Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Neil Oliver nails it. He says exactly what I feel. I have recently said that in my teens, 20,s, 30’s, etc I was too busy to care and to see what was happening around me. I voted cluelessly, not really understanding who and what I voted for. Raising my kids, working, making sure we had enough money, and socializing is what my life consisted of. Now as a grandparent, my eyes are wide open. I wonder why my adult children have health issues, why so many have diabetes, what is being taught in public schools. I fear for my children and grandchildren. The future looks bleak and I wish they would OPEN THEIR EYES, to what I see. Sadly they are in the same cycle as I was. Working, raising kids, vacationing, partying. I pray daily that their eyes will be opened much sooner than mine were. Where we are headed in this country and all over the world is disheartening. I do see a glimmer of hope that people are awakening to what is truly going on.

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Thanks for saying this. I will admit to a similar story.

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I resemble your wonderful comment also. I didn’t wake up until I hit my late thirties; now, as a seventy-one year young senior, I’m so appalled at what has, & continues to take place in our country, as well as Europe. Very disturbing that so many high profile leaders (or, actors), have lied to the citizens for so many years, & the lies get more damaging daily, as well as destruction of our country & our Freedom! Thank you for your post! A big eye-opener in a very scary world now.

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Very well stated. I concur.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am just amazed on how absurd this UF policy is. I am a Med tech and you have to have those ranges - yes, it is biology. men and women have different reference ranges. What is wrong with these people? How many people will be harmed or killed because of this insanity?

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It would seem that the patient would be better served by requiring signed forms from them to answer two simple questions about their personal pronouns: "What are your preferred pronouns for conversational purposes?" and "What are your preferred pronouns for treatment purposes?" Sure, it might make some heads explode, but from the hospital's perspective that's billable too!

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At least they are still using ranges. What drives me nuts are doc who only look at the averages and then try and force all their patients to fit those numbers.

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And at least they are testing. Last I heard (I don't pay attention to it anymore), annual PSA testing is no longer recommended. I'm sure some doctors don't even mention it. PSA testing is what saved my life.

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Too many false negatives?? They certainly do not do the OTHER exam regularly and should.

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I have had a few disagreements with docs concerning just that. Scary isn't it.

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Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023

I used to go nuts when folks would take arithmetic averages of things like pH values, instead of geometric means. At least that was understandable.

The UF medical bit is about intentionally hurting people, and they know it. Let it happen and report the first and last name of the responsible people who actually administer these process to people. Let the parents of the entire student body simply know the truth of what and exactly who. Simply expose truth, no more no less. Allow those paying for their loved one's education/medical care know what's going on.


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“He said that it was in the name of being ‘inclusive,"

I'm sure it was also said in a flamboyant caring tone as well to "engender" compassion.

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Med tech here too. I wonder if they'll keep their CAP certification? Or their state license ...

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm glad you shared the important clinical study on the increased damage to female testicles. We must address this immediately, after all, this is about SCIENCE and we can't deny its validity.

Have a great weekend!

Danny Huckabee

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My testicles are hidden, also known as balls!

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So good that “you” can speak freely!!!!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

this may not be all bad. Maybe people will wake up and quit going to drug and surgery only doctors and start getting treatments from doctors using natural means, there actually is a natural treatment for every chronic illness. Most are very inexpensive and no side effects, including cancer, diabetes, heart problems, allergies, covid, and etc.

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My family is actively looking for a replacement for the HMO, huge deductible, copay,out of service area, Pharma /testing/surgery treatment plan.The cost benefit assessment of our current system is not in the patient’s favor, the health benefits track record in recent years is poor and once the vast majority of our Doctors became afraid to go against big Pharma and all the big Pharma/ big medical complex captured professional organizations (ie: AMA)and the government regulatory institutions (FDA,CDC, NIH) we understood we had to find alternatives.

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How about baldness- asking for a friend?

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It is clear, as Neil Oliver so clearly calls out, that all the crap that was so common and popular on TV is now horrifying to watch.

Even favorite movies like "Contact" or "Phenomenon", are impossible to watch or even like. The assumptions heaped in every line ring so hollow...I'm embarrassed to think I once revered the 'smart dialogue' and 'world view' of these movies. It was all/always poison for the intellect. And the tripe that is coming out of movie studios these days is completely unwatchable.

