Hi Rez--And what about even being charged by the courts, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, where in the hello is the RNC?

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The GOP appears quite happy with being in second place. They have underperformed for three consecutive elections and kept the same national chairwoman throughout.

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Spot on, Charles! Those spineless RINOs are allowing the utter destruction of our nation right before our eyes. I posit 98% of Washington is corrupt. Either bought or blackmailed or both.

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I think there are Epstein videos of each of the RINOs.

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Best I can tell by the continuous mail and emails I receive, they are trying to get more "contributions" from conservatives so they can continue to "sell us all out". The corrupt r. mcdaniel, like her uncle, needs to go and go now!

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The PA clan-not from UT-needed to go long ago. I am so fearful with Johnson too, my inbox is filled with his solicitations. He appears to lack the spine at this point.

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He doesn't seem to be much more effective than McCarthy. Not sure he is fighting for "we the people" are just another establishment rino with a good line of BS.

Were the hell is the so-called RNC??

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

I would throw a party if every text message I got from Johnson could be replied to. I would say, you have a salary, now do your job and quit wasting time grubbing for money.

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Spending your donation$ on trips, meals, debate amongst single digit candidates, and non-MAGA candidates running against MAGA candidates.

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Precisely why not to contribute to natl. parties. Too much, way too much money floating around the political arena. Why I keep hollering for bans of out of state monies being used in any state, local or fed. elections

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I joined the Orange Man email list when he was the Boss.

I would get emails constantly asking for money.

I never gave any, but time and time again, I offered my lifes savings , and I would sell all my possessions, and turn them over to his campaign, if he would guarantee that he would dissolve the bloated windbag government, and all its parasitic agencies, restoring us back to what a Republic Govt was supposed to be.

Never once did I receive a reply.

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It has taken over a century to create this abominable imitation of our Republic, suspect it will take a few decades of serious effort to get the real deal back. Hope he (?) starts the process

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So far and probably ongoing No National, Cruz or Abbott.

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The RNC is still part of the Unity party.

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We are watching a red & blue puppet show -- to distract everyone from what's happening in the main tent. Namely, totalitarian takeover.

Some RNC are aware, some not -- Ditto DNC. They just don't understand how far it's come. That an unelected crook and his son can reside in DC, cracking jokes at the system - while "his" VP & wife with unearned PhD make word salads with garnish --- is unbelievable.

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Howie - Bingo! Klaus and friends are moving fast.

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They know, I'm afraid they just feel they will come out on top of the new state. Frightening. They must not know how quickly they "will eat their own". Or perhaps they figure they have bigger teeth.

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Good question!! That's why I stopped sending them $$ a while back.

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Good point, I just wrote a similar comment!

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US Constitution, 14th Amendment section 3 still would not attach - it does not prevent someone from running for POTUS or being POTUS.

What should attach is idiocy, disregard for laws and just general immorality and corruption.

Puppies (corgies?), cute; still, I prefer my houseful (house full?) of cats. How can you dislike a critter that has mastered the life of laying around all day, expecting/demanding their every need to be provided for gratis and returning very little. My only concern is that far too many critters of the bipedal variety seem to aspire to such a life - w/o the added befit of keeping the rodent population down.

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Somewhat disagree. We had dogs for 40yrs, never any cats. On our last lab when adopted by a cat just shy of being feral. To our surprise, lab and cat big buds. After the lab died solo cat for 6 yrs before we were adopted by another cat. It has been unending fascination watching these 2 cats evolve their own culture around us. Still in progress after 3 yrs.

Oh, might add those bipedals probably adding to rodent population if scenes of their squats are to be believed.

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My wife and I of 35 anos have always had cats and dogs at the same time. We're down to 2 beagles, and 3 gatos. When my wifes mom passed, we took in her 5 gatos, and through natures attrition, only have one of hers left.

Our one young cat truly believes he is a dog.

