If you owe the bank $10,000 it's your problem. If you owe the bank $10,000,000 it's their problem.

Regarding the UAW strike: This is a deliberate demolition of one of the last cornerstone American industries. The union leaders are globalist puppets working in tandem with the WEF CEOs of these Black Rock owned companies.

The captured union bosses have been whispering siren songs into the ears of their members about how great they are and how unfair their contract is and how someone somewhere else is making more for the same work. These appeals to ego, greed, and envy are among the most powerful manipulations in the realm of psychology.

The fact that the Emperor has no clothes in this instance - these are among the most lucrative and luxurious jobs in what's left of America - is meaningless to the recipients of this enchanting hymn when confronted with the possibility that they, in their greatness, are being shortchanged.

The dark triad knows us well and they are wielding the weapon of psychology with great accuracy in order to destroy everything. Meanwhile, as you pointed out, Xiden fiddles on a beach as the ship of America sinks.

We must put a stop to this predatory manipulation before it is too late. These tactics only work on those unaware of them, this is admitted near the top of their own disinformation manual:

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum: https://archive.ph/a8nq8

The powers that shouldn't be do not want you reading ^ that guidebook on how they control you. So read it.

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I get your point TriT , really I do. But it's important to flex any and all bargaining power on those most able to pay your skilled labors, (USA personal transportation making industry) before it's stripped and vanishes away as MUTE. And that looks to be sooner than later.

Imports dominate the shove into global EV. I see a Bad Moon arisin...I see trouble on the way

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I see your point randall, but all of this is contrived. The UAW demands will be scoffed at as ridiculous and impossible. The union will dig their heels in. The board of directors will say they have no choice but to close the factories and move them to Mexico in order to survive. Or they'll just close them.

It is just like every other malevolent machination of the WEF: heads they win tails America loses. If America falls very little will be left standing in the way of the New Demented World Order. All by design.

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Its Custers last stand and they know it for the auto workers unions and associated trades that support and repair our vehicles. I would stand by the blue collar workers as I am a Tradesman. Custer lost . The robots wont be too far away now.

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Man, I get it, and it is a horrible situation. But the tighter they squeeze the faster it will slip through their fingers. These demands will only dramatically accelerate the rush to continued automation and offshoring.

The 32 hour work week at 40 hour pay is the biggest red flag of all that this demolition is being orchestrated by the dark triad that runs this world. They're through with being subtle.

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I agree with you completely, but only time will tell what their plan really is. Making the workers redundant in this country does seem like the plan. I always wanna support those that make and grow things, so I also agree with Randall. The elite, the bankers, hedge funders etc. don’t make a thing. Maybe we could put them in a cage match?

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They only want what all federal employees are getting now after lockdown 101 tactics hit the pavement running. Oops I meant hit the carpet working from home lying on the living room couch in Jammies. Hahahahah

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How do union members vote these days?

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After many years in a union, I came realize that the union elite are the only winners in these organizations. Their perks, their big salaries and their power over the members was main concern. Sounds like our government uni-party.

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IMO, Unions drive up the cost of every product they manufacturer. I'm willing to bet there are many Americans who would take those UAW jobs for less than they are getting paid now. IMO, you can thank the unions for opening the doors to foreign competition, who don't have to overpay their workers.

I knew a guy back in the 80's who worked at a Ford plant. He painted trucks all day and made $30+/hour + benefits. I owned my own business (still do) and could not afford to pay myself, much less my staff that rate; it would have put me out of business. I have no sympathy for the UAW, I think they are corrupt like Ukraine.

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Keep up the amazing work and I love seeing the updates of what's going on at the farm. Warms my heart and makes me long for my own little slice of heavan.

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Dr. Malone, I don't know how you two accomplish all that you do. Please don't feel like an apology for anything is ever necessary.

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Thank you Robert & Jill for ALL that you do! You two are amazingly smart, hard working, courageous,

& patriotic! God Bless the both of you!

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Performing vile acts for money seems to be the modus operandi of elected and appointed officials everywhere. However, videocasting for all to see is literally putting unsavoriness right in our faces.

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Nailed it. This position was made for her.

Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. --Ronald Reagan

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With the democrats almost admitting they're pedophiles and basically want to legalize it; with the democrats introducing children to porn, sex, sex changes, et al in the school systems; with lawyers attempting to legalize sex change surgeries on children with or without the parent's consent, who's surprised that yet another democrat is using her own porn to elicit votes. They can't help themselves - that's all they have to offer this country.

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I very much have the feeling that a good part of the citizens of the western world are completely fed up and done with this nonsense and one way or another, it's not going to go on for much longer.

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Not unless you're watching!

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Isn't it illegal to sell yourself for sex acts?

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This sure is an assortment of issues to sink our teeth into! As addicting and life ruining as sex addiction is, her rationalization and anyone else who thinks this behavior is tolerable is really asking for trouble. / The horse adventures always are way up there for me, the visuals I get when reading are great. / Looking forward to hearing your talks, I've got a few to catch up on. / Last but not least, your apologies indicate what a thoughtful couple you are. I just keep saying over and over, Thank you both so much!