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And then there are just bad movies. I went to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015. I’ve never sat through such awful dialog before. Not even the superb actors could overcome it. I felt the movie was purposefully made to be awful. Have not gone to one since.

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I recently rewatched "Out of Africa," and my goodness, the intelligence and depth of truth in one single line of that film outweighed the entire script of modern films!

What happened to us? Are we so chemically, intellectually and spiritually harmed that we cannot think anymore? Or feel? Unless someone has a knife to our throats?

The devolution of art, social discourse, and fundamental honesty during these decades is stunning.

Beauty/thoughtfulness/inquiry all need a comeback.

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Roger that Katherine, and it has not gone unnoticed by the older generations. So many countries in Europe are still adorned with classic architecture from ten centuries ago. Washington D.C. is an example of the grotesque structures of the progressive era. Jefferson would surely rather go blind that to see such insults to the mind and soul.

Everything must be destroyed, razed to the ground, in order to build anew. We have been watching it happen for decades to discourse, art, honesty, science, spirituality; all the familiar building blocks of a society being rip away and replace with cold, stark, ugliness void of truth and beauty. It was planned before I was born, may moons ago.

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Right? Surely these 'writers' could do better..? Woke writers are the cream of the 'woke' crop... I hope they look back and are embarrassed at this hell they are engaged in, as I am the styles I embraced as a dopey youth.

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When I was a youth, Maynard G Krebs, the beatnik, was a symbol that was being replaced by the hippies and surfers. Terms like groovy, neat, boss, bitchin were the vocal vogue.

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"The Force Awakens". Movie theaters likely experienced an excess of "popcorn vomit" in those showings, well over normal.

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It's not like everyone wanted it to be so bad - it just was. In a video (I just posted the link in another thread) I notice a newspaper heading in the background: The Force is With Us - Kathleen Kennedy finally fired. She was the one that ruined the Star Wars movies over the last decade. Disney hired her to do just that, ruin Star Wars.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nearly 40% of main long-COVID-19 symptoms overlap with mask related complaints and symptoms described by Kisielinski et al. as MIES like fatigue, dyspnea, confusion, anxiety, depression, tachycardia, dizziness, and headache, which we also detected in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of face mask effects in our systematic review. It is possible that some symptoms attributed to long-COVID-19 are predominantly mask-related. https://brownstone.org/articles/long-covid-could-be-mask-induced-exhaustion-syndrome (N95 masks are even worse)

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

I saw a woman in the groc. store yesterday with an N95 and huffing thru the mask. I felt there was no point in saying anything, but I considered it... I called the food co-op and talked to a person in charge that I know, the mask wearing of the youth creeps (esp. the cashiers) me out. I gave him the technical view, micro-plastics, etc. Hope it makes them think!

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There are too many pour lost souls out there.

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I suspect you will appreciate this.....

"Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed."

Ecclesiastes 8:1


"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

2 Cor 3:18

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Both remind me of the first day I walked maskless into a large convenience store after a doctors visit where masks were required. Everyone was smiling. How do I know this? No one was wearing a mask, not even the cashier! It was a glorious thing in 2021.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved all the memes! I was hoping for one about income taxes... I now have to copy all the pages I printed out last night and mail. I wonder how much the IRS will charge me for substantially under paying during the year. Beautiful sunny day here except for the hundreds of straight-line chem trails above. They sure keep busy dumping aluminum and plastic particle.

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Thanks for the idea - I will look for memes/cartoons about the IRS/taxes for Sunday!

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I will be disappointed if the state of Florida doesn't do something about this.

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It seems those in charge have already proven you can't stop the 'faux science"! Some months back I read that woke hysteria is invading the findings of anthropologists - cannot label any human findings by its sex because who knows what gender it may have chosen. And, yes they can make this stuff up.

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And one of those geniuses said that one cannot determine gender of bones--and she informed she had a ph.d. to prove it.

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I look forward to your Friday Funnies so much, Dr. Malone! Humor helps manage the ridiculous clown world in which we live! Thank you!!! Have a great weekend!

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UF policy is insane! Are they going to tell the patients what they are doing? The world is getting more crazy by the minute. What is even crazier is that people are believing it! Where is common sense!!

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Isn't it wonderful how advertising agencies jump on sociel trends to keep corporations profits flowing?

They did a great job of convincing Bud how to embrace the woke movement. Too bad Bud didn't know their customer base was anti-woke. Coors..here I come!