Plays fetch, hangs and sleeps on the dogs, eats when the dogs eat, and at 10pm every night, he goes and gets his stuffy Beagle toy, and carries it into the kitchen, drops the beagle on the floor, and lies down in his dog bed.

Pretty impressive for a tuxedo DSH kitty, and its amazing to me how he has developed such a loving relationship with his pooch brothers

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At a point when I became too sick to get to a DR, my multiple cats formed a blanket over me. Continued until I recovered enough to hovel around.

Many cats 🐈 I've known have also worked at being morale boosters 🐈‍⬛️ . One might note family and friends generally like to be cared for and fed as well.

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When mom had a mini-stroke, tried to crawl to phone for help, my cat stayed with her encouraging her on her way. She has never been a cat person & was sharing the house with him because I was recalled to active duty.

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Wholeheartedly agree. Grew up with dogs and cats (non-feral house cats and barn cats which can be near wild and an array of large dogs which included one that was purportedly a wolf-German shepherd cross - Gretchen). Always preferred cats. As a young’un, I never paid it no mind but you are correct, cats do create/evolve their own "culture." I was amazed at how different each of my katz are from each other and how the dynamics set up and what can happen when a 4th visits - daughter-sister cat is visiting for 6 weeks+ and she has settled into the clowder after a week - faster than she has done so in the past.

And contrary to my earlier stereotype of them as layabouts, the truth is much more nuanced. Momma gets the zoomies at almost anytime - which can be hilarious; I always leave new boxes laying about for their enjoyment (TY Amazon); the Grrreat Bushy Beast (part Maine Coon and well over 20lbs) likes to chase items, but not play fetch (yet) and paw at the window at 🤷‍♀️; his brother,,a short hair with similar color pattern and a few pounds less, is going blind but is the one who tucks me into bed and is there when I wake. The sister, a diminutive darlin’, lost her brother, they’re all litter mates, a couple years ago (buried with honors on my property) and has to attune herself to a rambunctious family after months living alone.

For me, the katz have been a blessing. When I passed through the portal of singleness in ‘15 I was debating cat/dog, dog/cat with the resolution coming from some heartless soul abandoning 4 cats on my property when I was out of state. Three wandered off eventually but not before momma became in the momma way. 8 kittens later, 7 survivors, a failing leg failing further I look upon their appearance as a blessing - not just for me (kept 3) but for son (the smallest lynx-point), his mother (brother sister pair) and one or two strangers through the humane society. I’m blessed in that had a dog been in my past-future it would’a been a poor fit - extended, relatively fast, walks are not in my bag of tricks at the moment; playing "chase the laser pointer" is 😊 😂

Blessed New Year, Y’all

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Dogs always want to do stuff with you and cats just want you to do stuff for them.

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But they ask so nicely

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Just enough to continue to woo them. And when they ignore us, we double our I love you advances to get reassurance we still exist in their world.

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Are you a cat cynic?

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I was describing myself around my cats. Do you want to go out? Are you hungry? Do you need a bigger bed? Want to be brushed? Shall I get you a treat?

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How many ways meow can be translated.

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Cats were worshiped as Gods in Ancient EGYPT. They have never forgotten this.

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Thank You - best laugh all day

But, were they "good" gods or, you know, NOT good gods?

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Your critters could be democrats. That would explain their behavior.

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🤔 I ran your thought by the katz (during 2nd breakfast 😉): two hacked up sizable hairballs - curiously, one of those hairballs looked like a certain man w/thinning hair licking an ice cream cone 🤷🏼‍♂️ and the 3rd, Mr MAGA, the largest of the group, pawed at the air and extended his considerable dog openers. I came to a couple conclusions: 1) these are NOT demokatz, and 2) MISTER MAGA needs his talons trimmed.

I probably should’a mentioned earlier these katz were raised on Limbaugh, Levin, and a bit of Heinlein.

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Our big guy has sets of sabers on his front feet. Luckily he is really a gentle giant

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Oh yeah, of all the katz, MAGA is the one I rarely have to tell to use soft paws (keep claws in) - the others it is hit or miss.