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I continue to pray for you and Jill’s safety as the spirit of evil always desires to snuff out the light. Thank you for your service to mankind. I am so glad you have the joys of your farm to restore your soul. Thank you for being so transparent!! Blessings

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Dr. Malone, I’m positive there are more democrats than republicans in Virginia, so you should probably get used to the amateur porn star as your rep if she’s in you district, morals don’t exist in their party. Just as an example, that great pillar of morality Bill Clinton had a senior advisor, what was his name???? Oh yah George Stephanopoulis. Well George and his wife in an interview said they watch porn with their two teenage daughters. I know I’m a bad man for always saying the truth, but look it up. Yes it’s true. If you don’t want to hear more truth stop reading now. Rewrite, I’ll keep this nice (Nice James) don’t forget about the diary that James O’Keefe got. The father of that diary’s writer got 80 million democrat votes believe it or not. God help us Please. JGoodrich

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What if it was bestiality porn videos she had a knack for? It's like the march of Dimes XXXX.

Please send your dollars. Anything goes as Pandora's Box has been flung wide open. WTF?

Every single week, there is some new dysfunctional twist on lack of leadership in America.

Live and in color...the unraveling of the greatest nation ever built, now in undenialble turmoil.

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The truth is what it is. The only shame allowed in the US anymore is directed towards religious people, church attending or not. Just reminds me of 'don't look back' (I assume with remorse at leaving the heathen city) you'll turn into stone.

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I love this reference to "Nice James" :) Keep on keepin' on!

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It’s tough for me DD, what I first wrote I had to delete, but at the same time it’s the truth...

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As Jack Nicholson said in court on A few good men.....You can't handle the truth!

He meant what he said. Past 3 years proof of it. There are no quick solutions.

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I get it...

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James, in case you missed it, adding insult to injury, she was apparently tipped off by the AP, who didn't run a story. This allowed her to delete the vids, clean up her act a week before she was exposed. Just ugly, but gives an indication of the reach of what we are up against.


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I didn’t know that but it’s makes sense. The MSM has a huge part in the killing of America. If they did their job with honesty and integrity none of this corruption and debauchery would be happening.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023

James, I take Kari Lake's saying and put my Spanish twist to it: 81M votes 🗳, Mi Cola! Trying to keep it nice!

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best "cartoon"--running out of gas and compliance

Off topic: Apple orchard harvest is going strong across the country now. Visit a local orchard and get a bushel of real food. Make a batch of apple sauce with no preservatives-just apples-and freeze it in gallon bags. Keep the bags thin and flat- and break off chunks to thaw and serve w/o thawing the bag. Or keep a large capped bowl in the fridge for snacks/whatever.

It may belate in the season for the variety, but if you can find it (northern orchards), I highly recommend Mollie's Delicious. It is an old variety, not quite a heirloom, that is wonderful. Juicy, crisp, but not explosive like modern kinds, a delicate, complex flavor not overly sweet. And quite a backstory as I was told. For years it was painstakely developed and worked by a professor and his secretary/associate at Rutgers. WWII intervened, and Mollie Whatley was killed. G W Schneider pleaded for decades to get Rutgers to release the apple, which he wanted named after Whatley. The Golden Delicious x Red Gravenstein x Close variety was finally released in 1966.

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Aren't apples sprayed with all kinds of chemicals?

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We have one orchard near me that is Organic, no pesticides. Headed there next weekend.

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What would you regard as the best all time apple for making pie?

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Traditionally in the US the premier pie apple is the Cortland, which should be or is close to ripening throughout the mid-Atlantic and north. It develops a great aroma and each apple piece stays relatively intact and firm. It also has been the best pick for putting in salads, as it will will stay white in color for the longest time despite being exposed to the atmosphere. One of the first GM apples was pushed thru due to it not browning. A load of bs, including it's "superior" non browning, and any advantage it it is purported to have over the Cortland.

In England, the traditional favorite pie apple is Bramley's Seedling, with the British preference for a pie that is very fluid, almost sauce in a shell. Bramleys is very tart and seemingly melts if introduced to an oven.

In France, the favorite apple of the internationally recognized French pastry chefs is the Calville Blanc de Hiver. Calville retains its shape and firmness better than any apple I know of. Both Bramley and Calville Blanc are now found in many small US orchards.

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Thanks for this apple education! I can find Cortlands not far from my home…I usually use Granny Smiths because they seem to hold together and are pleasingly tart.

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“Apple Pie” with alcohol! 😁Ed

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Easy enough to do, it tastes better if you delete the pastry portion.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful horses

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Another good one. The Tin Foil Hat one gave me pause for a moment...we have dogs.

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Canada here, but I don't think the USA is much different: It feels like we achieved Peak Clown World this week, as is reflected in the Friday Funnies. A good part of this has been caused by the actions of our Clown in Chief, who after being marooned in India for 2 days because his aircraft broke down, arrived back in the country. I was so hoping India would keep him but they are furious with him and had they done so, would probably have chucked him in jail- where he belongs. I know this madness is going to continue until y'all get your 2024 election out of the way and we our 2025. May we all stay above it and stay sane! Pull the plug and have a great weekend everyone!

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Re: porno candidate: to borrow from the great William F. Buckley,

I’d rather be governed by the first 2,000 hookers in Hunter’s laptop than by the Rats of the Uniparty. Now what?!

Rock on Doctors M.!

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The sinners are much more fun, and darlin only the good die young. Billy Joel

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Not a problem re the late substack! We're so grateful you and Jill do what you do.

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Indeed! Hvala puno Drs. Malone. Vi imate veliki Duh. Bog va Blagoslovio!!

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These were some of the hardest hitting ones yet. Loved the dog one...poor guy. I'd wear a tin hat too

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Afterthought: Serves as an analogy for what the w.e.f. has in mind for us tho.

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stay country doc!

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