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Yuengling Beer, an independent beverage company owned by a Trump supporter, is surging. It is the oldest and largest independently owned brewery in the United States, founded in 1829, the Pottsville, Pennsylvania. It’s extending its reach westward across the nation, market to three new states, including Missouri, in 2023.

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Unvaxxed me misses visiting Florida: that's the beer I would drink when visiting. I'm not a big beer drinker, but that is a tasty beer, goes well with fish & chips. I'm looking forward to the border reopening soon.

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We too miss our Florida vacations especially during the Christmas holidays. Crossing the border for a day of shopping and dinner was a lovely day, but we have to wait and see when us the unjabbed can enter some sh...t holes there.

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Actually saw some in HEB the other day here in Texas.

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Yuengling Light is one of the best light beers...actually has flavor.

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Good to know. I'll tell my friend who are always on the lookout for something new!

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Yay! You discovered it! And here’s a subversive thought: in women’s sports, a pre-event physical exam on TV or online, to visually prove claimed gender by -um, -direct perineal digital inspection, or for the fastidious, by fiber optic visualization.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Now that Mulvaney has his endorsement footprint well-established , can NASCAR be far behind?

Dexron Mulvaney!?

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Boycott all sports that pretend men are women; STAND UP FOR THE WOMEN OF THIS WORLD!

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If so guess I am lucky I lost all interest in car racing when Sterling Moss retired

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Jackie Stewart.

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Perish the thought!

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NASCAR would take a turn to the left?

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Here are the other corporations operating in the Cult of Mulvaney:

Aritzia, CeraVe, Crest, Haus Labs, Instacart, K18 Hair, Kate Spade, KIND Snacks, KitchenAid, Ole Henriksen, Rent the Runway, Ulta Beauty, Nike, Anheuser-Busch

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Weak minded CEO's!

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Some think not weak-minded at all. They have joined a Cult with a mission and they are on board 100% to the very end. There is no silent majority anymore that can stop the Cult. It is a House of Worship, a fellowship, according to Steve Deace whose movie Nefarious will be in theaters this weekend. Also notice while watching this video that a newspaper headline is in the background – The Force is With Is, Kathleen Kennedy finally fired. She was the one that ruined the Star Wars movies over the last decade. I think it was what Disney wanted her to do.


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I think a lot of the problem can be laid to our Republic no longer having a reliable moral compass. Each culture morphs into its own brand of just what that means and unfortunately it is not the same for all cultures. We. have tolerated a massive dilution of ours by others with vastly different opinions of what constitutes a moral principle. When a. horde of failed socialist revolutionaries brought their failed cause here, they immediately began, calling themselves progressives, deconstructing our Constitution. And one way they have done that is by loading up the judiciary with progressive jurists whose imaginative reinterpretation of what constitutes religious freedom has rendered our moral compass almost broken. It needs fixing.

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That is all so true. That was the foundation and mainstay of our culture so it must go. The bible provides God’s moral laws and government laws. Our country was founded under Divine Providence, we acknowledged that in writing. The slow brainwashing, using dozens of tools, has been the cancer. The wannabe gods are so close to their end game now, they have enlisted the corporations to go all out, regardless of $$ losses. It is nothing short of Evil. The parsons of past generations teaching of life and liberty no longer exist. The pulpits are silent, mealy-mouth, or singing Satan’s song. And we mourn as we look ahead.

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Been drinking Shiner and loving it

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My beer of choice too here in Texas.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When mental illness and delusion dominates the world people will die, simple fact.

When it controls the medical system, RUN!!

Delusions aren't real, but they mange to kill people anyway.

; ))

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It is so clear to me now why the club of those who are marching the world into “The Great Reset,” needed Joe Biden in the White House. They knew he would aid in its implementation or passively allow it to happen. I honestly don’t know if a strong president and congress could protect the US from being drowned in the reset wave, put I pray they could.

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Will not know until we elect one

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Honest to god, when I saw the circles I thought, this is the way we are blinded to the truth. Tricky, but true. I enjoyed the sad humor and truth on these memes. Oliver was me too!

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Unfrickin believable about the medical test no differentiation.

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Whose paying for this? Women should SCREAM! Health diagnosis can only be more confusing.

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Women are being killed and canceled by this all out assault on their sex. It's a war on every single normal human being out there, these days, man, woman, and child. Thank God some people are waking up and fighting back for sanity!

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Just one more way to kill us.

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