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Luv it! Heros!

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So look forward to Friday and Sunday funnies!!! Thank You Dr. Jill!!! We all subscribed to this sub stack in search for similar thinking people, for answers to our questions, for knowledge. In the deepest depths of Covid despair I felt if only I could find the slightest inspiration, the dimmest light of hope I could make it through the insanity. I remember day after day being pushed to do something I knew was wrong. The Malones and this team of new friends have become so much more than just answers to my questions. It has become clear as day to me, how the tyrant fears the spread of truth and knowledge. Censorship and enemies lists are their tools, how anti American. I mentioned the other day if you stay with the wrong people the right people won’t show up, well it’s unmistakable to me you all are the right people. I wanted to get back home, and I realized I am home. Thanks Drs. Malone and thanks to all of you. Hope you have a great weekend!!! J.Goodrich

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Couldn’t have said it better myself! Thanks!

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Well said and for us as well! With all of us together, we are each better fortified to enter the 'new' year. IMO. :)

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Beautifully said! So grateful to be part of this smart group and supportive of the Malones! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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So heartfelt, thank you James.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Back at ya, brother James !

If it wasn't for Dr. R, i would have never been able to chew your ear off, on the phone, over the last few weeks.

Good peoples on this board.


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Agree 1000% T. It helps like many people may not understand to know how many great people there are out there. We’re all trying to get through this and together it makes it possible!!! Thank you my friend!!!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An update of Ann Landers for your funnies file.

Capitalism. You have two cows. Sell one cow and buy a bull.

Socialism: You have two cows. Give one cow to your neighbour.

Communism: You have two cows. Give both cows to the government, and they might give you some of the milk if you inform on your neighbour

Facism: You have two cows. You give all the milk to the government, and the government sells it. Nazism: You have two cows. The government shoots you and takes both cows.

Anarchism: You have two cows. Keep both of the cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow.

Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government makes you take harmonica lessons.

Wokism: You have two undecided bovines, you remove the udders to make a cock and bull story. Milk is just white supremacist plot anyways. Ann Landers, 2024.

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Minor updates for clarity:-

Capitalism. You have two cows. Sell one cow and buy a bull, your version of the 'herd' instinct.

Socialism: You have two cows. Give one cow to your neighbour. You can now virtue signal incessantly,

Communism: You have two cows. Give both cows to the government, and they might give you some of the milk if you inform on your neighbour.

Facism: You have two cows. You give all the milk to the government, minus the cream, and the government sells it.

Nazism: You have two cows. The government shoots you and takes both cows. The Jews are to blame.

Anarchism: You have two cows. Keep both of the cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow. Freedom !!

Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government makes you take harmonica lessons.

Wokism: You have two undecided bovines, you remove the udders to make a cock and bull story. Milk is just a white supremacist plot anyways. Ann Landers, 2024.

Thanks for all the likes, anybody want to add some more? How about the "ists" like Islamist?

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A slight correction: Not only has Trump not been convicted of "inciting an insurrection", but way more importantly he hasn't even been charged with "inciting an insurrection"!

I noticed the NYT's carefully avoided any hint of the word "insurrection" on today's front page online. Maybe they realize that they would be inviting a defamation lawsuit from Trump?

