will hold their breath in response? One can always wish.

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Michael, sadly 😥, that isn't the first time that they've done that!!!

I'm dismayed that it is still happening!

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