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The advancements in computational power and miniaturization truly are mind-blowing. My first computer job was in 1968. I still meet every week with my best friend who worked at that research lab with me And we never fail to Marvel and how far the technology has developed in our 50 year careers as electrical engineers. We operated and repaired the world's first Mini computer, the digital equipment corporation PDP8. The console was about as large as 4 refrigerators stacked together. The total memory space was 4K , made of tiny Magnetic donuts strung together with impossibly thin wires. The Central processing unit was a huge wire wrapped back plane Where every single bit was represented by a circuit board, called a flip chip, about the same size as a modern day smartphone.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are in a presidential election year in the US. Think peak PsyOps. Also keep in mind that the Democrats play chess while the Republicans play checkers(Republicans are not allowed to play chess and have never learned the game). All of the lawfare against Trump is electioneering. All of the political polls are electioneering and hence are a PsyOp. Everything is calculated. Much is fake. The Colorado Supreme Court decision to remove Trump from the State ballot is an example. They know it will be overturned by SCOTUS. That too is a PsyOp and part of the fakery. As January 2021 national elections no longer exist in America. But unlike many other tyrannical states there is a need for the appearance of democracy. That may end after 2024. Next year the Democrats preferred method of victory is for the American people to steal the election from themselves, before election day. That requires a firehose of PsyOps, propaganda and lies, 24/7. We are seeing it now. Just in case that fails, they will deploy 2020 2.0.

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Two other disenfranchisements: Mail-in ballots and Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), which a leftist group is pushing in Idaho. If you don’t know why RCV is the worst thing since moldy bread 🍞 slathered with Covid 🦠, see https://eolson47.substack.com/p/jungle-primaries-and-ranked-choice

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Always look forward to the Funnies. It helps me calm down about where the situation could be heading for Americans with the massive influx of undocumented persons. I am scared that the intent of the Dark state is to have Americans attacked and killed by the thousands by the terrorists being invited into our country. One of my daughters is 20 minutes from the Mexican border in San Diego at UCSD. We live in L.A. 45 minutes from the Edwards Airforce base. It is not a safe feeling at all. Sad but true, my kids have bugout bags and escape maps and clear instructions on who in our neighborhood is armed. They are told to run and hide as fast as possible if needed. We live in a rural area, so roads are minimum. This situation brings to mind the 2005 movie "Shooting Dogs" about the genocide in Rwanda. How can you survive? Run like Hell and pray to God. I can't believe as Americans we cannot stop what is going on. Prayers for us all.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I canceled my subscription to TWC after reading your articles Dr Malone. So sad to see what's happening...I used HCQ and the IVM early on with Zinc etc to get me through 2 Covid infections and I have several comorbodities. I first saw you on WarRoom Pandemic and have now subscribed to your substack. Thank you for all you do and have done to help unmask the enemy these past few years. God bless you. Take good care.

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It seems to me... If you remove the leading candidate from the ballot, you are Disenfranchising, not just the vote of one political party's voters, but all voters because people vote for their choice for office. That choice can change from election to election based on the performance of the party in power for that elected office, as well as the pocketbook issues of the citizens. We have always been told: NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. So, by taking our right to choose who to vote for, we ALL are disenfranchised, therefore we have no representation. Ipso facto No taxing authority. Arithmetic: B minus T= $0

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whoever convinced Trump to only post on Truth Social even after getting reinstated to Twitter has done more to sabotage him than any of these democrat stooges.

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I heard there may be a legal issue for his own platform if he does.

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Dr Robert and Dr Jill, Happy New Year!

May both of you remain strong 💪 and healthy to help keep us informed during the next year 😀.

We need to actively go on the offensive in 2024. We need to shutdown both the government and the border and start our OWN GREAT RESET!!!!

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That Home Depot forest was great. I have tears from the puppy video -

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Same on both! I had a portable sawmill come in last fall to get around HD quality and prices.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These are great Robert! For years I have wondered where Home Depot got their lumber! HAHAHA.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an aside, I made a comment to Jane Ruby challenging her. She made a statement responding to someone, that numerous Psychologists had written to her stating that they thought Robert M. had a crush on her. I said I would love to see the letters! That psychologists would take the time to write to her about that is ludicrous and she knows it. She blocked me in a heartbeat.

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I wonder though, if the Psychologists she knows aren't as deceptive as she is. Birds of a feather and all.

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My sense is that it was an out and out lie couched in a lucrative come on.

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Goes with her self image

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Crooked lumber? Try Lowe's. Pretty much only good for building rotundas

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